



2007-09 ~ 2011-06 南京农业大学 农业资源与环境 (本科)
2011-09 ~ 2014-06 南京农业大学 土壤学 (硕士)
2014-09 ~ 2019-09 南京农业大学 生态学 (博士)
2017-09 ~ 2019-05 爱荷华州立大学 环境科学(联合培养博士)二、工作经历
2019-12 ~ 至今 南京农业大学 师资博士后三、获奖情况
2019 年 中华海外生态学者协会最佳论文奖四、发表论文(#共同第一作者)
1. Chenglong Ye, Steven J. Hall. Mechanisms underlying limited soil carbon
gains in perennial and cover‐cropped bioenergy systems revealed by stable isotopes. GCB Bioenergy,
2020, 12: 101?117.
2. Chenglong Ye, Steven J. Hall, Shuijin Hu. Controls on mineral-associated organic matter
formation in a degraded Oxisol. Geoderma, 2019, 338: 383?392.
3. Chenglong Ye#, Dima Chen#, Steven J. Hall, Shang Pan, Xuebin Yan, Tongshuo Bai, Hui
Guo, Yi Zhang, Yongfei Bai, Shuijin Hu. Reconciling multiple impacts of nitrogen
enrichment on soil carbon: plant, microbial and geochemical controls. Ecology Letters, 2018,
21: 1162?1173.
4. Chenglong Ye, Hao Zhang, Xiaolong Zhou, Xianhui Zhou, Hui Guo, Shuijin Hu. Effects of
nitrogen additions on soil microbial respiration and its temperature sensitivity in a
Tibetan alpine meadow. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2018, 38: 2279–2287. (In Chinese with English
5. Chenglong Ye, Tongshuo Bai, Yi Yang, Hao Zhang, Hui Guo, Zhen Li, Huixin Li, Shuijin Hu.
Physical access for residue-mineral interactions controls organic carbon retention in an Oxisol
soil. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 6317.


6. Chenglong Ye, Ting Liu, Yunlong Zhang, Junling Zhang, Qirong Shen, Huixin Li. Response of
soil nematode community to application of organic manure and incorporation of straw in
wheat field. Acta Pedologica Sinica, 2013, 5: 143–151. (In Chinese with English abstract)
7. Dingyu Shen#, Chenglong Ye#, Zhengkun Hu, Xiaoyun Chen, Hui Guo, Junyong Li, Guozhen
Du, Sina Adl, Manqiang Liu. Increased chemical stability but decreased physical protection of soil
organic carbon in response to nutrient amendment in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Soil Biology and
Biochemistry, 2018, 126: 11?21.
8. Hui Guo#, Chenglong Ye#, Hao Zhang, Shang Pan, Yangguang Ji, Zhen Li, Manqiang Liu, Xianhui
Zhou, Guozhen Du, Feng Hu, Shuijin Hu. Long-term nitrogen & phosphorus additions reduce soil
microbial respiration but increase its temperature sensitivity in a Tibetan alpine meadow.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 113: 26?34.
9. Hao Zhang, Chenglong Ye, Yi Wang, Hui Guo, Shuijin Hu. Characteristics of soil microbial
respiration and its response to temperature change in different soil depths in Yunwu Mountain
grassland. Pratacultural Science, 2017, 34: 224?230.
10. Zhen Li, Shipeng Wu, Chenglong Ye. Temperature‐related changes of bioapatite based
on hypermineralized dolphin's bulla. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2015, 46: 964–968.
11. Tongshuo Bai, Jinjin Tao, Zhen Li, Meng Shu, Xuebin Yan, Peng Wang, Chenglong Ye,
Hui Guo, Yi Wang, Shuijin Hu. Different microbial responses in top- and sub-soils to elevated
temperature and substrate addition in a semiarid grassland on the Loess Plateau. European Journal
of Soil Science. 2019, doi.org/10.1111/ejss.12800.
12. Beibei Liu, Chenglong Ye, Li Yu, Jiaguo Jiao, Manqiang Liu, Feng Hu, Huixin Li.
Characteristics of soil nematode communities in coastal wetlands with different vegetation
types. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2012, 23: 3057–3064. (In Chinese with English


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