Xuejun GUO 郭学军
Department of Mathematics
Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093
P. R. China
E-mail: Office: 南京大学鼓楼校区 数学系107
What's New
13.05.05, 昨天晚上下雪了
13.03.24, Silverberg's elliptic curves rank cheat sheet
[27] X. Cheng, X. Guo and H. Qin, The densities for 3-ranks of tame kernels of cyclic cubic number fields, to appear in Science in China.
[26]X. Guo and H. Qin, The tame kernels of number fields, Fifth Internationa l Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (2012), AMS and International Press, 293-304.
[25]X. Guo and H. Qin, Governing fields of the $K_2\O_{\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{dp})}(2)$ as p varies, Number Theory and Related Area ALM27, 41-50.
[24] Y. Peng and X. Guo, The K_1 group of tiled orders , Communications in Algebra, 41:10, 3739-3744.
[23] X. Guo and H. Qin, The 8-rank of tame kernels of quadratic number fields, Acta Arith. 152 (2012), 407-424.
[22] X. Guo and H. Qin, Imaginary quadratic fields with Ono number 3, Communications in Algebra, 1532-4125, Volume 38 (1), 2010, 230-232
[21] X. Guo, An adelic approach to intertwiners, preprint.
[20] X. Guo, On the 4-rank of tame kernels of quadratic number fields, Acta Arith. 136 (2), 2009, 135-149.
[19] X. Guo and A. O. Kuku, Higher class groups of locally triangular orders over number fields, Algebra Colloquium 16 : 1 (2009), 79-84.
[18] X. Guo, Even dimensional higher class groups of orders, Math. Z. (2009) 261:617–624.
[17] X. Guo, The 3-ranks of tame kernels of cubic cyclic number fields, Acta Arith. 129 (2007), 389-395.
[16] X. Guo and H. Qin, The 3-adic regulators and wild kernels, Journal of algebra 312 (2007), No 1, 418-425.
[15] X. Guo and A. Kuku, Wild kernels for higher K-theory of division and semi-simple algebras, Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 47 (2006), No. 1, 1-14 .
[14] X. Guo, The torsion elements in K2 of some local fields, Acta Arithmetica 127 (2007), 97-102
[13] X. Guo and H. Qin, Uniqueness of Moore’s higher reciprocity law at the prime 2 for real number fields, J. K-theory 01 (2008), 185-192.
[12] X. Guo, A remark on K2 of the rings of integers of totally real number fields, Communications in Algebra 35 (2007), Issue 9 , 2889 - 2893.
[11] X. Guo, A. O. Kuku and H. Qin, On K2 of division algebras, Communications in Algebra 33 (2005) No. 4, 1073--1081.
[10] X. Guo and A. O. Kuku, Higher class groups of generalized Eichler orders, Communications in Algebra 33 (2005) No. 3, 709-718.
[9] X. Guo and H. Qin, An embedding theorem for Eichler orders, Journal of Number Theory 107 (2004), No 2, 207-214.
[8] X. Guo and H. Qin, A remark on the positivity for K2, Journal of Algebra 270 (2003), No. 2, 369-373.
[6] G. Song, X. Guo and P. Du, K1 groups of semi- perfect rings, Advances in Mathematics (China) 32 (2003) No.2, 195-200.
[7] X. Guo, H. Qin and G. Song, Computing the tame kernel of Q(ζ8), Communications in Algebra 31 (2003) No. 2, 1-12.
[5] X. Guo and G. Song, A remark on computing the tame kernel of quadratic imaginary fields, Acta Mathematica Sinica 18 (2002) no. 3, 513--516.
[4] X. Guo and L. Li, K1 group of finite-dimensional path algebra, Acta Mathematica Sinica 17 (2001) No 2, 273-276.
[3] X. Guo and G. Song, Diagonalization of idempotent matrices over APT rings, Mathematics Research and Expositions 21 (2001) No 1, 21-26.
[2] G. Song and X. Guo, Diagonability of idempotent matrices over non-commutative rings, Linear Algebra and its Application 297 (1999) 1-7.
[1] X. Guo and G. Song, FPF rings and the Aut-Pic property, Math Study 31 (1998) No 4, 394-399.[20] Introduction to Mahler measures I, II. Date: First part: October 19, 2013, Saturday, 14:00–15:30 Second part: October 20, 2013, Sunday, 10:00-11:30 Venue: 首都师范大学数学学院, 北二区教学楼131室
[19] 中国数学会2013学术年会”将于10月12-14日在山西太原晋商国际大酒店举行. 分组邀请报告.
[18] automorphic L-function, Sep 19-22, Xuzhou, China.
[17] 2013年8月4日至10日 第十三届全国代数学学术会议将于2013年8月4日至10日在长春市召开,会议由吉林大学主办。做40分钟邀请报告。报告将被安排在8月6日。
[16] "conference on K-theory and classical-like groups" https://sites.google.com/site/ktheory2013/
[15]Nonstable classical Algebraic K-theory. 3-14 December 2012. ICTP
[14]China-Korea Number Theory seminar in celebration of the 60 anniversary of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Oct. 26-30, 2012. Nanjing
[13] "ALGEBRAIC?K-THEORY?AND ARITHMETIC" a conference in honour of J.Hurrelbrink 22-28 July 2012, Banach Center, B?dlewo, Poland
[12] East Asia Number Theory Conference EANTC 101, Mathematics Research Center Building (ori. New Math. Bldg.) National Taiwan University January 16 - 19, 2012 invited 50 mins speaker
[11]International Conference on Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications (In Honor of the 70th Birthday of Professor Aderemi Oluyomi Kuku) 17-22 March 2011, one hour talk.
[10]School and Conference on Modular Forms and Mock Modular Forms and their Applications in Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics, Start Time:28 February 2011 at 08:30 Ends On: 18 March 2011 Location: ICTP Trieste - Italy
[9] Imaginary quadratic fields with Ono number 3, 2008年3月20日, 芜湖安徽师范大学数学系。
[8] 数域的单位的范, 2008年10月,张家界,全国代数会议。照片
[7] Norm of units of number fields, 14 October-18 October, 2008, NUS, Singapore photo
[6] Even dimensional higher class groups of orders, 2007年10月28日,两岸尖端科学会议, 南京大学数学系。
[5] On the 4-rank of tame kernels, 12 May-1 June 2007, The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.
[4] The torsion elements in K2 of some local fields, 2006年10月,厦门,全国代数会议。
[3] The p-adic regulators and wild kernels, 首届天元算术代数几何报告会,
时间:2006.4.8---2006.4.9 地点:首都师大数学系(教二楼)209室
[2] Even dimensional higher class groups of orders. (1 Hour), March 13 -- 16, 2006, Beijing, China: K-theory and Related Topics, organized by Guoping Tang
group, Hazrat, Voevodsky, Nenashev
[1] The generalized Moore's reciprocity uniqueness theorem at prime $2$ for real number fields (45 Minutes ), July 26 -- 30, 2004, Safi, Morocco: Algebraic K-theory and its Applications, organized by Hinda Hamroui (Univ.Cassablanca, Morocco), Max Karoubi (Univ Paris 7, France), Aderemi Kuku (Inst. for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA), and Chuck Weibel (Rutgers Univ, New Brunswick, USA) under the auspices of the Hwad Assafi Association (HAA).
[4] 郭学军,古希腊的勾股定理,时代数学学习 教研版 2006年第5-6期, 79-80。
[3] 郭学军,汉穆拉比时期的勾股定理,时代数学学习 2005年第29期(八年级十月份), 17-19。
[2] 郭学军,宋光天, 关于计算虚二次Tame核的一个注记, 数学学报(中文版)48 (2005), no. 2, 403--406.
(English Publications 中 [5] 的中文翻译版)
[1] 郭学军,李立斌, 有限维路代数的K1群,数学学报(中文版)46 (2003), no. 2, 333--336.
(English Publications 中 [4] 的中文翻译版)
已交期末论文的学生名单(09年01月06日 更新)
[1] 任意域上的任意方阵都合同于它的转置 [2] 辛矩阵的行列式为1
《大学数学》,物理系07级 (2008.9-2009.1.)
《无处不在的数学》,本科生选修课 (2008.9-2009.1.)
《大学数学》,物理系,信管系,材料物理系06级 (2007.9-2008.1.)
《无处不在的数学》,本科生选修课 (2007.9-2008.1.)
《大学数学》,物理系,信管系,材料物理系05级 (2006.9-2007.1.)
《大学数学》,工管院,软件学院04级 (2005.9-2006.1.)
《大学数学》,计算机系02级 (2002.9-2003.1.)
4. 本学期(2008.9-2009.1)有2个讨论班:elliptic curve (周一晚上), class field theory (周四晚上),地点都是数学系308。
3. 本学期(2007.9-2008.1)有3个讨论班:Bhargava's thesis (周一晚上), Basic number theory(周四上午),elliptic curve(周日晚上),地点都是数学系308。
2. 本学期(2006.9-2007.1)有3个讨论班:代数几何(Hartshorne's book,周四晚上),分圆域(Washington's Book, 周四上午),模形式(Koblitz's Book, 周三晚上),地点都是数学系一楼学术报告厅。
1. 《Algebraic Geometry》 (Hartshorne's book; 2006.2-2006.6.)