姓名: 秦超 出生年月: 1987.6
性别: 女 专业: 环境科学
最高学历: 博士 研究方向:环境化学 邮箱: chaoqin@njau.edu.cn 办公地点:资环楼
B200毕业院校:美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)
2012.8-2016.12 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,土壤环境科学 (博士)
2010.8-2012.5 美国东北大学,市政环境工程 (硕士)
2007.9-2010.6 南京大学,环境科学 (硕士)
2003.9-2007.6 南京农业大学,环境科学 (本科)
2019.8 至今 南京农业大学,师资博后
2017.10-2019.8 美国亚利桑那大学,博士后
2017.2-2017.10 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,助理研究员研究领域
1.Qin, C.; Shang, C.; Xia, K.* Removal of 17β-estradiol from secondary wastewater
treatment plant effluent using Fe3+-saturated montmorillonite. Chemosphere 2019, 224, 480-486. (IF:
2.Qin, C.; Li, L.; Kikkeri, K.; Agah M.; Xia, K.* Deactivation of E. coli in water using Fe3+-
saturated montmorillonite impregnated filter paper. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 652,
643-650. (IF: 4.610)
3.Qin, C.; Chen, C., Shang, C. and Xia, K.* Fe3+-saturated montmorillonite effectively
deactivates bacteria in wastewater. Science of the Total Environment 2018, 622, 88-95. (IF: 4.610)
4.Qin, C.; Liu, H.; Liu, L.; Smith, S.; Sedlak, D. L.; Gu, A. Z.* Bioavailability
and characterization of dissolved organic nitrogen and dissolved organic phosphorus in wastewater
effluents. Science of the Total Environment 2015, 511, 47-53. (IF: 4.610)
5.Qin, C.; Troya, D.; Shang, C.; Hildreth, S.; Helm, R.; Xia, K.* Surface catalyzed oxidative
oligomerization of 17β-estradiol by Fe3+-saturated montmorillonite. Environmental science &
technology 2014, 49 (2), 956-964. (IF: 6.653)
6. Qin, C.; Yang, S.; Sun, C.;* Zhan, M.; Wang, R.; Cai, H.; Zhou, J. Investigation of the effects
of humic acid and H2O2 on the photocatalytic degradation of atrazine assisted by microwave.
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2010, 4 (3), 321-328. (IF: 1.961)
7.秦超, 杨绍贵, 孙成,* 蔡焕兴. 苯噻草胺光催化和直接光解影响因素和降解途径研究.
农业环境科学学报 2010, 29 (4), 806-811.
8. Ju, Y.; Yang, S.;* Ding, Y.; Sun, C.;* Gu, C.; He, Z.; Qin, C.; He, H.; Xu, B. Microwave-
enhanced H2O2-based process for treating aqueous malachite green solutions: intermediates and
degradation mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009, 171 (1), 123-132. (IF: 6.434)
1.Qin, C.; Dontsova, K. Adsorption of Insensitive Munitions to Water- Dispersible Clay:
Impact of Organic Matter, Aluminosilicate Clay, and Extractable Iron. 2019 SSSA International
Annual Soil Meetings, San Diego, CA. Jan. 6-9, 2019.口头报告.
2. Qin, C.; Dontsova, K. Outdoor Photodegradation and Dissolution of Insensitive Munition
Formulations IMX-101 and IMX-104. ACS 256th National Meeting, Boston, MA. Aug. 19-23, 2018.
3.Qin, C.; Xia, K. Removal of 17β-Estradiol from Wastewater Using Fe3+- Saturated
Montmorillonite. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 15-18,
2015. 口头报告.
4.Qin, C.; Xia, K.; Troya, D.; Shang, C. Oxidative Coupling Processes on
Fe(III)-Montmorillonite Surfaces: Polymerization of 17β-Estradiol. ASA-CSSA- SSSA
International Annual Meetings, Long Beach, CA. Nov. 2-5 , 2014. 墙报.
1. 美国国防部战略环境研究与发展项目(SERDP) “Phototransformation, Sorption, Transport, and Fate of Mixtures
of NTO, DNAN, and Traditional Explosives as a Function of Climatic Conditions” (ER-2727)。
2. 美国农业部农业与食品研究项目(USDA-AFRI) “The Occurrence and Fate of Sex Hormones and Their Conjugates in
Animal Waste and Soil and Aquatic Environments”(2009-65102-05923)。
3. 美国自然科学基金项目(NSF) “Collaborative Research: Impact of Wastewater Derived Organic Nitrogen on
Eutrophication”(CBET 0932665)。
4. 江苏省社会发展项目“微波辅助光催化技术修复多氯代有机物污染的土壤的应用研究” (BS2007051)。
2016. 3rd place poster winner. CSES Graduate Research Symposium, Virginia Tech.
2015. Virginia Tech Graduate Student Assembly Travel Fund Award Recipient.
2015 年弗吉尼亚理工大学-教学助理课程
Water Quality (ENSC 4314)
Monitoring & Analysis of the Environment (ENSC 4414)