


办公地址:食品院 330
2018 年 1 月- 至今 南京农业大学 食品科技学院 副教授
2015 年 3 月- 2017 年 12 月 南京农业大学 食品科技学院 讲师
2009 年 9 月-2014 年 9 月 南京农业大学 食品科技学院 硕博连读科研情况:

1. 国家自然科学青年基金
“咸味特征氨基酸对肌球蛋白理化特性及凝胶特性影响规律研究”(编号 31601491, 2017 年-2019 年);
2. 国家“十三五”重点研发计划子课题
“ 牦 牛 肉 乳 产 品 加 工 关 键 技 术 与 标 准 应 用 示 范 ”( 编 号
2018YFD0502306, 2018 年-2020 年);
3. 青海省重点研发与转化计划
“ 有机牦牛冷鲜肉加工与绿色制造技术转化与示范” ( 编号

2019-NK-C01, 2019 年-2021 年);
4. 中央高校基本业务
“低盐条件下咸味特征氨基酸对鱼肉肌球蛋白功能特性影响规律研究” (编号KYZ201656, 2016 年-2018 年);
5. 苏北科技发展计划科技富民强县项目
“传统烤羊肉绿色制造技术研发及新产品产业化” (编号 BN2016013, 2016 年-2018 年).

“传统干腌火腿快速成熟及绿色加工关键技术与装备研发” (项目编号: 2016YFD0401502 )
1. Zhang, Y., Guo, X., Liu, T. et al. (2018). Effect of substitution of NaCl with KCl, l-histidine,
and l-lysine on instrumental quality attributes of cured and cooked pork loin.
CyTA-Journal of Food. 16(1): 877-883.
2. Zhang, Y., Wu, J., Jamali, M. A., Guo, X., & Peng, Z. (2017). Heat-induced gel properties of
porcine myosin in a sodium chloride solution containing l -lysine and l-histidine. LWT
- Food Science and Technology,85.
3. Zhang, Y., Zhang, L., Hui, T., Guo, X. Y., & Peng, Z. Q. (2015). Influence of
partial replacement of nacl by kcl, l -histidine and l -lysine on the lipase activity and lipid
oxidation in dry-cured loin process. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 64(2), 966-973.
4. Zhang, Y., Yang, F., Jamali, M. A., & Peng, Z. (2016). Antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid
oxidation in rape (brassica campestris l.) bee pollen added to
salami during processing. Molecules, 21(11), 1439.
5. Zhang, Y., Xu, S., et al. (2015). Influence of selenium and methionine intake of
the female chicken on lipid oxidation in the thigh muscles of progeny. European food
research and technology.240(1):83-91.
6. Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., et al. (2013). Distribution of fat droplets/particles and
protein film components in batters of lean and back fat produced under
controlled shear conditions. CyTA-Journal of Food. 11(4): 352-358
7. Zhang, Y., Cheng, Q., et al. (2014). A preliminary study: saltiness and sodium
content of

aqueous extracts from plants and marine animal shells. European food research and technology,
238(4): 565-571.
8、Xu, M., Liu, W., Zhang, Y*., Peng, Z., Guo, X., & Wang, F. (2017). Dynamic hydrolysis of
polyphosphates in purified polyphosphatases and longissimus thoracis from beef. Journal of Food
Processing & Preservation, 41(3).
9 、Wei, L., Cui, B., Jamali, M. A., Hui, T., Liu, S., & Zhang, Y*. (2017). The
mechanics of
formation of heat-induced myofibrillar protein gel from rabbit psoas major. Cyta Journal
of Food, 15(2), págs. 181-190.

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