


张瑞福,1974 年出生于山东省泰安市。1998 年毕业于莱阳农学院(现青岛农业大学),2004 年 4 月在南京农业大学获理学博士学位,2004 年 6
月起先后在香港大学、美国德克萨斯农工大学、加州大学戴维斯分校从事博士后研究。2010 年 4 月起作为南京农业大学高层次引进人才任南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院教授,博士生导师。2013
年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才,2015 年 1
资源收集保藏重点实验室主任。主要从事根际微生物与生物肥料、农业有机废弃物微生物降解转化与有机肥料研究。发表 SCI 论文 80 多篇,论文被 SCI 论文引用 2000 多次。
一、 教育经历

1994.9-1998.6 山东莱阳农学院 农学系 农学学士
1998.9-2004.4 南京农业大学微生物学系 硕博连读 理学博士二、工作经历
2004.6-2006.6 Department of Biodiversity & Ecology, Hong Kong University, Postdoctoral Research
2006.6-2008.9 Department of Microbiology & Plant Pathology, Texas A&M University,
Postdoctoral Research Associate.
2008.9-2010.5 Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering, University of California,
Davis,Postdoctoral Research Associate


2010.5-至今 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院 教授三、获奖情况


教育部科技进步一等奖,沈其荣,徐阳春,杨帆,杨兴明,薛智勇,陆建明,徐茂,李荣,赵永志,黄启为,张瑞福,余光辉,冉炜,李荣,沈标, 2013,有机肥作用机制和产业化关键技术研究与推广,教育部。
国家科技进步二等奖,沈其荣,徐阳春,杨帆,杨兴明,薛智勇,陆建明,徐茂,李荣,赵永志,黄启为,张瑞福,余光辉,冉炜,李荣,沈标, 2015,有机肥作用机制和产业化关键技术研究与推广,国务院。
大北农科技奖,沈其荣,黄启为,李荣,刘东阳,张建,蔡枫,缪有志,张瑞福,凌宁,徐阳春,冉炜,陈巍,王其传,谭石勇,陆建明 利用秸秆和废弃动物蛋白制造木霉固体菌种和木霉全元生物有机肥
教育部技术发明一等奖,沈其荣,黄启为,李荣,刘东阳,张瑞福,陈巍 2018,利用秸秆和废弃动物蛋白制造木霉固体菌种及木霉全元生物有机肥,教育部。


新民,王新华,张瑞福,蒋建东,洪青, 2005,农药残留微生物降解技术的研究与应用,国务院。
全国农牧渔业丰收三等奖,李顺鹏,崔中利,沈标,刘智,何健,顾向阳,张瑞福,蒋建东,王新华,傅立斌,荆留民,刘军,洪青,陈立伟,房金钺, 2004, 农药残留微生物降解技术的研究与应用,农业部。



SCI 杂志 International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 编委
SCI 杂志 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 编委

《农业科技导报》编委 中国微生物学会常务理事



中国自然资源与区划学会 理事




“根际益生菌 SQR9 特异基因岛合成新型天然活性物质分析及其参与生物膜形成的自噬作用机制”,31870096,国家自然科学基金面上项目,59 万,2019.1-2022.12. 主持。
“两组分系统ResD/E 调控根际促生菌解淀粉芽孢杆菌SQR9 根际定殖的分子机理研究”,31572214,国家自然科学基金面上项目,75.8万,2016.1-2019.12. 主持。
“根际有益菌在作物根表形成生物膜的机理模型与调控研究”, 31330069,国家自然科学基金重点项目,312 万,2014.1-2018.12. 参加。
“根际促生菌 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 与植物根系分泌物互作的分子机理研究”,41271271,国家自然科学基金面上项目,75


万,2013.1-2016.12. 主持。
“新型农业微生物肥效制剂的创制”,2013AA102802,科技部 863
项目,827 万,2013.1-2017.12,主持。
“ 教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划” 教育部, 50 万元,
“生防菌 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 在植株根表原位条件下形成生物膜的蛋白组变化研究”,20110097110002,教育部博士点博导基金,12
“微生物有机肥产业发展中的关键技术研究”,2011BAD11B03,科技部科技支撑计划,255 万,2011.1-2015.12,课题主持。
“青年骨干人才培养与引进计划”03-80900205,江苏省优势学科建设项目,10 万,2011.7-2012.7,主持。
“ 高温木质纤维素酶制剂的研发及协同作用机理研究” , 03-06J0425,中央高校基本科研业务费,40 万,2010.11-2012.11,主持。
“南京农业大学高层次引进人才科研启动经费”,680-804103,南京农业大学,50 万,2010.5-2015.5,主持。
“有机磷农药水解酶基因水平转移的分子基础研究”,30400014,国家自然科学青年基金, 20 万,2005.1-2007.12,主持。
八、发表论文 (第一与责任作者论文)

Liu Y, Feng H, Fu X, Zhang N, Du W, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2020. Induced root-secreted D-galactose
functions as a chemoattractant and enhances the biofilm formation of Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens SQR9 in an McpA-dependent manner


Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology (Published online DOI:
Liu Y?, Feng H?, Chen L, Zhang H, Dong X, and Zhang R* 2020. Exploring the signals in root
exudates sensed by the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens histidine kinase KinD. Molecular
Plant-Microbe Interactions (Published online
Xu Z, Mandic-Mulec I, Zhang H, Liu Y, Sun X, Feng H, Xun W, Zhang N, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2019.
Antibiotic bacillomycin D affects iron acquisition and biofilm formation in Bacillus velezensis
through a Btr-mediated FeuABC-dependent pathway Cell Report 29(5):1192-1202.
Li G, Chen X, Zhou X, Huang R, Li L, Miao Y, Liu D, and Zhang R* 2019. Improvement of GH10
family xylanase thermostability by introducing of an extra α-helix at the C-terminal.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 515(3):417-422.
Wang D?, Xu Z?, Zhang G, Xia L, Dong X, Li Q, Liles MR, Shao J, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2019. A genomic
island in a plant beneficial rhizobacterium encodes novel antimicrobial fatty acids and a
self-protection shield to enhance its competition. Environmental Microbiology 21(9):3455-3471
Zhang W?, Liu Z?, Zhou S, Mou H* and Zhang R*. 2019. Cloning and expression of a
β-mannanase gene from Bacillus sp. MK-2 and its directed evolution by random mutagenesis. Enzyme
and Microbial Technology 124:70-78.
Xu Z?, Zhang H?, Sun X, Liu Y, Yan W, Xun W, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2019. Bacillus velezensis wall
teichoic acids is required for biofilm formation and root colonization. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 85(5): e02116-18. (Cover Story)
Xun W, Li W, Xiong W, Ren Y, Miao Y, Xu Z, Zhang N, Shen Q* and Zhang R* 2019.
Diversity-triggered deterministic microbiome assembly compromises ecosystem functions.
Nature Communications 10(1):3833
Feng H?, Zhang N?, Fu X, Liu Y, Krell T,Du W, Shao J, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2019. Recognition of
dominant attractants by key chemoreceptors mediates recruitment of plant
growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Environmental Microbiology 21(1):402-415.
Xu Z, Xie J, Zhang H, Wang D, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2019. Enhanced control of plant wilt disease by
a xylose-inducible degQ gene engineered into B. velezensis strain SQR9XYQ. Phytopathology


Dong X?, Zhang G?, Xiong Q, Liu D, Wang D, Liu Y, Wu G, Li P, Luo Y and Zhang R*. 2018. Paracoccus
salipaludis sp. nov., isolated from saline-alkaline soil. International Journal
of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 68(12):3812-3817.
Dong X, Liu Y, Zhang G, Wang D, Zhou X, Shao J, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2018. Synthesis and
detoxification of nitric oxide in the plant beneficial rhizobacterium Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens SQR9 and its effect on biofilm formation. Biochemical and Biophysical
Research Communications 503(2):784-790.
Xun W, Yan R, Ren Y, Jin D, Xiong W, Zhang G, Cui Z, Xin X* and Zhang R* 2018. Grazing-induced
microbiome alterations drive soil organic carbon turnover and productivity in meadow steppe.
Microbiome 6(1):170.
Miao Y, Kong Y, Li P, Li G, Liu D, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2018 Effect of CBM1 and
linker region on enzymatic properties of a novel thermostable dimeric GH10 xylanase
(Xyn10A) from filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus Z5 Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology
Express 8(1):44
Feng H, Zhang N, Du W, Zhang H, Liu Y, Fu X, Shao J, Zhang G, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2018.
Identification of chemotaxis compounds in root exudates and their sensing chemoreceptors in
plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9. Molecular
Plant-Microbe Interactions 31(10):995-1005.
Li Q, Li Z, Li X, Xia L, Zhou X, Xu Z, Shao J, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2018. FtsEX-CwlO regulates
biofilm formation by plant-beneficial rhizobacterium Bacillus velezensis SQR9. Research in
Microbiology 169(3):166-176.
Xun W, Li W, Huang T, Ren Y, Xiong W, Miao Y, Ran W, Li D, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2018. Long-term
agronomic practices alter the composition of asymbiotic diazotrophic bacterial community and
their nitrogen fixation genes in an acidic red soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils
Zhou X, Zhang N, Xia L, Li Q, Shao J, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2018. ResDE two-component regulatory
system mediates oxygen limitation-induced biofilm formation of Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens SQR9. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84(8):e02744-17
Wu G?, Liu Y?, Xu Y, Zhang G, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2018. Exploring elicitors of beneficial
rhizobacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 to induce plant systemic resistance
and their interactions with the signaling pathways Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions
Xun W, Huang T, Li W, Ren Y, Xiong W, Ran W, Li D, Shen Q and Zhang R*


2017. Alteration of soil bacterial interaction networks driven by different long-term fertilization
management practices in the red soil of South China. Applied Soil Ecology 120:128-134.
Zhang R, Vivanco MJ, and Shen Q*, 2017. The unseen rhizosphere
root-soil-microbe interactions for crop production. Current Opinion in Microbiology 37:8-14.
Miao Y, Li P, Li G, Liu D, Druzhinina IS, Kubicek CP, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2017 Two degradation
strategies for overcoming the recalcitrance of natural lignocellulosic xylan by
polysaccharides-binding GH10 and GH11 xylanases of filamentous fungi Environmental
Microbiology 19(3):1054-1064.
Chen L#, Liu Y#, Wu G, Zhang N, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2017. Beneficial rhizobacterium
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 induces plant salt tolerance through spermidine production.
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 30(5):423-432.
Liu Y, Chen L, Feng H, Xu Y, Li Z, Wu G, Zhang N, Zhang G, Shen Q and Zhang R*
2017. Identification of root secreted compounds involved in the communication
between soil-borne pathogen-cucumber-Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9. Molecular Plant-Microbe
Interactions 30(1):53-62.
Liu Y?, Yang D?, Zhang N, Chen L, Cui Z, Shen Q, Zhang R* 2016. Characterization of
uncultured genome fragment from soil metagenomic library exposed rare mismatch of
internal tetranucleotide frequency. Frontiers in Microbiology 7:2081
Zhang N?, Yang D?, Kendall JR, Miao Y, Zhang G, Druzhinina, IS, Kubicek CP, Shen Q and Zhang
R* 2016. Comparative genomic analysis of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus
subtilis reveals evolutional traits for adaptation to plant-associated habitats. Frontiers in
Microbiology 7:2039
Xun W, Xu Z, Li W, Ren Y, Huang T, Ran W, Wang B, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2016. Long-term
organic-inorganic fertilization ensures great soil productivity and bacterial diversity
after natural-to-agricultural ecosystem conversion Journal of Microbiology. 54(9):611-617.
Njeri KV, Chen L, Liu Y, Raza W, Zhang N, Mungai LK, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2016. Characterization
of extracellular polymeric substances of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 induced
by root exudates of cucumber. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 56, 1183–1193
Sun L, Xun W, Huang T, Zhang G, Gao J, Ran W, Li D, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2016. Alteration of
the soil bacterial community during the parent materials


maturation driven by different fertilizations Soil Biology & Biochemistry 96:207-215.

Liu Y, Chen L, Zhang N, Li Z, Zhang G, Xu Y, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2016. Plant-microbe communication
enhances auxin biosynthesis by a root-associated plant beneficial bacterium Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens SQR9. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 29(4):324-330.
Xun W, Zhao J, Xue C, Zhang G, Ran W, Wang B, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2016. Significant alteration of
soil bacterial communities and organic carbon decomposition by different long-term
fertilization management conditions of extremely low-productivity arable soil
in South China. Environmental Microbiology 18(6):1907-1917.
Xun W, Xiong W, Huang T, Ran W, Li D, Shen Q, Li Q and Zhang R* 2016. Swine manure and quicklime
have different impacts on chemical properties and composition of bacterial communities
of an acidic soil. Applied Soil Ecology 100:38-44.
Shao J, Li S, Zhang N, Cui X, Zhou X, Zhang G, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2015. Analysis and cloning of
the synthetic pathway of the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid in the plant-beneficial
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 Microbial Cell Factories. 14:130.
Zhang N?, Yang D?, Wang D, Miao Y, Shao J, Zhou X, Xu Z, Li Q, Feng H, Li S, Shen Q* and Zhang R*
2015. Whole transcriptomic analysis of the plant beneficial rhizobacterium Bacillus
amyloliquefaciens SQR9 during enhanced biofilm formation regulated by maize root exudates. BMC
Genomics 16:685
Xun W, Huang T, Zhao J, Ran W, Wang B, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2015. Environmental
conditions rather than microbial inoculum composition determine the bacterial community,
microbial biomass and enzyme activity of reconstructed soil microbial communities. Soil
Biology & Biochemistry 90:10-18.
Miao Y, Liu D, Li G, Li P, Xu Y, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2015 Genome wide transcriptomic analysis
of a superior biomass degrading strain of Aspergillus fumigatus revealed the
active lignocelluloses degrading genes. BMC Genomics 16:459
Miao Y, Li J, Xiao Z, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2015. Characterization and identification
of thermostable xylanolytic enzymes from Aspergillus fumigatus Z5. BMC Microbiology 15:126
Sun L, Gao J, Huang T, Kendall JR, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2015. Parental material and
cultivation determine soil bacterial community structure and fertility.


FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 91:1-10.

Shao J, Xu Z, Zhang N, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2015. Contribution of indole-3-acetic acid
in the plant growth promotion by the rhizospheric strain Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9. Biology
and Fertility of Soils 51(3):321-330
Qiu M, Xu Z, Li X, Li Q, Zhang N, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2014. Comparative proteomics analysis of
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 revealed the key proteins involved in in situ
root colonization. Journal of Proteome Research. 13(12):5581-5591.
Li B, Li Q, Xu Z, Zhang N, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2014. Responses of beneficial
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 to different soilborne fungal pathogens through the
alteration of antifungal compounds production Frontiers in Microbiology 5:636
Xu Z?, Zhang R?, Wang D, Qiu M, Feng H, Zhang N and Shen Q*. 2014. Enhanced control
of cucumber wilt disease by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 by altering the regulation of its
DegU phosphorylation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80:2941-2950.
Chen L, Xun W, Sun L, Zhang N, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2014. Effect of different
long-term fertilization regimes on soil viral community in a red soil of southern China.
European Journal of Soil Biology 62:121-126.
Liu Y, Zhang N, Qiu M, Feng H, Vivanco JM, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2014. Enhanced
rhizosphere colonization of beneficial Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 by pathogen infection FEMS
Microbiology Letters. 353:49-56.
Zhao J, Ni T, Li Y, Xiong W, Ran W, Shen B, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2014. Responses
of bacterial communities in arable soils under a rice-wheat cropping system to different
fertilizer regimes and sampling time Plos One. 9(1): e85301.
Zhao J?, Zhang R?, Xue C, Xun W, Sun L and Shen Q*. 2014. Pyrosequencing reveals contrasting soil
bacterial diversity and community structure in two main winter wheat growing areas of
China. Microbial Ecology 67:443-453.
Qiu M, Li S, Zhou X, Cui X, Vivanco JM*, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2014. De-coupling
root-microbiome association followed by antagonist inoculation improves rhizosphere
soil suppressiveness. Biology and Fertility of Soils 50:217-224.
Zhang N, Wang D, Liu Y, Li S, Shen Q and Zhang R* 2014. Effects of different plant root exudates
and their organic acid components on chemotaxis, biofilm


formation and colonization by beneficial rhizosphere-associated bacterial strains
Plant Soil. 374:689-700.
Li S?, Zhang R?, Wang Y, Zhang N, Qiu M, Shen B, Yin X, Shen Q*. 2013. Promoter
analysis and transcription regulation of fus gene cluster responsible for fusaricidin
synthesis of Paenibacillus polymyxa SQR-21 Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology
Zhang R?, Xu C?, Shen Q, Kusuga T, Wu W, Szewczyk E,Ma D and Fan Z*. 2013. Characterization of
two cellobiose dehydrogenases and comparision of their contributions to total activity in
Neurospora crassa. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 82:24-32
Badri DV?,Chaparro JM?,Zhang R* , Shen Q,Vivanco JM*. 2013. Application of natural blends of
phytochemicals derived from the root exudates of Arabidopsis to the soil reveal that phenolic
related compounds predominantly modulate the soil microbiome. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
Weng J?, Wang Y?, Li J, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2013. Enhancing root colonization and
biocontrol activity of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 by abrB gene disruption Applied
Microbiology & Biotechnology 97(19):8823-8830.
Xu Z, Shao J, Li B, Yan X, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2013. Contribution of Bacillomycin D
in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 to antifungal activity and biofilm formation Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 79(3):808-815
Qiu M?, Zhang R?, Xue C, Zhang S, Li S, Zhang N and Shen Q*. 2012. Application of
bio-organic fertilizer can control Fusarium wilt of cucumber plants by regulating microbial
community of rhizosphere soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 48:807-816
Zhang R, Pan L, Zhao Z and Gu J-D*. 2012 High Incidence of Plasmids in Marine
Vibrio Species Isolated from Mai Po Nature Reserve of Hong Kong Ecotoxicology,
Huo Z, Zhang N, Waseem Raza, Shen Q and Zhang R*. 2012. Comparison of the spores of
Paenibacillus polymyxa SQR-21 prepared at different temperatures. Biotechnology Letters
Huo Z?, Zhang N?, Xu Z, Li S, Zhang Q, Qiu M, Huang Q, Zhang R* and Shen
Q. 2012. Optimization of survival and spore formation of Paenibacillus polymyxa
SQR-21 during bioorganic fertilizer storage. Bioresource Technology. 108:190-195.

Zhang R, Fan Z* and Kusuga T. 2011. Heterologous expression of cellobiose


dehydrogenase from Neurospora crassa in Pichia pastoris and its purification and
characterization. Protein Expression & Purification. 75:63-69.
Zhang R, Lipuma JJ and Gonzalez CF*. 2009 Two type IV secretion systems with different
functions in Burkholderia cenocepacia K56-2. Microbiology 155:4005-13.
Zhang R and Gu J-D*. 2009. Complete sequence of plasmid pMP-1 from the marine environmental Vibrio
vulnificus and location of its replication origin. Marine Biotechnology. 11(4):456-62.
Zhang R, Wang Y, Leung P and Gu J-D*. 2007. pVC, a small, cryptic plasmid from the environmental
isolate of Vibrio cholerae MP-1. Journal of Microbiology. 45:193-198.
Zhang, R., Wang Y and Gu J-D*. 2006. Identification of environmental plasmid-bearing
Vibrio species isolated from polluted and pristine marine environments of Hong
Kong and resistance to antibiotics and mercury. Anton Leeuw Int J G, 89:307-315.
Zhang, R., Jiang J, Gu J-D and Li S*. 2006. Long term effect of
methylparathion contamination on soil microbial community diversity estimated by 16S rRNA
gene cloning. Ecotoxicology
Zhang, R., Cui Z, Zhang X, Jiang J, Gu J-D and Li S*. 2006. Cloning of the organophosphorus
pesticide hydrolase gene clusters of seven degradative bacteria isolated from a methyl
parathion contaminated site and evidence of their horizontal gene transfer. Biodegradation,
Zhang, R., Cui Z, Jiang J, He J, Gu X and Li S*. 2005. Diversity of
organophosphorus pesticide-degrading bacteria in a polluted soil and conservation of their
organophosphorus hydrolase genes. Canada Journal of Microbiology 51(4): 337~343.
王伟,岳政府,刘孝文,张瑞福*. 2017. 低温适应型植物根际促生细菌的筛选及促生效应研究. 南京农业大学学报.40(1):93-100.
崔晓双,王伟,张如,张瑞福* 2015. 基于根际竞争能力的植物根际促生菌的筛选及促生效应研究. 南京农业大学学报.38(6):958-966.
张瑞福*,颜春荣,张楠,李俊,沈其荣 2013. 微生物肥料研究及其在耕地质量提升中的应用前景. 中国农业科技导报.15:8-16.
张瑞福,沈其荣* 2012. 抑病型土壤的微生物区系特征及调控. 南京农业大学学报.35:125-132.
张瑞福,吴旭平,樊奔,何健,蒋建东,李顺鹏* 2005.有机磷农药污染土壤中有机磷农药降解菌的分离与多样性研究,生态学报.25(6):1502-1508.

张瑞福,蒋建东, 代先祝,顾立锋,李顺鹏* 2005. 污染环境中降解基因的水平转移及其在生物修复中的作用, 遗传. 27(5):845-851.
张瑞福,戴青华,何健,代先祝,李顺鹏* 2004.七株有机磷农药降解菌的降解特性比较研究, 中国环境科学. 24(5):584-587.
张瑞福,崔中利,李顺鹏* 2004.土壤微生物群落结构研究方法进展,土壤.36(5):476-480.
张瑞福,崔中利,何健,黄婷婷,李顺鹏* 2004. 甲基对硫磷长期污染对土
壤微生物的生态学效应, 农村生态环境. 20(4):1-5.
张瑞福,蒋建东,崔中利,李顺鹏* 2004.菌株 DLL-1 降解土壤和韭菜中甲基对硫磷的研究,应用生态学报. 15:295-298
张瑞福,曹慧,崔中利,李顺鹏*,樊奔 2003.土壤微生物总 DNA 的提取与纯化,微生物学报. 43:276-282.
张瑞福,朱卫,崔中利,李顺鹏* 2003. 辛硫磷降解菌 X-1 的分离鉴定及降解性状的初步研究,环境科学学报. 23:411-413.

中国生物种质与试验材料资源发展报告, 2016, 科学技术文献出版社 参编
国家发明专利,张瑞福 邵佳慧 张楠等,高产吲哚-3-乙酸的重组细胞及其构建方法与应用。专利号:CN 201410675072.6 授权日:

国家发明专利,张瑞福 邵佳慧 张楠等,生物合成吲哚-3-乙酸的成套蛋白及其应用。专利号:CN 201410677417.1 授权日:2017.7.21国家发明专利,张瑞福 张如 沈其荣 崔晓双
滤泥生产木霉生物有机肥的方法和获得的产品, 专利号:


CN201610003589.X,申请日:2016.1.4 授权日:2019.1.18
国家发明专利,张瑞福 张稳 沈其荣 邵佳慧,通过基因工程改造获得的高活性甘露聚糖酶及其突变位点,申请号:201610323104.5,申请日:2016.5.15
专利号:CN201610323104.5 授权日:2019.2.28

国家发明专利,张瑞福 王丹丹 徐志辉 张桂山 邵佳慧 沈其荣,一种来自解淀粉芽孢杆菌 SQR9
国家发明专利,张瑞福 王丹丹 徐志辉 张桂山 邵佳慧 沈其荣,一种来自解淀粉芽孢杆菌 SQR9
国家发明专利,张瑞福 岳政府 郝强强 刘智超 李凌波 沈其荣一种利用菌糠废弃物生产生物肥料增效剂的方法及应用,申请号: 201711260304.1 申请日:2017.12.4
国家发明专利,张瑞福 岳政府 王伟 刘凯鸣 浦子晔 翟欣奕 沈其荣,一种利用烟沫生产生物肥料增效剂的方法及应用,申请号: 201711261147.6 申请日:2017.12.4
国家发明专利,张瑞福 董小燕 邵佳慧 徐志辉 沈其荣, 一种利用气体信号分子促进芽孢杆菌合成 γ-聚谷氨酸的方法,申请号: 201810711838.X 申请日:2018.6.28
国家发明专利,张瑞福 陈小娟 徐志辉 荀卫兵 邵佳慧 张楠 冯海超 一株促进作物耐盐碱生长的巨大芽孢杆菌及盐碱地专用微生物


肥料和应用 申请号:201910300563.5 申请日:2019.4.15
国家发明专利,张瑞福 陈小娟 李盼 刘云鹏 徐志辉 邵佳慧 一株增强作物耐盐能力的根际促生菌及其微生物肥料和应用 申请号: 201910359879.1 申请日:2019.4.30


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