


办公地址:食品楼 418


个人简介:叶红,博士,副教授。目前从事糖生物工程、生物分离工程方面的教学与研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金一项(31201454),参加了 3
科研情况: 主持科研项目
(1) 国家自然科学基金 “茶树花多糖的免疫和抗肿瘤活性及其构-效关系的研究”(2013-2015 年)
(2) 中央高校基本科研业务费 “食源性多糖的免疫与抗肿瘤活性、结构及其构-效关系的研究”(2012-2014 年)

(1) 国家自然科学基金 “Alpha-低聚半乳糖的益生与免疫活性及其构效关系研究” (2012-2015 年)
(2) 国家自然科学基金 “葡萄糖醛酸寡糖的酶法合成及其与朊病毒

蛋白和选凝素相互作用的研究”(2009-2011 年)
(3) 国家 863 计划 “芯-壳复合纳米颗粒及其纳米营养物制备技术的研究 ”(2007-2010 年)
(4) 教育部“基于MAPK 信号通路的鼎湖鳞伞菌丝体多糖 PDP-3 组分诱导乳腺癌MCF-7 细胞凋亡的机制研究 ”(2014-2016 年)
(5) 教育部 “可食用芯-壳纳米颗粒的制备及其提高 EGCG 生物利用率的作用的研究”(2013-2015 年)
(1) Tong Di, Guijie Chen, Yi Sun, Shiyi Ou, Xiaoxiong Zeng, Hong Ye. Antioxidant and
immunostimulating activities in vitro of sulfated polysaccharides isolated from Gracilaria rubra.
Journal of Functional Foods,2017,28:64-75
(2) Hong Ye, Chunhong Zhou, Wei Li , Bing Hu, Xiaoqing Wang, Xiaoxiong Zeng.
Structural elucidation of polysaccharide fractions from brown seaweed Sargassum pallidum.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013,97:659– 664.
(3) Chunlin Ke, Di Wang, Yi Sun, Deliang Qiao, Hong Ye( 通讯作者), Xiaoxiong Zeng.
Immunostimulatory and antiangiogenic activities of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Food and
Chemical Toxicology, 2013, 58: 401–407.
(4) Chunlin Ke, Deliang Qiao, Jianguang Luo, Zuomei Li, Yi Sun, Hong Ye( 通讯作者),
Xiaoxiong Zeng. Immunostimulatory activity and structure polysaccharide from Streptococcus
equi subsp. Zooepidemicus. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2013,
57:218– 225.
(5) Renjie Xu, Hong Ye( 通 讯 作 者 ), Yi Sun, Youying Tu, Xiaoxiong Zeng. Preparation,
preliminary characterization, antioxidant, hepatoprotective and antitumor
activities of polysaccharides from the flower of tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Food and
Chemical Toxicology, 2012, 50: 2473–2480.
(6) Hong Ye, Keqi Wang, Chunhong Zhou, Jun Liu, Xiaoxiong Zeng. Purification, antitumor and
antioxidant activities in vitro of polysaccharides from the brown seaweed Sargassum
pallidum. Food Chemistry, 111(2): 428-432 (2008).
(7) Hong Ye, Chunhong Zhou, Yi Sun, Xin Zhang, Jun Liu, Qiuhui Hu, Xiaoxiong
Zeng. Antioxidant activities in vitro of ethanol extract from brown seaweed Sargassum pallidum.
Europe Food Research Technology, 230:101-109 (2009).
(8) Hong Ye, Chunhong Zhou, Xiaoxiong Zeng. Investigation of pollution characteristics of
polychlorinated biphenyls in the typical drinking water sources in Jiangsu Province,
China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 158: 573-579 (2009).
(9) Jun Liu, Jianguang Luo, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Zhaoxin Lu, Xiaoxiong Zeng. A simple method for
the simultaneous decoloration and deproteinization of crude levan extract from Paenibacillus

polymyxa EJS-3 by macroporous resin. Bioresource Technology, 101(15): 6077-6083 (2010).
(10) Wei Li, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng. Synthesis of oligosaccharides with lactose and
N-acetylglucosamine as substrates by using -D-galactosidase from Bacillus circulans. European
Food Research and Technology, 231(1): 55-63(2010).
(11) Jianguang Luo, Jun Liu, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Chunhong Zhou, Xiaoxiong Zeng. Medium
optimization, preliminary characterization and antioxidant activity in vivo of
mycelial polysaccharide from Phellinus baumii Pilát. Carbohydrate Polymers, 81(3):533-540 (2010).
(12) Wenqing Xu, Lixiang Liu, Bing Hu, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Daifu Ma, Xiaoxiong Zeng. TPC in the leaves
of 116 sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) varieties and Pushu 53 leaf extracts. Journal of Food
Composition and analysis, 23(6): 599-604 (2010).
(13) Bing Hu, Lin Wang, Bei Zhou, Xin Zhang, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Liyan Zhao, Qiuhui
Hu, Guoxiang Wang, Xiaoxiong Zeng. Efficient procedure for isolating methylated catechins
from green tea and effective simultaneous analysis of ten catechins, three purine alkaloids, and
gallic acid in tea by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1216, 3223-3231 (2009).
(14) Jianguang Luo, Jun Liu, Chunling Ke, Deliang Qiao, Hong Ye, Yi Sun, Xiaoxiong.
Optimization of medium composition for the production of exopolysaccharides from
Phellinus baumii Pilát in submerged culture and the immuno-stimulating activity of
exopolysaccharides. Carbohydrate Polymers, 78, 409-415 (2009).
(15) Lixiang Liu, Yi Sun, Tanguy Laura, Xingfei Liang, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng. Determination of
polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity of kudincha made from Ilex kudingcha C.J.Tseng. Food
Chemistry, 112, 35-42 (2009).
(16) Chunlin Ke, Deliang Qiao, Dan Gan, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng.
Antioxidant acitivity in vitro and in vivo of the capsule polysaccharides from
Streptococcus equi subsp. Zooepidemicus. Carbohydrate Polymers, 75, 677-682 (2009).
(17) Chengliang Pan, Bing Hu, Wei Li, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng. Novel and efficient
method for immobilization and stabilization of -D-galactosidase by covalent attachment
onto magnetic Fe3O4–Chitosan nanoparticles. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B : Enzyamtic,
61, 208-215 (2009).
(18) Deliang Qiao, Bing Hu, Dan Gan, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng. Extraction optimized by
using response surface methodology, purification and preliminary characterization
of polysaccharides from Hyriopsis cumingii. Carbohydrate Polymers, 76, 422-429 (2009).
(19) Wei Li, Xiaoli Xiang, Shufen Tang, Bing Hu, Lin Tian, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng.
Effective enzymatic synthesis of lactosucrose and its analogues by -D-galactosidase
from Bacillus circulans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57, 3927-3933 (2009).
(20) Deliang Qiao, Chunlin Ke, Bing Hu, Dan Gan, Yi Sun, Hong Ye, Xiaoxiong Zeng.
Antioxidant activities of polysaccharides from Hyriopsis cumingii. Carbohydrate Polymers,
78, 199-204 (2009).
(21) Jun Liu, Jianguang Luo, Hong Ye, Yi Sun, Zhaoxin Lu, Xiaoxiong Zeng.
Production, characterization and antioxidant activities in vitro of
exopolysaccharides from endophytic bacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa EJS-3. Carbohydrate
Polymers, 78,275-281 (2009).

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