报告题目:Developmentof an Aeroprediction Method for Slender Bodies Including Aeroelastic EffectsUsing Euler-Based Local Piston Theory
报告人: Prof.Laurent Dala (Northumbria University)
报告地点:腾讯视频会议ID:344 957 061
Slender Bodyaerodynamics involves nonlinear interference between components, includingviscous interactions. Aeroelastic analysis is thereby typically accomplished bycomputational fluid/structural dynamic (CFD/CSD) methods, which arecomputationally expensive. Commercial aerodynamic prediction codes areavailable, but are not suited for aeroelastic analysis includingviscous-dominated effects at high flow incidences.
The first step wasto developed an analytical/engineering method using a 2D unsteady potentialformulation (called the free vortex model or FVM) to predict the normal force,centre-of-pressure and vortex position for cruciform wing-body combinations inthe “plus” orientation, at supersonic and extended to low subsonic speeds
This unique andonly world method based on an unsteady analytical approach uses the sameequations from subsonic to supersonic/hypersonic flows
The second part ofthis presentation is devoted to the extension of the local piston theory (LPT),which is typically 4 order of magnitude more computationally efficient thanunsteady CFD and which requires a single reference steady CFD solution, withthe aim of making it more and accurate and robust in application to practicalgeometries. This is accomplished through physics-based extensions to themathematical formulation and through the development of a mathematical basisfor LPT in viscous flows.
Professor LaurentDala is a Full Professor in Aerospace Engineering and the Head of Department ofthe Mechanical and Construction Engineering at Northumbria University. Hereceived his PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Manchester,and graduated from the French Grandes Ecoles in Aerospace Engineering (EcoleSuperieure des Techniques Aerospatiales-ESTA) and in Mechanical and ElectricalEngineering (Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics, du Batiment et del’Industrie-ESTP).
He has previouslyheld positions as Chief Scientist in Aerospace Engineering for the Council forScientific and Industrial Research (South Africa) and the Chair in AerospaceEngineering at the University of Pretoria. He was also the President of theAeronautical Society of South Africa (AeSSA).He is also a Fellow ofthe Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS), a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and anEur-Ing.
Professor LaurentDala has a research experience of more than 25 years in Aerospace Engineeringwhich he has led various research projects around the world. He was theTechnical Advisor for the French Space Agency CNES for the Ariane LauncherProgramme and the Space Shuttle Hermes
He is a worldspecialist in Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity in particular in flow control,Analytical Prediction Methods and multidisciplinary optimisation methods. Hehas published over 160 peer-reviewed papers/conferences. He has 4 Patents. Hehas been invited more than 60 as a guest speaker throughout the whole world andis a multiple awards winner. He is a Member of the Specialist Committee forAerodynamics at the Association Aeronautique et Astronautique de France,Visiting Professor in France, South Africa, Russia and China. He is a member ofthe EPSRC’s College of Peer Reviewers, the European Research Council’s Collegeof Peer Reviewers and the National Research Foundation’s College of PeerReviewers (South Africa).
【航宇大讲堂】Development of an Aeroprediction Method for Slender Bodies Including Aeroelastic Effects Usin
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-20
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