



姓名: 邓旭辉

生日: 1991.06.28

籍贯: 山西晋中职位: 博士后
邮箱: dengxuhui@njau.edu.cn一、教育经历
2018-03 至 2019-07, 格罗宁根大学, 科学与工程学院, 微生物生态学, 联合培养博士, 导师: Joana Falcao Salles
2015-09 至 2019-12, 南京农业大学, 资源与环境科学学院, 植物营养学, 博士, 导师: 沈其荣
2013-09 至 2015-06, 南京农业大学, 资源与环境科学学院, 植物营养学, 硕士, 导师: 沈其荣
2009-09 至 2013-06, 南京农业大学, 生命科学学院, 国家生物学理科基地, 学士

2020-01 至现在, 南京农业大学, 农业资源与环境, 博士后, 导师: 李荣

国家自然科学基金, 青年科学基金项目, 32002132, 番茄根际K策略细菌群落的装配及其抑病机制研究, 2021-01 至 2023-12, 24 万元, 在研, 主持。


江苏省自然科学基金,青年基金项目,BK20200562,基于番茄抑病型根际细菌生存策略的抑病机制研究,2020-07 至 2023-06,20 万元,在研, 主持。
Deng, X., Zhang, N., Shen Z., Zhu C., Li, R., Falcao Salles, J., Shen, Q., 2020. Rhizosphere
bacteria assembly derived from fumigation and organic amendment triggers the direct and
indirect suppression of tomato bacterial wilt disease. Applied Soil Ecology 147, 103364.
Dong, M., Kowalchukb, G.A., Liu, H., Xiong, W., Deng, X., Zhang, N., Li, R., Shen, Q.,
Dini-Andreote F., 2021. Microbial community assembly in soil aggregates: A dynamic interplay of
stochastic and deterministic processes, Applied Soil Ecology 163, 103911.
Qiao, C., Penton, C.R., Liu, C., Tao, C., Deng, X., Ou, Y., Liu, H., Li, R., 2021.
Patterns of fungal community succession triggered by C/N ratios during composting. Journal of
Hazardous Materials, 401, 123344
Dong, M., Zhao, M., Shen, Z., Deng, X., Ou, Y., Tao, C., Liu, H., Li Rong, Shen, Q., 2020.
Biofertilizer application triggered microbial assembly in microaggregates associated with
tomato bacterial wilt suppression. Biology and Fertility of Soils 56, 551–563
Wang D., Deng X., Wang B., Zhang N., Zhu C., Jiao Z., Li Rong, Shen Q., 2019. Effects of Foliar
Application of Amino Acid Liquid Fertilizers, With or Without Beneficial Microbes, on Crop
Yield and Leaf Microbiota. Plos One 14, p. e0222048
Shen, Z., Wang, B., Zhu, J., Hu, H., Tao, C., Ou, Y., Deng, X., Ling, N., Li, R.,
Shen, Q., 2019. Lime and ammonium carbonate fumigation coupled with bio-organic fertilizer
application steered banana rhizosphere to assemble a unique microbiome against Panama
disease. Microbial Biotechnology 12, 515–527
Zhao, M., Yuan, J., Zhang, R., Dong, M., Deng, X., Zhu, C., Li, R., Shen, Q., 2018. Microflora
that harbor the NRPS gene are responsible for Fusarium wilt


disease-suppressive soil. Applied Soil Ecology 132, 83–90.
Li, R., Shen, Z., Sun, L., Zhang, R., Fu, L., Deng, X., Shen, Q., 2016. Novel soil fumigation
method for suppressing cucumber Fusarium wilt disease associated with soil microflora alterations.
Applied Soil Ecology 101, 28–36.
Sun, L., Song, S., Fu, L., Deng, X., Wang, D., Liang, X., Li, R., Shen, Q., 2015. Exploring a
soil fumigation strategy based on ammonium bicarbonate to control Fusarium wilts of
cucurbits. Crop Protection 70, 53–60.
张娜, 黄炎, 徐谞, 张博, 邓旭辉, 王东升, 陶成圆, 王其传, 李荣, 沈其荣. 移栽定殖根际有益菌番茄苗的田间效应研究[J]. 土壤, 2019, 51(04),
孙莉, 宋松, 邓旭辉, 孙逸飞, 文春燕, 吕娜娜, 李荣, 沈其荣. 碳酸氢铵抑制尖孢镰刀菌生长机制研究. 南京农业大学学报, 2015, 38(2), 295-303.


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