


办公地址:食品院 315
南京农业大学食品科技学院,教授、博导。1998 年于比利时鲁汶大学获得博士学位,1999.1-2000.12 日本爱媛大学农学部特别研究员(JSPS)。2001
新世纪人才”和江苏省“青蓝工程”学术带头人。受国家留学基金委资助先后赴美国、澳大利亚高访。近 5 年以来,已在国内外核心杂志和国际会议上发表了 60 多篇论文,其中SCI 收录 20 多篇,专著 2
本。主编本科教材《食品物流学》、《食品物性学》、《食品科学导论》、《食品专业英语》。授权发明专利 10 项, 获得国家软件著作权 12


Leiqing Pan, Wei Zhang, Na Zhu, Shubo Mao, Kang Tu*. Early detection and classification of
pathogenic fungal disease in post-harvest strawberry fruit by electronic nose
and gas chromatography--mass spectrometry[J]. Food Research International, 2014, 62: 162-168.
Yingying Wei, Miao Xu, Hailun Wu, Sicong Tu, Leiqing Pan, Kang Tu* . Defense response of cherry
tomato at different maturity stages to combined treatment of hot air and Cryptococcus laurentii,
Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2016, 117 (2016) 177–186.
Ge Zhan , Leiqing Pan, Kang Tu*, Shunshan Jiao; Antitumor, antioxidant and
nitrite-scavenging effects of Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis) peel flavonoids. Journal
of Food Science, 2016, Vol 81, Issue 10, 2577 –2585.
Volume 75, January 2017, Pages 557–564Wei Zhang, Leiqing Pan, Xiujie Zhaoa, Kang Tu*. A Study on
Soluble Solids Content Assessment Using Electronic Nose: Persimmon Fruit Picked on Different Dates.
International Journal of Food Properties , 2016(1):53-62.
Hu, Haijiang; Pan, Leiqing; Sun, Ke; Tu, Sicong; Sun, Ye; Wei, Yingying; Tu, Kang*,
Differentiation of deciduous-calyx and persistent-calyx pears using hyperspectral
reflectance imaging and multivariate analysis. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE,
2017, 137:150-156
Yao, Yaming; Zhao, Nan; Xian, Tingting; Tu, Sicong; Pan, Leiqing; Tu, Kang. Effect of
2,4-epibrassinolide treatment on the postharvest quality and physiological metabolism of
fresh daylily flower buds during storage, SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE, 2017, 226:110-116
Sun, Ye; Wang, Yihang; Xiao, Hui; Gu, Xinzhe; Pan, Leiqing; Tu, Kang, Hyperspectral
imaging detection of decayed honey peaches based on their chlorophyll content,
FOOD CHEMISTRY, 2017, 235:194-202.
Ma, Long; Sun, Ke; Tu, Kang*; Pan, Leiqing; Zhang, Wei, Identification of double-yolked duck
egg using computer vision, PLOS ONE, 2017, 12(12)
Sun, Ke; Ma, Long; Pan, Leiqing; Tu, Kang*, Sequenced wave signal extraction and
classification algorithm for duck egg crack on-line detection, COMPUTERS
Sun, Ke; wei Zhang; Pan, Leiqing; Tu, Kang*, Recognition of a Cracked Hen Egg Image
Using a Sequenced Wave, Signal Extraction and Identification Algorithm , Food
Analytical Methods,2018,11(4): 1223-1233
Sun, Ye; Xiao, Hui; Tu, Sicong; Sun, Ke; Pan, Leiqing; Tu, Kang*, Detecting decayed peach using a
rotating hyperspectral imaging testbed, LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 87: 326-332.
Jing Peng, Ye Wang, Guoxiong Chen, Leiqing Pan, and Kang Tu*, 2018, Morphological and
Physicochemical Properties of Very Small Granules Starch from Agriophyllum squarrosum(L.)
Moq. in Comparison with Maize Starch, Starch - St?rke 2018, 70.
D. Zhou, Z. Wang, M. Li, M. Xing, T. Xian and K. Tu*, 2018, Carvacrol and eugenol
effectively inhibit Rhizopus stolonifer and control postharvest soft rot decay in peaches, Journal
of Applied Microbiology, 124, 166—178
Qiang Liu, Nan Zhao, Dandan Zhou, Ye Sun, Ke Sun, Leiqing Pan, Kang Tu*,2018.
Discrimination and growth tracking of fungi contamination in peaches using electronic nose. Food
chemistry, 2018, Volume 262, 226-234,Food Chemistry.

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