
南京大学软件学院 研究生导师简介- 刘 峰

南京大学 /2013-12-03

 Feng LIU

   Software Institute, Nanjing University
  [Correspondence] [Research] [Courses] [Activities] [Links] 
 Mail: Software Institute, Nanjing University
           Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210093
           P.R. China
 Email:  liufeng@software.nju.edu.cn
Phone:  (86)25-58646583 ext.551 
Office: #708 
 Research Interests
    computer graphics
    natural language processing
     embedded system, Linux 
  Computer Graphics (Fall 2004)
 Current Activities
  Now I am a faculty member in Software Institute at Nanjing University, China. In addition to teaching some courses, 
  I also undertake the following activities:
 give students assistance to work as intern in enterprise 
Research Links
  Computer Graphics
       gamedev.net, gameres, others
    Embedded system
      Embedded.com, ARM Linux, Dr. Linden H. McClure Professor Adjunct, AKA.org
      Linux Online,  GNU operating System,  
       LinuxSir.Org, IBM developerWorks Linux, 中国Linux论坛
  Software Engineering
       SEI Homepage, UML Resource Page, UML China
       Agile Alliance,  Extreme Programming: A gentle introduction, XProgramming.com