



办公地址:食品科技学院 217 室办公电话:
2009-2010 英国雷丁大学(University of Reading),食品与营养科学学院,食品技术-质量保证专业,获硕士学位。
2011-2012 在英国 Volac International Ltd.(Port Talbot, UK)公司工作。
2012-2017 爱尔兰科克大学(University College Cork),食品与营养科学学院,食品科学与技术专业,获博士学位。
博士课题在爱尔兰Teagasc 国家食品研究中心完成。博士项目为:爱尔兰食品与农业发展局Teagasc Walsh Fellowship 项目(No. 6121)科研情况:

(1) Yingqun Nian, Paul Allen, Sabine M. Harrison, Nigel P. Brunton, Robert Prendiville,
Joseph P. Kerry* (2018). Fatty acid composition of young dairy bull beef as affected by breed type,
production treatment and relationship to sensory characteristics. Accepted in Animal
Production Science.
(2) Yingqun Nian, Paul Allen, Sabine M. Harrison, Joseph P. Kerry* (2018). Effect of
castration and carcass suspension method on the quality and fatty acid profile of beef from male
dairy cattle. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(11), 4339-4350.
(3) Yingqun Nian, Paul Allen, Robert Prendiville, Joseph P. Kerry*
(2018). Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of young dairy bull beef derived
from two breed types across five production systems employing two first season feeding regimes.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(5), 1914-1926.
(4) Yingqun Nian, Ming Zhao*, Colm P. O’Donnell, Gerard Downey, Joseph P. Kerry, Paul Allen (2017).
Assessment of physico-chemical traits related to eating quality of young dairy bull beef at
different ageing times using Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics. Food Research
International, 99, 778-789.
(5) Yingqun Nian, Joseph P. Kerry, Robert Prendiville, Paul Allen* (2017). The eating
quality of beef from young dairy bulls derived from two breed types at three ages
from two different production systems. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 56(1),
(6) Yingqun Nian, Biye Chen, Patricia Aikman, Alistair Grandison, Mike Lewis* (2012).
Naturally occurring variations in milk pH and ionic calcium and their effects on some properties
and processing characteristics of milk. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 65(4), 490-497.
(7) Ming Zhao, Yingqun Nian, Paul Allen, Gerard Downey, Joseph P. Kerry, Colm P.
O’Donnell* (2018). Application of Raman spectroscopy and chemometric techniques to assess
sensory characteristics of young dairy bull beef. Food Research International, 107, 27-40.
(8) Cristina Botinestean, Carolina Gomez, Yingqun Nian, Joseph P. Kerry, Ruth M. Hamill* (2017).
Possibilities to develop texture-modified beef steaks suitable for elderly consumers using
fruit-derived proteolytic enzymes. Journal of Texture Studies, 8, 1-6.
(1) Yingqun Nian, Joseph P. Kerry, Ming Zhao, Paul Allen* (2017). Assessment of beef
quality traits from young male dairy cattle using near infrared spectroscopy.
Proceedings: 63rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
(ICoMST). Cork, Ireland, 2017.8.13-2017.8.18.
(2) Yingqun Nian, Joseph P. Kerry, Robert Prendiville, Paul Allen* (2016). Effect of
castration and ageing time on the quality of beef from male dairy cattle. Proceedings:
62th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), Bangkok,
Thailand, 2016.8.14-2016.8.19.
(3) Yingqun Nian, Paul Allen, Robert Prendiville, Joseph P. Kerry* (2015). Eating quality of beef
from young dairy bulls from two breeds at three ages from different production
systems. Proceedings: 61st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
(ICoMST), Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2015.8. 23-2015.8.28.

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