


2008/09 - 2013/07,中国科学院海洋研究所,海洋生物学系,博士(硕博连读)
2004/09 - 2008/07,中南大学,生物工程系,学士
2016/06-2017/06, 芬兰图尔库大学植物分子生物学系, 博士后
2013/07 – 2017/11,南京农业大学,资源与环境科学学院,海洋生物学系,讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31500318,北极适冷小球藻广温适应的生理生态特征及其分子调控机制,2016/01-2018/12,主持
2. 中国博士后基金面上项目,2015M571764,适冷小球藻光合作用适应冷/热胁迫的生理及分子机制,2015/05-2017/05,主持
3. 江苏省青年基金项目,BK20140713,纳米α-Fe2O3进入斜生栅藻细胞的转运机制研究, 2014/07-2017/06,主持
4.“暖水性棘皮类新养殖对象适口饵料筛选与大规模培养技术”子课题(国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓科技创新项目”— 棘皮类新养殖对象苗种繁育与育成技术体系,2019.01-2022.1,
5. 国家自然科学基金面目项目,31770436,微藻对极端环境的适应机制及其抗逆性和生态适应进化关系,2018/01-2021/12,骨干
1. Meilin He, Hong Song, Changhai Wang* et al, Comparative transcriptome analysis of wild type and
an oleaginous mutant strain of Desmodesmus sp. reveals a unique reprogramming of lipid
metabolism under high light, Journal of Applied Phycology 2019,
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10811- 019-01821-w
2. Hong Song, Meilin He, Changhai Wang* et al, Extraction optimization, purification, antioxidant
activity and preliminary structural characterization of crude polysaccharide from an arctic
Chlorella sp., Polymers, 2018, 10(3), 292
3. 何梅琳,迟巧云,王长海*,极地微藻对极端环境的适应机制研究进展. 南京农业大学学报,
4. Meilin He, Yuting Chen, Changhai Wang* et al, Influence of interaction between
α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles and dissolved fulvic acid on the physiological responses in Synechococcus sp.

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2017, 99(6), pp 719–727
5. Meilin He, Yongquan, Changhai Wang* et al, Improvement on lipid production by Scenedesmus
obliquus triggered by low dose exposure to nanoparticles, Scientific reports, 2017, 7(1):15526
6. Meilin He, Ling Li, Jianguo Liu* et al, Improvement of H2 photoproduction in
Chlorella pyrenoidosa in artificial and natural seawater by addition of acetic acid and control of
nutrients, Algal Research, 2015, 10: 104-109
7. Meilin He, Ling Li, Jianguo Liu* et al, The enhancement of hydrogen photoproduction in Chlorella
protothecoides exposed to nitrogen limitation and sulfur deprivation, International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37(22): 16903-16915
8. Meilin He, Ling Li, and Jianguo Liu*, Isolation of wild microalgae from natural water bodies for
high hydrogen producing strains. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37(5): 4046-56
9. Yi Zhang#, Meilin He#, Changhai Wang* et al, Breeding of high biomass and lipid
producing Desmodesmus sp. by Ethylmethane sulfonate-induced mutation, Bioresource Technology, 2016,
207: 268-275
10. Kewei Cao#, Meilin He#, Changhai Wang* et al, The eurythermal adaptivity and
temperature tolerance of a newly isolated psychrotolerant Arctic Chlorella sp., Journal of Applied
Phycology, 2016, 28(2): 877-888.
11. Shiyan Zheng, Meilin He, Changhai Wang* et al, Kelp waste extracts combined with
acetate enhances the biofuel characteristics of Chlorella sorokiniana, Bioresource Technology,
2017, 225: 142-150.
12. Litao Zhang, Meilin He, Jianguo Liu* et al, Role of the mitochondrial alternative oxidase
pathway in hydrogen photoproduction in Chlorella protothecoides, Planta, 2015, 241(4): 1005-1014
13. Litao Zhang, Ling Li, Meilin He, Jianguo Liu*. The role of photorespiration during
H2 photoproduction in Chlorella protothecoides under nitrogen limitation, Plant cell reports,
2016, 35(1): 1-4.
14. Sergey N. Kosourov, Meilin He, Yagut Allahverdiyeva and Michael Seibert. Immobilization of
Microalgae as a Tool for Efficient Light Utilization in H2 Production and Other
Biotechnology Applications[M]//Microalgal Hydrogen Production. 2018: 355-384.(Book chapter)
1. 王长海, 何梅琳等, 以藻类加工废弃物生产有机海藻肥料的方法及制成的肥料,
2. 王长海,何梅琳等,海藻有机肥料的制备方法及用该方法制成的有机肥料,ZL201410481931.8
3. 刘建国,何梅琳等,一种利用微藻提高氢气产量的方法,ZL201310053436.2


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