


物有机肥、全元生物有机肥),相关技术工艺已被全国 600
(2010)、国家教学成果二等奖(2009)各 1 项,省部级一等奖 6 项等奖项。
以第一和第二完成人获中国发明专利 90 多件、国际 PCT 专利 6 件,其中 50 多件专利技术在企业转化应用,以第一或通讯作者发表 SCI 论文 130 多篇,Web of Science
核心合集 H 指数 65,2014 年以来入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者, 2019
年以来入选科睿唯安全球高被引科学家。获光华工程科技奖、全国创新争先奖状、中华农业英才奖、国家教学名师、做出突出贡献的中国博士学位获得者、江苏省十大杰出专利发明人等荣誉称号。曾任:国家 973
家、国家 863
1994.6-1995.6,英国 London 大学高级访问学者,从事根际固氮研究
1998.4-1998.10,英国 Reading 大学高级访问学者,从事土壤微量元素研究
2001.7-2001.10,德国 Kiel 大学高级访问学者,从事土壤氮素研究


(5)长期承担土壤肥料学主干课程教学,率先开设本科生双语和留学生全英文教学课程,已培养博士 83 名、硕士 87 名和专硕 13 名,正在培养博士生 25 名、
硕士生 8 名和专硕生 5 名。

(1)经济作物抑病型土壤微生物区系调控技术创建与应用,2019 年,农业部,神农中华农业科技奖,一等奖,第一完成人
(ZL201610151640.1),2018 年,国家专利奖,优秀奖,第一完成人
(4)病死畜禽动物零污染无害化处理和高附加值资源化利用工艺(中国发明专利,ZL201410429510.0),2017 年,国家专利奖,优秀奖,第一完成人
(5)有机肥作用机制和产业化关键技术研究与推广,2015 年,国务院,国家科技进步奖,二等奖,第一完成人
(6)克服土壤连作生物障碍的微生物有机肥及其新工艺,2011 年,国务院,国家技术发明奖,二等奖,第一完成人

(9)克服土壤连作障碍的微生物有机肥产品研制与产业化开发,2010 年,江苏省人民政府,江苏省科学技术奖,一等奖,第一完成人
(10)作物高效吸收利用氮磷养分的生理过程和分子调控途径,2015 年,江苏省人民政府,江苏省科学技术奖(基础类),一等奖,第二完成人
(11)有机肥作用机制和产业化关键技术研究与推广,2013 年,教育部,科技进步奖,一等奖,第一完成人
(12)有机肥与土壤微生物创新团队,2015 年,农业部,中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队奖(等同于科研成果一等奖),第一完成人
(13)一种能防除连作作物枯萎病的拮抗菌及其微生物肥料,2010 年,国家知识产权局和世界知识产权组织,国家专利奖,金奖,第一完成人
(14)滨海盐土快速利用模式及其配套技术体系的研究,1998 年,原国家教委,科技进步奖,一等奖,第二完成人
(15)一种能防除连作作物枯萎病的拮抗菌及其微生物肥料,2009 年,江苏省知识产权局和江苏省财政厅,江苏省专利奖,金奖,第一完成人
(16)城市污泥快速脱臭发酵及其园林花卉基质化和肥料化技术,2004 年,江苏省人民政府,江苏省科学技术奖,二等奖,第二完成人
(17)有机(类)肥料产品研发和推广,2009 年,中国技术市场协会,第四届中国技术市场协会奖,金桥奖
(18)加强产学研合作,创造多赢局面案例,2011 年,教育部科技发展中心,中国高校产学研合作十大优秀案例
(19)“BIO 爸爱我”生物有机肥,2010 年,教育部科技发展中心,中国国际工业博览会高效展区优秀产品奖二等奖

(1)1991 年国家教委、国务院学位委员会授予在社会主义现代化事业建设中做出突出贡献的中国博士学位获得者
(2)1992 年国家教委霍英东基金会优秀青年教师奖
(3)1998 年国务院政府特殊津贴
(4)1998 年江苏省普通高等学校跨世纪学科带头人培养人选

(5)1999 年江苏省普通高等学校“红杉树”园丁奖
(6)1999 年农业部突出贡献专家
(7)2002 年江苏省优秀博士生导师
(8)2004 年江苏省师德先进个人和全国师德先进个人
(9)2008 年国家教学名师
(10)2010 年第 4 届江苏省十大杰出专利发明人
(11)2010 年南京农业大学研究生会“我心目中的优秀导师”
(12)2011 年科技部十一·五科技计划执行突出贡献奖
(13)2012 年全国优秀科技工作者
(14)2013 年江苏省突出贡献专家
(15)2016 年 江苏省劳模和先进个人
(16)2016 年中国技术市场协会金桥奖先进个人
(17)2016 年江苏省首届专利发明人奖
(18)2017 年全国创新争先奖状
(19)2017 年有机肥行业突出贡献人物
(20)2018 年中华农业英才奖
(21)2020 年光华工程科技奖
(22)2020 年江苏省十佳研究生导师

2021/1-2025/12,2000 万元,在研,主持。
2019/1-2022/12,900 万元,在研,主持。
(3)江苏省重点实验室运行项目,BM2007203,江苏省固体有机废弃物资源化高技术研究重点实验室运行经费,2020/1-2022/12,900 万元,在研,主持。
(4)国家重点基础研究计划(973 项目),2015CB150500,作物高产高效的土壤微生物区系特征及其调控,2015/1-2019/12,3450 万元,已结题,主持。
(5)江苏省重点实验室运行项目,BM2007203,江苏省固体有机废弃物资源化高技术研究重点实验室运行经费,2017/1-2019/12,900 万元,已结题,主持。

(6)国家自然科学基金重点项目,31330069,根际有益菌在作物根表形成生物膜的机理模型与调控研究,2014/1-2018/12,312 万元,已结题,主持。
(7)江苏省优势学科平台建设项目,2012-2017,3000 万元,已结题,主持。
(8)农业部农业公益性行业科研专项,201103004,利用有机(类)肥料调控我国土壤微生物区系关键技术研究,2011/1-2015/12,2677 万元,已结题,主持。
(9)国家自然科学基金面上项目,40871126,土传枯萎病拮抗菌在黄瓜作物根际和根表的行为特征研究,2009/1-2011/12,49 万元,已结题,主持。
(10)国家转基因专项,2009ZX08009-126B,水稻氮磷高效关键基因的克隆与功能验证 2009/6–2012/6,294 万元,已结题,主持。
(11)农业部农业公益性行业科研专项,200803031,有机(类)肥料产业发展的技术体系研究,2008/5-2010/12,2267 万元,已结题,主持。
(12)国家自然科学基金面上项目,30671234,水稻增硝营养的生理与分子机制,2007/01-2009/12,29 万元,已结题,主持。
项目-课题主持),2007CB109304,肥料减施增效与农田可持续利用基础研究(第四课题:有机无机肥料的协同促进效应及机理),2007/1-2011/12,343 万元,已结题,主持。
BM2007203,2014/1-2016/12,600 万元,已结题,主持。
(15)农业部农业产业结果调整重大专项,06-07-04B,利用农业废弃物研发克服经济作物连作病害的微生物有机肥研究与开发,2006/6-2008/8,30 万元,已结题,主持。
(16)国家自然科学基金面上项目,40471074,不同氮效率水稻苗期根际土壤硝化强度和硝化微生物研究,2005/1-2007/12,36 万元,已结题,主持。
160 万元,已结题,主持。
(18)江苏省教育厅重大产业化项目,2003ZC-3,农业固体有机废弃物的资源化快速处理,2003/9-2005/9,48 万元,已结题,主持。
(19)国家自然科学基金面上项目,30270790,作物液泡膜硝酸盐内、外流特征与作物氮素利用效率的关系,2003/01-2005/12,22 万元,已结题,主持。
(20)国家 863 计划(面上项目),2001AA246081,作物秸秆快速分解制成生物有机肥关键技术,2001/11-2005/11,125 万元,已结题,主持。

(21)国家自然科学基金农业倾斜项目,30070446,半腐解秸秆覆盖下旱作水稻水肥根的协同作用及其调控,2001/1-2003/12,38 万元,已结题,主持。
(22)国家自然科学基金重点项目,39830220,有机肥优化农田养分循环的机理研究,1999/1-2002/12,90 万元,已结题,主持。
(23)国家自然科学基金面上项目,39770442,不同土壤粒级中有机氮的化学形态及其有效性,1998/1-2000/12,11 万元,已结题,主持。
(24)国家自然科学基金面上项目,黄瓜幼叶磷酸盐营养对其诱导系统抗病能力的作用机理研究,1996/1-1998/12,8 万元,已结题,主持。
(25)国家自然科学基金重点项目,39430090,农业有机肥养分的循环、转化与平衡研究,1995/1-1998/12,50 万元,已结题,第二主持。
39370413,1994/1-1996/12,12 万元,已结题,主持。
Tao CY, Li R, Xiong W, Shen ZZ, Liu SS, Wang BB, Ruan YZ, Geisen S, Shen, QR*, Kowalchuk GA (2020)
Bio-organic fertilizers stimulate indigenous soil Pseudomonas populations to enhance plant disease
MICROBIOME, 8(1): 137

Yuan J, Wen T, Zhang H, Zhao ML, Penton CR, Thomashow LS, Shen QR* (2020)
Predicting disease occurrence with high accuracy based on soil macroecological patterns of Fusarium

Cai F, Gao RW, Zhao Z, Ding MY, Jiang SQ, Yagtu C, Zhu H, Zhang J, Ebner T,
Mayrhofer-Reinhartshuber M, Kainz P, Chenthamara K, Akcapinar GB, Shen QR*, Druzhinina IS* (2020)
Evolutionary compromises in fungal fitness:
hydrophobins can hinder the adverse dispersal of conidiospores and challenge their survival, ISME

Wang XF, Wei Z*, Yang KM, Wang JN, Jousset A, Xu YC, Shen QR*, Friman VP* (2019) Phage combination
therapies for bacterial wilt disease in tomato, NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY, 37(12): 1513

Wei Z, Gu Y, Friman VP, Kowalchuk GA, Xu YC*, Shen QR*, Jousset A (2019) Initial soil microbiome
composition and functioning predetermine future plant health, SCIENCE ADVANCES, 5(9): eaaw0759

Xun WB, Li W, Xiong W, Ren Y, Liu YP, Miao YZ, Xu ZH, Zhang N, Shen QR*, Zhang RF* (2019)
Diversity-triggered deterministic bacterial assembly constrains community functions, NATURE

Xiong W, Li R, Guo S, Karlsson I, Jiao ZX, Xun WB, Kowalchuk GA, Shen QR*, Geisend S (2019) Stefan
Geisend (2019) Microbial amendments alter protist communities within the soil microbiome, Soil Biol
Biochem, 135: 379-382

Zhang J, Miao YZ, Rahimi MJ, Zhu H, Steindorff A, Schiessler S, Cai F, Pang G, Chenthamara K, Xu Y,
Kubicek CP, Shen QR*, Druzhinina IS* (2019) Guttation capsules containing hydrogen peroxide: an
evolutionarily conserved NADPH oxidase gains a role in wars between related fungi, ENVIRONMENTAL
MICROBIOLOGY, 21(8): 2644-2658
CP Kubicek, AS Steindorff, K Chenthamara, G Manganiello, B Henrissat, J Zhang, F Cai, AG
Kopchinskiy, EM Kubicek, A Kuo, R Baroncelli, S Sarrocco, EF Noronha, G Vannacci, QR Shen*, IV
Grigoriev*, IS Druzhinina* (2019) Evolution and
comparative genomics of the most common Trichoderma species, BMC Genomics,
20: 485

Xue C, Hao YW, Pu XW, Penton CR, Wang Q, Zhao MX, Zhang BZ, Ran W, Huang QW, Shen QR*, Tiedje JM
(2019) Effect of LSU and ITS genetic markers and reference databases on analyses of fungal
communities, BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS, 55(1): 79-88

Li M, Wei Z*, Wang JN, Jousset A , Friman VP, Xu YC, Shen QR*, Pommier T (2019) Facilitation
promotes invasions in plant-associated microbial communities, ECOLOGY LETTERS, 22(1): 149-158

Yuan J, Zhao J, Wen T, Zhao ML, Li R, Goossens P, Huang QW, Bai Y, Vivanco JM, Kowalchuk GA,
Berendsen RL, Shen QR* (2018) Root exudates drive the soil-borne legacy of aboveground pathogen
infection, MICROBIOME, 6: 156

Luo GW, Li L, Friman VP, Guo JJ, Guo SW, SHEN QR*, Ling N (2018) Organic amendments increase crop
yields by improving microbe-mediated soil functioning of agroecosystems: a meta-analysis, SOIL BIOL
BIOCHEM, 124: 105-115

Druzhinina IS*, Chenthamara K, Zhang J, Atanasova L, Yang DQ, Miao YZ, Rahimi MJ, Grujic M, Cai F,
Pourmehdi S, Abu Salim K, Pretzer C, Kopchinskiy AG, Henrissat B, Kuo A, Hundley H, Wang M, Aerts
A, Salamov A, Lipzen A, LaButti K, Barry K, Grigoriev IV, Shen QR*, Kubicek CP (2018) Massive
lateral transfer of

genes encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes to the mycoparasitic fungus
Trichoderma from its plant-associated hosts, PLoS GENETICS, 14(4): e1007322

Yuan J, Zhao ML, Li R, Huang QW, Rensing C, Shen QR* (2017) Lipopeptides produced by
B-amyloliquefaciens NJN-6 altered the soil fungal community and non- ribosomal peptides genes
harboring microbial community, APPL SOIL ECOL, 117: 96-105

Zhang RF, Vivanco JM, Shen QR* (2017) The unseen rhizosphere root-soil-microbe interactions for
crop production, CUR OPIN MICROBIOL, 37: 8-14

Yu GH, Xiao J, Hu SJ, Polizzotto ML, Zhao FJ, McGrath SP, Li H, Ran W, Shen QR* (2017) Mineral
Availability as a Key Regulator of Soil Carbon Storage, ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 51(9): 4960-4969

Wu Xiong, Rong Li, Chen Liu, Yi Ren, Qingyun Zhao, Huasong Wu, Alexandre Jousset, Qirong Shen*
(2017) Distinct roles for soil fungal and bacterial communities associated with the suppression of
vanilla Fusarium wilt disease, SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 107: 198-207

Raza W, Ling N, Zhang RF, Huang QW, Xu YC, Shen QR* (2017) Success evaluation of the biocontrol of
Fusarium wilts of cucumber, banana and tomato since 2000 and future research strategies, Critical
Reviews in Biotechnology, 37(2):202-212

Wang M, Sun YM, Gu ZC, Wang RR, Sun GM, Zhu C, Guo SW, Shen QR* (2016) Nitrate Protects Cucumber
Plants Against Fusarium oxysporum by Regulating Citrate Exudation, PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY,
57(9): 2001-2012

Raza W, Wang JC, Wu YC, Ling N, Wei Z, Huang QW, Shen QR* (2016) Effects of volatile organic
compounds produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens on the growth and virulence traits of tomato
bacterial wilt pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum, APPL MICROBIOL BIOTECHNOL, 100(17): 7639-7650

Ning Ling, Chen Zhu, Chao Xue, Huan Chen, Yinghua Duan, Chang Peng, Shiwei Guo, Qirong Shen* (2016)
Insight into how organic amendments can shape the soil microbiome in long-term field experiments as
revealed by network analysis, Soil Biol Biochem, 99:137-149
Xue C, Penton CR, Zhang BZ, Zhao MX, Rothstein DE, Mladenoff DJ, Forrester JA, Shen QR*, Tiedje JM*
(2016) Soil fungal and bacterial responses to conversion of open land to short-rotation woody
biomass crops, GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY BIOENERGY, 8(4): 723-736

Li R, Shen ZZ, Sun L, Zhang RF, Fu L, Deng XH, Shen QR* (2016) Novel soil fumigation method for
suppressing cucumber Fusarium wilt disease associated with soil microflora alterations, APPL SOIL
ECOL, 101: 28-36

Zhang J, Akcapinar GB, Atanasova L, Rahim MJ, Przylucka A, Yang DQ, Kubicek CP, Zhang RF, Shen QR*,
Druzhinina I* (2016) The neutral metallopeptidase NMP1 of Trichoderma guizhouense is required for
mycotrophy and self-defence, Environ
Microbiol, 18(2): 580-597

Yuan J, Chaparro JM, Manter DK, Zhang RF, Vivanco JM*, Shen QR* (2015) Roots from distinct plant
developmental stages are capable of rapidly selecting their own
microbiome without the influence of environmental and soil edaphic factors, SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 89:
206-209, DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.07.009, 出版年: OCT 2015

Zhang N, Yang DQ, Wang DD, Miao YZ, Shao JH, Zhou X, Xu ZH, Li Q, Feng HC, Li SQ, Shen QR*, Zhang
RF (2015) Whole transcriptomic analysis of the plant- beneficial rhizobacterium Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens SQR9 during enhanced biofilm formation regulated by maize root exudates, BMC
Genomics,16: 685

Wei Z, Yang TJ, Friman VP, Xu YC, Shen QR*, Jousset A* (2015) Trophic network architecture of
root-associated bacterial communities determines pathogen invasion and plant health, NATURE COMMUN,
6: 8413

Xiong W, Zhao QY, Zhao J, Xun WB, Li R, Zhang RF, Wu H, Shen QR* (2015)
Different continuous cropping spans significantly affect microbial community
membership and structure in a vanilla-grown soil as revealed by deep pyrosequencing.
MICROB ECOL, 70(1) : 209-218

Wang BB, Li R, Ruan YZ, Ou YN, Zhan Y, Shen QR* (2015) Pineapple–banana rotation reduced the amount
of Fusarium oxysporum more than maize–banana rotation mainly through modulating fungal communities.
Soil Biol Biochem, 86: 77-86

Ling N, Song Y, Raza W, Huang QW,Guo SW, Shen QR* (2015) The response of root-associated bacterial
community to the grafting of watermelon, PLANT SOIL, 391(1-2): 253-264

Cai F, Chen W, Wei Z, Pang G, Li RX, Ran W, Shen QR* (2015) Colonization of Trichoderma harzianum
strain SQR-T037 on tomato roots and its relationship to plant growth, nutrient availability and
soil microflora, PLANT SOIL, 388(1-2): 337-350

Ling N, Wang DS, Zhu C, Song Y, Yu GH, Ran W, Huang QW, Guo SW, Shen QR*
(2014) Response of the population size and community structure of Paenibacillus spp.

to different fertilization regimes in a long-term experiment of red soil. Plant Soil
383(1-2), 87-98

Huang HY, Cao JL, Wu HS, Ye XM, Ma Y, Yu JG, Shen QR*, Chang ZZ*. (2014) Elevated methane emissions
from a paddy field in southeast China occur after applying anaerobic digestion slurry. Global
Change Biology Bioenergy 6(5), 465-472

Ling N, Sun YM, Ma JH, Guo JJ, Zhu P, Peng C, Yu GH, Ran W, Guo SW, Shen QR* (2014) Response of the
bacterial diversity and soil enzyme activity in particle- size fractions of Mollisol after
different fertilization in a long-term experiment. Biol Fert Soils 50(6), 901-911

Zhao S, Liu DY, Ling N, Chen FD, Fang WM, Shen QR* (2014) Bio-organic fertilizer application
significantly reduces the Fusarium oxysporum population and alters the composition of fungi
communities of watermelon Fusarium wilt rhizosphere soil. Biol Fert Soils 50(5), 765-774
Xu Z, Zhang RF, Wang DD, Qiu MH, Feng HC, Zhang N, Shen QR* (2014) Enhanced control of cucumber
wilt disease by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 by altering the regulation of its DegU
phosphorylation. Appl Environ Microbiol 80(9), 2941-2950

Zhao J, Zhang RF, Xue C, Xun WB, Sun L, Xu YC, Shen QR* (2014) Pyrosequencing reveals contrasting
soil bacterial diversity and community structure of two main winter wheat cropping systems in
China. Microb Ecol 67(2), 443-453

Zhang FG, Yuan J, Yang XM, Cui YQ, Chen LH, Ran W, Shen QR* (2013) Putative Trichoderma harzianum
mutant promotes cucumber growth by enhanced production of indole acetic acid and plant
colonization. Plant Soil 368(1-2), 433-444

Yong XY, Zhang RF, Zhang N, Chen YL, Huang XQ, Zhao J, Shen QR* (2013) Development of a specific
real-time PCR assay targeting the poly-gamma-glutamic acid synthesis gene, pgsB, for the
quantification of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens in solid- state fermentation. Bioresource Technol 129,

Liu DY, Li J, Zhao S, Zhang RF, Wang MM, Miao YZ, Shen YF, Shen QR* (2013) Secretome diversity and
quantitative analysis of cellulolytic Aspergillus fumigatus Z5 in the presence of different carbon
sources. Biotechnol Biofuels 6
Li SQ, Zhang RF, Wang Y, Zhang N, Shao JH, Qiu MH, Shen B, Yin XH, Shen QR* (2013) Promoter
analysis and transcription regulation of fus gene cluster responsible for fusaricidin synthesis of
Paenibacillus polymyxa SQR-21. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 97(21), 9479-9489

Li SQ, Zhang N, Zhang ZH, Luo J, Shen B, Zhang RF, Shen QR* (2013) Antagonist Bacillus subtilis HJ5
controls Verticillium wilt of cotton by root colonization and biofilm formation. Biol Fert Soils
49(3), 295-303

Yuan J, Raza W, Shen QR*, Huang QW (2012) Antifungal activity of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NJN-6
volatile compounds against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp cubense. Appl Environ Microbiol 78(16),

Yu GH, Wu MJ, Wei GR, Luo YH, Ran W, Wang BR, Zhang JC, Shen QR* (2012) Binding of organic ligands
with Al(III) in dissolved organic matter from soil: Implications for soil organic carbon storage.
Environ Sci Technol 46(11), 6102-6109

Wang Y, Weng J, Waseem R, Yin XH, Zhang RF, Shen QR* (2012) Bacillus subtilis genome editing using
ssDNA with short homology regions. Nucleic Acids Research 40(12)

Raza W, Yang W, Jun Y, Shakoor F, Huang QW, Shen QR* (2012) Optimization and characterization of a
polysaccharide produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens WR-1 and its antioxidant activity. Carbohydrate
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