


仇云鹏,1987 年 10 月 5 日出生,江苏人。一、教育经历
2013.09 – 2017.12 博士 美国北卡州立大学;

2010.09 – 2013.07 硕士 浙江大学;

2006.10 – 2010.07 学士 河南新乡医学院。二、工作经历
2017.09 – 师资博士后 南京农业大学。

1. Pan S#, Wang Y#, Qiu Y, Chen D, Zhang L, Ye C, Guo H, Zhu W, Chen A, Xu G, Zhang Y, Bai Y, Hu S.
Nitrogen-induced acidification, not N-nutrient, dominates suppressive N effects on arbuscular
mycorrizal fungi. Global Change Biology. doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15311
2. Wang P, Guo J, Xu X, Yan X, Zhang K, Qiu Y, Zhao Q, Huang K, Luo X, Yang F, Guo H, Hu S.
2020. Soil acidification alters root morphology, increases root biomass but reduces root
decomposition in an alpine grassland Environmental Pollution. 265, 115016.
3. Bai T, Wang P, Hall S, Wang F, Ye C, Li Z, Li S, Zhou L, Qiu Y, Guo J, Wang Y, Hu
S. 2020. Interactive global change factors mitigate soil carbon change in a semi-arid
grassland. Global Change Biology. doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15220
4. Zhang Y, Zhang N, Yin J, Zhao Y, Yang F, Jiang Z, Tao J, Yan X, Qiu Y, Guo H, Hu S*. 2020.
Simulated warming enhances the responses of microbial N transformations to reactive N
input in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Environmental International. 141: 105795.
5. Li S, Wang F, Chen M, Liu Z, Zhou L, Deng J, Dong C, Bao G, Bai T, Li Z, Wang Y, Qiu Y*, Hu
S*. 2020. Mowing alters nitrogen effects on the community-level plant stoichiometry
through shifting plant functional groups in a semi-arid grassland.
Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab8a87. *Corresponding Author
6. Zhang Y, Zhang N, Yin J, Jiang Z, Yang F, Tao J, Yan X, Zhao, Y, Qiu Y, Guo H, Hu S. 2020.
Combination of warming and N inputs increases the temperature sensitivity of soil N2O emission
in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Science of the Total Environment. DOI:
7. Xiao R#, Qiu Y#, Tao J, Zhang X, Chen H, Reberg-Horton SC, Shi W, Shew HD, Zhang Y, Hu S.
2019. Biological controls over the abundances of terrestrial ammonia oxidizers. Global
Ecology and Biogeography. DOI:10.1111/geb.13030. #Co-first author.


8. Qiu Y*, Jiang Y, Guo L, Zhang L, Burkey KO, Shew HD, Zobel RW, Hu S*. 2019. Shifts in the
composition and activities of denititrifiers dominate CO2 stimulation of N2O emissions.
Environmental Science & Technology. 53: 11204-11213. *Corresponding Author
9. Qiu Y, Jiang Y, Burkey KO, Shew HD, Zobel RW, Hu S. 2018. Contrasting warming and ozone
effects on denitrifiers dominate soil N2O emissions. Environmental Science & Technology.
52: 10956-10966.
10. Zhang L#, Qiu Y#, Cheng L, Wang Y, Liu L, Tu C, Bowman DC, Burkey KO, Bian X, Zhang W,
Hu S. 2018. Atmospheric CO2 enrichment and reactive nitrogen inputs interactively
stimulate soil cation losses and acidification. Environmental Science & Technology.
52: 6895-6902. #Co-first author.
11. Wu K, Chen D, Tu C, Qiu Y, Burkey KO, Reberg-Horton SC, Peng S, Hu S. 2017. CO2-induced
alterations in plant nitrate utilization and root exudation stimulate N2O emissions. Soil Biology
& Biochemistry. 106, 9-17.
12. Claver S, Jia X, Qiu Y, Wang G. 2013. Self-thinning in a space-limited rocky intertidal
barnacle system. Annales Zoologici Fennici. 50: 64-70.
13. Wang N, Xu S, Jia X, Gao J, Zhang W, Qiu Y, Wang, G. 2013. Variations in foliar stable
carbon isotopes among functional groups and along environmental gradients in China – a
meta-analysis. Plant Biology. 15: 144-151.


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