



姓名:王贺飞 性别:男

籍贯:河南安阳 民族:汉族政治面貌:中共党员 职称:讲师
学历:工学博士 邮箱:wanghefei@njau.edu.cn

2016.09-2020.09 浙江大学 环境科学 工学博士 导师:朱利中 院士
2013.09-2016.06 吉林大学 环境工程 工学硕士 导师:赵勇胜 教授
2009.09-2013.06 吉林大学 环境工程 工学学士二、工作经历
2021.03-至今 南京农业大学 讲师 土壤有机污染控制与修复研究所三、发表论文
1. Hefei Wang; He-Ping Zhao; Lizhong Zhu*; Role of pyrogenic carbon in parallel microbial
reduction of nitrobenzene in the liquid and sorbed phases, Environmental Science &
Technology, 2020, 54: 8760?8769.
2. Hefei Wang; He-Ping Zhao; Lizhong Zhu*; Structures of nitroaromatic compounds induce
Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 to adopt different electron transport pathways to reduce
the contaminants, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 384: 121495.
3. Hefei Wang; Yongsheng Zhao; Tianyi Li; Zhen Chen; Yian Wang; Chuanyu Qin*;

Properties of calcium peroxide for release of hydrogen peroxide and oxygen: a kinetics study,
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 303: 450–457.
4. Hefei Wang; Yongsheng Zhao; Yan Su; Tianyi Li; Meng Yao; Chuanyu Qin*; Fenton-like
degradation of 2, 4-Dichlorophenol using calcium peroxide particles: performance and mechanisms,
RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 4563–4571.
5. Xinglong Song; Hefei Wang; Yongsheng Zhao; Chuanyu Qin*; Predictive models and airflow
distribution associated with the zone of influence during air sparging remediation, Science of the
Total Environment, 2015, 537: 1-8.
6. 王贺飞; 宋兴龙; 赵勇胜*; 地下水曝气技术气流模拟实验研究. 中国环境科学, 2014, 34: 2813-2816.


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