



姓 名:高嵩涓 性别:女 籍 贯:河南省新密市出生日期:1988.10.10 民族:汉 政治面貌:中共党员

毕业院校:中国农业科学院/中国农业大学博士导师:曹卫东 研究员/邹春琴 教授联系电话:025-84399707/18810488422
通讯地址:南京农业大学行政北楼 D217

2007.09-2011.07 华中农业大学资源与环境学院 农业资源与环境 本科
2011.09-2014.07 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所植物营养学 硕士(其间,2013.11-2014.04 丹麦哥本哈根大学 国家留学基金委资助联合培养硕士生)
2014.07-2015.08 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所绿肥课题组 科研助理
2015.09-2018.06 中国农业科学院研究生院/中国农业大学联合培养 植物营养学 博士
2018 年 7 月至今,南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院生态学系,讲师
1) 紫云英-稻草联合利用下紫云英对稻草还田的响应及机制,江苏省自然科学基金,2021-2023 年,24 万元,在研,主持
2) 紫云英-稻草联合利用下紫云英对稻草还田的响应及机制,江苏省自然科学基金,2019-2022 年,20 万元,在研,主持

1) Songjuan Gao, Weidong Cao*, Guopeng Zhou, Robert M Rees. Bacterial communities in paddy soils
changed by milk vetch as green manure: a six provinces’ study in south China. Pedosphere,
2021, doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(xx)60xxx-x
2) 高嵩涓, 周国朋, 曹卫东*. 冬种绿肥对水稻土硝化作用的影响. 土壤学报, 2021, DOI:10.11766/trxb202004050150
3) 高嵩涓, 周国朋, 曹卫东*.南方稻田紫云英作冬绿肥的增产节肥效应与机制.
植物营养与肥料学报,2020, 26(12): 2114–2125
4) Songjuan Gao, Gpuopeng Zhou, Yulin Liao, Yanhong Lu, Jun Nie*, Weidong Cao*. Contributions of
ammonia oxidising bacteria and archaea to nitrification under long-term application of
green manure in alkaline paddy soil. Geoderma, 2020, 374: 114419
5) Songjuan Gao, Guopeng Zhou, Robert M. Rees, Weidong Cao*. Green manuring inhibits nitrification
in a typical paddy soil by changing the contributions of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and
bacteria. Applied Soil Ecology, 2020, 156: 103698
6) Hao Liang, Songjuan Gao*, Kelin Hu. Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the
dynamic simulation of crop N uptake by using various N dilution curve approaches. European Journal
of Agronomy, 2020. 116, 126044
7) Songjuan Gao, Weidong Cao*, Chunqin Zou*, Jusheng Gao, Jing Huang, Jinshun Bai, Naohua Zeng,
Katsu-yoshi Shimizu, Alan Wright, Fugen Dou. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea are more sensitive than
ammonia- oxidizing bacteria to long-term application of green manure in red paddy soil. Applied
Soil Ecology, 2018(124): 185-193
8) Songjuan Gao#, Danna Chang#, Chunqin Zou*, Weidong Cao*, Jusheng Gao,

Jing Huang, Jinshun Bai, Naohua Zeng, Robert M Rees, Kristian Thorup-Kristensen. Archaea
are the predominant and responsive ammonium oxizding prokaryotes in a red paddy soil receiving
green manures. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2018, 88: 27-35
9) Songjuan Gao#, Jusheng Gao#, Weidong Cao*, Chunqin Zou, Jing Huang, Jinshun Bai, Fugen Dou.
Effects of long-term green manure application on the content and structure of dissolved
organic matter in red paddy soil. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(08): 1852-1860
10) Songjuan Gao, Weidong Cao*, Jusheng Gao, Jing Huang, Jinshun Bai, Naohua Zeng, Danna Chang,
Shimizu Katsuyoshi. Effects of long-term application of different green manures on ferric iron
reduction in a red paddy soil in Southern China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017,
16 (04): 959-966
11) 高嵩涓, 曹卫东*, Kristian Thorup-Kristensen. 利用根管法对油菜和冬小麦苗期根系形态的研究. 草业学报, 2017, 26 (4) :134-142
12) 高嵩涓, 曹卫东*, 白金顺, 高菊生, 黄晶, 曾闹华, 常单娜, 志水胜好.湘南红壤稻田 AOA-amoA, narG, nosZ 基因丰度及其环境影响因子研究. 中国土壤与肥料,
2017, (1):21-27
13) 王艳秋#,高嵩涓#,曹卫东*,李景环*,聂军,徐昌旭,白金顺,曾闹华,周国朋. 多年冬种紫云英对两种典型双季稻田土壤肥力及硝化特征的影响.草业学报, 2017, 26(2),
14) Songjuan Gao#, Rengang Zhang#,Weidong Cao*, Yuanyuan Fan, Jusheng Gao, Jing Huang, Jinshun Bai,
Naohua Zeng, Danna Chang, Shimizu Katsuyoshi, Kristian Thorup-Kristensen. Long-term rice–rice–
green manure rotation changing the microbial communities in typical red paddy soil in South China.
Journal of Integrative Agriculture,

2015, 14(12): 2512–2520
15) 高嵩涓, 曹卫东*, 白金顺, 高菊生, 黄晶, 曾闹华, 常单娜, 志水胜好.长期冬种绿肥改变红壤稻田土壤微生物生物量特性. 土壤学报, 2015, 52(4): 902-910
1) 冬闲稻田紫云英高效种植与“一减双升”关键技术,河南省科学技术进步奖二等奖,证书编号:2016-J-51-R06/10,排名 6/10
2) 论文“Effects of long-term green manure application on the content and structure of dissolved
organic matter in red paddy soil”获Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2020
3) 红壤稻区绿肥效应及机制——湘南长期冬绿肥-双季稻轮作的启示,中国农业出版社,2019,第一版,20.0 万字,主编:高菊生、黄晶、白金顺、曹卫东;副主编:李冬初、刘立生、张璐、高嵩涓
4) 一种节省空间的实用晾土架, 实用新型专利, 专利号: ZL201920931252.4,发明人:曹卫东,高嵩涓
主要从事绿肥参与养分循环的环境化学及微生物生态学相关研究。自 2011 年起,对绿肥输入后的土壤过程,特别是土壤氮素转化过程的变化做了大量研究。目前主要关注绿肥作用机制及其生态效应评价。

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