职称: 教授
电子邮件: qwang@nju.edu.cn
Member of Science Advisory Group of International Scientific Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) (2013-2016)
Member of the Education and Outreach Committee of the AGU-VGP session (2009-2010)
Tectonophysics, Journal of Geodynamics编委
主讲本科生课程《构造地质学》,《岩石物理学》,参与研究生课程《构造物理学专题》、《地球物理学》。建设《Rock Phycics》研究生院精品课程,《Minerals and Human Health》国际化课程,参与组织2012年教育部研究生暑期学校《岩石物理与地震资料解译》。
(7)主持美国杜邦公司“青年教授奖”项目,《Petrophysical Study of Fluid Stability and Distribution in Sedimentary Rocks》(2009.1-2011.12)
(9)主持Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation project,《Seismic anisotropy and permeability of shales from South China》(No.EG01-032016, 2016)
(10)主持Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation project,《Petrofabrics and physical anisotropies of peridotites from the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic terranes》(No. EG 39-032010, 2011)
1. Machev, P., O’Bannon, E.F., Bozhilov, K.N., Wang, Q., Dobrzhinetskaya, L., 2018. Not all moissanites are created equal: New constraints on moissanite from metamorphic rocks of Bulgaria. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 498, 387-396.
2. Dobrzhinetskaya, L., Mukhin, P., Wang, Q., Wirth, R., O'Bannon, E., Zhao, W., 2018. Moissanite (SiC) with metal-silicide and silicon inclusions from tuff of Israel: Raman spectroscopy and electron microscope studies. Lithos, 310-311, 355-368.
3. Zhang, W., Wang, Q.*, 2018. Permeability anisotropy and gas slippage of shales from the Sichuan Basin in South China. International Journal of Coal Geology 194, 22-32.
4. Shatsky, V.S., Malkovets, V.G., Belousova, E.A., Tretiakova, I. G., Griffin, W.L., Ragozin, A.L., Wang, Q., Gibsher, A.A., O’Reilly, S.Y., 2018. Multi-stage modification of Paleoarchean crust beneath the Anbar tectonic province (Siberia craton). Precambrian Research 305, 125-144.
5. Ni, H.W., Zheng, Y.F., Mao, Z., Wang, Q., Chen, R.X., Zhang, L., 2017. Distribution, cycling and impact of water in the Earth’s interior. National Science Review, 4, 879–891.
6. Zhang, W., Wang, Q.*, Ye, J., Zhou, J., 2017. Fracture development and fluid pathways in shales during granite intrusion. International Journal of Coal Geology, 183, 25-37.
7. Liao, J., Wang, Q., Gerya, T., Ballmer, M. D., 2017. Modeling craton destruction by hydration-induced weakening of the upper mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, doi.org/10.1002/2017JB014157
8. Xu, Z.Q., Yang, J.S., Wang, C.S., An, Z.S., Li, H.B., Wang, Q.*, Su, D.*, 2017. Fifteen years of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program. Scientific Drilling, 22, 1–18.
9. Webb, A. A.G., Guo, H., Clift, P.D., Husson, L., Müller, T., Costantino, D., Yin, A., Xu, Z.Q., Cao, H., Wang, Q., 2017. The Himalaya in 3D: Slab dynamics controlled mountain building and monsoon intensification. Lithosphere, doi:10.1130/L636.1.
10. Wang, Q.*, 2016. Homologous temperature of olivine: Implications for creep of the upper mantle and fabric transition in olivine. Science China Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s11430-016-5310-z.
11. Wang, Q.*, Bagdassarov, N., Shatsky, V.S., 2016. Origin of high-velocity anomalies beneath the Siberian craton: A fingerprint of multistage magma underplating since the Neoarchean. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 57, 713-722.
12. Shen, L.W., Yu, J.H., O’Reilly, S.Y., Griffin, W.L., Wang, Q., 2016. Widespread Paleoproterozoic basement in the eastern Cathaysia Block: Evidence from metasedimentary rocks of the Pingtan–Dongshan metamorphic belt, in southeastern China. Precambrian Research, 285, 91-108.
13. Li, X., Wang, Q.*, Zhang, W., Yin, H., 2016. Contact metamorphism of shales intruded by a granite dike: implications for shale gas preservation. International Journal of Coal Geology, 159, 96-106.
14. Xu, Z.*, Wang, Q.*, Cai, Z., Dong, H., Li, H., Chen, X., Duan, X., Cao, H., Li, J., Burg, J.-P., 2015. Kinematics of the Tengchong Terrane in SE Tibet from the late Eocene to early Miocene: Insights from coeval mid-crustal detachments and strike-slip shear zones. Tectonophysics 665, 127-148.
15. Wang, Q.*,Bagdassarov, N., Xia, Q., Zhu, B., 2014. Water contents and electrical conductivity of peridotite xenoliths from the North China Craton: Implications for water distribution in the upper mantle. Lithos, 189, 105-126.
16. Liao, J., Gerya, T., Wang, Q., 2013. Layered structure of the lithospheric mantle changes dynamics of craton extension. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 5861–5866, doi:10.1002/2013GL058081.
17. Wang, Q.*, Bagdassarov, N., Ji, S., 2013. The Moho as a transition zone: A revisit from seismic and electrical properties of minerals and rocks. Tectonophysics, 609, 395-422.
18. Wang, Q.*, Xia, Q.K., O’Reilly, S.Y., Griffin, G.L., Beyer, E.E., Brueckner, H. K., 2013. Pressure- and stress-induced fabric transition in olivine from peridotites in the Western Gneiss Region (
19. Xu, Z.Q.*, Wang, Q.*, Pêcher, A., Liang, F.H., Qi, X.X., Cai, Z.H., Li, H.Q., Zeng, L.S., Cao, H., 2013. Orogen-parallel extension and extrusion of the Greater Himalaya in the late Oligocene and Miocene. Tectonics, 32, doi:10.1002/tect.20021.
20. Yu, J.-H., Liu, Q., Hu, X.M., Wang, Q., O’Reilly, S.Y., 2013. Late Paleozoic magmatism in
21. Mao, X.L., Wang, Q.*, Liu, S.W.*, Xu, M.J., Wang, L.S., 2012. Effective elastic thickness and mechanical anisotropy of
22. Liu, Q., Yu, J.-H., Wang, Q., Su, B., Zhou, M.-F., Xu, H., Cui, X., 2012. Ages and geochemistry of granites in the Pingtan–Dongshan Metamorphic Belt, Coastal South China: New constraints on Late Mesozoic magmatic evolution. Lithos150, 268-286.
23. Wang, Q., 2010. A review of water contents and ductile deformation mechanisms of olivine: implications for the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary of continents. Lithos120, 30-41.
24. Wang, Q.*, Burlini, L., Mainprice, D., Xu, Z.Q., 2009. Geochemistry, petrofabrics and seismic properties of eclogites from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling boreholes in the Sulu UHP terrane, eastern
25. Xu, Z.Q., Wang, Q.*, Tang, Z.M., Chen, F.Y., 2009. Fabric kinematics of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the main borehole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project: implications for continental subduction and exhumation. Tectonophysics, 475, 235-250.
26. Xu, Z.Q., Yang, W.C.,
28. Xu, Z.Q., Wang, Q., Ji, S.C., Chen, J., Zeng, L.S., Yang, J.S., Chen, F.Y., Liang, F.H., Wenk, H.R., 2006. Petrofabrics and seismic properties of garnet peridotite from the UHP Sulu terrane (
29. Wang, Q., Ji, S.C., Salisbury, M., Xia, B., Pan, M., Xu, Z.Q., 2005. Shear wave properties and Poisson’s ratios of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt, China: implications for the crustal composition. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, doi:10.1029/2004JB003435.
30. Wang, Q., Ji, S.C., Salisbury, M., Pan, M., Xia, B., Xu, Z.Q., 2005. Pressure dependence and anisotropy of P-wave velocities in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks from the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt (China): implications for seismic properties of subducted slabs and origin of mantle reflections. Tectonophysics, 398, 67-99.
31. Ji, S.C., Wang, Q., Xia, B., Marcotte, D., 2004. Mechanical properties of multiphase materials and rocks: a phenomenological approach using generalized means. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 1377-1390.
32. Ji, S.C., Wang, Q., Xia, B. 2003. P-wave velocities of polymineralic rocks: comparison of theory and experiment and test of elastic mixture rules. Tectonophysics,366, 165-185.
33. 许志琴*,王勤*,孙卫东,李忠海,2018. 地球的层圈结构与穿越层圈构造. 地质论评,64, 261-282.
34. 闫浩洁,王勤*. 2018. 电子背散射衍射和傅里叶变换红外光谱结合测量橄榄石的原位含水量. 高校地质学报, 24, 1-12.
35. 许志琴,王勤,李忠海,李化启,蔡志慧,梁凤华,董汉文,曹汇,陈希节,黄学猛,吴婵,许翠萍,2016. 印度-亚洲碰撞:从挤压到走滑的构造转换.地质学报,90, 1-23.
36. 张文,王勤*,杨晓松,段庆宝,叶建国,李霞,周洁,2015. 扬子地块古生界泥页岩孔隙度和渗透率特征. 天然气地球科学, 26, 1534-1539.
37. 李霞,王勤,黄志诚,2015.页岩孔隙结构研究进展及下扬子古生界页岩孔隙特征. 地质学刊, 39, 13-24.
38. 门清波,王勤*,Bagdassarov, N,夏群科,
39. 许志琴; 王勤; 曾令森; 梁凤华; 李化启; 戚学祥; 蔡志慧; 李忠海; 曹汇,2013. 高喜马拉雅的三维挤出模式,中国地质, 3, 671-680.
40. 许海, 王勤*, 马中高, 周枫, 王良书, 2011. 华南地区典型岩石的地震波性质研究. 高校地质学报, 17, 469-478.
41. 刘潜, 于津海,
42. 许志琴,王勤,
43. 朱蓓蓓,王勤*,王良书,陈立辉,张宏福,2009. 河北阳原新生代玄武岩中橄榄岩捕虏体的含水量研究. 高校地质学报, 15(2), 263-272.
44. 王勤*,嵇少丞,许志琴,2007. 橄榄石的晶格优选定向、含水量与地震波各向异性:对大陆俯冲带变形环境的约束. 岩石学报, 23, 3065-3077.
45. 嵇少丞,王茜,王勤,许志琴,2007. 苏鲁-大别超高压变质岩的弹性力学性质与密度的关系. 岩石学报, 23, 3054-3064.
46. 王勤*,2007. 岩石地震波性质的理论与实验研究. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 26, 118-126.
47. 许志琴,王勤,陈方远,
48. 王勤*, 嵇少丞, 许志琴, Salisbury, M. H.,夏斌,潘明宝,2005. 榴辉岩的地震波性质:对苏鲁超高压变质带地壳成分和折返机制的约束. 岩石学报, 21, 451-464.
49. 许志琴,陈晶,王勤,曾令森,杨经绥,陈方远,李天福,
50. 王勤,卢华复,王良书,徐鸣洁,胡德昭,嵇少丞,2004. 库车前陆盆地的二维重力模拟与综合解释. 高校地质学报, 10, 227-238.
51. 王勤,徐鸣洁,贺绍英,王良书,李成,李华,2000. 库车-塔中-塔南剖面磁异常反演与塔里木盆地基底演化. 高校地质学报, 6, 34-39.
Ji, S.C.,Wang, Q., Xia, B. 2002.Handbook of Seismic Properties of Minerals, Rocks and Ores.Polytechnic International Press, Montreal, Canada, 630 pp.