


办公地址:食品科技学院 216

个人简介:1984 年出生于甘肃省陇西县,2008 年 6 月本科毕业于吉林大学食品科学与工程专业,获工学学士学位;2013 年 6
月毕业于南京农业大学食品科学与技术学院,获工学博士学位;同年留校任教, 2015 年 10 月入选南京农业大学第三批钟山学术新秀,2015 年 12 月被聘为副教授,2016 年 9

对盐胁迫促进大麦芽苗酚酸富集的生物信号传导机理”和“NaCl 胁迫下 Ca2+调控大豆芽菜富集GABA 机理研究”、博士后基金面上一等资助项目等 8 项纵向

科研项目。发表科研论文 100 余篇,其中以第一作者和通讯作者发表
SCI 收录论文 40 余篇;获得授权专利 16 项。

1. 主持及参与科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:GABA 对盐胁迫促进大麦芽苗酚酸富集的生物信号传导机理,59 万元,主持,2019.1-2022.12;

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:NaCl 胁迫下Ca2+调控大豆芽菜富集GABA 机理研究,24 万元,主持,2015.1-2017.12;

[3] 中国博士后基金面上项目:NaCl 胁迫下 Ca2+促进西兰花芽苗生长及ITCs 富集机理研究,8 万元,主持,2015.7-2019.6;

[4] 中央高校科研业务费自主创新重点项目:盐胁迫下 GABA 在大豆芽菜酚类物质富集中的信号传导作用,25 万元,主持,2017.1-2019.12;

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:ABA 和NO 信号对UV-B 胁迫下大豆芽菜中异黄酮富集的作用机理,64 万元,主要成员,2017.1-2020.12;

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:低氧与热激调控芸薹属芽菜异硫氰酸酯富集机理研究,88 万元,主要成员, 2015.1-2017.12;

[7] 江苏省重点研发计划项目:富含异硫氰酸酯的甘蓝健康食品加工技术研究,50 万元,主要成员, 2016.7-2019.6;
发表论文(*通讯作者,详见 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0191-6315)

1. Wang, P.; Hou, C.; Zhao, X.; Tian, M.; Gu, Z.; Yang, R.*, Molecular
characterization of water-extractable arabinoxylan from wheat bran and its effect
on the heat-induced polymerization of gluten and steamed bread quality. Food Hydrocolloids
2019, 87, 570-581.

2. Ma, Y.; Wang, P.; Wang, M.; Sun, M.; Gu, Z.; Yang, R. *, GABA mediates
phenolic compounds accumulation and the antioxidant system enhancement in germinated
hulless barley under NaCl stress. Food chemistry 2019, 270, 593-601.

3. Zhou, T.; Wang, P.; Yang, R. *; Gu, Z., Polyamines regulating phytic acid degradation in
mung bean sprouts. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2018, 98, 3299-3308.

4. Yang, R.; Sun, Y.; Gu, Z., Zinc Accumulation and Distribution in Germinated Brown
Rice. Food Science and Technology Research 2018, 24, 369-376.

5. Yang, R.; Gu, Z.; Yin, Y., Polyamine degradation pathway regulating growth and GABA
accumulation in germinating fava bean under hypoxia-NaCl stress. 2018.

6. Wang, P.; Zou, M.; Gu, Z.; Yang, R. *, Heat-induced polymerization behavior variation of
frozen-stored gluten. Food chemistry 2018, 255, 242-251.

7. Wang, P.; Liu, K.; Gu, Z.; Yang, R. *, Enhanced γ-aminobutyric acid
accumulation, alleviated componential deterioration and technofunctionality loss of
germinated wheat by hypoxia stress. Food chemistry 2018, 269, 473-479.

8. Wang, P.; Hou, C.; Zhao, X.; Tian, M.; Gu, Z.; Yang, R. *, Molecular characterization of
water-extractable arabinoxylan from wheat bran and its effect on the
heat-induced polymerization of gluten and steamed bread quality. Food Hydrocolloids 2018.

9. Ma, Y.; Wang, P.; Chen, Z.; Gu, Z.; Yang, R. *, GABA enhances
physio-biochemical metabolism and antioxidant capacity of germinated hulless barley under NaCl
stress. Journal of Plant Physiology 2018.

10. Ma, Y.; Wang, P.; Chen, Z.; Gu, Z.; Yang, R. *, NaCl stress on
physio‐biochemical metabolism and antioxidant capacity in germinated hulless barley
(Hordeum vulgare L.). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2018.

11. Ma, M.; Wang, P.; Yang, R. *; Gu, Z., Effects of UV-B radiation on the
isoflavone accumulation and physiological-biochemical changes of soybean during
germination: Physiological-biochemical change of germinated soybean induced by
UV-B. Food chemistry 2018, 250, 259-267.

12. Hui, Q.; Wang, M.; Wang, P.; Ma, Y.; Gu, Z.; Yang, R. *, Gibberellic acid promoting phytic acid
degradation in germinating soybean under calcium lactate treatment. Journal of the
Science of Food and Agriculture 2018, 98, 644-651.

13. Yang, R.; Guo, L.; Wang, J.; Wang, Z.; Gu, Z., Heat shock enhances isothiocyanate formation and
antioxidant capacity of cabbage sprouts. Journal of Food Processing
and Preservation 2017, 41, e13034.

14. Yan, X.; Yang, R. *; Wang, P.; Gu, Z.; Zhou, T., NaCl-CaCl2 treatment enhancing nutritional and
functional quality of mung bean sprouts. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 2017, 123-130.

15. Wang, P.; Zou, M.; Liu, K.; Gu, Z.; Yang, R. *, Effect of mild thermal
treatment on the polymerization behavior, conformation. 2017.

16. Tian, L.; Wu, J.; Li, X.; Yang, R. *; Gu, Z., Effect of NaCl and CaCl2
treatment on glucosinolate and isothiocyanates content in broccoli sprouts. Journal of Nanjing
Agricultural University 2017, 40, 352-358.

17. Guo, L.; Wang, P.; Gu, Z.; Jin, X.; Yang, R. *, Proteomic analysis of broccoli
sprouts by iTRAQ in response to jasmonic acid. Journal of plant physiology 2017, 218, 16-25.

18. Guo, L.; Gu, Z.; Jin, X.; Yang, R. *, iTRAQ-based proteomic and physiological analyses of
broccoli sprouts in response to the stresses of heat, hypoxia and heat plus hypoxia. Plant and soil
2017, 414, 355-377.

19. Chen, Z.; Wang, P.; Weng, Y.; Ma, Y.; Gu, Z.; Yang, R. *, Comparison of phenolic profiles,
antioxidant capacity and relevant enzyme activity of different Chinese wheat varieties during
germination. Food Bioscience 2017, 20, 159-167.

20. Yang, R.; Wang, P.; Elbaloula, M. F.; Gu, Z., Effect of germination on main physiology and
biochemistry metabolism of Sorghum seeds. Bioscience Journal 2016, 32.

21. Yang, R.; Wang, J.; Nie, X.; Zhuang, Y.; Gu, Z.; Guo, Q., Chlorophyll degradation
and lignification of fresh-cut water fennel treated with a complex chemical solution and
subsequent packaging. Food Science and Biotechnology 2016, 25, 483-488.

22. Yang, R.; Hui, Q.; Gu, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Guo, L.; Shen, C.; Zhang, W., Effects of CaCl2 on the
metabolism of glucosinolates and the formation of isothiocyanates as well as the antioxidant
capacity of broccoli sprouts. Journal of Functional Foods 2016, 24, 156-163.

23. Yang, R.; Hui, Q.; Gu, Z., Effects of ABA and CaCl2 on GABA accumulation in fava bean
germinating under hypoxia-NaCl stress. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 2016, 80,

24. Yang, R.; Gu, D.; Gu, Z., Cordyceps Rice Wine: A Novel Brewing Process. Journal of Food Process
Engineering 2016, 39, 581-590.

25. Yang, R.; Geng, C.; Gu, Z., Activation and Tempering on Γ‐Aminobutyric
Acid Accumulation and Distribution in Brown Rice. Journal of Food
Processing and Preservation 2016, 40, 1364-1369.

26. Yang, R.; Feng, L.; Wang, S.; Yu, N.; Gu, Z., Accumulation of γ‐aminobutyric acid
in soybean by hypoxia germination and freeze–thawing incubation. Journal of the Science
of Food and Agriculture 2016, 96, 2090-2096.

27. Tian, L.; Li, X.; Yang, R. *; Gu, Z., NaCl treatment improves reactive oxygen metabolism and
antioxidant capacity in broccoli sprouts. Horticulture, Environment,
and Biotechnology 2016, 57, 640-648.

28. Hui, Q.; Yang, R. *; Shen, C.; Zhou, Y.; Gu, Z., Mechanism of calcium lactate facilitating
phytic acid degradation in soybean during germination. Journal of agricultural and food
chemistry 2016, 64, 5564-5573.

29. Yang, R.; Wang, S.; Yin, Y.; Gu, Z., Hypoxia treatment on germinating faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
seeds enhances GABA-related protection against salt stress. Chilean journal of agricultural
research 2015, 75, 184-191.

30. Yang, R.; Guo, Y.; Wang, S.; Gu, Z., Ca2+ and aminoguanidine on γ-aminobutyric
acid accumulation in germinating soybean under hypoxia–NaCl stress. journal of food and
drug analysis 2015, 23, 287-293.

31. Yang, R.; Guo, L.; Zhou, Y.; Shen, C.; Gu, Z., Calcium mitigates the stress caused by ZnSO 4 as
a sulphur fertilizer and enhances the sulforaphane formation of broccoli sprouts. RSC
Advances 2015, 5, 12563-12570.

32. Yang, R.; Guo, L.; Jin, X.; Shen, C.; Zhou, Y.; Gu, Z., Enhancement of
glucosinolate and sulforaphane formation of broccoli sprouts by zinc sulphate via its
stress effect. Journal of Functional Foods 2015, 13, 345-349.

33. Yang, R.; Yin, Y.; Guo, L.; Han, Y.; Gu, Z., Sequence analysis of diamine oxidase gene from
fava bean and its expression related to γ‐aminobutyric acid accumulation in seeds germinating under
hypoxia‐NaCl stress. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2014, 94,

34. Yang, R.; Wang, S.; Gu, Z., Full length cDNA cloning of VfActin in germinated faba bean (Vicia
faba L.). Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 2014, 19, 65-68.

35. Yang, R.; Yin, Y.; Guo, Q.; Gu, Z., Purification, properties and cDNA cloning of glutamate
decarboxylase in germinated faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Food chemistry 2013, 138, 1945-1951.

36. Yang, R.; Guo, Q.; Gu, Z., GABA shunt and polyamine degradation pathway
on γ-aminobutyric acid accumulation in germinating fava bean (Vicia faba L.)
under hypoxia. Food chemistry 2013, 136, 152-159.

37. Yang, R.; Chen, H.; Han, Y.; Gu, Z., Purification of diamine oxidase and its
properties in germinated fava bean (Vicia faba L.). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
2012, 92, 1709-1715.

38. Yang, R.; Zou, Y.; Yu, N.; Gu, Z., Accumulation and identification of angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitory peptides from wheat germ. Journal of agricultural and
food chemistry 2011, 59, 3598-3605.

39. Yang, R.; Song, J.; Gu, Z.; Li, C., Partial purification and characterisation of cysteine
protease in wheat germ. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2011, 91, 2437-2442.

40. Yang, R.; Chen, H.; Gu, Z., Factors influencing diamine oxidase activity and γ-aminobutyric
acid content of fava bean (Vicia faba L.) during germination. Journal of agricultural and food
chemistry 2011, 59, 11616-11620.


1. 主要授权专利

( http://www2.soopat.com/Home/Result?SearchWord=%E6%9D%A8%E6%B6%A6%E5%BC%

[1] 杨润强, 田璐,顾振新,沈昌. 一种功能性纳豆咀嚼片及其生产工艺,2017.12,中国,
CN 102389082 B.

[2] 顾振新,杨润强,宋玉,尹永祺. 一种富含 GABA 的冻干豆类芽菜及其生产工艺,2014.1,中国,CN 102754780 A.

[3] 顾振新, 杨润强, 宋娇娇. 一种低脂酸豆类芽菜生产技术,2016.01,中国,CN 130750175 B.

[4] 顾振新,尹永祺,宋玉,杨润强. 一种富含 GABA 的冻干豆芽汤料生产工艺及其产品,
2013.11,中国,CN 102754869 B.

[5] 顾振新,饶青青,孙雨茜,杨润强. 一种富含γ-氨基丁酸发芽糙米茶生产工艺及其产品,
2014.1,中国,CN 102919470A.

[6] 顾振新,樊翠,耿程欣,杨润强. 一种富含γ-氨基丁酸低爆腰率发芽糙米及其生产方法,
2014.1,中国,CN 102919735A.

2. 荣誉和获奖情况

[1] 南京农业大学第三批钟山学术新秀。

[2] 典型特色果蔬贮运及加工关键技术开发与应用 2011-2013 年度中国食品工业协会科学技术奖 特等奖 8/13 2014。

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