题目:Loop I, one of elephants in the gamma-ray sky
报告人:黄晓渊 博士
Abstract:Loop I is one of bright extended sources in the gamma-ray sky. The origin of Loop I is still an unresolved question. We analyze 9 years of the Fermi LAT pass 8 data to study the morphology and spectrum of Loop I and compare with observations in other wavelength. We also use a leptonic model to make a broadband fitting and compare the required spectrum with local measurement. The local source scenario with betatron acceleration may be excluded.
4月25日 Loop I, one of elephants in the gamma-ray sky_紫金山天文台
紫金山天文台 免费考研网/2018-05-14
相关话题/博士 博士后 紫金山天文台 物理系 研究所
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