

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-20





吴青聪,工学博士,南京航空航天大学机电学院讲师。2011年7月本科毕业于东南大学机械工程学院。2016年4月在东南大学机械工程学院机械电子工程系获博士学位。是《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》、《IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics》、《International Journal of Humanoid Robotics》、《Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science》、《机器人》等国内外学术期刊的审稿专家。

[1] Wu Qingcong, Wang Xingsong, Chen Lin, and Du Fengpo. Transmission model and compensation control of double-tendon-sheath actuation system. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015, 62(3): 1599-1609. (SCI收录, IF 6.5)
[2] Wu Qingcong, Wang Xingsong, Chen Lin, Du Fengpo, and Zhang Xiaobo. Design and control of a powered hip exoskeleton for walking assistance. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2015, 12. (SCI收录)
[3] Wu Qingcong, Wang Xingsong, and Du Fengpo. Analytical inverse kinematic resolution of a redundant exoskeleton for upper limb rehabilitation. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, 2015, 12(4): 1-23. (SCI收录)
[4] Wu Qingcong, Wang Xingsong, and Du Fengpo. Development and analysis of a gravity balanced exoskeleton for active rehabilitation training of upper limb. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015: 6415. (SCI收录)
[5] Wu Qingcong, Wang Xingsong, Du Fengpo, and Xi Ruru. Modeling and position control of a therapeutic exoskeleton targeting upper extremity rehabilitation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016: 8204. (SCI收录)
[6] 吴青聪, 王兴松, 杜峰坡, 陈林. 双套索系统力矩传动特性与摩擦补偿分析. 机械工程学报, 2015, 51(5), 22-29. (EI收录)
[7] Wu Qingcong, Wang Xingsong, and Du Fengpo. Development and control of a Bowden-cable actuated exoskeleton for upper-limb rehabilitation. 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, 7-12. (EI收录)
[8] Wu Qingcong, Wang Xingsong, Du Fengpo, and Zhu Qing. Fuzzy sliding mode control of an upper limb exoskeleton for robot-assisted rehabilitation. 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, 451-456. (EI收录)
[9] Wu Qingcong, and Wang Xingsong. Design of a gravity balanced upper limb exoskeleton with Bowden cable actuators. 2013 IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems, 679–683. (EI收录)
[10] Wu Qingcong, and Wang Xingsong. Design and control of a humanoid robot for traffic guidance. Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 2. 2014, 743-752. (EI收录)

[1] 一种用于外骨骼机器人的双套索驱动柔顺关节,授权发明专利,专利号ZL3.X
[2] 一种基于套索驱动的上肢康复外骨骼机器人,授权发明专利,专利号ZL8.4

[1] 套索传动柔软细长机器人软操作技术研究(**),国家自然科学基金,主要参与。
[2] 套索人工肌肉的实现及其在穿戴式康复装置中的应用(**),国家自然科学基金,主要参与。

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