办公地址:国家肉品中心 A503办公电话:025-84396185
10 项,在《Food Control》、《Frontiers in Microbiology》、《Food Research International》等期刊发表论文 40 余篇,参编著作 2
作为肉品加工与质量控制创新团队成员获得 2016-2017 年度神农中 华农业科技奖优秀创新团队,参与获得中国食品科学技术学会科技进 步一等奖 1 项。担任国家自然科学基金评审专家,担任?Food
?Food Research International?、?食品科学?等国内外 20 余种学术期刊的评审专家。
编号 项目/课题名称
1 基于菌间互作效应的低温火腿中单增李斯特菌预
2 猪肉中单增李斯特菌的定量风险评估模型构建
3 及模式创新(CX(18)2024)—课题 3:中式调理类
4 酱卤鸭翅的新型气调保鲜技术研究
5 不同冷冻和解冻条件对牛肉保鲜的影响
6 冰箱微生物检测项目(201802080036)
7 冷冻室猪肉气调保鲜技术研究项目
8 基于菌间互作效应的低温火腿中单增李斯特菌预测模型研究(KJQN201548)
9 单增李斯特菌强毒性菌株引发食物中毒的分子机
10 高原耐盐产香微生物的筛选及其在藏香猪火腿发酵中的应用研究(KYYZ201803)
1. Keping Ye, Daming Ding, Xun Zhu, Zicheng Wu, Qingyan Hu, Ran Li. Modified atmosphere
packaging with a small change in gas ratio could maintain pork quality during ?3 °C
storage. Food Control, 2020, 109: 106943. (SCI)
2. Ran Li,Linlin Cai,Tingxuan Gao,Guanghong Zhou,Chunbao Li,Keping Ye*. Comparing the quality
characteristics and bacterial communities in meatballs with
or without blown pack spoilage. LWT-food science and technology,2020, 130:109529.(SCI)
3. Cong Zhou, Junjiao Wang, Ran Li, Keping Ye*. High-throughput sequencing analysis of
the bacterial community for assessing the differences in extraction methods of bacteria
separation from chilled pork. LWT-food science and technology, 2020, Accept.
4. Keping Ye, Junjiao Wang, Yiqing Han, Chaowei Wang, Cong Qi, Xiaoyin Ge. Investigation on
microbial contamination in the cold storage room of domestic refrigerators. Food Control,
2019, 99: 64-67. (SCI)
5. Keping Ye, Xinxiao Zhang, Yan Huang, Jia Liu, Mei Liu, Guanghong Zhou.
Bacteriocinogenic Enterococcus faecium inhibits the virulence property of Listeria
monocytogenes. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2018, 89: 87–92.
6. Keping Ye, Jia Liu, Mei Liu, Yan Huang, Kai Wang, Guanghong Zhou. Effects of two Weissella
viridescens strains on Listeria monocytogenes growth at different initial inoculum proportions.
CyTA-Journal of Food, 2018, 16(1): 299-305. (SCI)
7. Keping Ye, Mei Liu, Jia Liu, Jian Jiang, Chengxiang Guo. Microbial diversity of different MAP
pot-stewed duck wings products during 8 °C storage. Letters in Applied Microbiology,
2017, 64(3): 225-230. (SCI)
8. Keping Ye, Kai Wang, Mei Liu, Jia Liu, Lei Zhu, Guanghong Zhou.
Mathematical modelling of growth of Listeria monocytogenes in raw chilled pork. Letters in Applied
Microbiology, 2017, 64(4): 309-316. (SCI)
9. Keping Ye, Jian Jiang, Yuefan Wang, Yifan Hou, Mei Liu, Jia Liu, Chengxiang Guo. Microbial
analysis of MAP pot-stewed duck wings under different conditions during 15 °C
storage. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2017, 54(5): 1073-1079. (SCI)
10. Jing Zhang, Keping Ye (共同一作), Xin Zhang, Daodong Pan, Yangying Sun, Jinxuan Cao.
Antibacterial activity and mechanism of action of black pepper essential oil on meat-borne
Escherichia coli. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 7: 1-10. (SCI)
11. Yan Huang, Keping Ye (共同一作), Kequan Yu, Kai Wang, Guanghong Zhou. The potential influence
of two Enterococcus faecium on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes. Food Control, 2016,
67: 18-24. (SCI)
12. Keping Ye, Yulin Feng, Kai Wang, Yun Bai, Xinglian Xu, Guanghong Zhou. Effect of
high hydrostatic pressure combined with moderate heat to inactivate pressure-resistant
bacteria in water-boiled salted duck. Journal of Food Science, 2015, 80(6): 1336-1342.
13. Keping Ye, Huhu Wang, Xinxiao Zhang, Yun Jiang, Xinglian Xu, Guanghong Zhou.
Development of interspeci?c competition models for the growth of Listeria monocytogenes and
Lactobacillus on vacuum-packaged chilled pork by quantitative real-time PCR. Food
Research International, 2014, 64: 626-633. (SCI)
14. Keping Ye, Huhu Wang, Xinxiao Zhang, Yun Jiang, Xinglian Xu, Guanghong Zhou.
Development and validation of a molecular predictive model to describe the growth of Listeria
monocytogenes in vacuum-packaged chilled pork. Food control, 2013, 32(1): 246-254. (SCI)
15. Keping Ye, Qiuqin Zhang, Yun Jiang, Xinglian Xu, Jinxuan Cao, Guanghong Zhou. Rapid
detection of viable Listeria monocytogenes in chilled pork by real-time
reverse-transcriptase PCR. Food control, 2012, 25(1): 117-124.(SCI)
16. Keping Ye, Yun Jiang, Xinglian Xu, Guanghong Zhou. Rapid and sensitive
real-time PCR quantitative detection of Listeria monocytogenes without enrichments
in artificially contaminated chilled pork. 57th International Congress of Meat Science and
Technology, 2011, 8. (会议论文)
17. Keping Ye, Yun Jiang, Xinglian Xu, Guanghong Zhou. Comparison of primary
growth curves of Listeria monocytogenes in vacuum-packaged chilled pork at constant
temperature. 58th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 2012, 8.
18. 王俊姣,高倩妮,叶可萍*,李冉,高廷轩. 不同气调包装处理对生鲜荠菜猪
肉馅中微生物的影响. 南京农业大学学报. 2020, 接收.
19. 齐聪, 刘佳, 刘梅, 周光宏, 叶可萍*.不同冻藏温度对牛肉品质的影响[J].食品
科技, 2020. 45(7): 112-118.
20. 王超炜,刘 佳,刘 梅,周光宏,叶可萍*. 不同解冻温度和湿度对冷冻牛肉品质的影响. 食品科技,2020, 45(7): 130-136.
21. 刘梅, 黄艳, 刘佳, 叶可萍*, 李春保, 周光宏. 绿色魏斯氏菌对单增李斯特菌毒力特性的影响. 南京农业大学学报, 2018, 41(4): 736-741. (核心期刊)
22. 叶可萍, 刘佳, 刘梅, 李春保, 郭成祥. 气调包装酱卤鸭翅贮藏过程中菌群结构分析. 食品科学, 2015, 36(14): 201-205.(核心期刊)
23. 叶可萍, 周光宏, 徐幸莲, 祝长青. 转基因大豆不同加工过程DNA降解研究.食品科学, 2010, 31(13): 312-315. (核心期刊)
24. 叶可萍, 祝长青, 周光宏. 利用Taqman实时荧光PCR检测市售肉制品中转基因大豆成分. 食品与发酵工业, 2010, 36(12): 160-164 (核心期刊)
25. 叶可萍, 祝长青, 周光宏. 南京市售肉制品中转基因大豆蛋白检测. 第八届中国肉类科技大会, 2010, 7. (会议论文)