


王晓萌 环境科学与工程系



2018 年,唐孝炎环境科学创新奖

1 国家自然科学基金青年项目“乙酰丙酮调控的钛凝胶同步氧化强化混凝除藻效率及机制研究”(21906085),2020.01-2022.12,主持

2 国家重点研发项目“ 场地土壤多金属污染长效稳定修复功能材料制备”

3 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目“钛凝胶有机复配优化减缓超滤处理含藻水膜污染效果与机制研究”(BK20190547)2019.07-2022.06,主持

4 中国博士后科学基金面上项目“钛凝胶预混凝控制超滤处理含藻水膜污染的调控机制研究”(2019M651853)2019.06-2021.05,主持

5 中央高校基本科研业务费(KJQN202013),2020.01-2020.12,主持


1 Xu, M., Wang, X.*, Zhou, B., & Zhou, L. (2021). Pre-coagulation with cationic
flocculant-composited titanium xerogel coagulant for alleviating subsequent ultrafiltration
membrane fouling by algae-related pollutants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 407,
2 Wang, X., Xu, J., Xu, M., Zhou, B., Liang, J., & Zhou, L.* (2021).


High-efficient removal of arsenite by coagulation with titanium xerogel coagulant.
Separation and Purification Technology, 258, 118047.
3 Wang, X., Chen, Y., Li, T., Liang, J., & Zhou, L.* (2021). High-efficient
elimination of roxarsone by MoS2@Schwertmannite via heterogeneous photo-Fenton
oxidation and simultaneous arsenic immobilization. Chemical Engineering Journal, 405, 126952.
4 Wang, X., Jiang, H., Zheng, G., Liang, J., & Zhou, L.* (2021). Recovering iron and sulfate
in the form of mineral from acid mine drainage by a bacteria-driven cyclic biomineralization
system. Chemosphere, 262, 127567.
5 Jin, D.1, Wang, X.1, Liu, L., Liang, J., & Zhou, L.* (2020). A novel approach for treating
acid mine drainage through forming schwertmannite driven by a mixed culture of Acidiphilium
multivorum and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans prior to lime neutralization. Journal of
Hazardous Materials, 400, 123108.
6 Wang, X., Wang, W., Zhou, B., Xu, M., Wu, Z., Liang, J., & Zhou, L.* (2020). Improving
solid–liquid separation performance of anaerobic digestate from food waste by thermally
activated persulfate oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 398, 122989.
7 Wang, X.1, Jiang, H.1, Fang, D., Liang, J., & Zhou, L.* (2019). A novel approach to rapidly
purify acid mine drainage through chemically forming schwertmannite followed by lime
neutralization. Water Research, 151, 515-522.
8 Wang, X., Gan, Y., & Zhang, S.* (2019). Improved resistance to organic matter load by
compositing a cationic flocculant into the titanium xerogel coagulant. Separation and
Purification Technology, 211, 715-722.
9 Wang, X., Gan, Y., Guo, S., Ma, X., Xu, M., & Zhang, S.* (2018). Advantages of titanium
xerogel over titanium tetrachloride and polytitanium tetrachloride in coagulation: A mechanism
analysis. Water Research, 132, 350-360.
10 Wang, X., Wang, X., Wei, Z., & Zhang, S.* (2018). Potent removal of cyanobacteria
with controlled release of toxic secondary metabolites by a titanium xerogel coagulant.
Water Research, 128, 341-349.
11 Wang, X., Li, M., Song, X., Chen, Z., Wu, B., & Zhang, S.* (2016). Preparation and
evaluation of titanium-based xerogel as a promising coagulant for water/wastewater
treatment. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(17), 9619-9626.
12 Wang, X., Yang, S.*, Li, H., Zhao, W., Sun, C., & He, H. (2014). High
adsorption and efficient visible-light-photodegradation for cationic Rhodamine B with microspheric
BiOI photocatalyst. RSC Advances, 4(80), 42530-42537.
13 Li, T., Wang, X., Chen, Y., Liang, J., & Zhou, L.* (2020). Producing ?OH, SO4??
and ?O2? in heterogeneous Fenton reaction induced by Fe3O4-modified
schwertmannite. Chemical Engineering Journal, 393, 124735.
14 Meng, X., Wang, X., Zhang, C., Yan, S., Zheng, G.*, & Zhou, L. (2021).
Co-adsorption of As(III) and phenanthrene by schwertmannite and Fenton-like regeneration of
spent schwertmannite to realize phenanthrene degradation and As
(III) oxidation. Environmental Research, 110855.
15 Feng, K., Wang, X., Zhou, B., Xu, M., Liang, J., & Zhou, L.* (2021). Hydroxyl,


Fe2+, and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans jointly determined the crystal growth and
morphology of schwertmannite in a sulfate-rich acidic environment. ACS Omega, 6(4),
16 Wang, X., Wang, X., Hui, K., Wei, W., Zhang, W., Miao, A., Lin, X., & Yang, L.* (2018).
Highly effective polyphosphate synthesis, phosphate removal, and concentration using
engineered environmental bacteria based on a simple solo medium-copy plasmid strategy.
Environmental Science & Technology, 52(1), 214-222.
17 Gan, Y., Wang, X., Zhang, L., Wu, B., Zhang, G., & Zhang, S.* (2019).
Coagulation removal of fluoride by zirconium tetrachloride: Performance evaluation
and mechanism analysis. Chemosphere, 218, 860-868.


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