


办公地址:食品楼 225

近年来,采用现代波谱学技术(主要是二维核磁共振)和化学方法,先后从食源性植物和植物内生菌中分离鉴定新化合物 20 余个,发现一株新的高产油脂特别是盛产γ-亚麻酸的海芦笋内生真菌
Cunninghamella bigelovii sp.nov. CGMCC 8094;利用同源重组、TAR 捕获、 CRISPR/Cas9
基因编辑、异源表达等技术对环脂肽基因进行修饰改造,以产生新的抗菌肽 plipastatins 并提高产量;采用宏基因组学方法,发现 10
多种降解塑化剂、阿魏酸酯、抗生素等物质的活性酶,通过多种突变技术增强酶的活性,利用计算机模拟揭示酶的作用机理;通过设计核酸探针、分子信号放大、G 四联体显色等手段,建立多种病源菌的快速检测方法。
主持和参与国家自然科学基金、农业农村部风险评估子项目、中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目等,获江苏省优秀硕士论文 2 篇。在国内外期刊上发表论文 70 余篇,其中 SCI 收录 30
余篇,授权中国发明专利 8 项。2015 年获教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果二等奖,

排名 3/13。


1 Guo, J.; Wang, A.; Yang, K.; Ding, H.; Hu, Y.; Yang, Y.; Huang, S.; Xu, J.; Liu, T.; Yang, H.;
Xin, Z.*. Isolation, characterization and antimicrobial activities of polyacetylene glycosides from
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. Phytochemistry 2017, 136:65-69
2 J Guo,H Ran,J Zeng,D Liu,Z Xin*. Tafuketide, a phylogeny-guided discovery of a new

polyketide from Talaromyces funiculosus Salicorn 58.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,
2016, 100(12):1-16
3 Jia Guo, Junnan Zhang, Wei Wang, Tianxing Liu, Zhihong Xin*. Isolation
and identification of bound compounds from corn bran and their antioxidant and
angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory activities. European Food Research
and Technology. 2015,241,37-47.
4 Jia Guo1,2 Hui Wang1 Dong Liu2 Jun-Nan Zhang1 Yu-Hui Zhao1 Tian-Xing Liu1 Zhi-Hong
Xin1*. Isolation of Cunninghamella bigelovii sp.nov. CGMCC 8094 as a new
endophytic oleaginous fungus from Salicornia bigelovii. Mycological Progress, 2015,14
(11), 1-11.
5.Wang, Wei; Chen, Wei; Yang, Yingshi; Liu, Tianxing; Yang, Haiyan; Xin, Zhihong*. New phenolic
compounds from Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. and their antioxidant and angiotensin
I-converting enzyme inhibitory activities. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63,
6 Junnan Zhang, Dong Liu, Hui Wang, Tianxing Liu Zhihong Xin*. Fusartricin,
a sesquiterpenoid ether produced by an endophytic fungus Fusarium tricinctum
Salicorn 19.European Food Research and Technology, 2015,240:805–814
7.Wei Wang,Jia Guo,Junnan Zhang,Jie Peng,Tianxing Liu, Zhihong Xin*. Isolation,
identification and antioxidant activity of bound phenolic compounds present in rice
bran.Food Chemistry, 2015,171(8):40-49
8. Wei Wang, Jia Guo, Junnan Zhang, Tianxing Liu, Zhihong Xin*. New screw lactam and two New
carbohydrate derivatives from the methanol extract of rice bran. Journal of Agriculture and Food
Chemistry, 2014, 62, 10744?10751.
9. Zhao Y, Wang H, Liu T, Xin Z*. The individual lipid compositions

byCunninghamella sp. Salicorn 5, an endophytic oleaginous fungus from Salicornia bigeloviiTorr .
European Food Research and Technology, 2014, 4(238):621–633.
10. Zhao Y, Wang X, Wang H, Liu T, Xin Z*. Two new noroleanane-type triterpene saponins from the
methanol extract of Salicornia herbacea . Food Chemistry, 2014, 151: 101-109.
11. Wang X, Wang H, Liu T, Xin Z*. A PKS I gene-based screening approach for the
discovery of a new polyketide from Penicillium citrinum Salicorn 46 . Applied microbiology and
biotechnology, 2014, 98(11), 4875-4885
12 .Hui Wang, Tianxing Liu, Zhihong Xin*. A new glucitol from an endophytic fungus
Fusarium equiseti Salicorn 8. European Food Research and Technology, 2014, 239:365-376.
13. Peng J, Lin T, Wang W, Xin Z*, Zhu T, Gu Q, Li D*. Antiviral alkaloids produced by the
mangrove-derived fungus Cladosporium sp. PJX-41 . Journal of natural products, 2013,
76(6): 1133-1140.
14.Wang X, Zhang M, Zhao Y, Wang H, Liu T, Xin Z*. Pentadecyl ferulate, a potent
antioxidant and antiproliferative agent from the halophyte Salicornia herbacea . Food Chemistry,
2013, 141(3): 2066-2074.
15. Zhi Hong Xin, Yuchun Fang, Lin Du, Tianjiao Zhu, Lin Duan, Juan Chen, Qian-Qun
Gu,* Wei-Ming Zhu*. Aurantiomides A-C, quinazoline alkaloids from the
sponge-derived fungusPenicillium aurantiogriseum SP0-19 . Journal of natural products,
16. Zhi-Hong Xin, Li-Tian, Tian-jiao Zhu, Wen-Liang Wang, Lin Du, Yu-chun Fang, Qian-Qun
Gu*, Wei-Ming Zhu*. Isocoumarin derivatives from the sea squirt-derived fungus
penicillium stoloniferum QY2-10 and the halotolerant fungus penicillium notatum B-52 . Archives of
Pharmacal Research, 2007, 30(3): 816-819
17. Zhi-Hong Xin, Wen-Liang Wang, Ya-Peng Zhang, Hua Xie, Qian-Qun Gu*,Wei-Ming Zhu*.
Pennicitrinone D, a new citrinin dimer from the halotolerant fungus Penicillium notatum
B-52 .The Journal of Antibiotics, 2009, 62(4):225–227
18. Zhi Hong XIN, Wei Ming ZHU*, Qian Qun GU?, Yu Chun FANG, Lin DUAN, Cheng Bin CUI. A new
cytotoxic compound from Penicillium auratiogriseum, symbiotic or epiphytic fungus of Mycale
plumose sp . Chinese chemistry letters, 2005, 16(9): 1227-1229
19. Xuanxuan Li,Jia Guo,Yimin Hu,Yumeng Yang,Junwei Jiang,Fang Nan,Shenglu Wu,Zhihong
Xin*.Identification of a Novel Feruloyl Esterase by Functional Screening of a Soil

Metagenomic Library[J]. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 2018(1):1-14

20. Yimin Hu,FangNan,Sarah Wanjiku Maina,JiaGuo,Shenglu Wu,ZhihongXin*. Clone of plipastatin
biosynthetic gene cluster by transformation-associated recombination technique and high efficient
expression in model organism Bacillus subtilis. Journal of Biotechnology, 2018, 288, 1-8
21 Yimin Hua, Junnan Zhanga, Dong Liub, Jia Guoa, Tianxing Liua, Zhihong Xina*.

Pencitrin and pencitrinol, two new citrinin derivatives from an endophytic fungus
Penicillium citrinum salicorn 46.Phytochemistry Letters,2017,22,229–234
22 Xu J, Hu Y, Guo J, Yang Y, Qiu J, Li X, Xin Z: A Loop-Mediated Isothermal
Amplification Integrated G-Quadruplex Molecular Beacon (LAMP-GMB) Method for the
Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in Food. Food Analytical Methods 2019, 12:422-30.
23 Xu J, Guo J, Maina SW, Yang Y, Hu Y, Li X, Qiu J, Xin Z: An aptasensor for
staphylococcus aureus based on nicking enzyme amplification reaction and rolling
circle amplification. Anal Biochem 2018, 549:136-42.
24 Nan, F., Jiang, J., Wu, S. et al. A Novel VIII Carboxylesterase with High
Hydrolytic Activity Against Ampicillin from a Soil Metagenomic Library. Mol Biotechnol.
2019, 61, 892–904.
25 Jiarong Qiu, Yueqi Zhang, Yaning Shi, Junwei Jiang, Shenglu Wu, Longxiang Li, Yuting Shao,
Zhihong Xin*. Identification and characterization of a novel phthalate-degrading hydrolase from a
soil metagenomic library. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020, 190(1):110148 26 Shenglu
Wu . Fang Nan . Junwei Jiang . Jiarong Qiu . Yueqi Zhang .Beibei Qiao . Shan Li .
Zhihong Xin*. Molecular cloning, expression and characterization of a novel feruloyl
esterase from a soil metagenomic library with phthalate-degrading activity. Biotechnology
Letters, 2019, 41(20): 995–1006
27 Jiarong Qiu,HaiyanYang,Zhenzhen Yan,Yaning Shi, Dandan Zou,Liping Ding, Yuting Shao,Long
xiangLi,Ummara Khan, Sheng wei Sun, Zhihong Xin*. Characterization of XtjR8: A novel esterase
with phthalate-hydrolyzing activity from a metagenomic library of lotus pond sludge.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2020, 164,1510–1518

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