


陶成圆,1990 年 12 月出生,山东省青岛人,钟山青年研究员。电子邮箱:taochengyuan@njau.edu.cn

2016-9 至 2020-9,博士,南京农业大学,农业资源与环境

2014-9 至 2016-6,硕士,南京农业大学,农业资源利用

2010-9 至 2014-6,学士,南京农业大学,生物科学(国家生物学理科基地班)

2020-12 至今,南京农业大学,钟山青年研究员三、发表论文
Chengyuan Tao, Rong Li, Wu Xiong, Zongzhuan Shen, Shanshan Liu, Beibei
Wang, Yunze Ruan, Stefan Geisen, Qirong Shen*, George A. Kowalchuk. (2020). Bio-organic
fertilizers stimulate indigenous soil Pseudomonas populations to enhance plant disease suppression.
Microbiome. 8: 137
Cece Qiao, C. Ryan Penton, Chao Liu, Chengyuan Tao, Xuhui Deng, Yannan Ou, Hongjun Liu*, Rong
Li*. (2021). Patterns of fungal community succession triggered by C/N ratios during
composting. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 401: 123344
Jianwen He, Weijiang Zheng, Chengyuan Tao, Huiduo Guo, Yongqiang Xue, Ruqian Zhao, Wen
Yao*. (2020). Heat stress during late gestation disrupts maternal microbial transmission with
altered offspring's gut microbial colonization and serum metabolites in a pig model. Environmental
Pollution, 266: 115111
Lin Fu, Wu Xiong, Dini-Andreote Francisco, Beibei Wang, Chengyuan Tao, Yunze Ruan,
Zongzhuan Shen, Rong Li*, Qirong Shen. (2020). Bulk soil determined disease-suppressive rhizosphere
microbiome against Fusarium wilt disease. Frontiers


of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 7(3), 307-316
Menghui Dong, Mengli Zhao, Zongzhuan Shen, Xuhui Deng, Yannan Ou, Chengyuan Tao,
Hongjun Liu, Rong Li*, Qirong Shen. (2020). Biofertilizer application triggered
microbial assembly in microaggregates associated with tomato bacterial wilt suppression. Biology
and Fertility of Soils, 56:551–563
Zongzhuan Shen, Beibei Wang, Jiaxin Zhu, Hangwei Hu, Chengyuan Tao, Yannan Ou, Xuhui
Deng, Ning Ling, Rong Li*, Qirong Shen. (2019). Lime and ammonium carbonate fumigation
coupled with bio-organic fertilizer application steered banana rhizosphere to assemble a
unique microbiome against Panama disease. Microbial Biotechnology, 12(3), 515-527.
Lanxi Su, Zongzhuan Shen, Yunze Ruan, Chengyuan Tao, Yifan Chao, Rong Li*, Qirong Shen. (2017).
Isolation of antagonistic endophytes from banana roots against Meloidogyne javanica and their
efects on soil nematode community. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 2070.
Lanxi Su, Zongzhuan Shen, Yannan Ou, Chengyuan Tao, Yunze Ruan, Rong Li*, Qirong Shen. (2017).
Novel soil fumigation strategy suppressed plant-parasitic nematodes associated with soil
nematode community alterations in the field. Applied Soil Ecology, 121, 135-142.
Lin Fu, Yunze Ruan, Chengyuan Tao, Rong Li*, Qirong Shen. (2016). Continous
application of bioorganic fertilizer induced resilient culturable bacteria community
associated with banana Fusarium wilt suppression. Scientific Reports, 6, 27731.
刘珊珊, 陶成圆, 李春雨, 沈宗专, 李荣*, 沈其荣. 灌溉消毒水源对香蕉植株生长和可培养微生物数量的影响[J]. 南京农业大学学报, 2019, 42(03):
456-464.吕娜娜, 沈宗专, 陶成圆, 欧燕楠, 王蓓蓓, 阮云泽, 李荣*, 沈其荣. 蕉园土
壤及香蕉植株不同组织可培养细菌的群落特征[J]. 南京农业大学学报, 2019, 42(06):1088-1097.
张娜, 黄炎, 徐谞, 张博, 邓旭辉, 王东升, 陶成圆, 王其传, 李荣*, 沈其荣.移栽定殖根际有益菌番茄苗的田间效应研究[J]. 土壤, 2019,


赖朝圆, 杨越, 陶成圆, 王一鸣, 郭继阳, 王蓓蓓, 阮云泽, 赵艳*. 不同作物
- 香蕉轮作对香蕉生产及土壤肥力质量的影响[J]. 江苏农业学报, 2018, 34(02):


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