


王长海,男,1962 年 7 月出生,博士学位,南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院教授、博导,研究方向为海洋生化工程、微藻生物技术。

2000.7-2001.7,博士后. 香港科技大学生物系。

1999.6-2000.5,访问科学家. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
1995.3-1998.7,工学博士学位. 中国科学院过程工程研究所。

1985.9-1988.7,理学硕士学位. 北京大学生物学系。

1980.9-1985.7,理学学士学位. 内蒙农业大学动物医学系。二、工作经历
2011.01-,南京农业大学资源与环境学院、教授、博导,江苏省海洋生物学重点实验室 主任。
2003.6 -2010.12,烟台大学海洋学院院长。


1988 年烟台大学助教、1991 年讲师、1993 年副教授,1999 年教



1. 王长海,孙利芹,鞠宝等. 海洋微藻的高密度培养技术研究,

2007 年获得山东省科技进步三等奖(编号:JB2007-3-39)。


2. 王长海,姜爱莉. 海鞘油脂提取工艺研究,2008 年获得山东省科技进步三等奖(证书号:JB2008-3-199-1)
3. 王长海,菊宝,许波. 微藻生物活性物质研究,2004 年 12 月获得山东省高等学校优秀科研成果(自然科学类)三等奖。
4. 王长海(第五位).海阳市千里岩岛渔业资源保护场原种资源及其生态环境调查与保护规划,2009 年 8 月获山东软科学优秀成果二等奖(证书号:RK09-06-02-140-05)。
5. 王长海,孙利芹,姜爱莉. 海洋生化工程概论. 烟台大学科技进步一等奖,2005 年 6 月。
6. 温少红,王长海,菊宝. 微藻培养及生物活性物质研究,2001年 12 月获山东省高等学校优秀科研成果(自然科学类)三等奖。

1. 主讲“海洋生化工程概论”、“海洋生化工程原理”等研究生课程。
2. 指导博士后 4 名(3 已出站)、博士研究生与硕士研究生 150

名,国际研究生 7 名(硕士 3 名、博士 4 名)。五、学术兼职
1. 中国海藻学会,学术委员会委员

2. 江苏省海洋学会常务理事,海洋生物资源与技术委员会主任



1. 江苏省海洋生物产业联盟 理事


2. 江苏省海洋资源研究院,兼职研究员

3. 2007.7-2010.12,中国科学院海岸带经济可持续发展研究所,研究员、博导。

1. 2018.12-2022.12. 棘皮类新养殖对象苗种繁育与育成技术体系(2018YFD0901605). 国家重点专项项目,子课题负责人。
2. 2018.1-2021.12. 微藻对极端环境的适应机制及其抗逆性和生态适应进化关系.国家基金(31770436) ,负责人。
3. 2016.1-2018.12. 北极适冷小球藻广温适应的生理生态特征及其分子调控机制. 国家青年自然基金(31500318),何梅琳、王长海。
4. 2017.1-2021.7. 基于原位电离质谱的产品质量安全现场快速检测技术研究. 中国检验检疫科学研究院课题。负责人
5. 2015.5-2017.5. 适冷小球藻光合作用适应冷/热胁迫的生理及分子机制,中国博士后科学基金面上资助(2015M571764), 何梅琳、王长海。
6. 2015-2018. 织纹螺对毒素耐受性差异的分子进化机制研究.江苏省青年自然科学基金(BK20150680),邹山梅、王长海。
7. 2015.7-2018.7. 脉红螺种群表型多样性的表观遗传机制.中国博士后科学金特别资助(2015T80558),邹山梅、王长海。
8. 2014-2016. 纳米α-Fe2O3 进入斜生栅藻细胞的转运机制研究.江苏省青年自然科学基金(BK20140713),何梅琳、王长海。


9. 2014-2016. 影响微藻 DHA/EPA 比值的环境因素与分子调控机制研究. 博士后重点基金,邓祥元、王长海。
10. 2014.1-2017.12. “微藻砷代谢的氮磷营养调控机理研究”,国家自然基金(课题编号:41371468),葛滢、王长海。
11. 2013.12,“新型海洋微藻饵料创制与产业化”,南京领军型科技创业人才引进计划,课题负责人。
12. 2013. “滩涂耐盐特质植物新品种与安全高效栽培技术引进与创新”,农业部 948 项目(课题编号:2013-Z22),课题负责人。
13. 2012.6-2015.6. “盐土特质植物产业化关键技术研究与集成创新”, 江苏省农业科技自主创新--江苏特色产业技术体系类项目
(课题编号:CX(12)1005),1640 万元;首席科学家。

14. 2012.1-2015.12. “海洋特殊生物资源的研究与开发”-微



15. 2012-2014. “几种微藻活性多糖的制备及其抗肿瘤作用研究”,江苏省“六大人才高峰”项目,课题负责人。
16. 2011.1-2015.12.“高效能源微藻育种和规模化培养关键技术”, 十二五国家科技支撑计划(课题编号:2011BAD14B01),子课题负责人。
17. 2012-2014. “海洋微藻高密度培养技术开发与研究”,企业合作项目,课题负责人。
18. 2008.5-2010.12.“经济海藻精深加工技术集成与产业化示


范”,十一五国家科技支撑计划(课题编号: 2008BAD94B04),子课题负责人。
19. 1996.10-2000.3,“光生物反应器研制及其在藻类大规模培养中的应用研究”,国家“九五”重点科技攻关课题(课题编号: 96-C02-04-05),课题负责人。
20. 1997.10-2000.12,“二氧化碳补碳及泡载分离藕合培养微藻新方法”,国家自然科学基金课题(课题编号:29776044),12 万元。课题主持人。
21. 2001.10-2005.12,“一类治疗乙型肝炎新药海鞘醇的临床前研究”,国家高技术研究发展计划(“十五”-863 计划)(课题编号: 2001AA620416,
22. 2001.01-2003.12,“食品安全中微藻毒素检测标样的研制”,国家“十五”重点科技攻关课题(课题编号:2001BA707B03),课题负责人。
23. 2002.9-2005.12,“微咸水与再生水高效安全利用技术研究”,国家“十五”重大科技专项—生物与现代农业(863)课题(课题编
24. 2001.10-2003.12,“畜禽新型高效免疫佐剂和疫苗的产业化”,国家高技术研究发展计划(“十五”-863 计划)(课题编号: 2001AA243071),课题负责人。
25. 2004.1-2005.10,“ACC 合成酶反义基因转化大豆和高产优良品种(系)选育”,国家转基因重大专项课题(课题编号: JY04-B-01),



26. 2003.1-2004.12,“无载体、无标记基因植物转化技术平台和转基因育种”,国家转基因重大专项课题(课题编号:

27. 2005-2009, “山东省近岸海域海洋生物生态化学调查(烟台海区)”,山东省政府 908 专项(课题编号:SD-908-01-01-05.06),课题负责人。
28. 2007.9-2009.9,“基于交叉学科的研究生创新人才培养模式探索”,山东省研究生教育创新计划项目(课题编号:SDYC053),课题负责人。
29. 2007.6-2010.6,“紫球藻光生物反应器高密度培养及其多糖应用研究”,山东省科技厅(课题编号:Y2007D59),课题负责人。
30. 2009.12-2012.12,“用于多酚化合物纯化的琼脂糖基质氢键吸附新材料研究”,山东省科技厅(课题编号:ZR2009BM006),课题负责人。
31. 2002.10-2005.10,“紫球藻高密度培养及其活性物质研究”,国家教育部回国人员科研基金,课题负责人。
32. 2005-2009,“山东省近海经济生物资源综合评价与修复研究”,山东省政府 908 专项(课题编号:SD-908-02-09),第二负责人。
33. 2008-2010,山东省近岸产卵场和索饵场综合评价与保护

(SD908-02-15),山东省政府 908 专项(课题编号:SD-908-02-09),第二负责人。


34. 1997.7-1998.12 “全国海洋滩涂资源开发可持续发展战略研究”,国家科委课题(课题编号:B09-03-01),课题主持人,第二位。

SCI 论文
1. Cong Fei, Tong Wang, Abeselom Woldemicael, Meilin He, Shanmei Zou, Changhai Wang*.
Nitrogen supplemented by symbiotic Rhizobium stimulates fatty-acid oxidation in Chlorella
variabilis. Algal Res 44 (2019): 101692
2. Cong Fei, Shanmei Zou, Tong Wang, Chun Wang, Nyabuto Dorothy Kemuma, Meilin He, Shady A.
Amin and Changhai Wang*. A quick method for obtaining high-quality DNA barcodes without
DNA extraction in microalgae. J Appl Phycol (2019) DOI: 10.1007/s10811-019-01926-2
3. Wei Ren, Po-Jung Jimmy Huang, Meilin He, Mingsheng Lyu, Shujun Wang, Changhai Wang*, Juewen
Liu. The two classic Pb2+-selective DNAzymes are related: rational evolution for
understanding metal selectivity. Nucleic Acids Research, 2019
4. Temesgen Gebreluel, Meilin He, Shiyan Zheng, Shanmei Zou, Abeselom Woldemicael,
Changhai Wang*, Optimization of enzymatic degradation of dealginated kelp waste
through response surface methodology, Journal of Applied Phycology, 2019,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-019-01894-7 (IF: 2.635)
5. Meilin He, Hong Song, Wu Chen, Yi Zhang, Tong Wang, Changhai Wang*, Weijie Du, Comparative
transcriptome analysis of wild type and an oleaginous mutant strain of Desmodesmus sp. reveals a
unique reprogramming of lipid metabolism under high light, Journal of
Applied Phycology, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811-019-01821-w
(IF: 2.635)
6. Hong Song, Meilin He, Chuankun Gu, Dong Wei, Yuqi Liang, Junmei Yan and Changhai Wang*,
Extraction optimization, purification, antioxidant activity and preliminary structural
characterization of crude polysaccharide from an arctic


Chlorella sp., Polymers, 2018, 10(3), 292
7. Yebing Yu, Changhai Wang* , Aimin Wang, Wenping Yang, Fu Lv, Fei Liu, Bo Liuc, Cunxin Sun.
Effects of various feeding patterns of Bacillus coagulans on growth performance,
antioxidant response and Nrf2-Keap1 signaling pathway in juvenile gibel carp (Carassius
auratus gibelio). Fish and Shellfish Immunology,73
8. Shoubing Qi, Xiaowei Zhao, Weijie Zhang, Changhai Wang*, Meilin He, Yaqing Chang, Jun
Ding. The effects of 3 different microalgae species on the growth, metamorphosis and MYP, gene
expression of two sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus intermedius and S. nudus[J]. Aquaculture,
9. Zou, Shanmei, Cong Fei, Weinan Yang, Zheng Huang, Meilin He, and Changhai Wang*.
"High-efficiency 18S microalgae barcoding by coalescent, distance and character-based
approaches: a test in Chlorella and Scenedesmus." Chin J Oceanol Limnol 36, no. 5 (2018):
10. Meilin He, Yuting Chen, Yongquan Yan, Shanmei Zou, Changhai Wang*. Influence of
interaction between α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles and dissolved fulvic acid on the physiological
responses in Synechococcus sp. PCC7942, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination
and Toxicology, 2017, 99(6), pp 719–727
11. Meilin He, Yongquan Yan, Feng Pei, Mingzhu Wu, Yuting Chen, Shanmei Zou, Changhai
Wang*,Improvement on lipid production by Scenedesmus obliquus triggered by low dose exposure
to nanoparticles." Scientific reports, 2017, 7:15526.
12. Rajper Aftab Ahmed, Meilin He, Rajper Asma Aftab, Shiyan Zheng, Mostafa Nagi. Ramadan Bakri,
Changhai Wang*. Bioenergy application of Dunaliella salina SA 134 grown at various salinity levels
for lipid production. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7 (1) :8118
13. Shiyan Zheng, Meilin He, Yangsui Sui, Temesgen Gebreluel, Shanmei Zou, Nyabuto Dorothy
Kemuma, Changhai Wang*. Kelp waste extracts coupled with acetate enhances the biofuel
characteristics of Chlorella sorokiniana. Bioresource Technology,2017, 225:142-150
14. Ying-ying Sun, Kun Meng, Zhen-xia Su, Gan-lin Guo, Yin-fang Pu,


Chang-hai Wang. Isolation and purification of antialgal compounds from the red alga Gracilaria
lemaneiformis for activity against common harmful red tide microalgae [J]. Environmental Science
and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(5), 4964-4972
15. Shiyan Zheng, Jie Jiang, Meilin He, Shanmei Zou, Changhai Wang*. Effect of Kelp Waste
Extracts on the Growth and Development of Pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.). Scientific
Reports, 2016,6:38683
16. Shanmei Zou, Cong Fei, Chun wang, Zhan gao, Yashao Bao, Meilin He,
Changhai Wang*. How DNA barcording can be more effective in microalgae indetifecation: a
case of cryptic diversity revelation in Scenedesmus (Chlorophyceae). Scientific Reports, 2016. 6,
17. Yi Zhang, Meilin He, Shanmei Zou, Cong Fei, Shiyan Zheng, Yongquan Yan, Aftab Ahmed Rajper,
Changhai Wang*. Breeding of high biomass and lipid producing Desmodesmus sp.
by Ethylmethane sulfonate-induced mutation. Bioresource Technology,2016, 207:268-275
18. Shiyan Zheng, Meilin He, Jie Jiang, Shanmei Zou, Weinan Yang, Yi Zhang,
Jie Deng, Changhai Wang*. Effect of kelp waste extracts on the growth and lipid accumulation of
microalgae. Bioresource Technology,2016, 201:80-88
19. Weinan Yang, Shanmei Zou, Meilin He, Cong Fei, Wei Luo, Shiyan Zheng,
Bo Chen, Changhai Wang*. Growth and lipid accumulation in three Chlorella strains from different
regions in response to diurnal temperature fluctuations. Bioresource Technology,2016,
20. Kewei Cao, Meilin He, Weinan Yang,Shanmei Zou, Chwanghai Wang*.
The eurythermal adaptivity and temperature tolerance of a novel isolated
psychrotolerant Arctic Chlorella sp. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2016, 28:877-888
21. Shanmei Zou, Rujia Pan, Xiaodi Dong, Meilin He, Changhai Wang*.
Physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of two fucosylated chondroitin sulfate from
sea cucumber Acaudina molpadioidea and Holothuria nobilis. Process Biochemistry. 2016,
22. Shanmei Zou, Yizhou Wang, Meilin He, Xiangyuan Deng, Changhai Wang*. Scale-up batch
fermentation of bioethanol production from the dry powder of

Jerusalem artichoke tubers by recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae,Journal of the Institute of
23. Shanmei Zou, Cong Fei, Yachao Bao, Changhai Wang*. Combining and comparing
coalescent, distance and character-based approaches for barcoding microalgaes: a test
with Chlorella-like species (Chlorophyta). Plos One,2016, 11(4):e0153833
24. Qingsong Zheng, Jinlong Liu, Ran Liu, Hao Wu, Chaoqiang Jiang, Changhai
Wang*, Yongxiang Guan. Temporal and spatial distributions of sodium and polyamines
regulated by brassinosteroids in enhancing tomato salt resistance. Pant Soil.,
25. Yu, Yebing; Lv, Fu; Wang, Changhai; Wang, Aimin; Zhao, Weihong; Yang,
Wenping. Effects of Bacillus coagulans on Growth Performance, Disease Resistance, and HSP70 Gene
Expression in Juvenile Gibel Carp, Carassius auratus gibelio. JOURNAL OF THE WORLD
AQUACULTURE SOCIETY, 2016, 47(5):729-740
26. Yin XM, Quan LT, Yang N, Jiang CQ, Wang CH, Zheng QS*. Changes in growth, contents of mineral
nutrient and active ingredients in Aloe vera in response to iso-osmotic water and salt
stresses. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2016, 39(13): 1840-1851
27. Ying-ying Sun, Hui Wang, Gan-lin Guo, Yin-fang Pu, Bin-lun Yan, Chang-hai
Wang. Isolation, purification and identification of antialgal substances in green alga Ulva
prolifera for antialgal activity against the common harmful red tide microalgae [J].
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(2): 1449-1459
28. Sun Ying-ying, Wang Hui, Guo Gan-lin, Pu Yin-fang, Yan Bin-lun, Wang Chang-hai.
Green alga Ulva pertusa—a new source of bioactive compounds with antialgal activity.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(13):10351-10359
29. Yi-ZhouWang, shan-Mei Zou,Mei-LinHe, Chang-Hai Wang*. Bioethanol
production from the dry powder of Jerusalem artichoke tubers by recombinant Saccharomyces
cerevisiae in simultaneous sacchari?cation and fermentation.

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology,2015, 42(4):543-551
30. Xiaodi Dong,Rujia Pan, Changhai Wang*. Oxidative Degradation of Polysaccharides from Sea
Cucumber Holothuria nobilis. Process Biochemistry, 2015, 50(2):294-301
31. Dorothy Kemuma Nyabuto, Kewei Cao, Alfred Mugambi Mariga, Grace Wanjiru Kibue, Meilin
He, Changhai Wang*. Growth performance and biochemical analysis of the genus Spirulina under
different physical and chemical environmental factors. African Journal of Agricultural Research.
2015, 10(36):3614-3624
32. Yuting Chen, Abel Santos, Ye Wang, Tushar Kumeria, Changhai Wang*,
Junsheng Li and Dusan Losic. Interferometric nanoporous anodic alumina photonic coatings
for optical sensing. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 7770-7779 , DOI:
10.1039/C5NR00369E(SCI, IF:7.394)
33. Yuting Chen , Abel Santos , Ye Wang , Tushar Kumeria , Junsheng Li ,
Changhai Wang* and Dusan Losic. Biomimetic Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Distributed Bragg
Reflectors in The Form of Films and Micro-Sized Particles for Sensing Applications. ACS
7(35):19816-19824(SCI, IF:6.732)
34. Yuting Chen, Abel Santos, Ye Wang, Tushar Kumeria, Daena Ho, Junsheng Li, Changhai Wang* and
Dusan Losic. Rational Design of Photonic Dust from Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Films: A
Versatile Photonic Nanotool for Visual Sensing. Scientific Reports, DOI:10.1038/srep12893,
35. Yuting Chen, Abel Santos, Daena Ho, Ye Wang, Tushar Kumeria, Junsheng
Li, Changhai Wang* and Dusan Losic. On The Generation of Interferometric Colors in High Purity
and Technical Grade Aluminum: An Alternative Green Process for Metal Finishing Industry.
Electrochimica Acta,2015,174:672-681
36. Zhao G.M., Han Y., Sun X., Li S.H., Shi Q.M., Wang C.H.* Salinity stress
increases secondary metabolites and enzyme activity in safflower. Industrial Crops and
Products, 2015,64: 175-181.
37. Wang, Ya; Wang, Shu; Xu, Pingping; Liu, Cong; Liu, Misha; Wang, Yulan;
Wang, Changhai; Zhang, Chunhua; Ge, Ying. Review of arsenic speciation, toxicity


and metabolism in microalgae. REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND
38. Xiaodi Dong, Rujia Pan, Xiangyuan Deng, Yuting Chen, Gengmao Zhao,
Changhai Wang*. Separation, purification, anticoagulant activity and preliminary structural
characterization of two sulfated polysaccharides from sea cucumber Acaudina
molpadioidea and Holothuria nobilis. Process Biochemistry, 2014, 49(8):1352-1361
39. Xianfa Meng, Dekai Yan, Xiaohua Long, Changhai Wang*, Zhaopu Liu, Zed Rengel.
Colonization by endophytic Ochrobactrum anthropi Mn1 promotes growth of Jerusalem artichoke.
Microbial Biotechnology, 2014,7(6):601-610
40. Zhao G.M., Shi Q.M., Han Y., Li S.H., Wang C.H. The Physiological and
Biochemical Responses of a Medicinal Plant (Salvia miltiorrhiza L.) to Stress Caused by Various
Concentrations of NaCl. PLoS ONE,2014,9(2): e89624.
41. Yingying He, Xiaolin Xu, Siyu Wang, Changhai Wang, Bin Dai.
Optimization of dilute alkali extraction of crude polysaccharides from mixotrophic
Chlorella sp.-XJY. Food science and technology research,2014, 20 (1), 51-58.
42. Yingying He, Lin Zhou, Xiaolin Xu, Siyu Wang, Changhai Wang, Bin Dai.
Uniform design for optimizing biomass and intracellular polysaccharide production from
self-flocculating Scenedesmus. Annals of Microbiology, 2014, 64, (4),
43. Jiang Chao-Qiang; Quan Ling-Tong; Shi Feng; Yang Na; Wang Chang-Hai; Yin Xiao-Ming; Zheng
Qing-Song. Distribution of Mineral Nutrients and Active Ingredients in Aloe vera
Irrigated with Diluted Seawater. PEDOSPHERE,2014, 24(6):722-730
44. Yingying Gao, Maochun Yang, Changhai Wang*. Nutrient deprivation enhances lipid
content in marine microalgae. Bioresource Technology , 2013, 147:484-491
45. Deng Xiangyuan, Gao Kun, Pei Feng, Wang Changhai*, Cao Kewei. Effects of a
functionalized ionic liquid on the growth and antioxidant enzymes of Synechococcus sp.
PCC7942. Afr. J. Microbiol. Res., 2013, 7(29): 3824-3830.

46. Heping Jiang, Bingbing Gao, Wenhui Li, Ming Zhu, Chunfang Zheng, Qingsong Zheng,
Changhai Wang. Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Ulva prolifera and Ulva linza to Cadmium
47. Xiaoqiu Zhou, Changhai Wang*, Aili Jiang. Antioxidant peptides isolated from sea cucumber
Stichopus Japonicus. European Food Research and Technology. 2012, 234(3):441-447.
48. Bin Zhang, Ye Wang, Min Gao, Ming Gu, Changhai Wang*.
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-functionalized agarose particles: Parameters affecting the
binding of bovine serum albumin. Journal of Separation Science, 2012. 35(12): p. 1406-1410.
49. Dan Liu, Yan Ma, Ming Gu, Janson, Jan-Christer, Changhai Wang*, Hongbin Xiao.
Liquid-liquid/solid three-phase high-speed counter-current chromatography, a new
technique for separation of polyphenols from Geranium wilfordii Maxim. Journal of Separation
Science, 2012. 35(16): p. 2146-2151.
50. Jinlong Ma, Guobin Jiang, Shanjing Yao, Hua jin, Changhai Wang. Studies on the optimal
cultural conditions of Aureobasidium pullulan to produce polysaccharides. J. Biomedical
Science and Engineering, 2012,5:207-211
51. Jiang Aili, Yu zhen, Wang Changhai*. Effect of cadmium on antioxidant
system in the ascidian Styels clava. Marine Biology Research, 2011,7(4):388-397
52. Jiang Jing, Deng Leixiu, He Lichun, Liu Haiting, Wang Changhai*. Expression,
purification, refolding, and characterization of octreotide-interleukin-2: a chimeric
tumor-targeting protein. Int. J Biol Macromol. 2011,28(4):549-56.
53. Shaojun Zhang, Mingyv Wang, Changhai Wang*. Preparative separation
and purification of alkaloids from Rhizoma coptidis by high-speed counter-current
chromatography. Separation and Purification Technology, 2011. 76(3): p. 428-431.
54. Sun Liqin, Wang Changhai*, Ma Chuihua, Shi Lei. Optimization of renewal regime for improvement
of polysaccharides production from Porphyridium cruentum by uniform design. Bioprocess and
Biosystems Engineering, 2010, 33:309-315


55. Yu Zhen,Jiang Aili,Wang Changhai*. Oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, and
filtration rate of the marine bivalve Mytilus edulis exposed to methamidophos and
omethoate. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 2010, 43(4):243 – 255
56. Ri Xia Bai, Chang Hai Wang*, Shu Jia Zhang, Jiang Minghui, ShaoHui Cui,
WangJinzhi. Structure Identification and Biological Activities of A novel Sulfated
Polysaccharide from Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus eggs. International journal on
information,09/2010; 13(5):1843-1851
57. Xiaoqiu Zhou, Changhai Wang*, Aili Jiang. In vitro antitumor activities of
low molecular sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus peptides sequentially hydrolyzed by proteases.
Advanced Materials Research, 2010, (393-395): 1259-1262
58. Liu D., Su Z. G., Wang C. H*., Gu M., Xing S. L. Separation and Purification of
Hydrolysable Tannin from Geranium wilfordii Maxim by Reversed Phase and Normal Phase
High-speed Counter-current Chromatography [J]. Journal of Separation Science, 2010, 33:2266–2271
59. Shaojun Zhang, Ming Gu, Changhai Wang*, Fan Ouyang. Preparative separation of
dl-tetrahydropalmatine from Corydalis yanhusuo W. T. Wang with ion-exchange resin. Journal
of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologie, 2010, 33(01):246-252.
60. Shaojun Zhang, Ming Gu, Changhai Wang*, Fan Ouyang. Preparative
separation and purification of glaucine and dl-tetrahydropalmatine from Corydalis Yanhusuo
W. T. Wang by high-speed counter-current chromatography, Journal of Liquid Chromatography &
Related Technologies, 2010, 33(02):2510 – 2519
61. Xiaoou Zhang, J?rgen Samuelsson, Janson, Jan-Christer, Changhai Wang*,
Zhiguo Su, Ming Gu, Fornstedt, Torgny. Investigation of the adsorption behavior of glycine
peptides on 12% cross-linked agarose gel media. Journal of Chromatography A, 2010. 1217(12): p.
62. Sun Liqin, Wang Changhai*, Ma Chuihua, Shi Lei. Optimization of renewal regime for improvement
of polysaccharides production from Porphyridium cruentum by uniform design. Bioprocess and
Biosystems Engineering, 2010, 33:309-315

63. Xue-ying Zhou, Feng-hua Fu, Zhen Li, Qiu-ju Dong, Jie He and Chang-hai Wang*. Escin, a
Natural Mixture of Triterpene Saponins, Exhibits Antitumour Activity Against
Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Planta Medica, 2009, 75 ( 15 ): 1580-1585.
64. Liu D, Su Z, Wang C*, Gu M. Separation of five isomers of
dihydroxybenzoic Acid by high-speed counter-current chromatography with
dual-rotation elution method [J] . Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2009,
65. Jiang Ai-li, Yu Zhen, Wang Chang-hai*. Bioaccumulation of cadmium in the ascidian
Styela clava,African Journal of Marine Science,2009, 31(3): 289-295
66. Liqin Sun, Changhai Wang*, Quanjian Shi, Cuihua Ma. Preparation of
different molecular weight polysaccharides from Porphyridium cruentum and their antioxidant
activities. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2009. 45(1): p. 42-47
67. Sun Ying-ying,Wang Chang-hai*. The optimal growth conditions for the
biomass production of Isochrysis galbana and the effects that phosphorus, Zn2+, CO2, and light
intensity have on the biochemical composition of Isochrysis galbana and the activity of
extracellular CA. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2009. 14(2): p. 225-231.
68. Sun Ying-ying,Wang Chang-hai*,Chen Jing. Growth inhibition of the
eight species of microalgae by growth-inhibitor from the culture of Isochrysis galbana and its
isolation and identification. J. Appl. Phycol., 2008, 20(3): 315-321
69. Jiang X.Y., Wang C.H*. Zn distribution and Zn-binding forms in Phragmites australis seedlings
under Zn pollution. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2008, 165:697-704
70. Jiang Ai-li, Lin Jian, Wang Chang-hai*.Physiological energetics of Styela clava in
relation to body size and temperature. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 2008,
71. Jiang Ai-li, Yu Zhen, Cai Wengui, Wang Chang-hai*. Feeding selectivity of


the marine ascidian Styela clava. Aquaculture Research, 2008,39:1190-1197
72. Jiang Ai-li, Guo Jinli, Cai Wengui, Wang Chang-hai*. Oxygen consumption of the marine ascidian
Styela clava in relation to body mass, temperature and salinity. Aquaculture Research, 2008,
73. Rong-lian Xing, Chang-hai Wang*, Xue-bin Cao. Settlement, growth and survival of
abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, in response to eight monospecific benthic diatoms. Journal of
Applied Phycology. 2008, 20:47-53
74. Shaojun Zhang, Fan Ouyang, Changhai Wang*, Ming Gu. Fingerprint of tablet of
Corydalis tuber for alleviating pain by high-performance liquid
chromatography, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2008, 31(03):452-464
75. Shaojun Zhang, Fan Ouyang, Changhai Wang*, Ming Gu. Separation and
Purification of dl-Tetrahydropalmatine from Corydalis Yanhusuo W. T. Wang by HSCCC with
a New Solvent System Screening Method. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related
Technologies, 2008, 31(17):2632 - 2642.
76. Wang C. H.*, Wang Y. Y., Su Q. , Gao X. Y. Transient Expression of the Gus
Gene in a Unicellular Marine Green Alga Chlorella Sp MACC/C95, via
Electroporation. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2007, 12: 180-183
77. Jiang X.Y., Wang C.H*. Cadmium distribution and its effects on
molybdate-containing hydroxylases in Phragmites australis. Aquatic Botany, 2007, 86:353-360.
78. Liu Chun-Hui, Wang Chang-Hai*, Xu Zhi-Liang, Wang Yi. Isolation, chemical
characterization and antioxidant activitives of two polysaccharides from the gel and the skin
of Aloe barbadensis Miller irrigated with sea water. Process Biochemistry, 2007, 42:
79. Zan Min Jin, Chang Hai Wang*, Zhao Pu Liu, Wei Jia Gong. Physiological and ecological
characters studies on Aloe vera Under soil salinity and seawater irrigation. Process
Biochemistry, 2007, 42:710-714
80. Rong-lian Xing, Chang-hai Wang*, Xue-bin Cao, Ya-qing Chang. The potential value of
different species of benthic diatoms as food for ewly

metamorphosed sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius. Aquaculture. 2007, 263: 142-149
81. Ding Jun, Chang Yajun, Wang Changhai* et al. Evalution of growth and heterosis of
hybrids among three commercially important sea urchins, S. trongylocentrotus nudus,
S, intermediuus and Anthocidaris crassipina in China. Aquaculture, 2007, 272/1-4 273-280
82. Li Tie-song, Wang Chang-hai*, Miao Jun-kui. Identification and
Quantification of Indole-3-acetic acid in the Kelp Laminaria japonica Areschoung and Its Effect on
Growth of Marine Microalgae. Journal of applied phycology, 2007, 19: 479-484
83. Z.-X.Jin, C.Wang*. W. Dong and X. Li. Isolation and some properties of newly
isolated oxalate-degrading Pandoraea sp. OXJ-11 from soil. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2007,
103(4): 1066-1073.
84. Zhao-Xia Jin, Changhai Wang*, Wenfu Chen, Xiaoyi Chen, and Xianzhen Li. Induction of oxalate
decarboxylase by oxalate in a newly isolated Pandoraea sp OXJ-11 and its ability to protect
against Sclerotinia sclertiorum infection. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2007, 53(12):
85. Xiulian Chang, Changhai Wang*,Yongmei Feng, Zhaopu Liu. Effects of
heat treatments on the stabilities of polysaccarides substance and barbalion in gel
juice from Aloe vera Miller. Journal of Food Engineering, 2006, 75(2):241-245
86. Jiang Ai-li, Wang C. H*. Antioxidant properties of natural components
from Salvia plebeia on oxidative stability of ascidian oil. Process Biochemistry, 2006,
87. Gefei Zhou, Wenxu Sheng, Wenhong Yao, Wang Changhai*. Effect of Low Molecular
λ-Carrageenan from Chondrus ocellatus on Antitumor H-22 Activity of 5-Fu. Pharmacological Research.
2006, 53(3):129-134
88. Gefei Zhou, Wenhong Yao, Wang Changhai*. Kinetics of Microwave
Degradation of λ-Carrageenan from Chondrus Ocellatus. Carbohydrate polymers. 2005, 34(2):1-5
89. Wang C. H*., Sun Y. Y., Xing R.L. Sun L.Q. Effect of liquid circulation


velocity and cell density on the growth of Parietochloris incisa in flat
plate photobioreactors. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2005, Vol.10, No.2, 103-108
90. Chang-hai Wang, Alvin Y T Ho, Pei-yuan Qian, Po-keung Wong and Dennis D P
Hsieh*. Antibiotic treatment enhances C2 toxin production by Alexandrium tamarense in
batch cultures. Harmful Algae, 2004, Vol.3, No.1, 21-28
91. Zheng Qiusheng; Sun Xiling; Xubo; Wang Changhai. Protective effects of luteolin-7-glucoside
against liver injury caused by carbon tetrachloride in rats. Die Pharmazie, 2004, Vol.59,
No. 4
92. Wang C. H., Wang Y. Y., Sun Y. Y., Xie X. T*. Effect of Antibiotic Treatment on
Toxin Production by Alexandrium Tamarense. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences,
2003, Vol.16, No.3, 340-347
93. Wang C.H.,Hsieh D. P. H. Nutritional supplementation to increase growth
and paralytic shellfish toxin productivity by the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium
tamarense. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2002, Vol.11, Issues 2-3, 131-135
94. Zheng Q. S.; Sun X. L.; Wang C. H*. Redifferentiation of human gastric cancer cells
induced by ascorbic acid and sodium selenite. Biomedical and Environmental
Sciences, 2002, 5(3):223-232
95. 唐颖,王长海*,黄笛. 无菌与带菌盐藻矿质元素含量的比较分析。光谱
96. 刘春辉,王长海*,刘兆普.火焰原子吸收光谱法测定耐海水库拉索芦荟中微量元素.光谱学与光谱分析,2008,28(3):686-689(SCI, IF=1.337)
97. 孙颖颖, 王长海*, 陈静. 球等鞭金藻细胞生长抑制物的分离纯化 [J]. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2008, 28(2): 430-435. (SCI, IF=1.337)
98. 孙颖颖,王长海*,滕立. 球等鞭金藻细胞生长抑制物的高效液相色谱分析. 分析化学,2007,35(9):1246-1250(SCI)
99. 孙颖颖,王长海*. 球等鞭金藻生长抑制物对藻细胞的抑制效应及抗氧化剂对抑制效应的抵制作用. 生物化学与生物物理进展,2007,34(11):1162-1168


100. 邢荣莲, 王长海*, 汤宁, 钱振明.八种海洋底栖硅藻细胞中矿物元素含量分析. 光谱学与光谱分析,2007,27(10):2131-2133(SCI)
101. 杨洪泽,王长海*,袁文杰.不同海水浓度灌溉菊芋的营养元素测定. 光谱学与光谱分析,2006,26(11):2140-2142(SCI )
EI 收录论文
1. 董哓弟、潘如佳、王长海*. 海地瓜,黑乳参和乌皱辐肛参营养成分对比. 现代食品科技,2013,29(12):2986-2990(EI)
2. 孙颖颖, 徐深圳, 张静, 王长海*. 金鱼藻对 5 种水华微藻生长的抑制作用
[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2012, 07:1-7(EI)
3. 浦寅芳, 王长海*, 孙颖颖. 微波法提取球等鞭金藻胞外多糖的工艺[J]. 食品科技, 2012, 07:186-190(EI)
4. Sun Yingying, Zhang Jing, Xu Shenzhen, Li Wenhao, Wang Changhai. Growth inhibition of
Karenia mikimitoi by extracts from Gracilaria lemaneiformis using five solvents [C].
Information Technology and Agricultural Engineering, 2012, 134: 199-210
5. Bin Chen, Minglv Sun, Aili Jiang, Changhai Wang*. Antibacterial activity of crude and
fractionated extracts of the ascidian Styela clava. International Conference on Energy and
Environment. 2011, VⅡ, 378-380(EI)
6. Bin Chen, Minglv Sun, Aili Jiang, Changhai Wang*. Antioxidant activities of
crude and fractionated extracts from the ascidian Styela clava. The 5nd International Conference on
Bioinfomatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2011.5 (EI)
7. Minglv Sun, Bin Chen, Aili Jiang, Gefei Zhou, Changhai Wang*. Preparation
and antioxidant properties of polysaccharides from different parts of the ascidian Styela
clava. International Conference on Energy and Environment. 2011, VⅡ, 381-384(EI)
8. Minglv Sun, Bin Chen, Aili Jiang, Changhai Wang*. Extraction and
antioxidant activities of oligosaccharides from different parts of the ascidian Styela
clava , The 5nd International Conference on Bioinfomatics and Biomedical Engineering.
2011.5 (EI)


9. 姜爱莉, 于贞, 王长海*. Pb~(2+)对柄海鞘代谢的影响[J]. 北京理工大学学报, 2011, 02:220-224. (EI)
10. 郭赣林,徐深圳,李文浩,孙颖颖,王长海. 球等鞭金藻多糖的微波萃取工艺. 食品科学,2011,32(14):113-117(EI)
11. Sun Yingying, Wang Changhai*, Chen Jing. The inhibitor formed by Isochrysis galbana
and its effect on the growth of microalgae. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2010(EI)
12. 孙利芹, 王长海*, 石全见, 陈翠兰, 王凌. 紫球藻多糖的降解及其体外
抗氧化活性[J]. 华东理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 02:211-215. (EI)
13. 唐颖, 王长海*, 李克锦, 黄笛. 杜氏盐藻无菌纯化研究[J]. 大连理工大学学报, 2010, 06:871-876(EI)
14. 唐颖,王长海*,黄笛. 无菌与带菌盐藻矿质元素含量的比较分析. 光谱学与光谱分析(2010-07-15)(EI)
15. 孙颖颖, 刘筱潇, 王长海*. 浒苔提取物对 4 种赤潮微藻生长的抑制作用
[J]. 环境科学, 2010, 06:1662-1669(EI)
16. 李树福, 周革非, 王长海*. 乙酰化修饰的角叉菜 λ-卡拉胶的免疫和抗氧化活性研究[J]. 食品科技, 2010, 05:124-128(EI)
17. 孙颖颖, 刘筱潇, 阎斌伦, 王长海. 对羟基苯甲酸对 2 种赤潮微藻生长的影响[J]. 环境科学与技术, 2010, 7:36-39+124(EI)
18. 姜爱莉,于贞,王长海*. 柄海鞘对锌的富集作用. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,
2010, 42(2):328-332 (EI)
19. Liqin Sun, Shaojun Zhang, Changhai Wang*, Lei Shi. Effects of renewal regime
on consumption of nitrogen and phosphorus, biomass and polysaccharide production
by Porphyridium cruentum in semicontinuous culture. 2009,3rd International Conference on
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Vols 1-112009. 5576-5580(EI)
20. Xueying Zhou, Changhai Wang*, Fenghua Fu. Antitumor Activity of Escin in Mice Cervical
Carcinoma U_(14) in vivo and Human Cervical Carcinoma Hela Cell Line in vitro. 2009 ,
3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and


Biomedical Engineering, Vols 1-112009. 4292-4295(EI)
21. 马翠华, 孙利芹, 王长海*. 紫球藻胞外多糖的流变性研究[J]. 食品科技, 2009, 02:228-231(EI)
22. 魏元臣, 周革非, 李树福, 王长海*. 不同季节角叉菜的化学成分分析[J].食品科技, 2009, 05:110-113(EI)
23. 周革飞,邢容莲,王长海*. 角叉菜不同溶剂提取物抗氧化活性. 大连理工大学学报,2009,49(3):345-348(EI)
24. 林伟涛, 徐世明, 厉建军, 鞠宝, 王长海*. 中式发酵干香肠中片球菌的分离筛选、鉴定和培养[J]. 食品科技, 2009, 12:23-28(EI)
25. 王长海,贾顺义. 盐度对紫球藻生长代谢及氮磷利用的影响. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2009, 41(12):194-197(EI)
26. 刘春辉, 王长海*, 刘兆普, 王艺.海水灌溉下库拉索芦荟产量及其理化指标变化. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2009,41(7):172~175 (EI)
27. 李铁松,王长海*. 海带生长素 IAA 分离纯化及高效液相色谱分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2009,41(5):211-214(EI)
28. 叶志娟,刘兆普,王长海*. 外源氮磷养殖废水对微藻生理生化特征的影响. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2009,(40)5:201-204(EI)
29. Jiang J, Yu SP, Jiang GX, Wang CH*. Two-step purification of recombinant human beta nerve
growth factor (β-rhNGF) secreted by CHO cells with chromatographic method. China
Biotechnology, 2008,28(10):84-89(EI)
30. Sun Liqin, Wang Changhai*. Effect of light regime on extracellular
polysaccharide production by Porphyridium cruentum in flat plate photobioreactors. The 2nd
international conference on bioinformatics and biomedical engineering. 2008
31. 邢荣莲, 钱振明, 王长海*, 汤宁. 海洋底栖硅藻筛选及其生物学和营养成分分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2008,40(9):1495-1500 (EI)
32. 王长海,孙颖颖. 流加培养对球等鞭金藻生物量和生化成分的影响. 天津大学学报,2008, 24(2):142-146 (EI)
33. 王长海,王逸云.植酸酶基因在海水小球藻细胞内的表达. 哈尔滨工业大


学学报,2008, 40(8):1329-1333 (EI)
34. Zan Min Jin, Zhao Pu Liu, Chang Hai Wang*, Wei Jia Gong. Antioxidant responses and salt stress
tolerance of Aloe vera irrigated by seawater with different salinity. High Technology Letters,
2007, 13(31):332-336 (EI)
35. Wang Yiyun, Gao Xiaorong,Wang Changhai*. Construction of a System
for the Stable Expression of Foreign Genes in Chlorella sp. High Technol Lett. 2007, 13(11):91-94
36. 孙颖颖,陈静,王长海*.球等鞭金藻生长抑制物的分离提取与抑制活性
研究. 华东理工大学学报,2007,33(3)340-344 (EI)
37. 王逸云,王长海*.小球藻基因工程选择标记的研究. 大连理工大学学报,
38. 姜爱莉,王长海*,张秀研. 丹参酮类化合物对海鞘油脂氧化稳定性的影响. 大连理工大学学报,2005, 45(4): 511-516(EI)
39. Wang C. H.,Wang Y. Y., Tian Z.L. High density cultures of Porphyridium cruentum in 42L internal
airlift loop photobioreactor. J. Process Engineering,2003, 13
40. Wang C H,Ju B,Ouyang F. Studies on Culture of Porphyridium cruentum. Selected Papers of
Engineering Chemistry and Metallurgy (China)-1999,Science Press: Beijing. New York Press, 2000,
pp116-124 (EI)
41. 王长海,温少红,欧阳藩. 紫球藻培养条件优化. 化工冶金, 1999, Vol.20, No.3,271-277 (EI )
42. Wang C H,Xie L H,Zhao A X et al. Studies on Optimal Culture Conditions of Aureobasidium
pullulans. Selected Papers of Engineering Chemistry and Metallurgy(China),Science
Press, and New York Press, 1995, pp135-141 (EI)

1. 王长海著. (2011)海洋生化工程原理. 化学工业出版社,北

2. 王长海著. (2004)海洋生化工程概论. 化学工业出版社,北


3. 王长海等编著. (2005)海洋生物技术研究进展. 化学工业出版社,北京
4. 王长海(参编). (2008)生命科学导论. 张维杰主编,高等教育出版社,北京. 普通高等教育 “十一五” 国家级规划教材
5. 王长海(参编).(2010)生态系统水平的海水养殖业. 王清印主编,海洋出版社.
6. 国家科技部社会发展司、中国农村技术开发中心编著. (1999)
浅海滩涂生物资源开发. 海洋出版社.十、专利成果
1. 王长海,郭尽力,鞠宝,林剑,欧阳藩. “一种气升式密闭光生物反应器”,1998,专利号:ZL98222415.X。
2. 王长海,常秀莲,刘兆普等. “无色透明脱苦稳定芦荟凝胶汁的清洁生产方法” , 2006.11.15,国家发明专利号: ZL200410021416.8。
3. 孙利芹、王长海等。一种从海藻中制备吲哚乙酸和脱落酸的方法,2012,国家发明专利号: ZL201010253089.4
4. 王长海等,一种新型可调节平板式微藻高密度培养光生物反应器,实用新型专利,2013,专利号:ZL201220548353.1
5. 王长海,吴明珠,何梅琳,杨未男,张轶.海藻有机肥料的制备方法及用该方法制成的有机肥料,2017, 国家发明专利号:Zl 201410481931.8


6. 王长海,何梅琳,郑世燕,吴明珠,邹山梅. 以藻类加工废弃物生产海藻有机肥的方法及制成的肥料,2017, 国家发明专利号:Zl 201410626402.2
7. 李建明、王长海、江杰、戚原野、狄留霞、何梅琳. 新型高效家用微藻培养装置. 2017,实用新型专利:201620877911.7
8. 王长海、李建明、江杰、戚原野、狄留霞、何梅琳. 2017,实用新型专利:201620959948.4
9. 申请专利:王长海,何梅琳,颜永全,一种制备斜生栅藻细胞原生质体的方法,申请号,2017107228915

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2. 2012 年,入选江苏省六大高峰人才。
3. 2010 年,烟台大学十一五科研先进个人。
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6. 2004 年,山东省实验教学与实验技术成果二等奖。
7. 2002 年,烟台大学的二届科技拔尖人才。
8. 1999 年,烟台大学首届拔尖人才。
9. 1998 年,中国科学院化工冶金研究所优秀博士论文。
10. 1997 年,烟台大学科研先进个人。
11. 1991 年,烟台大学教学优秀教师。


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