

南京邮电大学 /2014-12-09




   内容:  南京邮电大学与法国鲁昂高等工程师大学研究生培养合作项目介绍、申请流程等,













(1) 硕士学位项目基本情况 [1+1.5]

(1) Graduate Degree Program [1+1.5]
Candidates need to complete the first year study in NUPT in Information Systems or Electronics & Embedded Systems. For the second and half year those who have met the admission requirements of ESIGELEC Rouen’s Information Systems or Electronics & Embedded Systems master program, including the English proficiency, may be recommended by NUPT for the joint program in Information Systems or Electronics & Embedded Systems at ESIGELEC Rouen. The students are expected to finish their MASTER study both in NUPT and in ESIGELEC Rouen within two and a half years.
NUPT and ESIGELEC Rouen will both issue the master degrees to those who have successfully completed their master program requirements.
ESIGELEC Rouen is prepared to receive a trial number of ten (10) students from NUPT for the 1+1.5 program in Information Systems or Electronics & Embedded Systems in the first year of full implementation of the program, and increase the number of entering students each year thereafter by an appropriate number.
The program will start on a trial basis in September 2013 for the Master of Sciences & Technology, speciality “Information Systems” with the initial admission of ten (10) NUPT students to ESIGELEC Rouen.
Admission Requirements
b.申请人应在南京邮电大学学习的第一年参加雅思考试并取得不低于6分的成绩 (参加该项目的必须条件);
a. Candidates should take French Language as a selective course for 50 hours in the first year study in NUPT;
b. Candidates should take IELTS test in the first year study in NUPT and get a minimum score of 6.0 as a necessary requirement to join the program;
(2) 学费及其他费用
(2) Tuition and Fees
a. 在南京邮电大学的第一年学习期间,学生应根据政府规定交纳南京邮电大学学费。
b. 学生后一年半在鲁昂高等工程师大学学习期间应直接交纳鲁昂高等工程师大学学费。
a. For the first year study, students at NUPT will pay solely to NUPT a tuition fee based on government regulations.
b. Students go to ESIGELEC Rouen for the second and half year shall pay tuition to ESIGELEC Rouen directly.
(3) 南京邮电大学和鲁昂高等工程师大学的共同职责
(3) Joint Responsibilities between NUPT, and ESIGELEC Rouen
• 南京邮电大学和鲁昂高等工程师大学负责指导该项目学生的课程。学生负责交纳学费、医疗保险以及承担生活费。
• 双方学校应共同努力落实项目课程。
• 南京邮电大学应授予硕士学位给顺利完成两校硕士课程的学生。
• 鲁昂高等工程师大学应授予硕士学位给顺利完成两校硕士课程的学生。
• 鲁昂高等工程师大学应努力帮助参与该项目的学生寻找实习机会。
• 双方学校应努力争取当地的财政支持以顺利开展合作项目。
·        NUPT and ESIGELEC Rouen are responsible for monitoring the curriculum for student participation in this program. The Students will be responsible for covering their tuitions and fees, health insurance, and living expenses.
·        Both institutions will work together to implement the program curriculum.
·        NUPT will award master’s degree to the students who have successfully completed their master’s program both at NUPT and ESIGELEC Rouen.
·        ESIGELEC Rouen will award master’s degree to the students who have successfully completed their master’s program both at NUPTand ESIGELEC Rouen.
·        ESIGELEC Rouen shall exert every effort to help the students to seek opportunities of internship when they are study in ESIGELEC Rouen.

·        Both institutions shall endeavor to secure local financial support for implementation of the Agreements.
