姓 名 周浩 性 别 男
出生年月 1983年5月 籍贯 江苏苏州市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 群众
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕士生导师
导师类型 校内 兼职导师 否
行政职务 Email hzhou511@njust.edu.cn
工作单位 纳米异构材料中心 邮政编码 210094
通讯地址 江苏省南京市孝陵卫200号
学科专业(主) 0805|材料科学与工程 招生类别 硕士 所在学院 材料科学与工程学院格莱特研究院
研究方向 轻质结构材料;纳米异构金属材料强韧化;原位变形TEM显微学;
2017年6月-至今: 南京理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,纳米异构材料中心,副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,**,基于原位高分辨透射电镜Mg-Gd系合金时效析出行为及其强化机制研究,25万元。
2. 北京市朝阳区博士后基金,高性能Mg-Gd-Y系稀土镁合金轧制变形及强化机理研究,5万元。
1) B. Gao#, Q.Q. Lai#, Y. Cao, R. Hu, L.R. Xiao, Z.Y. Pan, N.N. Liang, Y.S. Li, G. Sha, M.P. Liu,H. Zhou*,X.L. Wu*, Y.T. Zhu*, Ultrastrong low-carbon nanosteel produced by heterostructure and interstitial mediated warm rolling, Science Advances, 2020, 6, 39: 8169.
2) L.R. Xiao, X.F. Chen, K. Wei, Y. Liu, D.D. Yin, Z.H. Hu,H. Zhou*,Y.T. Zhu*, Effect of dislocation configuration on Ag segregation in subgrain boundary of a Mg-Ag alloy, Scripta Materialia, 2021, 191: 219-224.
3) L.R. Xiao, X.F. Chen, Y. Cao, H. Zhou*, X.L. Ma, D.D. Yin, B. Ye, X.D. Han*, Y.T. Zhu, Solute segregation assisted nanocrystallization of a cold-rolled Mg-Ag alloy during annealing, Scripta Materialia, 2020, 177:69-73.
4) L.R. Xiao, Y. Cao, S. Li, H. Zhou*, X.L. Ma, L. Mao, X.C. Sha, Q.D. Wang, Y.T. Zhu, X.D. Han*, The formation mechanism of a novel interfacial phase with high thermal stability in a Mg-Gd-Y-Ag-Zr alloy, Acta Materialia, 2019, 162:214-225.
5)H. Zhou, C.X. Huang, X.C. Sha, L.R. Xiao, X.L. Ma, H.W. Hoppel, M. Goken, X.L. Wu, K. Ameyama, X.D. Han, Y.T. Zhu, In-situ observation of dislocation dynamics near heterostructured interfaces, Materials Research Letters., 2019, 376-382.
6) Y. Liu, M.P. Liu*, X.F. Chen, Y. Cao, H.J. Roven, M. Murashkin, R.Z. Valiev, H. Zhou*. Effect of Mg on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Mg alloys produced by high pressure torsion, Scripta Materialia, 2019, 159:137-141.
7)H. Zhou, G.M. Cheng, X.L. Ma, W.Z.Xu, S.N. Mathaudhu, Q.D. Wang*, Y.T. Zhu*, Effect of Ag on interfacial segregation in Mg-Gd-Y-(Ag)-Zr alloy, Acta Materialia, 2015, 95: 20-29.
8) X.C. Sha, L.R. Xiao*, X.F. Chen, G.M. Cheng, Y.D. Yu, D.D. Yin, H. Zhou*, Atomic structure of γ〞phase in Mg-Gd-Y-Ag alloy induced by Ag addition, Philosophical Magazine, 2019, 99:1957-1969.
9) Y. Liu, X.F. Chen, K. Wei, L.R. Xiao*, B. Chen, H.B. Long, Y.D. Yu, Z.H. Hu, H. Zhou*. Effect of micro-steps on twinning and interfacial segregation in Mg-Ag alloy, Materials, 2019, 12: 1307.
10)H. Zhou, H.Y. Ning, X.L. Ma, D.D. Yin, L.R. Xiao, X.C. Sha, Y.D. Yu, Q.D. Wang, Y.S. Li, Microstructural evoluction and mechanical properties of Mg-9.8Gd-2.7Y-0.4Zr alloy produced by repetitive upsetting. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34: 1067-1075.
11) Z.Y. Pan, B. Gao, Q.Q. Lai*, X.F. Chen, Y. Cao, M.P. Liu, H. Zhou*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of a cold-rolled ultrafine-grained dual-phase steel. Materials, 2018, 11: 1399.
12)H. Zhou, W.Z. Xu, W.W. Jian, G.M. Cheng, X.L. Ma, W. Guo, S.N. Mathadhu, Q.D. Wang*, Y.T. Zhu*, A new metastable precipitate phase in Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy, Philosophical Magazine, 2014, 94: 2403-2409.
13) H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang*, W. Guo, B. Ye, W.W. Jian, W.Z. Xu, X.L. Ma, J. Moering, Finite element simulation and experimental investigation on homogeneity of Mg-9.8Gd-2.7Y-0.4Zr magnesium alloy processed by repeated-upsetting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 225: 310-317.
14) H. Zhou, B. Ye, Q.D. Wang, W. Guo. Uniform fine microstructure and random texture of Mg-9.8Gd-2.7Y-0.4Zr magnesium alloy processed by repeated-upsetting deformation. Materials letters. 83 (2012): 175-178.
15) H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang, B. Ye, W. Guo. Hot deformation and processing maps of as-extruded Mg-9.8Gd-2.7Y-0.4Zr Mg alloy. Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 576 (2013) 101-107.
16) H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang, J. Chen, B. Ye, W. Guo. Microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Mg-8.5Gd-2.3Y-1.8Ag-0.4Zr alloy. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 22 (2012) 1891-1895.
17) K. Wei, L.R. Xiao, B. Gao, L. Li, Y. Liu, Z.G. Ding, W. Liu, H. Zhou*, Y.H. Zhao*. Enhancing the strain hardening and ductility of Mg alloy by introducing stacking faults. Journal of Magnesium and Alloy. Accepted.
18) X.F. Chen, L.R. Xiao*, Y. Liu, M.N. Xu, T. Xu, B. Gao, Z.H. Hu,H. Zhou*. High strength-ductillity of heterogeneous sandwich Mg-Y alloys produced by high pressure torsion. Vacuum, 2020, 179: 109568.
19) B. Gao#, R. Hu#, Z.Y. Pan, X.F. Chen, Y. Liu, L.R. Xiao, Y. Cao, Y.S. Li, Q.Q. Lai*,H. Zhou*. Strengthening and ductilization of laminate dual-phase steels with high martensite content. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 65: 29-37.
20) L. Li, S.Z. Wang, L.R. Xiao, X.F. Chen, K. Wei, H.Y. Ning, Y.D. Yu, D.D. Yin*,H. Zhou*. Atomic-scale three-dimensional structural characterisation of twin interface in Mg alloys, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2020, 1-10.
1) J.F. Nie*, F.H. Lu, Z.W. Huang, X. Ma, H. Zhou, C. Chen, X. Chen, H.B. Yang, Y. Cao, X.F. Liu*, Y.H. Zhao*, Y.T. Zhu, Improving the high-temperature ductility of Al composites by tailoring the nanoparticle network, Materialia, 2020, 9: 100523
2) Z.W. Huang, S.B. Jin, H. Zhou, Y.S. Li*, Y. Cao*, Y.T. Zhu, Evolution of twinning systems and variants during sequential twinning in cryo-rolled titanium, International Journal of Plasticity, 2019, 112: 52-67.
3) G.M. Zhu, L.Y. Wang*,H. Zhou, J.H. Wang, Y. Shen, P. Tu, H. Zhu, W. Liu, P.P. Jin, X.Q. Zeng*. Improving ductility of a Mg alloy via non-basal <a> slip induced by Ca addition.International Journal of Plasticity2019, 120: 164-179.
4) W. Jiang, H. Zhou, Y. Cao*, J.F. Nie, Y.S. Li, Y.H. Zhao, M. Kawasaki, T.G. Langdon, Y.T. Zhu*, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, **.
5) Y.T. Tang, C. Zhang, L.B. Ren, W. Yang, D.D. Yin*, G.H. Huang, H. Zhou, Y.B. Zhang*, Effect of Y content and temperature on the damping capacity of extruded Mg-Y sheets, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys. 2019, 7:522-528.
6) H. Sun, Z.G. Ding*, D.L. Zhang,H. Zhou, S. Li, E.J. Lavernia, Y.T. Zhu, W. Liu*. Predicting the formation of <c+a> dislocations in magnesium alloys from multiple stacking fault energies.Materialia, 2019, 7: 100352.
7) B. Gao, X.F. Chen, Z.Y. Pan, J.S. Li, Y. Ma, Y. Cao, M.P. Liu, Q.Q. Lai*, L.R. Xiao*,H. Zhou. A high-strength heterogeneous structural dual-phase steel.Journal of Materials Science2019, 54:12898-12910.
8) X.C. Sha, X.F. Chen*, H.Y. Ning, L.R. Xiao, D.D. Yin, L. Mao, J. Zheng*,H. Zhou. Modification of Eutectic Si in Al-Si-(Ba) Alloy by Inducing a Novel 9R Structure in Twins.Materials, 2018, 11, 1151.
9) J.S. Li, B. Gao, Z.W. Huang,H. Zhou, Q.Z. Mao, Y.S. Li*. Design for strenth-ductility synergy of 316L stainless steel with heterogeneous lamella structure through medium cold rolling and annealing.Vacuum, 2018, 157:128-135
10) D.H. Li, X.Y. Shu, D.L. Kong,H. Zhou, Y.H. Chen*. Revealing the atomistic deformation mechanisms of face-centered cubic nanocrystalline metals with atomic-scale mechanical microscopy: A review.Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2018, 34: 2027-2034.
11) G.H. Huang, D.D. Yin*, J.W. Lu,H. Zhou, Y. Zeng, G.F. Quan, Q.D. Wang. Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties evolution of extruded fine-grained Mg-Y sheets during annealing.Materials Science & Engineering A, 2018, 720:24-35.
12) L. Mao,H. Zhou, L. Chen, J. Niu, L. Zhang, G. Yuan. C. Song. Enhanced biocompatibility and long-term durability in vivo of Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy for vascular stent application.Journal of alloys and compounds720 (2017) 245-253.
13) H. Chen, J. Yang,H. Zhou, J. Moering, Z. Yin, Y. Gong, K.Y. Zhao. Mechanical properties of gradient structure Mg alloy.Metallurgical and materials transactions A48 (2017) 9: 3961-3970.
14) X. Hu, S. Jin,H. Zhou, Z. Yin, J. Yang, Y. Gong, Y. Zhu, G. Sha, X. Zhu, Bauschinger effect and back stress in gradient Cu-Ge alloy.Metallurgical and materials transactions A48 (2017) 9: 3943-3950.
15) J.W. Liu, D.D. Yin, G.H. Huang, G.F. Quan, Y. Zeng,H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang, Plastic anisotropy and deformation behavior of extruded Mg-Y sheets at elevated temperatures.Materials Science and Engineering A, 700 (2017) 598-608.
16) X. Shu, Y. Liu, T. Xin, Z. Li, Y. Chen,H. Zhou, S. Mao, X. Liao. In-situ investigation of dislocation tangle-untangle processes in small-sized body-centered cubic Nb single crystals.Materials Letters198 (2017) 16-18.
17) L. Wang, T. Xin, D. Kong, X. Shu, Y. Chen,H. Zhou, J. Teng, Z. Zhang, J. Zou. In-situ observation of stress induced grain boundary migration in nanocrystalline gold.Scripta Materialia(2017) 134:95-99.
18) Y. Ma, Y. Lu, D. Kong, X. Shu, Q. Deng,H. Zhou, Y. Chen, J. Zou, L. Wang. Ultra-large elongation and dislocation behavior of nano-sized tantalum single crystals.Aip Advances7 (2017) 4, 045218.
19) J. Wei, G. Huang, D. Yin, K. Li, Q. Wang,H. Zhou. Effect of ECAP and annealing treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-1Y (wt. %) binary alloy.Metals.7 (2017) 119.
20) X.L. Ma, H. Zhou, J. Narayan, Y.T. Zhu*, Stacking-fault energy effect on zero-strain deformation twinning in nanocrystalline Cu-Zn alloys, Scripta Materialia, 2015, 109: 89-93.
21) X.L. Ma, C.X. Huang, W.Z. Xu, H. Zhou, X.L. Wu, Y.T. Zhu*, Strain hardening and ductility in a coarse-grain/nanostructure laminate material, Scripta Materialia, 2015, 103: 57-60.
22) X.L. Ma, W.Z. Xu, H. Zhou, J.A. Moering, J. Narayan, Y.T. Zhu*, Philosophical Magazine, 2015, 95: 301-310.
23) K. Wang, H.Y. Jiang*, Y.W. Jia, H. Zhou, Q.D. Wang, B. Ye*, W.J. Ding, Nanoparticle-inhibited growth of primary aluminum in Al-10Si alloys, Acta Materialia, 2016, 103:252-263.
24) L. Zhang, B. Ye*, W.J. Liao, H. Zhou, W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, H.Y. Jiang, W.J. Ding, Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of AZ91D magnesium alloy processed by repetitive upsetting, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 641: 62-70.
25) J.F. Liu, Q.D. Wang*, H. Zhou, W. Guo, Microstructure and mechanical properties of NZ30K magnesium alloy processed by repetitive upsetting, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 589: 372-377.
26) W.J. Liao, B. Ye*, L. Zhang, H. Zhou, W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, W.Z. Li, Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of SiC nanoparticles reinforced magnesium matrix composite processed by cyclic closed-die forging, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 642: 49-56.
27) X.C. Yang, X.L. Ma, J. Moering, H. Zhou, W. Wang, Y.L. Gong, J.M. Tao, Y.T. Zhu*, X.K. Zhu*, Influence of gradient structure volume fraction on the mechanical properties of pure copper, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 645: 280-285.
28) B.Z. Cai, X.L. Ma, J. Moering, H. Zhou, X.C. Yang, X.K. Zhu*, Enhanced mechanical properties in Cu-Zn alloys with a gradient structure by surface mechanical attrition treatment at cryogenic temperature, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2015, 626: 144-149.
29) W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, H. Zhou, J.F. Liu, Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31-Mg2Si in situ composite fabricated by repetitive upsetting, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24: 3755-3761.
30) W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, M.P. Liu, T. Peng, X.T. Liu, H. Zhou, Enhanced microstructure homogeneity and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy by repetitive upsetting, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 540: 115-122.
31) W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, H. Zhou, Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31magnesium alloy processed by cyclic closed-die forging, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 558: 164-171.
32) W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, H. Zhou, Enhanced microstructure homogeneity and mechanical properties of AZ31-Si composite by cyclic closed-die forging, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 552: 409-417.
33) W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, B. Ye, X.C. Li, X.T. Liu, H. Zhou, Microstructural refinement and homogenization of Mg-SiC nanocomposites by cyclic extrusion compression, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012, 556: 267-270.
34) J. Metayer, B. Ye, W. Guo, Q.D. Wang*, H. Zhou, F. Mollet, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Si alloys processed by cyclic closed-die forging, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 66-75.
1) 周浩,肖礼容,沙学超。一种小变形量制备大块纳米晶镁合金的方法。中国发明专利:ZL 9.1
2) 周浩,王渠东. 扭转式往复挤压装置及其加工方法. 中国发明专利: ZL 9.7.
3) 周浩,王渠东,郭炜. 多向复合式循环镦压装置及镦压方法. 中国发明专利: ZL 0.0.
4) 周浩,王渠东, 郭炜. 带背压式四向往复镦压装置及其加工方法. 中国发明专利:ZL 0.4
5) 于彦东,周浩. 镁合金方形棒材等通道旋形型腔的挤压模具及挤压方法. 中国发明专利:ZL5.6
6) 王渠东,胡茂良,周浩. 采用曲柄连杆机构实现转动及往复运动的摩擦磨损实验机。实用新型专利:ZL 6.6
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-17
相关话题/南京理工大学 材料科学与工程学院
姓名熊党生性别男出生年月1960年4月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌群众最后学历研究生毕业最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博士生导师导师类型校内兼职导师否行政职务Emailxiongds@163.com工作单位材料科学与工程学院邮政编码210094通讯地址南京孝陵卫200号单位电话;**个人主页指导学科学科专业( ...南京理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-17南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈光
姓名陈光性别男出生年月1962年4月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌党员最后学历研究生毕业最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别博士生导师导师类型校内兼职导师否行政职务主任Emailgchen@njust.edu.cn工作单位先进金属与金属间化合物材料技术工信部重点实验室、材料评价与设计教育部工程研究中心邮政编码 ...南京理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-17南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-YuriEstrin*
姓名YuriEstrin*性别男出生年月籍贯民族政治面貌最后学历最后学位技术职称导师类别博士生导师导师类型外聘兼职导师是行政职务Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页指导学科学科专业(主)080502|材料学招生类别博士所在学院材料科学与工程学院格莱特研究院研究方向 ...南京理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-17南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孔见
姓名孔见性别男出生年月1970年2月籍贯安徽南陵县民族汉族政治面貌党员最后学历博士研究生毕业最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别博士生导师导师类型校内兼职导师否行政职务Emailkongjian68@163.com工作单位材料科学与工程学院邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页指导学科学科专业(主)080 ...南京理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-17南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-崔崇
姓名崔崇性别男出生年月1957年2月籍贯天津民族汉族政治面貌党员最后学历硕士研究生最后学位工学硕士技术职称教授导师类别博士生导师导师类型校内兼职导师否行政职务副院长Emailcuichong@njust.edu.cn工作单位南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院邮政编码210094通讯地址南京市孝陵卫200 ...南京理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-17南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李清文*
姓名李清文*性别男出生年月籍贯民族政治面貌最后学历最后学位技术职称导师类别博士生导师导师类型外聘兼职导师是行政职务Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页指导学科学科专业(主)080502|材料学招生类别博士所在学院材料科学与工程学院格莱特研究院研究方向 ...南京理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-17南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赖建中
姓名赖建中性别男出生年月1978年3月籍贯安徽合肥民族汉族政治面貌党员最后学历博士研究生毕业最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别博士生导师导师类型校内兼职导师否行政职务系总支书记Emailjzh-lai@163.com工作单位南京理工大学,材料学院邮政编码210094通讯地址南京市孝陵卫200号单位 ...南京理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-17南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-廖晓舟*
姓名廖晓舟*性别男出生年月籍贯民族政治面貌最后学历最后学位技术职称导师类别博士生导师导师类型外聘兼职导师是行政职务Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页指导学科学科专业(主)080502|材料学招生类别博士所在学院材料科学与工程学院格莱特研究院研究方向 ...南京理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-17南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李永胜
姓名李永胜性别男出生年月1976年9月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌党员最后学历博士研究生最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博士生导师导师类型校内兼职导师否行政职务Emailysli@njust.edu.cn工作单位南京理工大学邮政编码210094通讯地址南京市孝陵卫200号单位电话个人主页指导学科学科专业(主)0 ...南京理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-17南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-谈华平
姓名谈华平性别男出生年月1978年7月籍贯江苏宜兴民族汉族政治面貌党员最后学历博士研究生毕业最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别博士生导师导师类型校内兼职导师否行政职务教研室主任Emailhptan@njust.edu.cn工作单位南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院邮政编码210094通讯地址南京市孝陵 ...南京理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-17