年)、江苏省特聘教授(2012 年)、全国中青年科技创新领军人
才(2014 年)等人才计划,全国百篇优秀博士学位论文获得者(2007 年)、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2012
2003.8-2007.5 美国莱斯大学(Rice University)生态学专业 哲学博士
导师:Evan Siemann 教授
2000.9-2005.7 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院土壤学专业 农学博士
(双博士学位说明:2000.9 始攻读南京农业大学硕士学位,2002 年春季硕博连读,提前攻读博士学位,2003 年 8 月-2007 年 5 月赴美留学和从事国际合作研究,2005 年 7
月回国通过南京农业大学土壤学博士学位答辩,研究主题:农田土壤碳氮过程与温室气体排放;2007 年 5 月通过美国莱斯大学生态学专业博士学位答辩,研究主题:外来植物入侵与陆地生态系统碳氮过程)
1989.9-1993.7 江苏农学院(现扬州大学农学院)农学专业 农学学士
2013-2014 美国康奈尔-中国唐氏学者(Cornell-China Tang Scholar) 2011.4-2012.6 江苏省东海县人民政府副县长(挂职)
2009.11-迄今 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院 副院长(分管科研、研究生培养)
2007.5-迄今 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院 特聘教授、博导
2003.8-2007.5 美国莱斯大学生态与进化生物学系 研究助理(Research Assistant)
1993.8-2000.8 江苏省兴化市农业局良种繁育中心 助理农艺师
2014 年 全国中青年科技创新领军人才
2013 年 江苏省科技进步奖(基础研究类)一等奖—“中国农田温室气体排放与减排增汇研究”(排名第二)
2012 年 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者
2012 年 江苏省特聘教授
2011 年 江苏省“333”工程中青年学术带头人
2010 年 《生态学》国家优秀教学团队成员(排名第三)
2009 年 Elsevier“SCOPUSTM 寻找未来科学之星”—全国环境领域十大“青年科学之星”
2008 年 教育部自然科学二等奖—“农田温室气体排放过程与模型研究”(排名第二)
2008 年 教育部新世纪优秀人才
2007 年 全国优秀博士学位论文
2006 年 江苏省优秀博士学位论文奖
2003-2007 年 美国莱斯大学自然科学类 Wray-Todd Fellowship
国务院学位委员会第六届学科评议组(农业资源与环境)秘书江苏省土壤学会理事兼土壤资源与环境专业委员会主任委员 国家奖、教育部、江苏省科协科技奖励评审专家
期刊编委:Scientific Reports 环境科学领域编辑;《资源科学》编委 SCI 期刊审稿: ISME J; Global Change Biology; Environmental
& Technology; Global Biogeochemical Cycles; Journal of Geophysical Research; Soil Biology &
Biochemistry; Biogeoscience; Plant and Soil; Journal of Environmental Quality; Agriculture,
Ecosystems & Environment; Geoderma; Atmospheric Environment; Plant Biology; Physiologia Plantarum;
Journal of Environmental Management; Science of the Total Environment; Advances in Atmospheric
Pedosphere 等
对气候变化等方面取得了部分创新成果。近年来,在国内外发表学术论文 70 多篇,其中 SCI 论文 50 余篇。参编英文专著 1 部。论文被 SCI 论文引用 1400 次, H-指数为 24)。
主要 SCI 论文(*通讯作者):
1. Shuwei Liu, Zhiqiang Hu, Shuang Wu, Shuqing Li, Zhaofu
Li, Jianwen Zou*. 2015. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions reduced following conversion of rice
paddies to inland crab-fish aquaculture in southeast China. Environmental Science & Technology,
doi: 10.1021/acs.est5b04343. (IF5-yr=6.326)
2. Shuwei Liu, Yaojun Zhang, Zhiqiang Hu, Shuang Wu, Jie Zhou, Yaguo Jin, Jianwen Zou*. 2015.
Response of soil carbon dioxide fluxes, soil organic carbon and microbial biomass carbon to biochar
amendment: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12265.
3. Shuwei Liu, Chun Zhao, Yaojun Zhang, Zhiqiang Hu, Cong Wang, Yajie Zong, Ling Zhang,Jianwen
Zou*. 2015. Annual net greenhouse gas balance in a halophyte (Helianthustuberosus) bioenergy
cropping system under various soil practices in Southeast China. Global
Change Biology Bioenergy, 7: 690-703. (IF5-yr=5.473)
4. Jinyang Wang, Cong Wang, Nannan Chen, Zhengqin Xiong, David Wolfe, Jianwen Zou*. 2015. Response
of rice production to elevated [CO2] and its interaction with rising temperature or nitrogen
supply: a meta-analysis. Climatic Change, 130: 529-543. (IF5-yr=4.610)
5. Xiaofei Wang, Ling Zhang, Jianwen Zou, Shuwei Liu*. 2015. Optimizing net greenhouse gas balance
of a bioenergy cropping system in southeast China with urease and nitrification inhibitors.
Ecological Engineering, 83: 191-198. (IF5-yr=3.231)
6. Yaojun Zhang, Feng Lin, Xiaofei Wang, Jianwen Zou, Shuwei Liu*. 2016. Annual accounting of net
greenhouse gas balance response to biochar addition in a coastal saline bioenergy cropping system
in China. Soil & Tillage Research, 158: 39-48. (IF5-yr=3.308)
7. Zhiqiang Hu, Shuang Wu, Ji Chen, Jianwen Zou, Quansuo
Zhou, Shuwei Liu*. 2015. A comparison of methane emissions following rice paddies conversion to
crab-fish farming wetlands in southeast
China. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-015-5383-9. (IF5-yr=2.920)
8. Hong Wang, Xiaochi Ma, Ling Zhang, Jianwen Zou*, Evan Siemann. 2015. UV-B has larger negative
impacts on invasive populations
of Triadicasebiferabut ozone impacts do not vary.Journal of Plant Ecology, doi:
10.1093/jpe/rtv045. (IF5-yr=2.850).
9. Bo Yang, Zhaozhi Chen, Man Zhang, Heng Zhang, Xuhui Zhang, Genxing Pan, Jianwen Zou, Zhengqin
Xiong*. 2015. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and temperature on the soil profile
methane distribution and diffusion in rice-wheat rotation
system. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 32: 62-71. (IF5-yr=2.533)
10. Haifeng Zhu, Hua Wang, Yifang Zhu, Jianwen Zou, Fang-Jie Zhao, Chao-Feng Huang. 2014.
Genome-wide transcriptomic and phylogenetic analyses reveal distinct aluminum-tolerance mechanisms
in the aluminum-accumulating species buckwheat (Fagopyrum
tataricum). BMC Plant Biology, 15: 16. doi: 10.1186/s12870-014-0395-z.
11. Jingyan Jiang, Qin Sun, Linmei Chen, Jianwen Zou. 2014. Effects of the herbicides butachlor and
bensulfuron-methyl on N2O emissions
from a dry-seeded rice field. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 18(3): 345-356. (IF5-yr=1.733)
12. Qingyin Shang, Ning Ling, Xumeng Feng, Xiuxia Yang, Pingping Wu, Jianwen Zou, Qirong Shen,
Shiwei Guo. 2014. Soil fertility and its significance to crop productivity and sustainability in
typical agroecosystem: a summary of long-term fertilizer experiments in China. Plant and Soil, 381:
13-23. (IF5-yr=3.528)
13. Shutao Chen, Jianwen Zou*, Zhenghua Hu, Haishan Chen, Yanyu Lu. 2014. Global annual soil
respiration in relation to climate, soil properties and vegetation characteristics: Summary of
data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 198: 335-346. (IF5-yr=4.318)
14. Ling Zhang, Yaojun Zhang, Jianwen Zou*, and Evan Siemann. 2014. Decomposition
ofPhragmitesaustralislitter retarded by
invasive Solidagocanadensisin mixtures: an antagonistic non-additive effect.
Scientific Reports, 4: 5488. doi: 10.1038/srep05488 (IF5-yr=5.597)
15. Shuwei Liu, Yaojun Zhang, Feng Lin, Ling Zhang, and Jianwen Zou*. 2014. Methane and nitrous
oxide emissions from direct-seeded and seedling-transplanted rice paddies in southeast China. Plant
and Soil, 374:284-297. (IF5-yr=3.528)
16. Ling Zhang, Hong Wang, Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers, and Evan Siemann. 2014. Non-native
plant litter enhances soil carbon dioxide
emissions in an invaded annual grassland. PLoS ONE 9(3): e92301. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092301.
17. Liying Sun, Yinglie Liu, Jinyang Wang, Mohammad Aslam K. Khalil, Jianwen Zou, and Zhengqin
Xiong*. 2014. Atmospheric nitrogen and phosphorus deposition at three sites in Nanjing, China, and
possible links to nitrogen deposition sources. Clean-Soil, Air and Water, doi:
10.1002/clen.201300692. (IF5-yr=2.153)
18. Qiaohui Liu, Yanmei Qin, Jianwen Zou*, Yanqin Guo, and Zhiliang Gao. 2013. Annual nitrous oxide
emissions from open-air and greenhouse vegetable cropping systems in China.Plant and Soil, 370:
223-233. (IF5-yr=3.713)
19. Ling Zhang, Yaojun Zhang, Hong Wang, Jianwen Zou*, and Evan Siemann. 2013. Chinese Tallow Trees
(Triadicasebifera) from the invasive range outperform those from the native range with
an active soil community or phosphorus fertilization. PLoS ONE 8(9): e74233.
20. Shutao Chen*, Yao Huang, Jianwen Zou, and Yanshu Shi. 2013. Mean residence time of global
topsoil organic carbon depends on temperature, precipitation and soil nitrogen. Global and
Planetary Change, 100: 99-108. (IF5-yr=3.612)
21. Shutao Chen*, Yao Huang, Wei Xie, Jianwen Zou, Yanyu Lu, and Zhenghua Hu. 2013. A new estimate
of global soil respiration from 1970 to 2008. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58: 4153-4160.
22. Shuwei Liu, Ling Zhang, Qiaohui Liu, and Jianwen Zou*. 2012. Fe(III) fertilization mitigating
net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in paddy rice-wheat rotation systems in
China. Environmental Pollution, 164: 73-80. (IF5-yr=4.306)
23. Shuwei Liu, Ling Zhang, Jingyan Jiang, Nannan Chen, Xiaomei Yang, Zhengqin Xiong, andJianwen
Zou*. 2012. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice seedling nurseries under flooding and
moist irrigation regimes in Southeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 426: 166-171.
24. Shutao Chen*, Yao Huang, Jianwen Zou, Yanshu Shi, Yanyu Lu, Wen Zhang, and Zhenghua Hu. 2012.
Interannual variability in soil respiration from terrestrial ecosystems in China and its response
to climate change. Science China (SER D)-Earth Sciences, 55: 2091-2098. (IF5-yr=1.548)
25. Qingyin Shang, Xiuxia Yang, Cuimin Gao, Pingping Wu, Jinjian Liu, Yangchun Xu, Qirong Shen,
Jianwen Zou* and Shiwei Guo. 2011. Net annual global warming potential and greenhouse gas
intensity in Chinese double rice-cropping systems: a 3-year measurement in
long-term fertilizer experiments. Global Change Biology, 17: 2196-2210. (IF5-yr=8.708)
26. Wei Huang, Siemann Evan, Gregory S. Wheeler, Jianwen Zou, Juli Carrillo, and Jianqing Ding*.
2010. Resource allocation to defence and growth are driven by different responses to generalist and
specialist herbivory in an invasive plant. Journal of Ecology, 98: 1157-1167.
27. Shuwei Liu, Yanmei Qin, Jianwen Zou* and Qiaohui Liu. 2010. Effects of water regime during
rice-growing season on annual direct N2O emissions in a paddy rice-winter wheat rotation system in
southeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 408: 906-913. (IF5-yr=3.906)
28. Yi Wang, Wei Huang, Evan Siemann, Jianwen Zou, Gregory Wheeler, Juli Carrillo, Jianqing Ding*.
2010. Lower resistance and higher tolerance of host plants: biocontrol agents reach high densities
but exert weak control. Ecological Applications, 21: 729-738. (IF5-yr=5.508)
29. Jianwen Zou*, Yanyu Lu, Yao Huang. 2010. Estimates of synthetic fertilizer N-induced direct
nitrous oxide emission from Chinese croplands during 1980-2000. Environmental Pollution, 158:
631-635. (IF5-yr=4.755)
30. Shutao Chen, Yao Huang, Jianwen Zou*, Qirong Shen, Zhenghua Hua, Yanmei Qin, Haishan Chen, and
Genxing Pan. 2010. Modeling interannual variability of global soil respiration from climate and
soil properties. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150: 590-605.
31. Yanmei Qin, Shuwei Liu, Yanqin Guo, Qiaohui Liu, and Jianwen Zou*. 2010. Methane and nitrous
oxide emissions from organic and conventional rice cropping systems in Southeast China.Biology and
Fertility of Soils, 46: 825-834. (IF5-yr=3.145)
32. Jianwen Zou*, Yao Huang, Yanmei Qin, Shuwei Liu, Genxing Pan,
Qirong Shen, Yanyu Lu and Qiaohui Liu. 2009. Changes in
fertilizer-induced direct N2O emissions from paddy fields during rice growing season in China
between 1950s and 1990s. Global Change Biology, 15: 229-242. (IF5-yr=8.708)
33. Jianwen Zou*, Shuwei Liu, Yanmei Qin, Genxing Pan and Dawei Zhu. 2009. Sewage irrigation
increased methane and nitrous oxide
emissions from rice paddies in southeast China.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 129: 516-522.
34. Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers, and Evan Siemann. 2009. Plasticity of Sapiumsebiferumseedling
growth to light and water resources: Inter- and intraspecific comparisons. Basic and Applied
Ecology, 10: 79-88. (IF5-yr=2.699)
35. Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers, Saara J. Dewalt, and Evan Siemann. 2008. Decreased resistance
and increased tolerance to native herbivores of the invasive plant Sapium sebiferum.Ecography, 31:
663-671. (IF5-yr=5.565)
36. Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers, and Evan Siemann. 2008. Increased competitive ability and
herbivory tolerance of the invasive plant Sapiumsebiferum. Biological Invasions, 10: 291-302.
37. Xunhua Zheng*, Baoling Mei, Yinghong Wang, Baohua Xie, Yuesi Wang, Haibo Dong, Hui Xu,
Guanxiong Chen, Zucong Cai, Jin Yue, Jiangxin Gu, Fang Su, Jianwen Zou, and Jianguo Zhu. 2008.
Quantification of N2O fluxes from soil-plant systems may be biased by the applied gas chromatograph
methodology. Plant and Soil,
311:211-234. (IF5-yr=3.713)
38. Shutao Chen, Yao Huang, Jianwen Zou*. 2008. Relationship between nitrous oxide and winter wheat
production. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 44: 985-989. (IF5-yr=3.145)
39. Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers, and Evan Siemann. 2007. Differences in morphological and
physiological traits between native and invasive populations of Sapiumsebiferum. Functional
Ecology, 21:
721-730. (IF5-yr=5.278)
40. Jianwen Zou*, Yao Huang, Xunhua Zheng, and Yuesi Wang. 2007. Quantifying direct N2O emissions
from paddy fields during rice growing season in mainland China: Dependence on water regime.
Atmospheric Environment, 41: 8030-8042. (IF5-yr=3.780)
41. Wenjuan Sun, Yao Huang*, Shutao Chen, Jianwen Zou, and Xunhua Zheng. 2007. Tissue nitrogen and
the corresponding net carbon fixation efficiency under different rates of nitrogen
application. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 24: 55-64. (IF5-yr=1.411)
42. Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers, Saara J. Dewalt, and Evan Siemann. 2006. The effect of Chinese
tallow tree (Sapiumsebiferum)
ecotype on soil-plant system carbon and nitrogen processes. Oecologia, 150: 272-281. (IF5-yr=3.617)
43. Lu yanyu, Yao Huang*, and Jianwen Zou. 2006. An inventory of N2O emissions from agriculture in
China using precipitation-rectified emission factor and background emission.Chemosphere, 65:
1915-1924. (IF5-yr=3.867)
44. Jianwen Zou*, Yao Huang, Yanyu Lu, Xunhua Zheng, and Yuesi Wang. 2005. Direct emission factor
for N2O from rice-winter wheat rotation systems in southeast China. Atmospheric Environment, 39:
4755-4765. (IF5-yr=3.797)
45. Jianwen Zou*, Yao Huang, Jingyan Jiang, Xunhua Zheng, and Ronald L. Sass. 2005. A 3-year field
measurement of CH4 and N2O emissions from rice paddies in China: Effects of water regime, crop
residue and fertilizer application. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19(2): GB2021.2004GB002401.
46. Jianwen Zou*, Yao Huang, Wenjuan Sun, Xunhua Zheng and Yuesi Wang. 2005. Contribution of plants
to N2O emissions from
soil-winter wheat ecosystem: pot and field experiments. Plant and Soil, 269: 205-211.
47. Yao Huang*, Jianwen Zou, Xunhua Zheng, Yuesi Wang and Xingkai Xu. 2004. Nitrous oxide emissions
as influenced by amendment of plant residues with different C:N ratios. Soil Biology &
Biochemistry, 36: 973-981. (IF5-yr=4.953)
48. Jianwen Zou, Yao Huang*, Xunhua Zheng, Yuesi Wang, and Yuquan Chen. 2004. Static opaque
chamber-based technique for determination of net exchange of CO2 between terrestrial ecosystem and
atmosphere. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 (4): 381-388. (IF5-yr=1.519)
49. Jianwen Zou, Yao Huang*, Lianggang Zong, Xunhua Zheng and Yuesi Wang. 2004. Carbon dioxide,
nitrous oxide and methane emissions from rice-winter wheat rotation system as affected by crop
residue incorporation and temperature. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 21: 691-698.
Book Chapters
Zou J., Y. Huang, Y. Lu (2009) Quantifying direct N2O emissions from paddy fields during rice
growing season in mainland China in 1980s and 1990s. In: S. N. Singh (eds.) Crop Production and
Global Change.
Elsevier Press.