







单 位:南京农业大学土壤有机污染控制与修复研究所地 址:南京市卫岗 1 号(南京农业大学资环楼三楼)邮 编:210095
E-mail: gaoyanzheng@njau.edu.cn


高彦征教授 简介

优秀人才支持计划、江苏省“333 工程”第二层次、江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才、江苏省高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人。获全国 “有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号。
任南京农业大学土壤有机污染控制与修复研究所负责人。主要从事水土环境健康与污染控制方向研究,在有毒有机物污染过程、生态与健康风险、控制与修复方面,取得特色成果。发表SCI 论文110 余篇,其中32
篇发表在IF2019>7.0 期刊,14 篇IF2019>9.0, Nature Index 期刊论文 10 篇。授权国家发明专利 15 件,主编学术专著 2
部。获江苏省科学技术奖、中国土壤学会科学技术奖、东南亚高等教育联合会(ASAIHL)亚太地区青年科学家奖农业科学领域冠军、中国生态学会青年科技奖、中国土壤学会优秀青年学者奖。指导的 3
任 Environment International、Chemosphere、Journal of Soils and
Sediments、《土壤学报》、《应用生态学报》、《农业环境科学学报》、《土壤》、《土壤通报》等 10个中文期刊编委/编辑。作为 Guest editor 在 Environment
International 上组织出版了专辑 “Agro-Environmental Contamination and Human Health”,作为 Managing guest editor
在 Chemosphere 组织出版专辑“Advances in Agro-Environmental Organic Contamination”。作为会议主席承办了“International
Symposium on Agro-Environmental Quality”(2018)和“International Workshop on Organic Pollutants in

1) 江苏特聘教授(特别资助),2020/8-2023/8,100 万元。
2) 江苏现代农业重大核心技术创新(CX(20)1009),土壤-蔬菜系统中典型有毒有机化学品污染控制新技术研发,2020/7-2023/6,190 万元。
3) 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(41925029),土壤有机污染过程与控制,2020/1-2024/12,400 万元。
4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41877125),球囊霉素相关土壤蛋白(GRSP)对土壤中 PAHs 植物可利用性的影响及机制,2019/1-2022/12,62 万元。
5) 江苏省重点研发计划(BE2017718),过硫酸盐-过氧化钙复配化学氧化修复典型有机污染土壤的关键技术应用研究,2017/7-2020/6,40 万元。
6) 公益性行业科研专项课题(201503107-6),有机化学品污染农田和农产品质量安全综合防治技术方案-长三角典型污染区PAHs 污染农田修复,2015/1-2019/12,241 万元。

7) 江苏省杰出青年基金(BK20130030),功能内生细菌调控植物体内 PAHs 代谢的机制及效能优化,
2013/7-2016/6,100 万元。

1) XW Chen, D Vione, T Borch, J Wang*, YZ Gao*. Nano-MoO2 activates peroxymonosulfate for the
degradation of PAH derivatives, Water Research. 2021, 192: 116834
2) Z Ma, J Liu, JB Sallach, XJ Hu, YZ Gao*. Whole-cell paper strip biosensors to
semi-quantify tetracycline antibiotics in environmental matrices. Biosensors & Bioelectronics.
2020, 168: 112528
3) SL Sun, C Lu, J Liu, MA Williams, ZY Yang, YZ Gao*, XJ Hu. Antibiotic resistance gene abundance
and bacterial community structure in soils altered by multiple forms of nitrogen. Soil
Biology & Biochemistry. 2020, 149: 107965
4) XJ Hu, X Sheng, W Zhang, ZP Lin, YZ Gao*. Nonmonotonic effect of montmorillonites
on the horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes to bacteria. Environmental Science &
Technology Letters. 2020, 7: 421-427
5) Z Ma, J Liu, H Li, W Zhang, MA Williams, YZ Gao*, FO Gudda, C Lu, B Yang, MG Waigi. A fast and
easily parallelizable biosensor method for measuring extractable tetracyclines in
soils. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54: 758-767
6) ES Odinga, MG Waigi, FO Gudda, J Wang, B Yang, XJ Hu, SY Li, YZ Gao*. Occurrence, formation,
environmental fate and risks of environmentally persistent free radicals in biochars.
Environment International. 2020, 134: 105172
7) MG Waigi, J Wang, B Yang, FO Gudda, W Ling, J Liu, YZ Gao*. Endophytic Bacteria in In Planta
Organopollutant Detoxi?cation in Crops. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.
2020, 252: 1-50
8) S Chen, X Sheng, C Qin, MG Waigi, YZ Gao*. Glomalin-related soil protein enhances the sorption
of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on cation-modified montmorillonite. Environment
International. 2019, 132: 105093
9) B Yang, C Qin, XJ Hu, K Xia, C Lu, FO Gudda, Z Ma, YZ Gao*. Enzymatic
degradation of extracellular DNA exposed to chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl in
an aqueous system. Environment International. 2019, 132: 105087
10)J Wang, ES Odinga, W Zhang, X Zhou, B Yang, MG Waigi, YZ Gao*. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons in
biochars and human health risks of food crops grown in biochar-amended soils: A
synthesis study. Environment International. 2019, 130: 104899
11)XJ Hu, B Yang, W Zhang, C Qin, X Sheng, P Oleszczuk, YZ Gao*. Plasmid Binding to Metal Oxide
Nanoparticles Inhibited Lateral Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance Genes. Environmental
Science: Nano. 2019, 6: 1310-1322
12)YZ Gao, C Lu, D Shen, J Liu*, Z Ma, B Yang, WT Ling, MG Waigi. Elimination of the
risks of colistin resistance gene (mcr-1) in livestock manure during composting. Environment
International. 2019, 126: 61-68
13)XW Chen, B Yang, P Oleszczuk, YZ Gao*, XJ Yuan, WT Ling, MG Waigi. Vanadium oxide
activates persulfate for degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous system.

Engineering Journal. 2019, 364: 79-88
14)J Wang, K Xia, MG Waigi, YZ Gao*, ES Odinga, WT Ling, J Liu. Application of biochar to soils may
result in plant contamination and human cancer risk due to exposure of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons. Environment International. 2018, 121: 169-177
15)C Qin, W Zhang, B Yang, XW Chen, K Xia, YZ Gao*. DNA facilitates sorption of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on montmorillonites. Environmental Science & Technology.
2018, 52: 2694-2703
16)MG Waigi, K Sun, YZ Gao*. Sphingomonads in Microbe-assisted phytoremediation: tackling
soil pollution. Trends in Biotechnology. 2017, 35: 883-899
17)C Qin, FX Kang, W Zhang, WJ Shou, XJ Hu, YZ Gao*. Environmentally-relevant concentrations of
Al(III) and Fe(III) cations induce aggregation of free DNA by complexation with phosphate
group. Water Research. 2017, 123: 58-66
18)ZY Chen, W Zhang, G Wang, YJ Zhang, YZ Gao*, SA Boyd, B Teppen, J Tiedje, DQ Zhu, H Li*.
Bioavailability of soil-sorbed tetracycline to Escherichia coli under unsaturated
conditions. Environmental Science & Technology. 2017, 51: 6165-6173
19) YZ Gao*, ZY Zhou, WT Ling, XJ Hu, S Chen. Glomalin-related soil protein enhances
the availability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2017,
107: 129-132
20)YZ Gao*, J Zong, H Que, ZY Zhou, M Xiao, S Chen. Inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
increases glomalin-related soil protein content and PAH removal in soils planted with
Medicago sativa L. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2017, 115: 148-151

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