

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16

副教授Email: hongboli@nju.edu.cn

教育背景2007/09-2012/12 中国科学院城市环境研究所 博士
2003/09-2007/07 北京师范大学 环境学院环境工程系 本科
科研工作经历2016/06-至今 南京大学 环境学院环境科学系 副教授
2015/01-2016/06 南京大学 环境学院环境科学系 副研究员
2013/01-2014/12 南京大学 环境学院环境科学系 博士后


第一/通讯作者论文1.Hongbo Li, Di Zhao, Jie Li, Shiwei Li, Ning Wang, Albert L. Juhasz, Yongguan Zhu, Lena Q. Ma*. 2016. Using the SBRC assay to predict lead relative bioavailability in urban soils: contaminant source and correlation model. Environ Sci Technol 50, 4989–4996.
2.Di, Zhao, Jie Li, Chao Li, Albert L. Juhasz, Kirk G. Scheckel, Jun Luo, Hongbo Li*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2016. Lead relative bioavailability in lip products and their potential health risk to women. Environ Sci Technol 50, 6036–6043.
3.Jie Li, Chao Li, Hongjie Sun, Albert L. Juhasz, Jun Luo, Hongbo Li*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2016. Arsenic relative bioavailability in contaminated soils: Comparison of animal models, dosing schemes and biological endpoints. Environ Sci Technol 50, 453–461.
4.Hongbo Li, Kai Chen, Albert L. Juhasz, Lei Huang*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2015. Childhood lead exposure in an industrial town in China: coupling stable isotope ratios with bioaccessible lead. Environ Sci Technol 49, 5080-5087.
5.Hongbo Li, Jie Li, Albert L. Juhasz, Lena Q. Ma*. 2014. Correlation of in vivo relative bioavailability to in vitro bioaccessibility for arsenic in household dust from China and its implication for human exposure assessment. Environ Sci Technol 48, 13652–13659.
6.Hongbo Li, Xinyi Cui, Kan Li, Jie Li, Albert L. Juhasz, Lena Q. Ma*. 2014. Assessment of in vitro lead bioaccessibility in house dust and its relationship to in vivo lead relative bioavailability. Environ Sci Technol 48, 8548–8555.
7.Hongbo Li, Jie Li, Yaguang Zhu, Albert L. Juhasz, Lena Q. Ma*. 2015. Comparison of arsenic bioaccessibility in housedust and contaminated soils based on four in vitro assays. Sci Total Environ 532, 803-811.
8.Hongbo Li, Shen Yu*, Guilin Li, Hong Deng, Bo Xu, Jing Ding, Jingbo Gao, Youwei Hong, Minghung Wong. 2013. Spatial distribution and historical records of mercury sedimentation in urban lakes under urbanization impacts. Sci Total Environ 445–446, 117–125.
9.Hongbo Li, Shen Yu*, Guilin Li, Hong Deng. 2012. Lead contamination and source in Shanghai in the past century using dated sediment cores from urban park lakes. Chemosphere 88, 1161–1169.
10.Hongbo Li, Shen Yu*, Guilin Li, Yi Liu, Guangbin Yu, Hong Deng, Shengchun Wu, Minghung Wong. 2012. Urbanization increased metal levels in lake surface sediment and catchment topsoil of waterscape parks. Sci Total Environ 432, 202–209.
11.Hongbo Li, Shen Yu*, Guilin Li, Hong Deng, Xiaosan Luo. 2011. Contamination and source differentiation of Pb in park soils along an urbanization gradient in Shanghai. Environ Pollut 159, 3536–3544.
12.Jun Ma#, Yi Liu#, Guangbin Yu#, Hongbo Li#, Shen Yu*, Yueping Jiang, Guilin Li, Jinchang Lin. 2016. Temporal dynamics of urbanization-driven environmental changes explored by metal contamination in surface sediments in a restoring urban wetland park, J Hazard Mater 309, 228-235.
13.Jie Li, Kan Li, Mark Cave, Hongbo Li*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2015. Lead bioaccessibility in 12 contaminated soils from China: Correlation to lead relative bioavailability and lead in different fractions. J Hazard Mater 295, 55–62.
14.Jie Li, Kan Li, Xinyi Cui, Nicholas T. Basta, Liping. Li, Hongbo Li*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2015. In vitro bioaccessibility and in vivo relative bioavailability in 12 contaminated soils: Method comparison and method development. Sci Total Environ 532, 812–820
合作作者论文1.Shiwei Li, Hongbo Li, Jun Luo, Huiming Li, Xin Qian, Miaomiao Liu, Jun Bi, Xinyi Cui*, Lena Q. Ma*. 2016. Influence of pollution control on lead inhalation bioaccessibility in PM2.5: A case study of 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing. Environ Int 94, 69–75.
2.Chenyu Wang, Xinyi Cui*, Ying Li*, Hongbo Li, Lei Huang, Jun Bi, Jun Luo, Lena Q. Ma, Wei Zhou, Yi Cao, Baigeng Wang, Feng Miao*. 2016. A label-free and portable graphene FET aptasensor for children blood lead detection. Scientific Reports 6, 21711.
3.Shiwei Li, Jie Li, Hongbo Li, Ravi Naidu, Lena Q. Ma*. 2015. Arsenic bioaccessibility in contaminated soils: Coupling in vitro assays with sequential and HNO3 extraction. J Hazard Mater 196, 47–52.
4.Hongjie Sun, Hongbo Li, Ping Xiang, Xiaowei Zhang, Lena Q. Ma*. 2015. Short-term exposure of arsenite disrupted thyroid endocrine system and altered gene transcription in the HPT axis in Zebrafish. Environ Pollut 205, 145–152.
5.Di Zhao, Hongbo Li, Jiayi Xu, Jun Luo, Lena Q. Ma*. 2015. Arsenic extraction and speciation in plants: Method comparison and development. Sci Total Environ 523, 138–145.
6.Ning Wang, Zheng Chen, Hongbo Li, Jianqiang Su, Feng Zhao, Yongguan Zhu*. 2015. Bacterial community composition at anodes of microbial fuel cells for paddy soils: the effects of soil properties. J Soil Sediment , 15, 926–936.
7.Ning Wang, Longjun Ding, Huijuan Xu, Hongbo Li, Jianqiang Su*, Yongguan Zhu. 2015. Variability in responses of bacterial communities and nitrogen oxide emission to urea fertilization among various flooded paddy soils. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 91, 1–11.
8.Kai Chen, Lei Huang*, Beizhan Yan, Hongbo Li, Hong Sun*, Jun Bi. 2014. Effect of lead pollution control on environmental and childhood blood lead level in Nantong, china: An interventional study. Environ Sci Technol 48, 12930–12936.
9.Jiayi Xu, Hongbo Li, Shuang Liang, Jun Luo, Lena Q. Ma*. 2014. Arsenic enhanced plant growth and altered rhizosphere characteristics of hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata. Environ Pollut 194, 105–111.
10.Yongshan Chen, Shen Yu*, Youwei Hong, Qiaoying Lin, Hongbo Li. 2013. Pharmaceutical residues in tidal surface sediments of three rivers in southeastern China at detectable and measurable levels. Environ Sci and Pollut R 20, 1–13.
11.Ning Wang, Hongbo Li, Jinglan Long, Chao Cai, Jiulan Dai*, Juan Zhang, Renqing Wang. 2012. Contamination, source, and input route of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in historic wastewater-irrigated agricultural soils. J Environ Monitor 14, 3076–3085.
12.Xiaosan Luo, Jing Ding, Bo Xu, Yijie Wang, Hongbo Li, Shen Yu*. 2012. Incorporating bioaccessibility into human health risk assessments of heavy metals in urban park soils. Sci Total Environ 424, 88–96.
13.Peng Liang, Shengchun Wu, Yichun Li, Hongbo Li, Guangbin Yu, Shen Yu*, Minghung Wong*. 2012. The effects of mariculture activities on the adsorption/desorption and chemical fractionations of mercury on sediments. Mar Pollut Bull 65, 836–843.
14.Huijuan Li*, Jingjing Peng, Hongbo Li. 2012. Diversity and characterization of potential H2-dependent Fe(III)-reducing bacteria in paddy soils. Pedosphere 22, 673–380.
15.Guangbin Yu, Yi Liu, Shen Yu*, Shengchun Wu, S. C.; A.O.W. Leung, Xiaosan Luo, Bo Xu, Hongbo Li, Minghung Wong. 2011. Inconsistency and comprehensiveness of risk assessments for heavy metals in urban surface sediments. Chemosphere 85, 1080–1087.

学术会议1.June 2016, The Fourth Metal Environmental Research Consortium in China (MERC). Shenzhen, China. 2.November 2015. The 8th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Poster Presentation.3.October 2015. 8th International Workshop on Chemical Bioavailability in the Terrestrial Environment, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. Conference Sectary. 4.July 2015. The 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE 2015). Fukuoka, Japan. Oral Presentation.5.September 2013, The Seventh National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, Guiyang, Guizhou, China. Oral Presentation.6.October 2012, GeoTrop 2012: The 9th International Conference on Environmental and Public Health Management: Towards Better Health and Well-being. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Oral Presentation.7.December 2011, Chinese First International Workshop on Environment and Health, Institute of Urban Environment, CAS, Xiamen, China. Poster Presentation.8.December 2011, International Conference on Deriving Environmental Quality Standards for the Protection of Aquatic Ecosystems (EQSPAE – 2011), the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. Poster Presentation.9.September 2011, The Sixth National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, Shanghai, China. Poster Presentation.10.November, 2010, The Sixth International Conference on Environmental Geochemistry in Tropics–Urban Issues (GeoTrop 2010), Institute of Urban Environment, CAS, Xiamen, China. Poster Presentation.11.December 2008, International Workshop on Urban Wetland Ecology and Restoration, Institute of Urban Environment, CAS, Xiamen, China. Poster Presentation.

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