

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-17

姓 名 赵宇翔 性 别 男
出生年月 1983年4月 籍贯 上海
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 致公
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 管理学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博士生导师
导师类型 校内 兼职导师 否
行政职务 Email yxzhao@vip.163.com
工作单位 南京理工大学经济管理学院 邮政编码

学科专业(主) 1201|管理科学与工程 招生类别 博、硕士 所在学院 经济管理学院
研究方向 网络信息资源管理、互联网群体协作、价值共创

学科专业(辅) 1205|图书情报与档案管理 招生类别 硕士 所在学院 经济管理学院
研究方向 人机交互、网络信息资源管理、社会化媒体、管理信息系统


2008.09-2011.12: Syracuse University & 南京大学,博士;
2005.09-2007.06: 复旦大学,硕士;
2001.09-2005.06: 复旦大学,学士。

2020 国家中组部“****”青年拔尖人才
2020 江苏省第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖
2019 江苏省社科优青
2019 ASIS&T 最佳海报奖(best poster award)
2019 图书情报与档案管理青年****论坛优秀论文奖(唯一入选,比例为0.4%)
2019 《图书情报工作》2017-2019年度优秀论文奖(两篇论文入选)
2019 《图书情报工作》优秀审稿人
2018 《图书情报工作》优秀审稿人
2017 《情报学报》2012-2016年优秀作者
2017 iConference 2017最佳短论文研究提名奖
2016 2015年度中国人文社科最具影响力青年****奖
2016 江苏省第十四届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖
2016 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究成果奖三等奖
2015 中国社会科学情报学会优秀论文一等奖
2015 中国科技信息资源管理与服务年会(COINFO2015)优秀论文奖
2014 江苏省第九届高校哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖
2013 江苏省优秀博士学位论文奖(截至2020年1月,博士论文“社会化媒体中用户生成内容的动因与激励设计研究”在CNKI上被下载7435次,被引用102次)
2013 南京大学优秀博士学位论文奖
2010 教育部第一届博士研究生学术新人奖
2010 国际信息系统协会亚太信息系统分会(PACIS)博士生论坛最佳论文奖

Editorial Board, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 2018.11-
Editorial Board, Information Processing & Management (IP&M), 2019.09-
Editorial Board, Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS), 2016.06-
Editorial Board, Data and Information Management (DIM), 2019.06-
Guest Editor, Zhao Y., Hu X., & Wei K. (2018). Aslib Journal of Information Management, Special Issue Call for Papers [2018 IF: 1.702]: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=8581
Guest Editor, Tang R., Mehra B., Du T J.,& Zhao Y. (2019). The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) Special Issue Call for Papers [2018 IF: 2.738]: https://asistdl.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/pb-assets/assets/**/JASIST%20Special%20Issue%20CFP%20-%20Paradigm%20Shift%20in%20Information-**43.pdf
Guest Editor, Zhao Y., Zhang Y., He Z., & Zhu Q. (2019). Information Processing & Management (IP&M) Special Issue Call for Papers [2018 IF: 3.892] https://www.journals.elsevier.com/information-processing-and-management/call-for-papers/special-issue-on-health-informatics-in-china-local-practices
International Organizing Committee for the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Regional Conference, Cambodia, January 3-4, 2019
International Organizing Committee for the 6th International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19-24, 2020
International Organizing Committee for the 5th International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, Orlando, Florida, US, July 26-31, 2019
International Organizing Committee for the 4th International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, Las Vegas, Nevada, US, July 15-20, 2018
International Organizing Committee for 2018 World Congress on Services, Seattle, US, June 25-30, 2018, Short Paper Track Chair
Track Co-chair for the 23rd Pacific Asia Conferences on Information Systems, Human-Computer Interaction Track, Xi'an China, July 8-12, 2019
Organizing Committee for the 14th Conference on Library and Information Science (LIS) across the Taiwan Straits, Nanjing, July 6-8, 2018
程序委员会委员: The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020 (JCDL 2020) senior PC member, China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2015-2020), Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI in MIS (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020), Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2019),2019年中国信息系统协会学术年会,第五届智慧养老与智慧医疗发展论坛等。
期刊审稿人: Management Science, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Information Processing & Management, Decision Support Systems, The Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information & Management, International Journal of Information Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Online Information Review, Journal of Information Science, Information Systems Frontiers, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Behaviour and Information Technology, Internet Research, Journal of Knowledge Management, Aslib Journal of Information Management, Research Evaluation, Interactive Learning Environments, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, BMJ Innovations,《中国图书馆学报》、《情报学报》、《计算机学报》、《系统工程学报》、《信息资源管理学报》、《图书情报工作》、《数据分析与知识发现》、《情报理论与实践》、《情报资料工作》、《图书情报知识》、《图书馆杂志》、《图书与情报》、《情报科学》、《图书馆论坛》、《数字图书馆论坛》等。

Ø 公共文化服务领域开放数据的价值共创机制及实现模式研究,2020年国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持,编号:**),2021.01-2024.12;
Ø 面向知识创新服务的数据科学理论与方法研究,2016年国家社科基金重大项目(子课题主持人,编号:16ZAD224)2017.01-2019.12;
Ø 面向大数据的数字图书馆移动视觉搜索机制及应用研究,2015年国家社科基金重大项目(子课题主持人,编号:15ZDB126)2016.01-2020.12;
Ø 基于行动者网络框架的众包模式设计与管理研究,2014年国家自然科学基金青年项目(主持,编号:**),2015.01-2017.12;
Ø 众包社区中参与者的动因分类及调节效应研究,2013年教育部人文社科青年项目(主持,编号:13YJC870033),2013.12-2016.12;
Ø 江苏数字移民的信息生成和传播能力研究,2013年江苏省社科基金青年项目(主持,编号:13XWC015),2014.01-2016.12;
Ø 社交媒体环境下游戏化设计对用户信息素养的培育研究,2014中国科学技术信息研究所委托项目(主持);
Ø 移动互联环境下数字阅读平台的用户体验分析及设计启示,2014中国科学技术信息研究所委托项目(主持);
Ø 协同视角下社会化搜索的形成机制及实现模式研究,2014年国家自然科学基金面上项目(主要参与,编号:**), 2015.01-2018.12;
Ø 互联网用户群体协作行为模式的理论与应用研究,2010年国家社科基金重点项目(主要参与,编号:10ATQ004),2010.09-2014.12。
Ø 我国重大基础设施工程管理的理论、方法与应用创新研究,国家自然科学基金重大项目(参与,编号:**),2014.01-2018.12;
Ø 融合范式视角下的链接分析理论集成框架及其实证研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(参与,编号:**),2013.01-2016.12;
Ø 电子政务服务价值共创机制及实现模式实证研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(参与,编号:**),2016.01-2019.12;

赵宇翔,南京理工大学经济管理学院教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为用户信息行为、数字人文、健康信息学等。在国内外重要期刊和学术会议上发表论文180余篇,其中发表(录用)SSCI/SCI论文30余篇(JCR一区论文10余篇),CSSCI收录140余篇,并有23篇论文被人大复印资料G9专辑全文转载。目前发表的学术论文在Google Scholar上被国际同行引用共计2440余次,单篇被引最高640余次,入选ESI高被引前1%论文。承担以及完成国家社科基金重大项目子课题2项,国家自然科学基金3项、教育部人文社科项目,江苏省人文社科项目,江苏省软科学咨询项目等。担任国际信息系统协会人机交互分会理事、中国科学技术情报学会理事、中国社科情报学会数字人文专委会委员、中国科学技术情报学会健康信息学专业委员会委员、中国科学技术情报学会信息行为研究专业委员会委员、中国老年学和老年医学学会智慧医养分会常务理事、江苏省老年学会信息化专委会副主任等。承担国际期刊Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)、Information Processing & Management(IP&M)、Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS)、Data and Information Management (DIM)编委会委员,JASIST, IP&M,Aslib Journal of Information Management期刊客座编辑。国际iConference 2021研讨会主席、2020年国际信息科学与技术协会亚太分会论坛主席、国际人机交互大会分会主席(HCII 2016-2020)、国际服务科学年会短论文(Short Paper Track)分会主席(2018)、泛亚太信息系统年会(PACIS 2019)分会主席、中国信息系统协会2019年会人机交互分会主席、武汉电子商务国际会议(WHICEB 2018)分会主席、国际电子商务大会分论坛联合主席(2014)。2015年入选“南京理工大学青年人才拔尖计划”,2016年荣获中国人文社科最具影响力青年****奖,2019年入选江苏省社科优青人才计划,2020年入选中组部“****”青年拔尖人才。
Referred Journals
Zhou X, Tang J, Zhao Y., et al. Effects of feedback design and dispositional goal orientations on volunteer performance in citizen science projects. Computers in Human Behavior, 2020: 106266.
Zhang X, Chen S, Zhao Y., et al. The influences of social value orientation and domain knowledge on crowdsourcing manuscript transcription. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 2019.
Zhao Y.*, Peng X, Liu Z, Song S, Hansen P. Factors that affect asker's pay intention in trilateral payment‐based social Q&A platforms: From a benefit and cost perspective. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 2019.
Zhao Y.*, Zhang Y, Tang J, Song S. Affordances for Information Practices: Theorizing the Engagement among People, Technology, and Socio-Cultural Environment. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 2020 forthcoming.
Zhao Y., Xu X*, Peng, X, Song, S. Understanding the determinants and dynamic process of user exodus behavior in social networking sites: Evidence from Kaixin001. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 2018, 69 (4): 553-565.
Zhao Y.*, and Zhu Q. Evaluation on crowdsourcing research: Current status and future direction. Information Systems Frontiers, 2014, 16(3): 417-434.
Wu K, Zhao Y*, Zhu Q, et al. A Meta-analysis of the Impact of Trust on Technology Acceptance Model: Investigation of Moderating Influence of Subject and Context Type. International Journal of Information Management, 2011, 31(6): 572-581.
Zhao Y*, and Zhu Q. Effects of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on participation in crowdsourcing contest: A perspective of self-determination theory. Online Information Review, 2014, 38(7): 896-917.
Zhao Y*, Liu J, Tang J, Zhu Q. Conceptualizing perceived affordances in social media interaction design. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 2013, 65(3): 289-302.
Zhao Y*, Xu X, Sun X, and Zhu Q. An integrated framework of online generative capability: Interview from Chinese digital immigrants. Aslib Journal of Information Management. 2014, 66(2): 219-239.
Peng X, Zhao Y*, Zhu Q. Investigating user switching intention for mobile instant messaging application: Taking WeChat as an example. Computers in Human Behavior, 2016: 206-216.
Zhao Y*, and Zhu Q. Conceptualizing task affordance in online crowdsourcing context. Online Information Review, 2016, 40(7): 938-958.
Wu, K., Vassileva, J., & Zhao, Y. (2017). Understanding users' intention to switch personal cloud storage services: Evidence from the Chinese market. Computers in Human Behavior, 68, 300-314.
Wu, K., Vassileva, J., Zhao, Y., Noorian, Z., Waldner, W., & Adaji, I. (2016). Complexity or simplicity? Designing product pictures for advertising in online marketplaces. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 28, 17-27.
Wu, K., Vassileva, J., Noorian, Z., & Zhao, Y. (2015). How do you feel when you see a list of prices? The interplay among price dispersion, perceived risk and initial trust in Chinese C2C market. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 25, 36-46.
Zhao, Y., Wu Kewen & ZHU Qinghua. Evaluations on social network analysis (SNA) research in Mainland China: A critical assessment of journal literatures. Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science, 2010,3(4): 37-60.
Zhao, Y., Zhu Q. Blog acceptance model: An empirical study on exploring users’ acceptance and continual usage of blogs. Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science,2009,2(3):44-61.
Wu, K., Zhu, Q., VASSILEVA, J., & Zhao, Y. (2012). Does conflict matter in the success of mass collaboration? Investigating antecedents and consequence of conflict in Wikipedia. Journal of Data and Information Science, 5(1), 34-50.

赵宇翔, 刘周颖, 刘炜, 高胜寒, 张磊. 创意类开放数据竞赛中作品的评价指标体系构建与测定:以数字人文项目为例 [J]. 中国图书馆学报, 2020.
赵宇翔, 刘周颖, 朱庆华. 从免费到付费:认知锁定对在线问答平台中提问者转移行为的影响研究[J]. 情报学报, 2020.
宋小康, 赵宇翔, 宋士杰, 朱庆华. 基于MOA模型的在线健康谣言分享意愿影响因素研究[J]. 情报学报, 2020.
宋士杰, 赵宇翔, 宋小康, 朱庆华. 信息源对数字原住民健康信息可信度判断的启发式实验研究 [J]. 情报学报, 2020.
赵宇翔,刘周颖,宋士杰. 行动者网络理论视角下公众科学项目运作机制的实证探索. 中国图书馆学报,2018, 44 (6): 59-74.
胡蓉,唐振贵,赵宇翔,朱庆华. 移动经验取样法:促进真实情境下的用户信息行为研究. 情报学报,2018, 37 (10): 1046-1059.
孙晓宁, 赵宇翔, 朱庆华.. 社会化搜索平台中信息价值感知差异研究——基于用户满意度与任务复杂性视角. 情报学报, 2018 ( 01): 86-97.
孙晓宁, 赵宇翔, 朱庆华. 社会化搜索行为的结构与过程研究: 基于活动理论的视角. 中国图书馆学报, 2018, 44(2), 27-45.
赵宇翔. 科研众包视角下公众科学项目刍议:概念解析、模式探索及学科机遇[J]. 中国图书馆学报,2017, 43(5): 42-56.
胡蓉, 赵宇翔, 朱庆华. 移动互联环境下用户跨屏行为的整合分析框架——基于扎根理论的探索[J]. 中国图书馆学报,2017, 43(6): 113-129.
赵宇翔,吴克文,朱庆华等.基于IPP 视角的用户生成内容特征与机理的实证研究[J].情报学报,2011,28(3):299-309.
赵宇翔,朱庆华.Web 2.0环境下影响用户生成内容动因的实证研究——以土豆网为例[J].情报学报,2010,29(3):449-459.
Referred Conference Proceedings
Zhao, Y. C., Liu, Z., Chen, S., Zhu, Q. (2019, October). From Free to Fee: Exploring the Factors That Influence the Askers’ Switching Behavior on Online Q&A Platforms. In Proceedings of ASIS&T 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
Song, X., Zhao, Y. C., Song, S., Zhu, Q. (2019, October). The Role of Information Cues on Users’ Perceived Credibility of Online Health Rumors. In Proceedings of ASIS&T 2019, Melbourne, Australia. (Best Poster Award)
Zhang, X., Zhao, Y. C., Zhu, Q., Song, S. (2019, October). Investigating Roles of Social Value Orientation and Domain Knowledge in Crowdsourced Manuscript Transcription. In Proceedings of ASIS&T 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
Tang, R., Mehra, B., Du, T. J., Zhao, Y. C. (2019, October). Paradigm Shift in Information Research. In Proceedings of ASIS&T 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
Tang, R., Mehra, B., Du, T. J., & Zhao, Y. C. (2019, October). Paradigm Shift: An Exploratory Survey on Perceptions of the Future of Information Research. Paper presented at The RAILS (Research Applications in Information and Library Studies) 2019 conference.
Song, X., Song, S., Chen, S., Zhao, Y. C. & Zhu, Q. (2019, July). Factors Influencing Proxy Internet Health Information Seeking Among the Elderly in Rural China: A Grounded Theory Study. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 332-343). Springer, Cham.
Hu, R., Deng, X., Sun, X., Zhao, Y. C. & Zhu, Q. (2019, July). Mobile Experience Sampling Method: Capturing the Daily Life of Elders. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 46-55). Springer, Cham.
Yao, X., Wang, X., Gu, J., & Zhao, Y. C. (2019, July). A Qualitative Investigation on Miscommunication of Everyday Health Information Between Older Parents and Adult Children. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 109-121). Springer, Cham.
Han, W., Zhao, Y. C. & Zhu, Q. (2019, July). Exploring the Blocking Behavior Between Young Adults and Parents on WeChat Moments. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 65-76). Springer, Cham.
Han, W., Song, S., Zhao, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2019, June). The Role of Self-Efficacy and Familiarity in Digital Humanity Crowdsourcing: A Preliminary Study from Transcribe-Sheng Project. In 2019 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) (pp. 408-409). IEEE.
Zhang, X., Song S., Zhao Y.*, Zhu, Q. (2018). Motivations of Volunteers in the Transcribe Sheng Project: A Grounded Theory Approach. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vancouver, Canada, 10-14 Nov, 2018, pp. 951-953.
Zhao Y., Liu, Z., & Song, S. (2018, March). Why Should I Pay for the Knowledge in Social Q&A Platforms?. In International Conference on Information (pp. 577-582). Springer, Cham.
Zhao Y., Zhang, X., & Song, X. (2018). Crowdsourcing in the Digital Humanities: An Action Research on the Shengxuanhuai Manuscript Transcription. iConference 2018 Proceedings.
Song, S., Zhao, Y., & Sun, J. (2018). Understanding User’s Switching Intention on Mobile Payment Platforms. iConference 2018 Proceedings.
Song, S., Sun, J., Geng, B., & Zhao, Y. (2018, July). A Qualitative Investigation on Chinese Middle-Aged People’s ICT Adoption and Use. In International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population (pp. 170-178). Springer, Cham.
Zhao, Y., Peng, X., Tang, J., & Song, S. (2017). Understanding young people’s we-intention to contribute in Danmaku websites: Motivational, social, and subculture influence. iConference 2017 Proceedings.
Zhao, Y., Shi, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2017). Leveraging social media to facilitate intergenerational learning: Bridging digital immigrants with digital natives. iConference 2017 Proceedings.
Song, X., Zhang, X., Zhao, Y., & Song, S. (2017). Fearing of missing out (FoMO) in mobile social media environment: Conceptual development and measurement scale. iConference 2017 Proceedings.
Zhao, Y., & Tang, J. (2016, July). Exploring the Motivational Affordances of Danmaku Video Sharing Websites: Evidence from Gamification Design. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 467-479). Springer International Publishing.
Peng, X., Zhao, Y., & Teo, H. H. (2016, June). Understanding Young People's Use of Danmaku Websites: the effect of Perceived Coolness and subcultural Identity. In PACIS (p. 252).
Sun, X., Zhao, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2015). Developing the Measurement Scale of Information Quality for Social Q&A Sites. In PACIS (p. 15).
Zhao, Y., Xu, X., & Zhu, Q. (2015). Stay or Leave? An Investigation on User Exodus in Social Networking Sites. iConference 2015 Proceedings.
Peng, X., Sun, D., Zhao, Y., & Xu, W. (2015). What Trigger People Use Physician-Patient Interactive OHCs? An Empirical Research Based Integration Model. In PACIS (p. 2).
Peng, X., Zhao, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2014). Understanding Post Adoption Switching Behavior for Mobile Instant Messaging Application in China: Based on Migration Theory. In PACIS (p. 239).
Wu, K., Zhao, Y., Vassileva, J., Sun, X., & Fan, Z. (2014). How Does Awareness of Task Conflict motivate Wiki-Based Collaborative Learning? A Design Science Approach. In PACIS (p. 261).
Wu, K., Vassileva, J., Zhao, Y., Zhu, Q., & Fang, J. (2014). The Influence of Price dispersion on
Purchase Intention in Chinese Online C2C Market: A Trust Perspective. In PACIS (p. 72).
Zhao, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2013). An Investigation into the Online Generative Capability of Chinese Digital Immigrants. In PACIS (p. 175).
Tang, J., Zhao, Y., & Zhang, P. (2012, February). Moderating effects of perceived affordances on users' adaptive media use. In Proceedings of the 2012 iConference (pp. 576-578). ACM.
Zhao, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2012). Exploring the motivation of participants in crowdsourcing contest. Thirty Third International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando 2012.
Zhao, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2012). A Conceptual Model for Participant's Motivation in Crowdsourcing Contest. In WHICEB (p. 92).
Sun, X., Zhao, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2012, October). Understanding the niche strategies adopted by social commerce websites. In Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII), 2012 International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. 418-421). IEEE.
Zhao, Y., Zhu, Q., & Wu, K. (2011, February). The development of social network analysis research in mainland China: a literature review perspective. In Proceedings of the 2011 iConference (pp. 296-303). ACM.
Zhao, Y., Wu, K., Zhu, Q., & Meng, F. (2010, December). Exploring user's classification model for UGC and its influence factors on contribution in social media. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on E-Business Intelligence (ICEBI2010),. Atlantis Press.
Wu, K., Zhu, Q., Zhao, Y., & Zheng, H. (2010, August). Mining the factors affecting the quality of Wikipedia articles. In Information Science and Management Engineering (ISME), 2010 International Conference of (Vol. 1, pp. 343-346). IEEE.


朱庆华,赵宇翔,余译青,吴克文,杨梦晴. 互联网群体协作理论与应用研究. 北京:科学出版社:2019.
朱庆华, 赵宇翔, 谈晓洁, 张薇薇. 新一代互联网环境下用户生成内容的研究与应用. 北京:科学出版社: 2014.
《数字人文:数字时代的知识与批判》,东北财经大学出版社,2019年6月。(翻译第三章 通往计算思维之路



团队近期主要关注健康信息学(health informatics)、公众科学(citizen science)、数字人文(digital humanities)、游戏化设计(gamification design)、社交媒体用户行为实验(social media user behavior)等领域。欢迎有数理基础,英语能力强,对认知科学、心理学、互联网等领域感兴趣的学生报考,也欢迎有意向攻读管理科学与工程(人机交互与用户信息行为、健康信息学、互联网群体协作以及价值共创方向)的博士申请者与我联系。

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