
Lulin Observatory LOT Call-of-Proposal: 2018B Semester_紫金山天文台

紫金山天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-14

This is call-of-proposal for Lulin One-meter Telescope (LOT) for Semester 2018B (from 01 May to 31 August, 2018). The proposal is divided into two categories:
Education -- use the latex template given in LOT_Proposal_Education.zip for this category.
Research -- use the latex template given in LOT_Proposal_Research.zip for this category.

Deadline: *** 03 April 2018 (before midnight) ***

Please sent your proposal(s), the latex file and an additional one-page of Figures and/or Tables, to me by email: cngeow_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw

(A) Following nights are not available
28-29 May -- Engineering/Full Moon
27-28 Jun -- Engineering/Full Moon
25-26 August -- Engineering/Full Moon

(B) Observers can choose either Apogee U42 or Sophia 2048B CCD as LCI (Lulin Compact Imager), please specify in the proposal. If not the Spohia 2048B will be the default LCI

(C) We strongly encourage observers (especially students) to be presented at the Lulin Observatory, instead of queue observing

Note that late submission will not be accepted. For information regarding LOT and/or available instruments, please check Lulin's website (www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw) or consult with Lulin staff (lulinstaff_@_astro.ncu.edu.tw)

ToO policy:
* maximum 2 hr ToO interruption per night; please negotiate/inform the original PI in advance or you need more than 2 hours per night
* please sent the ToO request to Lulin observing staff (Chi-Sheng and Hsiang-Yao)
* the original PI/observer remained the right to accept/decline ToO

The accepted proposals and schedule for 2018B Semester will be announced at Lulin's website (www.lulin.ncu.edu.tw) on 20 April 2018 (or later).

Acknowledgment: LOT users are required to include the following statement in their publication:

"This publication has made use of data collected at Lulin Observatory, partly supported by MoST grant 105-2112-M-008-024-MY3."
PS: Please let me know if you encounter problems on the latex templates.

On behalf of LOT TAC: Chow-Choong Ngeow

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