


占新华,男,博士,教授, 博士生导师,环境科学与工程系主任。研究领域:污染生物学与污染场地修复、环境污染与控制化学。

2000 年 9 月-2005 年 12 月,南京农业大学 植物营养学(环境污染化学方向)专业,获博士学位
1994 年 9 月-1997 年 7 月,南京农业大学 植物营养与环境专业,获硕士学位
1990 年 9 月-1994 年 7 月,南京农业大学 土壤与农业化学专业,获学士学位
2009 年 12 月-至今,南京农业大学资环学院,教授,博士生导

2006 年 7 月-2007 年 8 月 加拿大 Alberta 大学生物系博士后

2005 年 4 月-2009 年 12 月,南京农业大学资环学院,副教授,硕士生导师
2005 年 4 月-2005 年 9 月,加拿大 Alberta 大学生物系访问教授

(Visiting professor)

2004 年 8 月,中国科技大学国家同步辐射实验室同步辐射应用暑期培训(教育部主办)
2003 年 11 月,国家环境保护总局环境影响评价上岗培训(获上岗证)
2000 年 1 月-2005 年 4 月,南京农业大学资环学院环境科学与工


1999 年8 月-2000 年2 月,香港浸会大学生物系Visiting scholar 1997 年 8 月-1999 年 12 月,南京农业大学资环学院环境科学与


3.《中国环境科学》2005 年优秀论文奖,2006

4.2012 年度环境保护科学技术二等奖,2012

5.2011-2013 学年度南京农业大学“优秀教师”,2013

6.2013 年度《农业环境科学学报》优秀审稿人,2013




10.2017-2019 学年度南京农业大学“优秀教师”,2019

11.2016-2018 年度《农业环境科学学报》优秀审稿人,2019

12.2019 年中国产学研合作创新成果一等奖,2019四、教学情况




4.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (SCI)杂志编委
1. 2018-2021 多环芳烃从作物根表向地上部的转运机制研究

(31770546) 国家自然科学基金

2. 2017-2018 污染物从作物根表至地上部转运的原位研究教育部南京农业大学重点引智项目(X2017024)
3. 2016-2018 蓝藻堆肥可行性研究 企业委托项目

4. 2014-2016 有机污染场地土壤生物洗脱修复技术与设备产业化 南京领军型科技创业人才计划(321 人才计划)
5. 2014-2017 多环芳烃跨作物根系细胞膜的运输机制研究

(31370521) 国家自然科学基金

6. 2012、6-2015、6 多环芳烃跨作物根系界面的传输机制研究土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室(中科院南京土壤研究所)开放基金(0812201223)
7. 2011、8-2014、7 作物根系吸收多环芳烃与吸收无机养分的相互作用机制研究 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目

8. 2009-2012 高浓度有机氯农药污染场地土壤的增效洗脱修复技术及设备研发(国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)重点项目”有机氯农药类污染场地土壤修复技术设备研发与示范” 子课


9. 2007-2010 生物表面活性剂强化修复多环芳烃污染土壤的效果研究(863 重点项目“多环芳烃污染农田土壤的微生物修复技术与示范” 子课题, 2007AA061101)
10. 2008-2010 农村污染控制与生态修复关键技术集成与示范

11. 2004-2006 水溶性有机物影响作物吸收和转运多环芳烃的机制(20377024) 国家自然科学基金
12. 2004-2006 Organic waste amendment for remediation of Cu-contaminated soil (C/3501-1)
13. 2001-2003 有机配位作用对土壤污染元素活化淋滤与迁移的影响机制(20007001)国家自然科学基金
1. Yu Shen, Yu Sheng, Jinfeng Li, Jiahui Zhu, Shengnan Shi, Xinhua Zhan*. The role of
temperature in phenanthrene transfer and accumulation in crop leaves. Environmental
Pollution, 2020, 258, 113827.
2. Yu Shen, Haiyan Tang, Wenhao Wu, Heping Shang, Di Zhang, Xinhua Zhan*, Baoshan Xing*. Role of
nano-Biochar in attenuating allelopathic effect from Imperata cylindrica on rice seedlings.
Environmental Science: Nano, 2020, 7, 116-126. DOI: 10.1039/c9en00828d.
3. Jinfeng Li, Yu Shen, Jiahui Zhu, Shiqi Liu, Nengde Zeng, Xinhua Zhan *. miR398 is
involved in the relief of phenanthrene-induced oxidative toxicity in wheat


roots. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 258,
4. Yu Shen, Ruochen Gu, Yu Sheng, Nengde Zeng, Xinhua Zhan*. Acropetal translocation of
phenanthrene in wheat seedlings: Xylem or phloem pathway? Environmental
Pollution, 2020, 260, 114055.
5. Yu Sheng, Luyi Yu, Yu Shen, Ruochen Gu, Jinfeng Li, Fengfei Sun, Xinhua Zhan*. Distribution
characteristics of phenanthrene in wheat, soybean and maize leaves. Polycyclic
Aromatic Compounds, 2020, 1720748. DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2020.1720748.
6. Yu Shen, Jinfeng Li, Ruochen Gu, Xinhua Zhan*, Baoshan Xing. Proteomic analysis for
phenanthrene-elicited wheat chloroplast deformation. Environment International, 2019, 123:
7. Jiahui Zhu, Ziheng Zou, Yu Shen, Jinfeng Li, Shengnan Shi, Shuwen Han, Xinhua Zhan*.
Increased ZnO nanoparticle toxicity to wheat upon co-exposure to phenanthrene.
Environmental Pollution, 2019, 247, 108-117.
8. Yu Shen, Jinfeng Li, Fang He, Shengnan Shi, Ruochen Gu, Yu Sheng, Xinhua Zhan*,
Baoshan Xing. Phenanthrene-triggered tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle response in wheat leaf.
Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 665, 107-112.
9. Yu Shen, Jinfeng Li, Shengnan Shi, Ruochen Gu, Xinhua Zhan*, Baoshan Xing.
Application of carotenoid to alleviate the oxidative stress caused by
phenanthrene in wheat. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(4): 3593-3602.
10. Yu Shen, Qin Chen, Kaimei Zhang, Xiaoli Zhou, Yanming Fang*, Xinhua Zhan. Novel assessment
indexes on heavy metal pollution in the environment: extracellular segregation
coefficient and segregation coefficient of intercellular organelles. Fresenius
Environmental Bulletin, 2019, 28(7): 5405-5414.


11. Jian Xu; Xueliang Zhang; Cheng Sun; Jinzhong Wan; Huan He; Fei Wang; Yuxuan Dai; Shaogui
Yang; Yusuo Lin; Xinhua Zhan. Insights into removal of tetracycline by persulfate
activation with peanut shell biochar coupled with amorphous Cu-doped FeOOH composite in
aqueous solution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(3): 2820-2834.
12. Yu Shen, Jinfeng Li, Ruochen Gu, Le Yue, Hongju Wang, Xinhua Zhan*, Baoshan Xing.
Carotenoid and superoxide dismutase are the most effective antioxidants participating
in ROS scavenging in phenanthrene accumulated wheat leaf. Chemosphere, 2018, 197: 513-525. DOI:
13. Xinhua Zhan*, Mandang Zhu, Yu Shen, Le Yue, Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey, Guohua Xu. Apoplastic
and symplastic uptake of phenanthrene in wheat roots. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 233:
14. Jian Xu, Xueliang Zhang, Shaogui Yang, Huan He, Yuxuan Dai, Cheng Sun*, Yusuo Lin, Xinhua Zhan,
Qun Li, Yan Zhou. Catalytic Degradation of Diatrizoate by Persulfate Activation with Peanut Shell
Biochar Supported Nano Zero-Valent Iron in Aqueous Solution. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, 2018, 15, 1937; doi:10.3390/ijerph15091937.
15. Jinfeng Li, Le Yue, Yu Shen, Yu sheng, Xinhua Zhan*, Guohua Xu, Baoshan Xing*.
Phenanthrene-responsive microRNAs and their targets in wheat roots. Chemosphere, 2017, 186:
16. Le Yue, Chuanxin Ma, Xinhua Zhan*, Jason C. White, Baoshan Xing*. Molecular
mechanisms of maize seedling response to La2O3 NPs exposure: water uptake, aquaporin gene
expression and signal transduction. Environmental Science: Nano, 2017, 4: 843-855. DOI:
17. Yu Shen, Jinfeng Li, Ruochen Gu, Le Yue, Xinhua Zhan*, Baoshan Xing.
Phenanthrene-triggered chlorosis is caused by elevated chlorophyll degradation and leaf
moisture. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 220: 1311-1321. DOI:


18. Yu Shen, Jiangxue Du, Le Yue, Xinhua Zhan*. Proteomic analysis of plasma membrane
proteins in wheat roots exposed to phenanthrene. Environmental Science and Pollution
Research, 2016, 23: 10863-10871. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-6307-z
19. Xinhua Zhan*, Xiu Yi, Le Yue, Xiaorong Fan, Guohua Xu, Baoshan Xing. Cytoplasmic pH-stat
during phenanthrene uptake by wheat roots: a mechanistic consideration. Environmental
Science and Technology, 2015, 49: 6037-6044. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b00697
20. Xiaoming Yin, Xiao Liang, Ling Yu, Guohua Xu, Quansuo Zhou, Xinhua Zhan*. Impact
of phenanthrene exposure on activities of nitrate reductase, phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxylase, vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase and plasma membrane H+-ATPase in roots of
soybean, wheat and carrot. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2015, 113: 59-66.
21. Xinhua Zhan*, Jiahan Yuan, Le Yue, Guohua Xu, Bing Hu, Renkou Xu. Response of uptake
and translocation of phenanthrene to nitrogen form in lettuce and wheat seedlings.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 6280–6287. DOI
22. Xiaoming Yin, Xiao Liang, Guohua Xu, Xinhua Zhan*. Effect of phenanthrene
uptake on membrane potential in roots of soybean, wheat and carrot. Environmental and
Experimental Botany, 2014, 99: 53-58.
23. Liqun Zhu, Naijuan Hu, Minfang Yang, Xinhua Zhan, Zhengwen Zhang. Effects of
different tillage and straw return on soil organic carbon in a rice-wheat rotation
system. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(2): e88900. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0088900.
24. Xinhua Zhan*, Xiao Liang, Tinghui Jiang, Guohua Xu. Interaction of phenanthrene and
potassium uptake by wheat roots: A mechanistic model. BMC Plant Biology, 2013, 13: 168.
25. Zhan Xinhua*, Liang Xiao, Xu Guohua, Zhou Lixiang. Influence of plant root morphology and
tissue composition on phenanthrene uptake: Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis.
Environmental Pollution, 2013, 179: 294-300.


26. Gao Yanfei, Yang Hong, Zhan Xinhua, Zhou Lixiang. Scavenging of BHCs and DDTs from soil by
thermal desorption and solvent washing. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013,
20: 1482-1492.
27. Xinhua Zhan, Xiaobin Zhang, Xiaoming Yin, Hengliang Ma, Jianru Liang, Lixiang Zhou, Tinghui
Jiang, Guohua Xu. H+/phenanthrene symporter and aquaglyceroporin are implicated in
phenanthrene uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots. Journal of Environmental
Quality, 2012, 41: 188-196. doi:10.2134/jeq2011.0275.
28. Jian-gang Wang, Xin-hua Zhan, Jian-ru Liang, Li-xiang Zhou, Yu-suo Lin and Jonathan W.C. Wong.
A novel method for the determination of total hydrocarbon in the hydrocarbon
mixture-contaminated soil. Journal of Bioremediation and Biodegradation, 2011, S2: 001.
29. Xinhua Zhan, Hengliang Ma, Lixiang Zhou, Jianru Liang, Tinghui Jiang, Guohua Xu.
Accumulation of phenanthrene by roots of intact wheat (Triticum acstivnm L.) seedlings:
passive or active uptake? BMC Plant Biology, 2010, 10: 52.
30. X.H. Zhan, W.Z. Wu, L.X. Zhou, J.R. Liang, T.H. Jiang. Interactive effect of dissolved organic
matter and phenanthrene on soil enzymatic activities. Journal of Environmental Sciences,
2010, 22(4): 607-614.
31. Wang Jiangang, Zhan Xinhua, Zhou Lixiang, Lin Yusuo. Biological indicators
capable of assessing thermal treatment efficiency of hydrocarbon mixture-contaminated
soil. Chemosphere, 2010, 80: 837-844.
32. Xiaohong Pei, Xinhua Zhan, Shimei Wang, Yusuo Lin, Lixiang Zhou. Effect of biosurfactant
and Tween-80 on phenanthrene biodegradation by a novel phenanthrene-degrading strain.
Pedosphere, 2010, 20(6): 771-779.
33. Pei Xiaohong, Zhan Xinhua, Zhou Lixiang. Effect of biosurfactant on the sorption of
phenanthrene onto original and H2O2-treated soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences,
2009, 21(10): 1378-1385.


34. LX Zhou, SG Zhou, and XH Zhan. Sorption and biodegradability of sludge bacterial extracellular
polymers in soil and their influence on soil copper behavior. Journal of Environmental
Quality, 2004, 33: 154-162.
35. Zhou L.X., J.R. Liang, X.H. Zhan et al. Fraction and characterization of sludge
bacterial extracellular polymers by FT-IR,13C-NMR,1H-NMR. Water Science and Technology,
2001,44(10): 71-78.
36. Guohua Xu, Xinhua Zhan, Wenjuan Zheng, et al. Assessing methods of available silicon
in calcareous soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2001,32(5&6):
37. Xu Guohua, Zheng Wenjuan, Zhan Xinhua, et al. Silicomolybdenum blue colorimetric
determination of available Si in calcareous soils. Pedosphere 1996, 6(3): 279-284.
38. 张学良,徐建,占新华,孙成,林玉锁.微波辅助合成γ-Fe2O3/花生壳磁性
39. 张学良,李群,周艳,廖朋辉,辜晓平,占新华,林玉锁,徐建*.某退役溶剂
厂有机物污染场地燃气热脱附原位修复效果试验.环境科学学报,2018,38(7): 2868-2875.
40. 王红菊,李倩倩,沈羽,顾若尘,盛妤,占新华*.大豆和小麦根系对菲的吸
持作用及其生物有效性.环境科学,2017,38(6): 2561-2567.
41. 陆守昆,杨青青,王红菊,李金凤,沈羽,占新华*.不同条件下小麦根系菲吸收的动力学参数变化.农业环境科学学报,2016, 35(9): 1660-1664.
42. 杨青青,陆守昆,王红菊,李金凤,沈羽,占新华*.小麦根系菲与磷素吸收及转运的相互作用.生态毒理学报, 2016, 11(3): 219-225.
43. 朱满党,都江雪,乐乐,李金凤,杨青青,陆守昆,占新华*.植物根系质外体溶液的提取方法研究:以多环芳烃为例.环境科学,2015,36(2): 700-705.
44. 洪俊,徐君君,李锦,黄焕阳,占新华*.鼠李糖脂洗脱氯丹和灭蚁灵污染场地土壤的工艺参数研究.环境工程学报, 2014,8(6): 2592-2596.

材) 中国农业出版社 2007

2.固体废物处理与资源化 中国环境科学出版社 2005

3.环境生物学 中国农业出版社 2002

4.植物营养学(下) 中国农业大学出版社 2003九、招生学科与联系方式


办公室资环楼 B204,电话:13813806733邮箱:xhzhan@njau.edu.cn


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