


办公地址:食品科技学院 217
博士、副教授、硕士生导师。2007 年 6 月毕业于南京农业大学生物工程专业,获工学学士学位;2010 年 6 月毕业于南京农业大学食品科学专业,获工学硕士学位;2014 年 12
担任 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 编委,获南京农业大学“钟山学术新秀”、江苏省“双创博士-世界名校类”、中国食品科学技术学会 “未来学术领袖计划”资助。

主持国家自然基金面上基金、国家自然基金青年基金、江苏省自然基金青年基金、江苏省双创博士资助计划-世界名校类、中央高校基本业务费、南京农业大学国际培育项目等项目;发表论文 50 余篇,

参编英文专著 3 本,授权专利 2 项;获江苏省科学技术奖三等奖 1 项。

(1) Tao, Y., Li, D., Chai, W.S., Show, P.L., Yang, X., Manickam, S., Xie, G., Han,
Y. (2021). Comparison between airborne ultrasound and contact ultrasound to intensify air
drying of blackberry: Heat and mass transfer simulation, energy consumption and quality
evaluation. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 72, 105410.

(2) Wu, Y., Han, Y.*, Tao, Y.*, Li, D., Xie, G., Show, P.L., Lee, S.Y.
(2020). In vitro gastrointestinal digestion and fecal fermentation reveal the effect of
different encapsulation materials on the release, degradation and modulation of gut microbiota of
blueberry anthocyanin extract. Food Research International, 132, 109098. (Co-corresponding author)

(3) Tao, Y., Wu, Y., Han, Y., Chemat, F., Li, D., Show, P.L. (2020). Insight into
mass transfer during ultrasound-enhanced adsorption/desorption of blueberry anthocyanins on
macroporous resins by numerical simulation considering ultrasonic influence on resin
properties. Chemical Engineering Journal, 380, 122530.

(4) Tao, Y., Han, M., Gao, X., Han, Y., Show, P.-L., Liu, C., Ye, X., Xie, G. (2019). Applications
of water blanching, surface contacting ultrasound-assisted air drying, and their
combination for dehydration of white cabbage: drying mechanism, bioactive profile,
color and rehydration property. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 53, 192-201.

(5) Tao, Y., Han, Y., Liu, W., Peng, L., Wang, Y., Kadam, S., Show, P.L., Ye, X. (2019). Parametric
and phenomenological studies about ultrasound-enhanced biosorption of phenolics from fruit
pomace extract by waste yeast. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 52, 193-204.

(6) Wu, Y., Han, Y.*, Tao, Y.*, Fan, S., Chu, D.-T., Ye, X., Ye, M., Xie, G. (2018).
Ultrasound assisted adsorption and desorption of blueberry anthocyanins using
macroporous resins. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 48, 311-320. (Co-corresponding author)

(7) Tao, Y.#, Zhang, J.#, Jiang, S., Xu, Y., Show, P.-L., Han, Y., Ye, X., Ye, M. (2018).
Contacting ultrasound enhanced hot-air convective drying of garlic slices: Mass transfer modeling
and quality evaluation. Journal of Food Engineering, 235, 79-88. (Co-first author)

(8) Tao, Y., Wang, P., Wang, J., Wu, Y., Han, Y., Zhou, J. (2017). Combining various
wall materials for encapsulation of blueberry anthocyanin extracts: Optimization by
artificial neural network and genetic algorithm and a comprehensive analysis of anthocyanin
powder properties. Powder Technology, 311, 77-87.

(9) Tao, Y., Wang, Y., Pan, M., Zhong, S., Wu, Y., Yang, R., Han, Y., Zhou, J. (2017). Combined
ANFIS and numerical methods to simulate ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolics from
chokeberry cultivated in China and analysis of phenolic composition. Separation and Purification
Technology, 178, 178-188.

(10) Tao, Y., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Kadam, K.U., Han, Y., Wang, J., Zhou, J. (2016).
Power ultrasound as a pretreatment to convective drying of mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves: Impact
on drying kinetics and selected quality properties. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 31, 310-318.


(1) Shi. Y., Wu, Y., Tao, Y.*, Han, Y. (2019). Bioactives from Plant Food Processing
Wastes: Ultrasonic Approaches to Valuable Chemicals. In: Ying Li and Farid Chemat (ed).
Plant based “Green Chemistry 2.0”. Chapter 6, 145-170. Springer. (Corresponding author)

(2) Tao, Y., Li, Y., Zhao, Y., Lv, F., Han, Y. (2016) Ultrasound-assisted extraction of
bioactive compounds from byproducts of fruit beverage industry. In: Juan Francisco
García Martín (ed). Applications of Ultrasound in the Beverage Industry. Chapter 3, 33-56. NOVA

(3) Tao, Y., Sun, D.-W. , Hogan, E., Kelly, A.L. (2014) High Pressure Processing of Foods: An
Overview. In: Sun, Da-Wen (ed). Emerging Technologies for Food
Processing. 2nd Edition, Chapter 1, 3-24. Elsevier.

(1) 2020 年江苏省科学技术奖三等奖:黑莓蓝莓等浆果生物加工与高值化利用关键技术创新与应用,周剑忠,王英,陶阳,马艳弘,范琳琳,刘小莉,夏秀东,韩永斌,单成俊,李亚辉,张宏志。

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