
南京信息工程大学应用气象学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Evgenios Agat...

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-28


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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授



[1] 2014.10-2017.3
School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University|Environmental Resources|PhD|Special Postgraduate Program of the Biosphere Sustainability Science
[2] 2014.4-2014.9
Hokkaido University|Research Student|Research Faculty of Agriculture
[3] 2007.10-2012.2
Agricultural University of Athens|Crop Science|5-year Diploma (equivalent to Anglo-Saxon MSc in Agricutlrual Sience)|Department of Crop Science
[4] 2012.7-2012.9
Agroinova, University of Turin|Plant Protection|Placement|Quarterly placement in plant protection research via the European scholarship program “Erasmus LLP for placement”
[5] 2011.1-2011.5
Cyprus University of Technology|Agricultural Science|Exchange student|Cyprus, “Erasmus LLP for studies” scholarship exchange student

[1] 2019.4-至今
School of Applied Meteorology | Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology 
[2] 2017.4-2019.3
Hokkaido Research Center | Forestry & Forest Products Research Institute 

[1]Hormesis dose-response relationship: utilizing stress biology as a novel means to enhance organismic health under ozone and environmental stress in general
[2]Methods for protecting plants against ozone effects
[3]Mechanistic understanding of ozone effects, single and combined with other environmental stresses, on ecological processes and functions

Associate Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Forestry Research
Associate Editor, Forestry Research
Associate Editor, responsible for the subjects of forests soils and forests and global climate change, of the Journal of Forestry Research
Editorial Board, Science of The Total Environment



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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


科学研究 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究

Research field: Ecophysiology/ecotoxicology

Research direction: 1) Effects of environmental changes on plants and ecological functions and processes
2) Plant protection against oxidative stress using chemical, biological or physical methods.

Research Keywords: Adaptive response, air pollution biomonitoring, carbon dioxide (CO2) effects, ecological effects and health in polluted environments, dose-response relationship, ecophysiology, ecotoxicology, environmental change biology, environmental health, hormesis, hormetic dose-response, linear-non-threshold (LNT) dose-response, no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL), organismic susceptibility, organism response to contaminants and pollutants, ozone (O3) impacts, photosynthesis, plant-insect interaction, plant protection against oxidative stress, preconditioning, priming, species tolerance, stress response.

论文成果 MORE+
Cd induced biphasic response in soil alkaline phosphatase....Science of the Total Environment.2020,In Press:143771
High nitrogen addition decreases the ozone flux by reduci....Environmental Pollution.2020,In Press:115979
Pollen biology and hormesis: Pollen germination and polle....Science of the Total Environment.2020,In Press:143072
Exogenous application of chemicals for protecting plants ....Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health.2020,19:100215
Constant ratio of Cc to Ci under various CO2 concentratio....Photosynthesis Research.2020,In Press



Promoting plant tolerance against ozone pollution by exog..., On going, National, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Development of low-cost natural regeneration systems afte..., Completed, Research Grant of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan
Promoting abiotic stress tolerance of container-grown see..., Completed, KAKENHI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan


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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


研究领域 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 研究领域

Research field: Ecophysiology/ecotoxicology

Research direction: 1) Effects of environmental changes on plants and ecological functions and processes
2) Plant protection against oxidative stress using chemical, biological or physical methods.

Research Keywords: Adaptive response, air pollution biomonitoring, carbon dioxide (CO2) effects, ecological effects and health in polluted environments, dose-response relationship, ecophysiology, ecotoxicology, environmental change biology, environmental health, hormesis, hormetic dose-response, linear-non-threshold (LNT) dose-response, no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL), organismic susceptibility, organism response to contaminants and pollutants, ozone (O3) impacts, photosynthesis, plant-insect interaction, plant protection against oxidative stress, preconditioning, priming, species tolerance, stress response.


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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


论文成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果

Fan D.. Cd induced biphasic response in soil alkaline phosphatase and changed soil bacterial community co.... Science of the Total Environment. 2020,In Press :143771
Shang B.. High nitrogen addition decreases the ozone flux by reducing the maximum stomatal conductance in p.... Environmental Pollution. 2020,In Press :115979
Calabrese E.J.. Pollen biology and hormesis: Pollen germination and pollen tube elongation. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,In Press :143072
Saitanis C.J.. Exogenous application of chemicals for protecting plants against ambient ozone pollution: What sh.... Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. 2020,19 :100215
Kitao M.. Constant ratio of Cc to Ci under various CO2 concentrations and light intensities, and during pro.... Photosynthesis Research. 2020,In Press
Agathokleous E.. The rise and fall of photosynthesis: Hormetic dose response in plants. Journal of Forestry Research. 2020,In Press
Calabrese E.J.. Smoke-water commonly induces hormetic dose responses in plants. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,In Press :142776
Agathokleous E.. Ethylenediurea (EDU) effects on Japanese larch: an one growing season experiment with simulated r.... Journal of Forestry Research. 2020,In Press
Novriyanti E.. Elevated CO2 offsets the alteration of foliar chemicals (n-icosane, geranyl acetate, and elixene).... Journal of Forestry Research. 2020,In Press
Calabrese E.J.. Chloroquine commonly induces hormetic dose responses. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,755 (1):142436
Wang Q.,Ping Q.,Agathokleous E.. Interactive effects of ozone exposure and nitrogen addition on the rhizosphere bacterial communit.... Science of the Total EnvironmenT. 2020,754 :142134
Agathokleous E.. Hormesis: highly generalizable and beyond laboratory. Trends in Plant Science. 2020,25 (11):1076-1086
Sicard P.. Ozone weekend effect in cities: Deep insights for urban air pollution control. Environmental Research. 2020,191 :110193
Agathokleous E.. SI: Air pollution and plant ecosystems. Climate. 2020,8 (8):91
Saitanis C.J.. On the atmospheric ozone monitoring methodologies. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. 2020,18 :40-46
Agathokleous E.. Ozone affects plant, insect, and soil microbial communities: A threat to terrestrial ecosystems a.... Science Advances. 2020,6 (33):eabc1176

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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


专利 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 专利



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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


著作成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 著作成果



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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


科研项目 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 科研项目

Promoting plant tolerance against ozone pollution by exogenous application of melatonin, On going, National, National Natural Science Foundation of China2020-12-01
Development of low-cost natural regeneration systems after harvesting mature Abies sachalinensis plantations, Completed, Research Grant of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan2020-12-01
Promoting abiotic stress tolerance of container-grown seedlings by inoculating ectomycorrhizal fungi, Completed, KAKENHI, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan2020-12-01

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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


教学研究 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 教学研究





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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


教学资源 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 教学研究 >> 教学资源



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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


授课信息 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 教学研究 >> 授课信息


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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


教学成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 教学研究 >> 教学成果



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Evgenios Agathokleous(金小龙)Evgenios Agathokleous 教授


获奖信息 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 获奖信息

Excellent Associate Editor Award "for excellent work and great contribution to Journal of Forestry Research during 2019 and 2020"2020-12-01
Publons Top Peer Reviewer Award 2019 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Cross-Field2020-12-01
Publons Top Peer Reviewer Award 2019 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Environment and Ecology2020-12-01
Publons Top Peer Reviewer Award 2019 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Plant and Animal Science2020-12-01
mdpi Forests 2019 Travel Award for postdocs2020-12-01
Publons Peer Review Award 2018 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Plant & Animal Science2020-12-01
Publons Peer Review Award 2018 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Environment/Ecology.2020-12-01
Outstanding New Investigator Award 2018 of the International Dose-Response Society2020-12-01
mdpi Agronomy 2018 Travel Award for Junior Investigator2020-12-01
Excellent Associate Editor Award "for excellent work and great contribution to Journal of Forestry Research during 2018 and 2019"2020-12-01
Publons Peer Review Award 2017 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Agricultural and Biological Sciences2020-12-01
Publons Peer Review Award 2017 as one of the top 1 per cent of peer reviewers in Environmental Science2020-12-01
FY20l7 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Standard)2020-12-01
Outstanding reviewer (Elsevier, Amsterdam) for the SCI journals Ecological Indicators (2017), Environmental Pollution (2016)2020-12-01
British Ecological Society Training & Travel Grant2020-12-01
Award of Sapporo Agriculture Alumni **-12-01

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