


任轶,1991 年 8 月 15 日出生,江苏南京人,钟山青年研究员。
2020.12 至今,南京农业大学,钟山青年研究员。三、学术兼职
Rhizosphere 审稿人。四、发表论文
Yi Ren#, Weibing Xun#*, He Yan, Aiyuan Ma, Wu Xiong, Qirong Shen, Ruifu Zhang*. Functional
compensation dominates the assembly of plant rhizospheric bacterial community. Soil Biology and
Biochemistry, 2020, 150, 107968. (#共同一作)
Weibing Xun#, Yunpeng Liu#, Wei Li, Yi Ren, Wu Xiong, Zhihui Xu,

Nan Zhang, Youzhi Miao, Qirong Shen, Ruifu Zhang*. Specialized metabolic functions of
keystone taxa sustain soil microbiome stability. Microbiome, 2021, 9(1): 35. (#共同一作)
Weibing Xun, Wei Li, Wu Xiong, Yi Ren, Yunpeng Liu, Youzhi Miao,


Zhihui Xu, Nan Zhang, Qirong Shen*, Ruifu Zhang*. Diversity-triggered deterministic bacterial
assembly constrains community functions. Nature Communications, 2019, 10: 3833.
Weibing Xun, Ruirui Yan, Yi Ren, Dongyan Jin, Wu Xiong, Guishan Zhang, Zhongli Cui, Xiaoping
Xin*, Ruifu Zhang*. Grazing-induced microbiome alterations drive soil organic carbon turnover
and productivity in meadow steppe. Microbiome, 2018, 6(1): 170.
Weibing Xun, Wei Li, Ting Huang, Yi Ren, Wu Xiong, Youzhi Miao, Wei Ran, Dongchu Li, Qirong Shen,
Ruifu Zhang. Long-term agronomic practices alter the composition of asymbiotic
diazotrophic bacterial community and their nitrogen fixation genes in an acidic red
soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 54, 329–339.
Wu Xiong, Rong Li, Yi Ren, Chen Liu, Qingyun Zhao, Huasong Wu, Alexandre Jousset, Qirong Shen.
Distinct roles for soil fungal and bacterial communities associated with the suppression of
vanilla Fusarium wilt disease. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 107, 198–207.
Weibing Xun, Ting Huang, Wei Li, Yi Ren, Wu Xiong, Wei Ran, Dongchu Li, Qirong Shen,
Ruifu Zhang. Alteration of soil bacterial interaction networks driven by different
long-term fertilization management practices in the red soil of South China. Applied Soil
Ecology. 2017, 120, 128–134.


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