


生物技术专业博士,教授,博士生导师,生物工程系系主任。美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校( UIUC ) 蛋白质工程专业访问学者






2. 食品生物技术:利用酶及其他微生物发酵产物,研究食品分子生物加工技术及调控机理。





(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于 T1 铜离子氧化还原电位的芽孢杆菌漆酶催化活性调控机理的研究,2019.1-2022.12,59 万,主持;

(2)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:食品级枯草杆菌Sec 途径高效分泌脂肪氧合酶的分子机制,2013.1-2015.12,24 万,主持;

(3)中央高校基本科研业务费联合项目:芽孢杆菌漆酶对青稞粉强筋机理研究,2020.5-2021.5,15 万,主持;

(4)中央高校自主创新重点项目:利用脂肪氧合酶制备蛋白-多糖可食性膜及其交联机理的研究,2014.7-2017.7,40 万,主持;

(5)教育部博士点基金项目:食品级枯草杆菌表达系统Sec 途径高效分泌脂肪氧合酶的分子机制,2013.1-2015.12,4 万,主持。

2. 横向项目


(2)企业技术开发:高产蛋白质谷胺氨酰胺酶菌种选育,2020.9- 2023.9,主持;




(专利),2020.6-2035.2,10 万,主持。


1. 发表论文

(1) Preparation and characterization of curdlan/nanocellulose blended film and its application to
chilled meat preservation. Chemosphere, 2021, 266, 128948(通讯作者)(Q1)

(2)Preparation and characterization of curdlan/polyvinyl alcohol/ thyme essential oil blending film
and its application to chilled meat preservation. Carbohydrate polymers, 2020, 247,116670(通讯作者)(Q1)

(3) Characterization of whey protein isolate and pectin composite film catalyzed by small laccase
from Streptomyces coelicolor. Environmental technology & innovation, 2020, 19,100999(通讯作者)(Q4)

(4) Preparation of chitosan/curdlan/carboxymethyl cellulose blended film and its characterization.
Journal of food science and technology, 2019, 56(12): 5396-5404

(5) Effect of Tea Polyphenols on Curdlan/Chitosan Blending Film Properties and Its Application to
Chilled Meat Preservation. Coatings, 2019, 9, 262. (通讯作者)

(6) Effects of small laccase from Streptomyces coelicolor on the solution and gel properities of
whey protein isolate. LWT-Food science and technology. 2019,101:17-24.(通讯作者)(Q1)

(7) Oxidative crosslinking of water-extractable wheat arabinoxylans by recombinant lipoxygenase and
its effects on bread properities. LWT-Food science and technology. 2019,103:1-7. (第一作者)(Q1)

(8) Preparation of Gallic acid-Grafted Chitosan Using Recombinant Bacterial Laccase and Its
Application in Chilled Meat Preservation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018,9:1729. (通讯作者)(Q1)

(9)Whey protein isolate with improved film properties through cross-linking catalyzed by small
laccase from Streptomyces coelicolor. Journal of the science of Food and Agriculture, 2018,

(10)Preparation of ferulic acid-grafted chitosan using recombinant bacterial laccase and its
application in mango preservation. RSC Advance, 2018, 8, 6759–6767. (通讯作者)(Q2)

(11)Heterologous production of a temperature and pH-stable laccase from Bacillus vallismortis
fmb-103 inEscherichia coli and its application. Process Biochemistry, 2017, 55: 77-84.(通讯作者)(Q2)

(12)Effects of recombinant lipoxygenase on the rheological properties of dough and the quality of
noodles. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
2016, 96:3249 -3255.(第一作者)(Q1)

(13)Biosynthesis of γ-aminobutyric acid by a recombinant Bacillus subtilis strain expressing the
glutamate decarboxylase gene derived from Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus Y2. Process
Biochemistry. 2014, 49(11):1851- 1857. (第一作者)(Q2)

(14)Purification and characterization of a temperature and pH stable laccase from the spores of
Bacillus vallismortis fmb-103 and its application in the degradation of malachite green. Journal of
Food and Agricultural Chemistry, 2013, 61(23):5486- 5473. (第一作者)(Q1)

(15)Effects of recombinant lipoxygenase on wheat flour, dough and bread
properties. Food Research International. 2013, 54(1):26-32. (第一作者)(Q1)

(16)Secreted expression of a hyperthermophilic α-amylase gene
from Thermococcus sp. HJ21 inBacillus subtilis. Journal of molecular microbiology and
biotechnology. 2013, 22(6):392-398. (第一作者)(Q4)

(17)Degradation of triphenylmethane dyes using a temperature and pH stable spore laccase from a
novel strain of Bacillus vallismortis. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 126:80-86. (第一作者)(Q1)

(18)Extracellular production of lipoxygenase from Anabaena sp. PCC7120 inBacillus subtilis and its
effect on wheat protein. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2012, 94(4): 949-958. (第一作者)(Q2)

(19)A new method for multiple gene inactivations in Bacillus subtilis 168 without selectable
markers. Canadian journal of microbiology. 2011,57(5): 427~436.(第一作者)(Q4)
2. 授权专利

[1] 一种高性能微生物源多聚葡萄糖基可降解膜及其制备方法,2020 年授权,第一;201710664906.7.

[2] 一种利用热稳定性重组漆酶制备乳清蛋白膜的方法,2017 年授权,第一(已转让);

[3] 一种利用重组脂肪氧合酶降解三苯甲烷类染料的方法,2016 年授权,第一;

[4] 一种乳清蛋白膜及其制备方法,2015 年授权,第一;

[5] 一种枯草杆菌表达系统及产重组谷氨酸脱羧酶的基因工程菌,2015 年授权,第二;

[6] 一种无抗生素抗性标记的枯草芽孢杆菌构建方法及筛选靶基因失活的枯草芽孢杆菌的方法,2013 年授权,第二;

[7] 一株产芽孢漆酶的死亡谷芽孢杆菌及其应用,2013 年授权,第二;

[8] 鱼腥藻 PCC7120 脂肪氧合酶基因,2011 年授权,第二。

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