


王伏伟,男,1989 年 1 月 10 日出生,安徽全椒,中共党员。一、教育经历
2015/9~2019/9 南京农业大学 生态学 博士
2012/9~2015/6 安徽农业大学 土壤学 硕士
2008/9~2012/6 安徽农业大学 农业资源与环境 本科二、工作经历
2020/7~至今 南京农业大学 博士后三、发表论文(#共同第一作者)
1. Shijie Li, Fuwei Wang#, Mengfei Chen, Zhengyi Liu, Luyao Zhou, Deng Jun, Changjun Dong, Guocheng
Bao, Tongshuo Bai, Zhen Li, Hui Guo, Yi Wang, Yunpeng Qiu, Shuijin Hu. Mowing alters
nitrogen effects on the community-level plant stoichiometry through shifting plant functional
groups in a semi-arid grassland[J]. Environmental Research Letters, 2020.
2. Tongshuo Bai, Peng Wang, Steven J. Hall, Fuwei Wang, Chenglong Ye, Zhen Li, Shijie Li, Luyao
Zhou, Yunpeng Qiu, Jiuxin Guo, Hui Guo, Yi Wang, Shuijin Hu. Interactive global change factors
mitigate soil aggregation and carbon change in a semi‐arid grassland[J]. Global Change
Biology, 2020, 26(9): 5320-5332.
3. Fanglong Su, Fuwei Wang, Zhen Li, Yanan Wei, Shijie Li, Tongshuo Bai, Yi Wang, Hui Guo,
Shuijin Hu. Predominant role of soil moisture in regulating the response of ecosystem carbon
fluxes to global change factors in a semi-arid grassland on the Loess Plateau[J].
Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 738: 139746.
4. Fanglong Su, Yanan Wei, Fuwei Wang, Jiuxin Guo, Juanjuan Zhang, Yi Wang, Hui Guo, Shuijin
Hu. Sensitivity of plant species to


warming and altered precipitation dominates the community productivity in a semiarid
grassland on the Loess Plateau[J]. Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9(13): 7628-7638.
5. Jinjin Tao, Tongshuo Bai, Rui Xiao, Peng Wang, Fuwei Wang, Alexander M. Duryee, Yi
Wang, Yi Zhang, Shuijin Hu. Vertical distribution of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms
across a soil profile of the Chinese Loess Plateau and their responses to nitrogen inputs[J].
Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 635: 240-248.
6. Zhen Li, Fuwei Wang#, Tongshuo Bai, Jinjin Tao, Jieyun Guo, Mengying Yang, Shimei
Wang, Shuijin Hu. Lead immobilization by geological fluorapatite and fungus Aspergillus niger[J].
Journal of hazardous materials, 2016, 320: 386-392.
7. Zhen Li, Tongshuo Bai, Letian Dai, Fuwei Wang, Jinjin Tao, Shiting Meng, Yunxiao Hu, Shimei
Wang, Shuijin Hu. A study of organic acid production in contrasts between two phosphate
solubilizing fungi: Penicillium oxalicum and Aspergillus niger[J]. Scientific reports, 2016,
6(1): 1-8.
8. 王伏伟, 王晓波, 李金才, 叶爱华, 王妍, 车威, 朱林. 施肥及秸秆还田对砂姜黑土细菌群落的影响[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2015, 23(10):
9. 王伏伟, 王晓波, 李金才, 叶爱华, 王妍, 车威, 朱林. 秸秆还田配施化肥对砂姜黑土固碳细菌的影响[J]. 安徽农业大学学报, 2015, 42(05):
1. 李真, 王伏伟, 白彤硕, 陶瑾晋, 张俐, 叶成龙. 一种矿物修复剂及其制备方法和应用, 中国, 2015, CN201510897354.5.
2. 朱林, 王雅楠, 叶爱华, 王伏伟, 陈晶晶, 刘曼, 秦冰. 一种
ATP 硫化酶基因启动子的应用, 中国, CN201310243324.3.


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