


袁 军,博士,出生于山东诸城,中共党员

2016年7月至今,南京农业大学 资源与环境科学学院

植物营养与肥料学系,副教授。目前以第一作者在The ISME Journal,Microbiome, SBB,Hortic Res,AEM 等国际著名期刊上发表二十余篇文章,他引700余次。

2010/09-2016/06, 南京农业大学,植物营养系,博士,导师:沈其荣

2013/09-2015/09, 美国科罗拉多大学,根际生物学研究中心,联合培养博士生

2006/09-2010/09, 南京农业大学,应用化学专业,学士奖励:
(1)中国植物营养与肥料学会优秀博士论文 (2017年)



1. Tao Wen, Mengli Zhao, Ting Liu, Qiwei Huang, Jun Yuan*, Qirong Shen. High abundance of Ralstonia
solanacearum changed tomato rhizosphere microbiome and metabolome. BMC Plant Biology. 2020; 20:166.
2. Jun Yuan#, Tao Wen#, He Zhang, Mengli Zhao, C. Ryan Penton, Linda S. Thomashow, Qirong Shen *.
Predicting disease occurrence with high accuracy based

on soil macroecological patterns of Fusarium wilt. ISME J, Accepted.
3. Tao Wen, Jun Yuan*, Xiaoming He, Yu e Lin, Qiwei Huang, Qirong Shen. Enrichment of cucumber
rhizosphere beneficial microbes mediated by organic acids secretion. Horticulture Research,
4. Mengli Zhao, Jun Zhao, Jun Yuan*, Lauren Hale, Tao Wen, et al. Root exudates drive
soil-microbe-nutrient feedbacks in response to plant growth. Plant Cell and Environment, Accepted.
5. Tao Wen, Mengli Zhao, Jun Yuan*, George A. Kowalchuk , Qirong Shen. Root exudates mediate plant
defense against foliar pathogens by recruiting beneficial microbes. Soil Ecology Letters, Accepted.
6. Jun Yuan, Jun Zhao, Tao Wen, Mengli Zhao, Rong Li, Pim Goossens, Qiwei Huang, Yang Bai, Jorge M.
Vivanco, George A. Kowalchuk, Roeland L. Berendsen, Qirong Shen*, Root exudates drive the
soil-borne legacy of aboveground pathogen infection, Microbiome, 2018.09.12, 6
7. Jun Yuan#, Yuncheng Wu#, Mengli Zhao, Tao Wen, Qiwei Huang, Qirong Shen. Effect of phenolic
acids from banana root exudates on root colonization and pathogen suppressive properties of
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NJN-6, Biological Control, 2018,125:131-137
8. Jun Yuan, Mengli Zhao, Rong Li, Qiwei Huang, Waseem Raza, Christopher Rensing, Qirong Shen*.
Microbial volatile compounds alter the soil microbial community, Environmental
Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(28): 22485~22493
9. Jun Yuan#, Mengli Zhao#, Rong Li, Qiwei Huang, Christopher Rensing, Qirong Shen*.
Lipopeptides produced by B. amyloliquefaciens NJN-6 altered the soil fungal community and
non-ribosomal peptides genes harboring microbial community, Applied Soil Ecology, 2017.9, 117:
10. Jun Yuan#, Mengli Zhao#, Rong Li, Qiwei Huang, Christopher Rensing, Waseem Raza,
Qirong Shen*. Antibacterial compounds-macrolactin alters the soil bacterial community and
abundance of the gene encoding PKS. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7.
11. Jun Yuan#, Nan Zhang #, Qiwei Huang, Waseem Raza, Rong Li, Jorge


Vivanco, Qirong Shen*. Organic acids from root exudates of banana help root colonization
of PGPR strain Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NJN-6. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, Article
number: 13438
12. Jun Yuan#, Jacqueline Chaparro#, Manter Daniel, Ruifu Zhang, Jorge Vivanco*,
Qirong Shen*. Roots from distinct plant developmental stages are capable of rapidly selecting their
own microbiome without the influence of environmental and soil edaphic factors. Soil Biology and
Biochemistry, 2015, 89: 206-209.
14. Jun Yuan, Lu Yu, Ning Ling, Waseem Raza, Qirong Shen, Qiwei Huang*. Plant-growth-promoting
traits and antifungal potential of the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens YL-25.
Biocontrol Science and Technology, 2015, 25 (3): 276-290.
15. Jun Yuan, Fengge Zhang, Yuncheng Wu, Jian Zhang, Waseem Raza, Qirong Shen, Qiwei Huang*.
Recovery of several cell pellet-associated antibiotics produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
NJN-6. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2014, 59 (2): 169-176
16. Jun Yuan, Yunze Ruan, Beibei Wang, Jian Zhang, Waseem Raza, Qiwei Huang*, Qirong
Shen. Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Strain Bacillus amyloliquefaciens
NJN-6-Enriched Bio-organic Fertilizer Suppressed Fusarium Wilt and Promoted the Growth of
Banana Plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61: 3774?3780.
17. Jun Yuan, Bing Li, Nan Zhang, Waseem Raza, Qirong Shen*, Qiwei Huang*. Production of
Bacillomycin- and Macrolactin-Type Antibiotics by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NJN-6
for Suppressing Soilborne Plant Pathogens. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012,
60: 2976-2981.
18. Jun Yuan, Waseem Raza, Qiwei Huang*, Qirong Shen. The
ultrasound-assisted extraction and identification of antifungal substances from B.
amyloliquefaciens strain NJN-6 suppressing Fusarium oxysporum. Journal of Basic
Microbiology, 2012, 52: 721–730.
19. 张 超,文 涛,张 媛,赵梦丽,刘 婷,袁 军*,沈其荣. 基于文献计量分析的镰刀菌枯萎病研究进展解析. 土壤学报. 2020,57(5).
20. 刘婷,文涛,赵梦丽,张媛,张超,袁 军*,沈其荣. 番茄根际代谢物抵


御茄科劳尔氏菌入侵机制研究. 南农学报 2020; 43(3).


1. 重点研发计划“沼渣一体化制肥及高附加值利用技术与智能装备研发”,

2. 国家自然科学青年基金,31902107,番茄根际代谢物招募微生物抵御青枯菌入侵机制研究,2020/01-2023/12,24万,在研,主持
3. 首届“博士后创新人才支撑计划”,BX201600075,根系分泌物介导的抑病型土壤微生物区系形成机制研究,2017/01-2018/12,60万,已结题
4. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目,BK20170724,抑病番茄根际土壤抵御茄科劳尔氏菌入侵机制研究,2017/07-2020/6,20万,已结题
5. 农业部委托项目“有机肥料抗生素抗性基因、典型有机污染物检测”,


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