



2003.9-2003.12,爱尔兰国立大学 Cork College 高级访问学者二、工作经历

1.经济作物抑病型土壤微生物区系调控技术创建与应用,2019 年,农业农村部 2018-2019 年度神农中华农业科技奖,一等奖,第四完成人(2019- KJ013-1-R04)

2018 年,教育部技术发明奖,一等奖(2018-148),第二完成人


2018 年,国家知识产权局中国专利奖,优秀奖,第二完成人



5.有机肥与土壤微生物创新团队,2015 年,农业部中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队奖(等同于科研成果一等奖),第六完成人(TD2015-R-024-06)
6.有机肥作用机制和产业化关键技术研究与推广,2015 年,国务院,国家科技进步奖,二等奖,第十完成人(2015-J-25101-2-08-R10)
7.克服土壤连作生物障碍的微生物有机肥及其新工艺,2011 年,中华


人民共和国国务院国家技术发明奖,二等奖,第四完成人(2011-F-251-2- 01-R04)
8.一种能防除连作作物枯萎病的拮抗菌及其微生物有机肥料,2010 年,国家知识产权局中国专利奖,金奖,第三完成人
9.有机肥作用机制和产业化关键技术研究与推广,2013 年,教育部科技进步奖,一等奖(2013-198),第十完成人
10.克服土壤连作障碍的微生物有机肥产品研制与产业化开发,2010年,江苏省人民政府,江苏省科学技术奖,一等奖,第四完成人(2010-1-17- R4)
11.一种能防除连作作物枯萎病的拮抗菌及其微生物肥料,2009 年,江苏省知识产权局和江苏省财政厅,江苏省专利奖,金奖,第三完成人

其中国家级 1 项,校级 6 项,院级 2 项);承担了本科生专业文献综述、毕业实习及论文撰写等各环节任务。







1.农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项,201503110,作物枯萎病综合治理技术方案,2015/01-2019/12,2370 万元,在研。
3.国家自然科学基金面上项目,31272255,P. polymyxa SQR21 与西瓜根际互作机制研究,2013/01-2016/12,已结题

2014 年以来发表文章如下:
Jiaxi Miao, Mengmeng Wang, Lei Ma, Tuo Li, Qiwei Huang, Dongyang,*Qirong Shen. Effects of amino
acids on the lignocellulose degradation by Aspergillus fumigatus Z5: insights into performance,
transcriptional, and proteomic profiles.Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2019,12:4
Xue Chao; Hao Yuewen; Pu Xiaowei ; Penton C. Ryan ; Wang Qiong; Zhao Mengxin; Zhang Bangzhou; Ran
Wei; Huang Qiwei, Shen Qirong. Effect of LSU and ITS genetic markers and reference
databases on analyses of fungal communities. 2019,55(1):79-88
Yang Song, Yali Kong, Jichen Wang, Yang Ruan, Qiwei Huang, Ning Ling*, Qirong Shen. Identi?cation
of the produced volatile organic compounds and the involved soil bacteria during decomposition of
watermelon plant residues in a Fusarium-infested soil.Geoderma. 2018,315:178-187
Jun Yuan, Yuncheng Wu, Mengli Zhao, Tao Wen, Qiwei Huang*, Qirong Shen. Effect of phenolic acids
from banana root exudates on root colonization and pathogen suppressive properties of
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NJN-6. Biological Control. 2018,125:131–137

Jun Yuan, Jun Zhao, Tao Wen, Mengli Zhao, Rong Li, Pim Goossens, Qiwei Huang, Yang Bai,Jorge M.
Vivanco, George A. Kowalchuk, Roeland L. Berendsen and Qirong Shen*. Root exudates drive the
soil-borne legacy of aboveground pathogen infection Yuan et al. Microbiome. 2018, 6:156
Yuan Jun, Zhao Jun, Wen Tao,Zhao Mengli; Li Rong, Goossens Pim, Huang Qiwei, Bai Yang, Vivanco
Jorge M, Kowalchuk George A, Shen Qirong*. Root exudates drive the soil- borne legacy of
aboveground pathogen infection.2018,6:156
Wang Jichen, Rhodes Geoff, Huang Qiwei*, Shen, Qirong. Plant growth stages and
fertilization regimes drive soil fungal community compositions in a wheat-rice rotation
Yaoyao E, Jun Yuan, Fang Yang, Lei Wang, Jinghua Ma, Jing Li, Xiaowei Pu, Waseem Raza, Qiwei Huang*
,Qirong Shen. PGPR strain Paenibacillus polymyxa SQR-21 potentially bene ts watermelon growth by
re-shaping root protein expression. AMB EXPRESS.2017,7:104 Waseem Raza, Ning Ling, Ruifu
Zhang, Qiwei Huang, Yangchun Xu ,Qirong Shen*.
Success evaluation of the biological control of Fusarium wilts of cucumber, banana, and
tomatosince 2000 and future research strategies. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology,2017, 37(2):
Jichen Wang, Lei Ni, Yang Song, Geoff Rhodes, Jing Li, Qiwei Huang*, Qirong Shen. Dynamic Response
of Ammonia-Oxidizers to Four Fertilization Regimes across a Wheat-Rice Rotation System. Front
Jichen Wang, Yang Song, Tengfei Ma, Waseem Raza, Jing Li, Jillian G. Howland,Qiwei Huang*, Qirong
Shen. Impacts of inorganic and organic fertilization treatments on bacterialand fungal communities
in a paddy soil. Applied Soil Ecology, 2017,112:42-50
Jun Yuan, Mengli Zhao, Rong Li, Qiwei Huang, Christopher Rensing, Qirong Shen*.
Lipopeptides produced by B. amyloliquefaciens NJN-6 altered the soil fungal community and
non-ribosomal peptides genes harboring microbial community. Applied Soil Ecology.
LeiWang, Jing Li, FangYang, Yaoyao E, WaseemRaza, Qiwei Huang* ,Qirong Shen. Application
of Bioorganic Fertilizer Significantly Increased Apple Yields and Shaped Bacterial Community
Structure in Orchard Soil. Microbial Ecology. 2017, 73 (2) :404-416

Nan Zhang, Ruhao Pan, Yifei Shen, Jun Yuan, Lei Wang, Xing Luo, Waseem Raza,Ning Ling, Qiwei
Huang?, Qirong Shen. Development of a novel bio-organic fertilizer for plant growth promotion
and suppression of rhizome rot in ginger. Biological Control 2017,114:97- 105
Jun Zhao, Tian Ni, Weibing Xun, Xiaolei Huang, Qiwei Huang*, Wei Ran,Biao Shen, Ruifu Zhang,
Qirong Shen. Influence of straw incorporation with and without
straw,decomposer on soil bacterial community structure,and function in a rice-wheat cropping
system, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2017,101(11):4761-4773
Jun Yuan, Mengli Zhao, Rong Li, Qiwei Huang, Waseem Raza,Christopher Rensing, Qirong
Shen*.Microbial volatile compounds alter the soil microbial community.Environ Sci pollut Res.2017,
Jun Zhao, Tian Ni, Jing Li, Qiang Lu, Zhiying Fang, Qiwei Huang,Ruifu Zhang, Rong Li, Biao Shen*,
Qirong Shen. Effects of organic–inorganic compound fertilizer with reduced chemical
fertilizer application on crop yields, soil biological activityand bacterial community structure in
a rice–wheat cropping system. Applied Soil Ecology, 2016,99:1-12
Waseem Raza, Jichen Wang, Yuncheng Wu, Ning Ling, Zhong Wei,Qiwei Huang, Qirong Shen*.Effects of
volatile organic compounds produced by Bacillusamyloliquefaciens on the growth and virulence
traits of tomatobacterial wilt pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. Applied Microbiology and
Biotechnology 2016, 100:7639-7650
Yang Song,Ning Ling,Jinghua Ma,Jichen Wang,Chen Zhu,Waseem Raza,Yifei Shen,Qiwei
Huang*,Qirong Shen.Grafting Resulted in a Distinct Proteomic Pro?le of WatermelonRoot
Exudates Relative to the Un-Grafted Watermelonand the Rootstock Plant.J Plant Growth Regul. 2016,
Lei Wang, Fang Yang, Yaoyao E, Jun Yuan, Waseem Raza, Qiwei Huang* ,Qirong Shen. Long-Term
Application of Bioorganic Fertilizers Improved Soil Biochemical Properties and Microbial
Communities of an Apple Orchard Soil. Front Microbiol. 2016; 7: 1893.
Chen Chen, Jianan Zhang Min Lu Chun Qin, Yahua Chen, Li Yang,Qiwei Huang,Jichen Wang, Zhenguo Shen,
Qirong Shen.Microbial communities of an arable soil treated for 8 years with organic and inorganic
fertilizers.Bio Fertil Soils. 2016, 52:455-467
Jichen Wang, Dan Zhang, Li Zhang, Jing Li, Waseem Raza, Qiwei Huang*, Qirong Shen.


Temporal variation of diazotrophic community abundance and structure in surface and subsoil under
four fertilization regimes during a wheat growing season. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.
2016,216: 116–124
Jichen Wang, Chao Xue, Yang Song, Lei Wang, Qiwei Huang,* and Qirong Shen. Wheat and Rice Growth
Stages and Fertilization Regimes Alter Soil Bacterial Community Structure, But Not Diversity. Front
Microbiol. 2016; 7: 1207.
Yang SONG, Chen ZHU, Waseem RAZA, Dongsheng WANG, Qiwei Huang, Shiwei GUO, Ning
LING*,Qirong SHEN. Coupling of the chemical niche and microbiome in the rhizosphere:
implications from watermelon grafting.Front.Agr.Sci.Eng.2016,.3(3):249-262
Waseem Raza, Zhong Wei, Ning Ling, Qiwei Huang, Qirong Shen*.Effect of organic
fertilizers prepared from organic waste materials on the production of antibacterial
volatile organic compounds by two biocontrol Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strains.
Journal of Biotechnology. 2016,227:43-53
Yuan Jun, Zhao Mengli, Li Rong, Huang Qiwei, Rensing Christopher, Raza Waseem, Shen
Qirong*. Antibacterial Compounds-Macrolactin Alters the Soil Bacterial Community and Abundance of
the Gene Encoding PKS.2016,7:1904
Xue C, Penton R C, Shen ZZ, Zhang R, Huang QW*, Li R, Ruan YZ, Shen QR.
Manipulating the banana rhizosphere microbiome for biological control of Panama disease.
Scientific Reports. 2015,5:11124
Raza, Waseem; Yuan, Jun; Ling, Ning; Huang Qiwei; Shen, Qirong*. Production of volatile
organic compounds by an antagonistic strain Paenibacillus polymyxa WR-2 in the presence
of root exudates and organic fertilizer and their antifungal activity against Fusarium oxysporum f.
sp. Niveum. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL. 2015,80:89-95
W. Raza, J. Yuan, Y. C. Wu, F. U. Rajer, Q. Huang , S. Qirong*. Biocontrol traits of two
Paenibacillus polymyxa strains SQR-21 and WR-2 in response to fusaric acid, a phytotoxin produced
by Fusarium species. Plant Pathology. 2015, 64, 1041–1052
Bo Yang a, Zhengqin Xiong ,*, Jinyang Wang , Xin Xu , Qiwei Huang*, Qirong Shen. Mitigating net
global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensities by substituting chemical nitrogen
fertilizers with organic fertilization strategies in rice–wheat annual rotation systems in China: A
3-year field experiment . Ecological Engineering 2015,81: 289–297

Jun Yuan, Lu Yu, Ning Ling, Waseem Raza, Qirong Shen & Qiwei Huang*. Plant-growth- promoting traits
and antifungalpotential of the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens YL-25. Biocontrol Science and
Ning Ling , Yang Song , Waseem Raza , Qiwei Huang, Shiwei Guo , Qirong Shen*. The response of
root-associated bacterial communityto the grafting of watermelon. Plant Soil
Dabing Xu, Shujun Zhao, Yousheng Xiong, Chenglin Peng, Xiangyu ;Xu,Guohan Si, Jiafu Yuan Qiwei
Huang*. Biological, Physicochemical, and Spectral Properties of Aerated Compost Extracts:
Influence of Aeration Quantity. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.
Yuncheng Wu, Jun Yuan, Yaoyao E, Waseem Raza, Qirong Shen, Qiwei Huang*. Effects of volatile
organic compounds from Streptomycesalbulus NJZJSA2 on growth of two fungal pathogens. J. Basic
Microbiol. 2015,55:1104–1117
Jun Yuan, Nan Zhang, Qiwei Huang*, Waseem Raza, Rong Li, Jorge M. Vivanco, Qirong Shen. Organic
acids from root exudates of banana help root colonization of PGPR strain Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens NJN-6. 2015,5:13438
Zhang N, He X, Zhang J, Raza W, Yang XM, Ruan YZ, Shen QR, Huang QW*. Suppression
of Fusarium Wilt of Banana with Application of Bio-Organic Fertilizers. Pedosphere
2014,24(5): 613-624.
Yuan J,Zhang FG,Wu YC,Zhang J,Raza W, Shen QR, Huang QW*. Recovery of several cell
pellet-associated antibiotics produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NJN-6. Letters in
Applied Microbiology. 2014.59(2): 169-176.
Ling N, Wang DS, Zhu C, Song Y, Yu GH, Ran W, Huang QW,Guo SW, Shen QR*.
Response of the population size and community structure of Paenibacillus spp. to
different fertilization regimes in a long-term experiment of red soil. Plant Soil. 2014,383:87–98
Ling N, Deng KY, Song Y, Wu YC, Zhao J, Raza W, Huang QW*. Variation of rhizosphere
bacterial community in watermelon continuous mono-croping soil by long-term application of a novel
bioorganic fertilizer. Microbiological Research. 2014,169(7-8): 570-578 Wang JC, Zhang L, Lu Q,
Raza W, Huang QW*,Shen QR.. Ammonia oxidizer abundance
in paddy soil profile with different fertilizer regimes. Applied Soil Ecology. 2014,84:38-44.


Wu YC, Yuan J, RazaW, Shen QR, Huang QW*. Biocontrol traits and antagonistic potential
of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain NJZJSB3 against sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a causal
agent of canola stem rot. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014, 24(10): 1339-1348.
沈怡斐,鄂垚瑶,阳芳,张楠,黄启为*,沈其荣. 西瓜根系分泌物中氨基酸组分对多黏类
芽孢杆菌( Paenibacillus polymyxa)SQR-21 趋化性及根际定殖的影响研究. 南京农业大学学报,2017,40(1):101-108.
马菁华,凌宁,宋阳,黄启为,沈其荣. 多黏芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus polymyxa) SQR-21 对西瓜根系分泌蛋白的影响.
潘汝浩,王继琛,王磊,凌宁,张楠,沈其荣,黄启为. 生姜枯萎病病原菌的分离鉴定及其接种浓度对生姜枯萎病发生程度的影响. 南京农业大学学报,2014,01:94-100
张楠,吴凯,沈怡斐,张瑞福,沈其荣,黄启为. 根际益生菌解淀粉芽孢杆菌SQR9 在香蕉根表的定殖行为研究. 南京农业大学学报,2014,37(6):59-65
陆强,王继琛,李静,王磊,张丽,王秋君,张坚超,黄启为,沈其荣. 秸秆还田与有机无机肥配施在稻麦轮作体系下对籽粒产量及氮素利用的影响. 南京农业大学学报,2014,37(6):66-74

授权的中国发明专利和实用新型专利共 26 件。其中中国发明专利 24
件:以第一发明人获得中国发明专利 2 件,以第二发明人获得中国发明专利 7 件,以第三发明人获得中国发明专利 11 件,以第四发明人及以上获得中国发明专利 4 件;实用新型专利 2
授权的国际 PCT 专利 5 件:以第二发明人获得美国发明专利 1 件,以第三发明人获得美国和韩国发明专利 2 件,以非第三发明人获得澳大利亚
和韩国发明专利 2 件。
受理的中国发明专利 21 件:其中以第一发明人受理中国发明专利 11
件,以第二发明人以受理中国发明专利 6 件,以第三发明人受理中国发明
专利 2 件;以第一发明人受理中国实用新型专利 2 件。



1.黄启为;沈其荣;李荣;凌宁. 一种大蒜专用木霉全元生物有机肥料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利号 ZL 201710853389.8
2.黄启为;沈其荣.一种防控作物枯萎病的土壤处理与生物有机肥联用的方法,发明专利号 ZL 201610490519.1
3.沈其荣;黄启为;李荣.一种木霉直接发酵作物秸秆制备木霉固体菌种的方法及制备的产品,发明专利号 ZL 201610151640.1
4.沈其荣;黄启为;李荣. 一种利用秸秆直接制肥的方法及制备的秸秆有机肥,发明专利号 ZL201610131358.7
5.沈其荣;黄启为;李荣;张树生.一种防控黄瓜枯萎病的无毒无残留土壤处理与生物有机肥联用的方法,发明专利号 ZL 201410327691.6
6.沈其荣;黄启为;刘东阳;李荣.病死畜禽动物零污染无害化处理和高附加值资源化利用工艺,发明专利号 ZL 201410429510.0
7.沈其荣;黄启为;吴云成;凌宁.用于促进油菜生长的促生菌及其微生物有机肥料;发明专利号 ZL 201310081093.0;
8.沈其荣;黄启为;李静;张丽;陆强;王磊.一种区分褐煤及褐煤提取物和有机肥料中有机碳的方法,发明专利号 ZL 201310147905.7
9.沈其荣;黄启为;潘汝浩;张楠.用于促进生姜生长及防控连作生姜土传枯萎病的促生菌及其微生物有机肥料,发明专利号:ZL 201310081094.5; 10.沈其荣;缪有志;黄启为.一种耐低 pH
因和应用,发明专利号 ZL 201810128686.0


利号 ZL 201810130104.2
12.沈其荣;张 建;黄启为;凌宁.一种哈茨木霉菌基因敲除方法,发明专利号 ZL 201810031220.9
13.沈其荣;张建;黄启为;李荣;刘东阳. 具有强寄生广谱病原真菌的哈茨木霉工程菌株的构建及其应用,发明专利号 ZL 201610695491.5
14.沈其荣;蔡枫;黄启为.一种促进哈茨木霉根表定殖的蛋白及其应用,发明专利号 ZL 201610235081.2
15.沈其荣;孙冬丽;黄启为;李荣.利用家禽羽毛生产微生物有机肥料的方法及其产品,发明专利号 ZL 201210110083.0
16.沈其荣;张楠;黄启为;杨兴明;冉炜;沈标.一种烟草秸秆降解真菌及其菌剂,发明专利号 ZL 200910233575.7
20.沈其荣;杨兴明;黄启为;徐阳春. 一种能防除连作作物枯萎病的拮抗菌及其微生物肥料,中国专利号:ZL200510122898.0
21.沈其荣;杨兴明;徐阳春;黄启为.一种能溶解土壤磷酸钙的 K3 菌株及其制成的微生物有机肥料,发明专利号:ZL200710022911.4


25.沈其荣;黄启为;王电站. 滚筒式微生物有机肥二次固体发酵设备,实用新型专利号:ZL 201820017134.8
26.沈其荣;黄启为;王电站;凌宁. 一种针对高温蒸煮死亡畜禽的废气和臭气的处理系统,实用新型专利号:ZL 201621361473.5
(二)授权的国际 PCT 专利详细信息如下:

1.Qirong Shen;Qiwei Huang;Rong Li.Method for directly preparing a fertilizer by using straws
and prepared straw organic fertilizer.US10287216 B2
2.Qirong Shen;Xin He;Qiwei Huang; Xingming Yang; Biao Shen.Antagonistic
bacteria for controlling the fusarium wilt of continuous cropping banana and their microbial
organic fertilizer. US8518428 B2
3.沈其荣;何欣;黄启为;杨兴明;沈标. 用于防除连作香蕉巴拿马枯萎病

4.Shen Qirong;Chen Lihua;Yang Xingming;Xu Yangchun; Huang Qiwei;Shen Biao;Ran Wei.
Biocontrol strain against the wilt of continuous cropping cucumber and watermelon and its
microbial organic fertilizer . 澳大利
5.沈其荣;陈立华;杨兴明;徐阳春;冉炜;黄启为;沈标. 连作黄瓜、西瓜枯





4. 一种草炭生物有机肥及其制备方法和应用,发明专利受理号:


6. 一种开放式生产木霉固体菌种的方法, 发明专利受理号:


10. 一种压砂西瓜连作抛荒地的修复方法, 发明专利受理号:









17. 一种防止堆肥过程中氨挥发的方法, 发明专利受理号:


19. 一种无痕迹木霉真菌基因过表达方法, 发明专利受理号:


20.一种用于调节液体厨余/浆液pH 值的生石灰投料装置,实用新型专利受理号:201920814991.5,第一发明人


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