教授,博士生导师 从事专业:环境工程
联系电话:18360458885 E-mail: gyzheng@njau.edu.cn联系地址:南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院 B514 一、教育背景
2019 年,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师
2016 年,教育部技术发明一等奖,第二完成人
2014 年,“简浩然环境微生物基金”优秀环境工程奖,第五完成
2013 年,南京农业大学“钟山学者”学术新秀四、教学情况
江苏省有机固体废弃物资源化协同创新中心 PI
SCI 刊物 Environmental Technology(Taylor & Francis)编委六、主持科研项目
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目“污泥生物沥浸—好氧堆肥过程中耐药基因的削减及其机制研究”(21976091),65 万,2020-2023;
2.国家重点研发项目“典型重金属污染农田的固载/去除-农田工程技术耦合与示范”(2017YFD0801000)(科研骨干),124.5 万, 2017-2020;
生物成因次生矿物催化的类Fenton 作用机制及其调控(” 21477055),
84 万,2015-2018;
5.江苏省自然科学基金“污泥生物沥浸体系中丝状真菌促进重金属浸出和改善污泥脱水性能的机制研究”(BK20130667),20 万, 2013-2016;
6.教 育 部 博 士 学 科 点 专 项 科 研 基 金 新 教 师 类 项 目
(20130097120008),4 万,2014-2016;
7.中央高校基本科研业务费(KJQN201435),10 万,2014-2016;
8.南京农业大学高层次引进人才启动经费,50 万,2013-2017.七、代表性论文(*通讯作者)
1. Lu, Y., Xiao, Y., Zheng, G.,* Lu, J., Zhou, L., 2020. Conditioning with
zero-valent iron or Fe2+ activated peroxydisulfate at an acidic initial sludge pH
removed intracellular antibiotic resistance genes but increased extracellular antibiotic resistance
genes in sewage sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 386:121982.
2. Meng, X., Zhang, C., Zhuang, J., Zheng, G.,* Zhou, L., 2020. Assessment of schwertmannite,
jarosite and goethite as adsorbents for efficient adsorption of phenanthrene in
water and the regeneration of spent adsorbents by heterogeneous fenton-like reaction.
Chemosphere, 244: 125523.
3. Zheng, G., Lu, Y., Wang, D., Zhou, L.,* 2019. Importance of sludge conditioning
in attenuating antibiotic resistance: Removal of antibiotic resistance genes by
bioleaching and chemical conditioning with Fe[III]/CaO. Water Research, 152: 61-73.
4. Lu, Y., Zheng, G.,* Zhou, W., Wang, J., Zhou, L., 2019. Bioleaching conditioning
increased the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to promote their removal
during co-composting of industrial and municipal sewage sludges. Science of the Total
Environment, 665: 1073-1082.
5. Xiao, Y., Lu, Y., Zheng, G.,* Zhou, L., 2019. Impact of initial sludge pH on enhancing the
dewaterability of waste activated sludge by zero-valent iron-activated peroxydisulphate,
Environmental Technology, DOI:. 10.1080/095933302019.1707880.
6. Lu, Y., Zhang, C., Zheng, G.,* Zhou, L., 2019. Improving the compression dewatering
of sewage sludge through bioacidification conditioning driven by Acidithiobacillus
ferrooxidans: dewatering rate vs. dewatering extent. Environmental Technology, 40(24): 3176-3189.
7. Jin, D., Liu, L., Zheng, G., Liang, J., Zhou, L., 2019. A rapid method to quantify
the biomass of viable Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in iron-based bioleaching
matrix of sewage sludge. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 152: 10736.
8. Wang, N., Fang, D., Zheng, G., Liang, J., Zhou, L., 2019. A novel approach
coupling ferrous iron biooxidation and ferric iron chemo-reduction to promote
biomineralization in simulated acidic mine drainage. RSC Advances, 9: 5083-5090.
9. Zhou, W., Lu, Y., Jiang, S., Xiao, Y., Zheng, G.,* Zhou, L., 2018. Impact of sludge
conditioning treatment on the bioavailability of pyrene in sewage sludge. Ecotoxicology
and Environmental Safety, 163: 196-204.
10. Yan, S., Meng, X., Zheng, G.,* Zhou, L., 2017. Assessment of catalytic activities
of selected iron hydroxysulphates biosynthesized using Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans for
the degradation of phenol in heterogeneous Fenton-like reactions. Separation and
Purification Technology, 185: 83-93.
11. Meng, X., Yan, S., Wu, W., Zheng, G.,* Zhou, L., 2017. Heterogeneous Fenton-like
degradation of phenanthrene catalyzed by schwertmannite biosynthesized using Acidithiobacillus
ferrooxidans. RSC Advances, 7: 21638-21648.
12. Lu, Y., Zheng, G.,* Wu, W., Cui, C., Zhou, L., 2017. Significances of deflocculated
sludge flocs as well as extracellular polymeric substances in influencing the compression
dewatering of chemically acidified sludge. Separation and Purification Technology, 176:
13. Zheng, G., Wang, Z., Wang, D., Zhou, L., 2016. Enhancement of Sludge Dewaterability
by Sequential Inoculation of Filamentous Fungus Mucor circinelloides ZG-3 and Acidithiobacillus
ferrooxidans LX5. Chemical Engineering Journal, 284, 216-223.
14. Hu, W., Zheng, G., Fang, D., Cui, C., Liang, J., Zhou, L., 2015. Bioleached sludge composting
drastically reducing ammonia volatilization as well as decreasing bulking agent dosage and
improving compost quality: A case study. Waste Management, 44, 55-62.
15. Zheng, G., Huo, M., Zhou, L., 2015. Extracellular Polymeric Substances Level Decides
the Sludge Dewaterability in Bioleaching Process. Journal of Environmental
Engineering-ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001008.
16. Wang, Z., Zheng, G.,* Zhou, L., 2015. Degradation of Slime Extracellular Polymeric Substances
and Inhibited Sludge Flocs Destruction Contribute to Sludge Dewaterability Enhancement
during Fungal Treatment of Sludge Using Filamentous
Fungus Mucor sp. GY-1. Bioresource Technology, 192, 514-521.
17. Zhang, Z., Lo, M.C.I., Zheng, G., Woon, K.S., Rao, P., 2015. Effect of autotrophic
denitrification on nitrate migration in sulfide-rich marine sediments. Journal of Soils and
Sediments, 15(4): 1019-1028.
18. Zhang, Z., Zheng, G., Lo, M.C.I., 2015. Enhancement of nitrate-induced bioremediation
in marine sediments contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons by using microemulsions.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 8296-8306.
19. Zhou, J.,# Zheng, G.,# Zhang, X., Zhou, L., 2014. Influences of extracellular
polymeric substances on the dewaterability of sewage sludge during bioleaching. PLoS One,
9(7): e102688. (#equal contribution by authors).
20. Huo, M.,# Zheng, G.,# Zhou, L., 2014. Enhancement of the dewaterability of sludge during
bioleaching mainly controlled by microbial quantity change and the decrease of slime
extracellular polymeric substances content. Bioresource Technology, 168: 190-197. (#equal
contribution by authors).
21. Song, Y., Zheng, G., Huo, M., Zhao, B., Zhou, L., 2014. Extracellular polymeric
substances and bound water drastically affect bioleached sludge dewaterability at low
temperature. Environmental Technology, 35(20): 2538-2545.
22. Zhou, J., Zheng, G., Zhou, L., Wong, J.W.C., 2013. Degradation of
inhibitory substances in sludge by Galactomyces sp. Z3 and the role of its
extracellular polymeric substances in improving bioleaching. Bioresource Technology, 132: 217-223.
23. Zhou, J., Zheng, G., Zhou, L., Liu, F., Zheng, C., Cui, C., 2013. The role of Galactomyces sp.
Z3 in improving pig slurry bioleaching. Environmental Technology, 34(1), 35-43, 2013.
24. Zheng, G., Selvam, A., Wong, J.W.C., 2012. Enhanced solubilization and desorption of
organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) from soil by oil-swollen micelles formed with a nonionic
surfactant. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (21): 12062-12068.
25. Zheng, G., Selvam, A., Wong, J.W.C., 2012. Oil-in-water microemulsions
enhance the biodegradation of DDT by Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Bioresource Technology,
126: 397-403.
26. Zheng, G., Zhou, L., 2011. Supplementation of inorganic phosphate enhancing
the removal efficiency of tannery sludge-borne Cr through bioleaching. Water Research, 45:
27. Zheng, G., Selvam, A., Wong, J.W.C., 2011. Rapid degradation of lindane
(γ-hexachlorocyclohexanes) at low temperature by Sphingobium strains. International
Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 65: 612-618.
28. Zheng, G., Zhao, Z., Wong, J.W.C., 2011. Role of non-ionic surfactants and plant oils on
the solubilization of organochlorine pesticides by oil-in-water microemulsions.
Environmental Technology, 32(3): 269-279.
29. Wang, D., Zheng, G., Zhou, L., 2011. Isolation and characterization of a
nitrobenzene-degrading bacterium Klebsiella ornithinolytica NB1 from aerobic granular
sludge. Bioresource Technology, 110: 91-96.
30. Wang, D., Zheng, G., Wang, S., Zhang, D., Zhou, L., 2011. Biodegradation of aniline by Candida
tropicalis AN1 isolated from aerobic granular sludge. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 23(12):
31. Wang, S.,* Zheng, G.,* Zhou, L., 2010. Heterotrophic microorganism Rhodotorula
mucilaginosa R30 improves tannery sludge bioleaching through elevating dissolved CO2
and extracellular polymeric substances levels in bioleach solution as well as scavenging
toxic DOM to Acidithiobacillus species. Water Research, 44: 5423-5431. (*equal contribution
by authors).
32. Zheng, G., Zhou, L., Wang, S., 2009. An acid-tolerant heterotrophic
microorganism role in improving tannery sludge bioleaching conducted in successive multibatch
reaction systems. Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (11): 4151-4156.
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