

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16

职称: 教授
办公地址: 南京大学仙林校区朱共山楼468
电子邮件: xzyang@nju.edu.cn





杨晓志(Xiaozhi YANG)
?热液型压机(Hydrothermal vessels)
?活塞圆筒压机(PC, Piston Cylinder press)
?多面砧压机(MAA, Multi Anvil apparatus)
?金刚石对顶砧(DAC, Diamond Anvil Cell)
?扫描电镜(SEM, Scanning electron microscopy)
?电子探针(EMP, Electron microprobe)
?红外光谱(FTIR, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy)
?阻抗光谱(IS, Impedance spectroscopy)
?激光拉曼(Raman, Laser Raman spectroscopy)
?穆斯堡谱(Mossbauer spectroscopy)
?X射线衍射分析(XRD, X-ray diffraction)
?激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICPMS, Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry)
课题和项目(Research Projects)
?国家自然科学基金面上项目,氧逸度对名义上无水矿物中结构水溶解度的影响(**), 2014-2017,负责人
?科技部973课题,基于高压实验的地幔及地核物性研究(2014CB845904), 2014-2018,负责人
?中共中央组织部计划项目,高温高压下硅酸盐矿物的物理和化学性质, 2013-2015,负责人
?国家自然科学基金青年基金,中国东部大陆下地壳中水的演化(**), 2010-2012,负责人
?德国亚历山大?冯?洪堡基金会项目,下地壳矿物的电导率, 2009.7-2011.8,负责人
获奖及荣誉(Adwards and Honors)
Education and Professional Experience
?2012.5—presentProfessor, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
?2011.9-2012.8Postdoc, Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Bayreuth, Germany
?2009.7-2011.8Humboldt Research Fellow, Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Germany
?2008.7-2009.6Postdoc, School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
?2003.9-2008.6PhD, Geochemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China & Geosciences, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy, France
?1999.9-2003.7BSc, Geochemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
Research Interests
?Experimental geochemistry and geophysics
?Mineral chemistry and physics
?Water in nominally anhydrous minerals
?H, C and other volatiles in the mantle
?Redox state and impacts
Recent publications in Peer-reviewed Journals
[$, undergraduate student]
[$$, masterstudent]
[$$$, PhD student]
Shuai K$,Yang X. Quantitative analysis of H-species in anisotropic minerals by polarized infrared spectroscopy along three orthogonal directions, in review
Li Y$$,Yang X, Yu JH, Cai YF. Unusually high electrical conductivity of phlogopite: the possible role of fluorine and geophysical implications,Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 2016, 171, 37, doi: 10.1007/s00410-016-1252-x.
Yang X, Keppler H, Li Y. Molecular hydrogen in mantle minerals,Geochim. Persp. Let., 2016, 2, 160-168 (cover paper).
Yang X. Effect of oxygen fugacity on OH dissolution in olivine under peridotite-saturated conditions: an experimental study at 1.5-7 GPa and 1100-1300 °C,Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 2016, 173, 319-336.
Yang X. OH solubility in olivine in the peridotite-COH system under reducing conditions and implications for water storage and hydrous melting in the reducing upper mantle,Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 2015, 432, 199-209.
Yang X. A brief introduction of high temperature and high pressure experimental geosciences; methods and advances,Bull. Mineral. Petrol. Geochem., 2015, 34, 509-525 (invited paper, in Chinese).
Yang X, Liu D, Xia QK. CO2-induced small water solubility in olivine and implications for properties of the shallow mantle,Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 2014, 403, 37-47.
Yang X, Gaillard F, Scaillet B. A relatively reduced Hadean continental crust and implications for the early atmosphere and crustal rheology,Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 2014, 393, 210-219.
Yang X, Keppler H, Dubrovinsky L, Kurnosov A. In-situ infrared spectra of hydroxyl in wadsleyite and ringwoodite at high pressure and high temperature,Am. Mineral., 2014, 99, 724-729.
Yang X. Electrical peteology: principles, methods and advances,Sci. China-Earth Sci., 2014, 44, 1884-1990 (in Chinese).
Yang X. The origin of electrical anomalies in the uppermost mantle,Acta Petrol. Mineral., 2013, 32, 663-679 (invited paper, in Chinese).
Yang X. An experimental study of H solubility in feldspars: effect of composition, oxygen fugacity, temperature and pressure and implications for crustal processes,Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 2012, 97, 46-57.
Yang X. Orientation-related electrical conductivity of hydrous olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase and implications for the structure of the lower continental crust and uppermost mantle,Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 2012, 317-318, 241-250.
Yang X, McCammon C. Fe3+-rich augite and high electrical conductivity in the deep lithosphere,Geology, 2012, 2, 131-134.
Yang X,Heidelbach F. Grain size effect on the electrical conductivity of clinopyroxene,Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.,2012, 163, 939-647.
Yang X, Dubrovinsky L, Manthilake, MAGM, Wei Q. High pressure and high temperature Raman spectroscopic study of hydrous wadsleyite (?-Mg2SiO4),Phys. Chem. Mineral., 2012, 39, 57-64.
Yang X, Keppler H, McCammon C, Ni H. Electrical conductivity of orthopyroxene and plagioclase in the lower crust,Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 2012, 163, 33-48.
Yang X. Origin of high electrical conductivity in the lower continental crust: a review,Surv. Geophys., 2011, 32, 875-903.
Yang X, Keppler H. In-situ infrared spectra of OH in olivine to 1100oC,Am. Mineral., 2011, 96, 451-454.
Yang X, Keppler H, McCammon C, Ni H, Xia QK, Fan QC. The effect of water on the electrical conductivity of lower crustal clinopyroxene,J. Geophys. Res., 2011, 116, B04208, doi:10.1029/2010JB008010.
Xia QK, Hao YT, Li P, Deloule E, ColtortiM, Dallai L,Yang X, Feng M.Low water content of the Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern part of the North China Craton,J. Geophys. Res.,2010, 115, B07207, doi:10.1029/2009JB006694.
Yang X, Xia QK, Deloule E, Dallai L, Fan QC, Feng M. Water in minerals of continental lithospheric mantle and overlying lower crust: a comparative study of peridotite and granulite xenoliths from the North China Craton,Chem. Geol., 2008, 256, 33-45.
Yang X, Deloule E, Xia QK, Fan QC, Feng M. Water contrast between Precambrian and Phanerozoic continental lower crust in eastern China,J. Geophys. Res., 2008, 113, B08207, doi: 08210.01029/02007JB005541.
Xia QK,Yang X, Deloule E, Sheng YM, Hao YT, Water in the lower crustal granulite xenoliths from Nushan, eastern China,J. Geophys. Res., 2006, B11202, doi: 10.1029/2006JB004296.
Sheng YM, Xia QK, Dallai L,Yang X, Hao YT. H2O contents and D/H ratios of nominally anhydrous minerals from ultrahigh-pressure eclogites of the Dabie orogen, eastern China,Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 2007, 71, 2079-2103.
Yang X, Xia QK, Fan QC,Deloule E. Rheology of the continental lithosphere and the effect of water,Front. Earth Sci., 2008, 15: 96-112 (invited paper, in Chinese).
杨晓志,夏群科, Deloule Etienne,樊祺诚.麻粒岩中的水对大陆下地壳性质和演化的启示,自然科学进展, 2007, 17: 148-162.
杨晓志,夏群科, Deloule Etienne,樊祺诚.华北新太古代和中生代大陆下地壳中的水:以汉诺坝地区为例,地球化学, 2007, 36: 113-119.
杨晓志,夏群科.红外光谱测定绿辉石结构水含量的两种吸收系数之比较,矿物学报, 2007, 26: 210-214.
杨晓志,夏群科,杨燕等.大陆下地壳和岩石圈地幔中的水:基于捕虏体的红外光谱分析,中国科学技术大学学报, 2007, 37: 964-973.
杨晓志,夏群科,于慧敏,郝艳涛.大陆下地壳高电导率的起源:矿物中的结构水,地球科学进展, 2006, 21: 31-38.
杨贵才,杨晓志,夏群科.下地壳含水性的演化——来自不同时代麻粒岩中长石水含量的证据.岩石矿物学杂志, 2012, 31, 565-577.
杨贵才,杨晓志,郝艳涛,夏群科.大陆下地壳和岩石圈地幔含水性的差异——山东莒南玄武岩中深源包体的初步观察.岩石矿物学杂志, 2012, 31, 691-700.
夏群科,杨晓志,郝艳涛,盛英明.深部地球中水的分布和循环.地学前缘. 2007, 14(2): 10-23.
杨燕,夏群科,李佩,郝艳涛,杨晓志.单斜辉石中缺陷OH结合机理的变温红外光谱实验研究.岩石矿物学杂志. 2007, 5: 429-435.
郝艳涛,夏群科,杨晓志,王汝成.安徽女山新生代玄武岩中橄榄岩包体矿物的含水性研究,岩石学报, 2006, 22: 1713-1722.
郝艳涛,夏群科,丁强,杨晓志,于慧敏,盛英明.大别山沙村辉长岩中长石的结构水及其对岩浆演化的指示,地质论评, 2006, 52: 675-682.
郝艳涛,夏群科,杨晓志.河北汉诺坝玄武岩中橄榄岩包体矿物的含水性研究——微区红外光谱分析,岩石矿物学杂志, 2007, 26: 130-140.
夏群科,邢凌波,冯敏,刘少辰,杨晓志,郝艳涛.湖南宁远早侏罗世玄武岩中橄榄岩包体的含水性和元素地球化学特征,岩石矿物学杂志, 2010, 29: 113-124.
Yang X, Keppler H, Li Y, Molecular hydrogen in mantle minerals, Goldschmidt Conference 2016, Yokohama, oral talk.
Yang X, C-O-H fluids and OH solubility in olivine under mantle conditions, Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague, oral talk.
Yang X, Gaillard F, Scaillet B, A relatively reduced Hadean continental crust, EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, invited oral talk.
Yang X, Electrical conductivity of hydrous olivine and electrical anomalies in the uppermost mantle, AOGS2013-10th Annual Meeting, Brisbane, oral talk.
[last updated, November 08, 2016]






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