


潘蕾 博士/教授 材料加工工程系 先进材料及成型研究所 025-52112911 13951826686 Bettypan@nuaa.edu.cn 研究方向 1. 复合材料表/界面 2. 金属/聚合物基复合材料界面 3. 纤维金属超混杂层板 社会兼职 "十二五“863 计划新材料技术领域”军民两用特种材料研发 “重大项目总体专家组”成员,江苏省复合材料学会理事,中国航空学会会员。Composites Science and Technology , Composite Structure,Materials & Design,Polymer Composites,《航空学报》及《表面工程》等杂志审稿人。 工作经历 2006 至今 南京航空航天大学 材料科学与技术学院 教师 2010-2011 英国曼彻斯特大学 西北材料中心 访问学者 2004-2006 南京航空航天大学 博士后流动站 博士后 授课课程 本科课程:《材料工程基础》《工程材料学》 《工程材料与热加工基础》《材料科学与工程专业英语》研究生课程:《Composite Materials Engineering》 《金属基复合材料导论》 教学成果 江苏省教育厅信息化教学能手大赛 二等奖南京航空航天大学教学优秀奖 二等奖 近五年承担科研项目 1. 国家重点研发计划,基于材料基因工程的先进高分子基复合材料体系高通量设计、模拟研究,No.2017NFB0703301,2017-2021。 2. 国家自然科学基金,TC4/Cf/PEEK 混杂层板中的 TC4/PEEK 界面微米凹坑结构强韧化机理研究,2016-2018。 3. 江苏省政策引导类计划(中英国际科技合作),自供电自感知智能风电叶片关键技术合作研发, No.BZ2017063,2017-2019。 4. 工信部高技术船舶科研项目(子课题),新型液化天然气船液货围护系统预先研究,2013-2017。 5. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,TC4 表面微结构对 TiGr 超混杂层板成形性能影响机理研究,NS2020041,2020-2021。 近五年发表论文 [1] Lei Pan, Ziheng Liu, et al. Carbon fiber/poly ether ether ketone composites modified with graphene for electro-thermal deicing applications[J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 192:108-117. [2]Lei Pan ,Xiaofei Pang, Fei Wang et al.Effect of surface micro-pits on mode-II fracture toughness of Ti-6Al-4V/PEEK interfaces[J] Composite Structures 229 (2019) [3]Lei Pan,Fei Wang,Xiaofei Pang,et al Superhydrophobicity and anti-icing of CF/PEEK composite surface with hierarchy structures[J] , J Mater Sci (2019) 54:14728–14741 [4]Lei Pan, Yifan Wang, Yubing Hu, Yunfei Lv, Aamir Ali, Niopn Roy, Wenliang Ma, and Jie Tao, Investigation on the effect of configuration on tensile and flexural properties of aluminum/self reinforced polypropylene fiber metal laminates[J], Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials,2018,84:1-16. [5]Lei Pan, Yunfei Lv, Yifan Wang, Nipon Roy, Lixiang Duan, Jingling Hu, Wenye Ding, Wenliang Ma, Jie Tao1 Yu Shi. Enhancement in interfacial adhesion of Ti/polyetheretherketone by electrophoretic deposition of graphene oxide[J],Polymer Composites,2019,(40):1243-1251. [6]Lei Pan ,Wenye Ding,Wenliang Ma, Jingling Hu, Xiaofei Pang, Fei Wang, Jie Tao, Galvanic corrosion protection and durability of polyaniline-reinforced epoxy adhesive for bond-riveted joints in AA5083/Cf/Epoxy laminates[J], Materials and Design,2018(160):1106–1116. [7]Lei Pan ,Jingling Hu, et al.,Modification of Ti-6Al-4V plates with Schiff base complex and adhesive performance of Ti-6Al-4V/PEEK[J] Materials and Design, 2018 (144): 271–280. [8]Lei Pan, Aiai Zhang, Zengmin Zheng,et al.Enhancing interfacial strength between AA5083 and cryogenic adhesive via anodic oxidation and silanization[J]. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives.2108, 84: 317–324. [9]Lei Pan,Lixiang Duan,Zengmin Zheng. Surface characteristics and adhesive strength to polyetheretherketone of titanium electrografted with aryl diazonium salt[J]. Materials & Design, 2016, 95: 555-562. [10]Lei Pan, Aamir Ali, Yifan Wang, et al. Characterization of effects of heat treated anodized film on the properties of hygrothermally aged AA5083-based fiber-metal laminates[J]. Composite Structures, 2017, 167: 112-122. [11]Lei Pan, Zengmin Zheng, Aamir Ali, Yunfei Lv, Nipon Roy, Aiai Zhang, Yifan Wang, Minyu Fan, Evaluation of the parameters of titanium surface micro-pits on the titanium-PEEK joint fracture toughness. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2017(75):165-173 . [12]Lei Pan,Yapici U.,A Comparative Study on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber/PEEK Composites[J].Advanced Composite Materials,2015,2. [13] Lei Pan,Jiameng Cao,Umut Yapici ,Lixiang Duan,Jie Tao, Fracture Toughness of a Corrugate Interface between Two Dissimilar Materials[J].Materials Research Innovations, 2015,19 , S3-1. [14]Zheng Z M, Pan L*, Duan L X, et al. The effect of surface morphology on Model- I fracture toughness of carbon fiber reinforced titanium laminates[J], Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 137(1):012029. [15]Aamir Ali, Lei Pan*, Lixiang Duan, Zengmin Zheng, Bhuwan Sapkota. Characterization of seawater hygrothermal conditioning effects on the properties of titanium-based fiber-metal laminates for marine applications[J]. Composite Structures, 2016, 158: 199-207. [16]Aamir Ali, Lei Pan*, Lixiang Duan, Zengmin Zheng. Effects of deep cryogenic treatment, cryogenic and annealing temperatures on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of AA5083 aluminum alloy[J]. International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2016, 11(5): 339–358. 授权发明专利 1. 潘蕾、郭华鑫、王斐、庞小飞、仲浪、袁潇洒、胡静玲.一种智能 防 覆 冰 材 料 及 其 制 备 方 法 和 应 用 , 2020.07.03 , ZL201910898261.2 2. 潘蕾、胡静玲、丁文烨、马文亮、王斐、庞小飞、陶杰、汪涛.一种利用金属配合物显著提高金属胶接强度的方法,2020.01.10, ZL201710998704.6 3. 潘蕾,马文亮,王一凡,庞小飞,吕云飞,陶杰,郭训忠.一种 超混杂复合层板自由滚弯的设备及成形方法, 2020.01.02 , ZL201710566536.3 4. 潘蕾、马文亮、王一凡、吕云飞、丁文烨、胡静玲、庞小飞、陶杰、汪涛.碳纤维增强热塑性超混杂复合层板的损伤修复工艺及其装置,2019.06.06,ZL201711004534.1 5. 潘蕾,郭训忠,吕云飞,王一凡,陶杰.一种复合层板制件的制备方法,2018.01.05,ZL201610035556.3 6. 潘蕾,马文亮,王一凡,吕云飞,陶杰,郭训忠.具有整体式金属 包 覆 层 的 复 合 材 料 压 气 机 风 扇 叶 片 , 2018.10.02 , ZL201611224847.3 7. 潘蕾,马文亮,王一凡,吕云飞,陶杰.一种具有压电除冰功能的翼型前缘及其成型方法,2018.10.30,ZL201710081243.6

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