


王 鹏

南京农业大学 资源与环境科学学院邮箱:peng.wang@njau.edu.cn

包括 New Phytologist, Journal of Ecology, Proceedings B 等的国际知名期刊上发表论文十余篇。

2005.9 – 2009.6 本科 北京师范大学
2009.9 – 2012.6 硕士研究生 北京师范大学
2012.9 – 2016.8 博士研究生 荷兰瓦格宁根大学

2017.2 – 2020.8 师资博士后 南京农业大学
2020.10 至今 讲师 南京农业大学




壤碳动态的影响”(24 万元,2018.01 – 2020.12)
中国博士后基金特别资助项目“非豆科固氮灌木根系对青藏高原土壤碳氮动态的影响”(15 万元,2018.06 – 2020.06)
中国博士后基金面上项目“植物多样性变化对高山苔原根系动态和土壤碳库的影响”(5 万元,2017.06 – 2020.06)
江苏省博士后科研资助“气候变化对根凋落物分解的影响及菌根真菌在其中的作用”(2 万元,2017.11 – 2019.11)

1. Wang, P. #, J. Guo#, X. Xu, X. Yan, K. Zhang, Y. Qiu, Q. Zhao, K. Huang, X. Luo, F. Yang,
H. Guo, and S. Hu. 2020. Soil acidification alters root morphology, increases root biomass but
reduces root decomposition in an alpine grassland. Environmental Pollution
2. Wang, P., K. Huang, and S. Hu. 2020. Distinct fine root responses to
precipitation changes in herbaceous and woody plants: a meta-analysis. New
Phytologist 225:1491-1499.
3. Zhao, Q., J. Guo, M. Shu, P. Wang*, and S. Hu*. 2020. Impacts of drought and nitrogen
enrichment on leaf nutrient resorption and root nutrient allocation in four Tibetan plant
species. Science of The Total Environment 723:138106.
4. Wang, P., J. de Jager, A. Nauta, J. van Huissteden, M. C. Trofim, and J. Limpens. 2019.
Exploring near-surface ground ice distribution in patterned-ground tundra: correlations
with topography, soil and vegetation. Plant and Soil 444:251-265.
5. Wang, P. #, X. Liu#, P. Mou, J. Guo, and S. Li. 2019. Root order and initial moisture status
influenced root decomposition in a subtropical tree species Liquidambar formosana. Plant and Soil
6. Shu, M., Q. Zhao, Z. Li, L. Zhang, P. Wang*, and S. Hu. 2019. Effects of global change factors
and living roots on root litter decomposition in a Qinghai-Tibet alpine meadow.
Scientific Reports 9:16924.
7. Wang, P.#, Y. Yang#, P. Mou, Q. Zhao, and Y. Li. 2018. Local root growth and death are
mediated by contrasts in nutrient availability and root quantity between soil patches.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285:20180699.
8. Wang, P., J. Limpens, A. Nauta, C. van Huissteden, S. Quirina van Rijssel, L. Mommer, H. de
Kroon, T. C. Maximov, and M. M. P. D. Heijmans. 2018. Depth-based differentiation in nitrogen
uptake between graminoids and shrubs in an Arctic tundra plant community. Journal of
Vegetation Science 29:34-41.


9. Wang, P., M. Shu, P. Mou, and J. Weiner. 2018. Fine root responses to temporal nutrient
heterogeneity and competition in seedlings of two tree species with different rooting
strategies. Ecology and Evolution 8:3367-3375.
10. Wang, P., J. Limpens, L. Mommer, J. van Ruijven, A. L. Nauta, F. Berendse, G.
Schaepman-Strub, D. Blok, T. C. Maximov, and M. M. P. D. Heijmans. 2017. Above- and below-ground
responses of four tundra plant functional types to deep soil heating and surface soil
fertilization. Journal of Ecology 105:947-957.
11. Wang, P., J. van Ruijven, M. M. P. D. Heijmans, F. Berendse, A. Maksimov, T. Maximov, and L.
Mommer. 2017. Short-term root and leaf decomposition of two dominant plant species in a
Siberian tundra. Pedobiologia 65:68-76.
12. Wang, P., M. M. P. D. Heijmans, L. Mommer, J. van Ruijven, T. C. Maximov, and
F. Berendse. 2016. Belowground plant biomass allocation in tundra ecosystems and its
relationship with temperature. Environmental Research Letters 11:055003.
13. Wang, P., L. Mommer, J. van Ruijven, F. Berendse, T. C. Maximov, and M. M. P.
D. Heijmans. 2016. Seasonal changes and vertical distribution of root standing biomass of
graminoids and shrubs at a Siberian tundra site. Plant and Soil 407:55-65.
14. 王鹏,牟溥,李云斌. 2012. 植物根系养分捕获塑性与根竞争. 植物生态学报 36:1184-1196.
15. Bai, T., P. Wang, S. J. Hall, F. Wang, C. Ye, Z. Li, S. Li, L. Zhou, Y. Qiu, J. Guo, H. Guo,
Y. Wang, and S. Hu. 2020. Interactive global change factors mitigate soil aggregation and carbon
change in a semi-arid grassland. Global Change Biology 26:5320-5332.
16. Bai, T., J. Tao, Z. Li, M. Shu, X. Yan, P. Wang, C. Ye, H. Guo, Y. Wang, and S. Hu. 2019.
Different microbial responses in top- and sub-soils to elevated temperature and substrate addition
in a semiarid grassland on the Loess Plateau. European Journal of Soil Science 70:1025-1036.
17. Tao, J., T. Bai, R. Xiao, P. Wang, F. Wang, A. M. Duryee, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, and S. Hu. 2018.
Vertical distribution of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms across a soil profile of the Chinese
Loess Plateau and their responses to nitrogen inputs. Science of The Total Environment 635:240-248.
18. Li, B., M. M. P. D. Heijmans, D. Blok, P. Wang, S. V. Karsanaev, T. C. Maximov, J. van
Huissteden, and F. Berendse. 2017. Thaw pond development and initial vegetation
succession in experimental plots at a Siberian lowland tundra site. Plant and Soil


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