(2) 有机污染土壤微生物修复研究。
近5年共发表 SCI 论文40余篇,其中第一作者SCI论文13篇。现为《Applied Soil Ecology》期刊编委、美国化学会会员,担任国家自然科学基金委函评项目评审人,同时
担任《Environ. Pollut.》、
《J. Agr. Food Chem.》、《 J. Hazard. Mater.》、《Chemosphere》、
《 Food Chem.》、《 Sci. Total Environ.》等学术期刊审稿人。二、教育经历
2009/09-2013/09, 中科院南京土壤研究所, 生态学, 博士阶段
2008/09-2010/06, 中科院南京土壤研究所, 生态学, 硕士阶段
2004/09-2008/06, 南京师范大学, 生科院, 生物科学(国家理科基地班), 学士
2016/01-至今, 南京农业大学, 资环学院, 土壤生态学专业,副
2015/12-2017/01,美国Texas A & M University, 土壤与作物系, 博士后
2013/07-2016/05, 南京农业大学, 资环学院, 土壤生态学专
1. 中国科协青年人才托举工程 2018年-2020年
2. 南京农业大学钟山学术新秀
3. 中国科学院院长优秀奖 2013年9月
4. 中国土壤学会外联社秘书 2014年-
5. 南京农业大学青年教师授课比赛二等奖 2019年
1.中国科协青年人才托举工程(2018-2020年度),蚓粪资源中抗生素 - 重 金 属 共 抗 性 耦 合 作 用 机 制 及 生 态 风 险 管 控 ,
2018.01-2020.12,经费额度:45万,编号:160. 在研,主持。
2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,反硝化作用与槐糖脂协同强化土壤抗生素-抗性基因厌氧消减的耦合机制,2018.01-2021.12,经费额度:63万,编号:41771350. 在研,主持。
编号:41401347. 结题,主持。
6.江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,环糊精强化土壤PAHs反硝化厌氧降解及微生物群落响应机制,2014.07-2017.07,经费额度:20万,编号:BK20140723. 结题,主持。
7.中国科学院土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室开放基金,环糊精强化土壤PAHs反硝化厌氧降解机制,2015.01-2017.12,经费额度:5万,编号:SEPR-001. 结题,主持。
8.甲基β环糊精强化土壤PAHs反硝化厌氧降解及微生物群落响应机制,中央高校基本科研业务费,2014.01-2017.12,经费额度: 20万,编号:KYZ01426. 结题,主持。
1. Sun MM, Ye M, Zhang Z, Zhang S, Zhao YC, Deng S, Kong L, Ying R, Xia B, Jiao WT, Cheng JQ, Feng
YF, Liu MQ, Hu F*. Biochar combined with polyvalent phage therapy to mitigate antibiotic
resistance pathogenic bacteria vertical transfer risk in an undisturbed soil column system. J.
Hazard. Mater. 2019, 365: 1-8.
2. Sun MM, Ye M, Jiao WJ, Feng YF, Yu PF, Liu MQ, Jiao JG, He XJ, Liu K, Zhao YC, Wu J, Jiang X, Hu
F*. Changes in tetracycline partitioning and bacteria/ phage comediated ARGs in microplastic
contaminated greenhouse soil facilitated by sophorolipid. J. Hazard. Mater. 2018, 345: 131-139.
3. Chao H, Kong L, Zhang H, Sun MM*, et al. Metaphire guillelmi gut as hospitable
micro-environment for the potential transmission of antibiotic resistance
genes. Sci. Total Environ. 2019, 353-361.
4. Liu K, Sun MM*, Ye M, Chao H, Zhao YC, Xia B, Jiao WT, Feng YF, Zheng XX, Liu
MQ, Jiao JG, Hu F. Coexistence and association between heavy metals, tetracycline and
corresponding resistance genes in vermicomposts originating from different substrates. Environ.
Pollut. 2019, 244:28-37. (唯一通讯作者)。
5. Zhao YC, Ye M, Zhang XT, Sun MM *, Zhang ZY, Chao HZ, Huang D, Wan
JZ, Zhang ST, Jiang X, Sun DW, Yuan YL, Hu F. Comparing polyvalent
bacteriophage and bacteriophage cocktails for controlling antibiotic-resistant bacteria in
soil-plant system. Sci. Total Environ. 2019, 657: 918-925. (唯一通讯作者)
6. Sun MM, Liu K, Zhao YC, Tian D, Ye M, Liu MQ, Jiao JG, Jiang X*. Effect
of bacterial-feeding nematodes grazing and tea saponin addition on the enhanced
bioremediation of pyrene-contaminated soil using Sphingobium sp. PHE9. Pedosphere 2017, 27:
7. Sun MM, et al. Dynamic interplay between microbial denitrification and antibiotic
resistance under enhanced anoxic denitrification condition in soil. Environ. Pollut. 2017, 222:
8. Sun MM, et al. Human migration activities drive the fluctuation of ARGs: Case study
of landfills in Nanjing, eastern China. J. Hazard. Mater. 2016, 315: 93-101.
9. Sun MM, et al. Response surface methodology and Tenax TA extraction to explore the function
of nitrate and tea saponin application rates in anaerobic polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbon dissipation in paddy soil. CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water 2016, 44: 667-676.
10. Sun MM, et al., Positive relationship detected between soil bioaccessible organic
pollutants and antibiotic resistance genes at dairy farms in Nanjing, Eastern China. Environ.
Pollut. 2015, 206: 421-428.
11. Sun MM, et al. Impact of bioaccessible pyrene on the abundance of antibiotic
resistance genes during Sphingobium sp.- and sophorolipid-enhanced bioremediation in
soil. J. Hazard. Mater. 2015, 300: 121-128.
12. Sun MM, et al. Tenax extraction for exploring rate-limiting factors in
methyl-β-cyclodextrin enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of PAHs under denitrifying conditions in a
red paddy soil. J. Hazard. Mater. 2014, 264: 505-513.
13. Sun MM, et al. Response surface methodology to understand the anaerobic biodegradation of
organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in contaminated soil-significance of nitrate concentration and
bioaccessibility. J. Soils Sediments 14:1537-1548.
14. Sun MM, et al. Tenax TA extraction to understand the rate-limiting factors in
methyl-β-cyclodextrin enhanced bioremediation of PAH contaminated soil. Biodegradation
2013, 24: 365-375.
15. Sun MM, et al. Remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and metal-contaminated
soil by successive methyl-β-cyclodextrin enhanced soil washing-microbial
augmentation: a laboratory evaluation. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2013, 20: 976-986.
16. Sun MM, et al. Methyl-β-cyclodextrin enhanced biodegradation of polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons and associated microbial activity in contaminated soil. J. Environ. Sci.
2012, 24: 926-933.
17. Sun MM, et al. In situ phytoremediation of PAH-contaminated soil by intercropping
alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) with tall fesc (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and associated soil
microbial activity. J. Soils Sediments 2011, 11: 980-989.
18. Ye M, Sun MM, Zhao YC, Jiao WT, Xia B, Liu MQ, Feng YF, Zhang ZY, Huang D, Huang R, Wan
JZ, Du RJ, Jiang X*, Hu F. Targeted inactivation of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia
coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a soil-lettuce system by combined polyvalent bacteriophage
and biochar treatments. Environ. Pollut. 2018, 241: 978-987.
19. Ye M, Sun MM, Chen X, Feng Y, Wan J, Liu K, Tian D, Liu M, Wu J, Schwab AP,
Jiang X*. Feasibility of sulfate-calcined eggshells for removing pathogenic
bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes from landfill leachates. Waste Manage. 2017, 63:
20. Ye M, Sun MM, Xie SN, Liu K, Feng YF, Zhao Y, Wan JZ, Hu F, Li HX, Zong LG, Jiang X*.
Feasibility of tea saponin-enhanced soil washing in a soybean
oil-water solvent system to extract PAHs/Cd/Ni efficiently from a coking plant sites.
Pedosphere 2017, 27: 452-464.
21. Ye M, Sun MM, Feng Y, Li X, Schwab AP, Wan J, Liu M, Tian D, Liu K, Wu J, Jiang X*.
Calcined eggshell waste for mitigating soil antibiotic resistant bacteria/gene
dissemination and accumulation in bell pepper. J. Agri. Food Chem. 2016, 64: 5446-5453.
22. Ye M, Sun MM, Feng Y, Wan J, Xie S, Tian D, Zhao Y, Wu J, Hu F, Li H, Jiang X*. Effect of
biochar amendment on the control of soil sulfonamides, antibiotic-resistant
bacteria, and gene enrichment in lettuce tissues. J. Hazard. Mater. 2016, 309: 219-227.
23. Ye M, Sun MM, Wan JZ, Zhao Y, Xie SN, Tian D, Hu F, Li HX, Zong LG, Fredrick OK, Jiang X*.
Feasibility of an enhanced washing process to extract PBDEs/heavy metals/antibiotics from
antibiotic resistance gene-affected soil with aqueous DNA followed by microbial
augmentation. J. Soil. Sediment. 2016, 16: 954-965.
24. Ye M, Sun MM, Wan J, Feng Y, Zhao Y, Tian D, Hu F, Jiang X*. Feasibility of
lettuce cultivation in sophoroliplid-enhanced washed soil originally polluted with Cd,
antibiotics, and antibiotic-resistant genes. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 2016, 124: 344-350.
25. Li G, Sun MM, Wu J*, Ye M, Ge X, Wei W, Li H, Hu F. Identification and biochemical
characterization of a novel endo-type β-agarase AgaW from Cohnella sp. strain LGH. Appl. Microbiol.
Biot. 2015, 99: 10019-10029.
26. Ye M, Sun MM, Wan JZ, Fang GD, Li HX, Hu F, Jiang X*, Fredrick OK. Evaluation of enhanced soil
washing process with tea saponin in a peanut oil–water solvent system for the extraction of
PBDEs/PCBs/PAHs and heavy metals from an electronic waste site followed by vetiver grass
phytoremediation. J. Chem. Technol. Biot. 2015, 90: 2027-2035.
27. Ye M, Sun MM, Wan J, Fang G, Li H, Hu F, Jiang X*, Kengara FO. Enhanced soil
washing process for the remediation of PBDEs/Pb/Cd-contaminated electronic waste site with
carboxymethyl chitosan in a sunflower oil–water solvent
system and microbial augmentation. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2015, 22: 2687-2698.
28. Ye M, Sun MM, Hu F, Kengara FO, Jiang X*, Luo Y, Yang X. Remediation of organochlorine
pesticides (OCPs) contaminated site by successive methyl-beta-cyclodextrin
(MCD) and sunflower oil enhanced soil washing - Portulaca oleracea L. cultivation.
Chemosphere 2014, 105: 119-125.
29. Ye M, Sun MM, Liu Z, Ni N, Chen Y, Gu C, Kengara FO, Li H, Jiang X*. Evaluation of enhanced
soil washing process and phytoremediation with maize oil, carboxymethyl-beta-cyclodextrin,
and vetiver grass for the recovery of organochlorine pesticides and heavy
metals from a pesticide factory site. J. Environ. Manage. 2014, 141: 161-168.
30. Ye M, Sun MM, Ni N, Chen Y, Liu Z, Gu C, Bian Y, Hu F, Li H, Kengara FO, Jiang X*. Role of
cosubstrate and bioaccessibility played in the enhanced anaerobic biodegradation of
organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in a paddy soil by nitrate and methyl-β-cyclodextrin
amendments. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2014, 21: 7785-7796.
31. Ye M, Sun MM, Kengara FO, Wang J, Ni N, Wang L, Song Y, Yang X, Li H, Hu F, Jiang
X*. Evaluation of soil washing process with carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin
and carboxymethyl chitosan for recovery of PAHs/heavy metals/fluorine from
metallurgic plant site. J. Environ. Sci. 2014, 26: 1661-1672.
32. Jiao WT, Du RJ, Ye M*, Sun MM, Feng YF, Wan JZ, Zhao YC, Zhang ZY, Huang D, Du DL, Jiang X.
‘Agricultural Waste to Treasure’ - Biochar and eggshell to impede soil antibiotics/antibiotic
resistant bacteria (genes) from accumulating in Solanum tuberosum L. Environ. Pollut. 2018,
242: 2088-2095.
33. Ge X, Wei W, Li G, Sun MM, Li H, Wu J*, Hu F. Isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain VIH2 and
antagonistic properties against Ralstonia solanacearum. Microb. Pathog. 2017, 111: 519-526.
34. Chen X, Li G, Liao X, Fang J, Li B, Yu S, Sun MM, Wu J*, Zhang L, Hu Y, Jiao J, Liu T, Xu
L, Chen X, Liu M, Li H, Hu F, Sun K. A switch in the poly(dC)/RmlB complex regulates
bacterial persister formation. Nat. Commun. 2019,
10(1) :27. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07861-z.
35. Ye M, Sun MM, Yang XL, Wei HJ, Song Y, Jiang X*. Remediation of organochlorin
pesticides (OCPs) contaminated soil by successive
hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and peanut oil enhanced soil washing-nutrient addition: a laboratory
evaluation. J. Soil. Sediment. 13, 403-412.
报,2012, 8: 931-939.
37.刘 款, 孙明明,刘满强,焦加国,田 达,陈 旭,武 俊,李辉信,胡 锋,A. Paul Schwab.土壤反硝化对磺胺嘧啶及抗性基因消减的影响.土壤,2017,49: 482-491.
38.沈方圆, 孙明明, 焦加国, 武俊, 田达, 刘款, 李辉信, 胡锋, A.P. Schwab. 四环素对芘污染农田土壤微生物修复影响及响应过程. 土壤,2016, 5: 954-963.