


教师姓名: 陈煜 出生年月: 1980.10
职称: 副教授 籍贯:湖北仙桃研究方向: 草类植物抗逆分子生物学
学术兼职: 办公房间:理科南楼 F316
办公电话: 84399712 E-mail:cyu801027@njau.edu.cn


1、2013-2014 年度,陈裕光奖学金,排名第一,南京农业大学
1 、 PvHSFA4a 蛋白乙酰化修饰调控海滨雀稗耐镉的作用机制,
72 万
2 、 热激转录因子 PvHSFA4a 调控海滨雀稗耐镉的分子机制,
72 万
3、基于 FOX 捕捉系统挖掘盐生植物—沟叶结缕草抗盐基因的研究,
25 万
4 、海滨雀稗 PvHSFA4a 蛋白亚硝基化修饰调控耐镉的分子机制,
15 万
5 、海滨雀稗 SnRK2 家族Ⅰ 类蛋白调控耐镉的互作靶因子筛选,
5 万
6、海滨雀稗耐镉基因的挖掘与表达分析,2014/01-2015/05,中国博士后基金面上项目(2014M551612),主持,5 万
7、基于酵母体系挖掘海滨雀稗抗盐基因的研究,2013/12-2015/05,江苏省博士后基金项目(1302018B),主持,4 万
8 、 沟 叶 结 缕 草 FOX 捕 捉 系 统 的 构 建 及 抗 盐 基 因 的 筛 选 ,

持,20 万
9 、 SnRK2 家族 I 类成员负调控海滨雀稗耐镉的分子互作机制,
2017/01-2019/12 , 中央高校基本科研业务费自主创新重点项目
(KYZ201755),主持,15 万
10 、 沟 叶 结 缕 草 抗 盐 离 子 调 控 基 因 的 挖 掘 与 表 达 分 析 ,
2013/01-2014/12 , 江苏省盐土生物资源研究重点实验室开放基金
(JKLBS2012007),主持,8 万
1、Liu Y, Liu J, Xu L, Lai H, Chen Y*(通讯作者), Yang Z, Huang B (2017) Identification and Validation
of Reference Genes for Seashore Paspalum Response to Abiotic Stresses. International
Journal of Molecular Science 18: 1322. 影响因子:3.687
2、Chen Y, Chen C, Tan Z, Liu J, Zhuang L, Yang Z, Huang B (2016) Functional Identification and
Characterization of Genes Cloned from Halophyte Seashore Paspalum Conferring Salinity
and Cadmium Tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 102. 影响因子: 4.298
3 、Chen Y, Zong J, Tan Z, Li L, Hu B, Chen C, Chen J, Liu J (2015) Systematic mining of
salt-tolerant genes in halophyte-Zoysia matrella through cDNA expression library
screening. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 89: 44-52. 影响因子:2.928
4 、Chen Y, Tan Z, Hu B, Yang Z, Xu B, Zhuang L, Huang B (2015) Selection and validation of
reference genes for target gene analysis with quantitative RT-PCR in leaves and roots of

under four different abiotic stresses. Physiologia Plantarum 155: 138–148. 影响因子:3.52
5 、 Chen Y, Li L, Zong J, Chen J, Guo H, Guo A, Liu J (2015) Heterologous
expression of the halophyte Zoysia matrella H+-pyrophosphatase gene improved salt
tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 91: 49-55. 影响因子: 2.928
6、Chen Y, Hu B, Tan Z, Liu J, Yang Z, Li Z, Huang B (2015) Selection of reference genes for
quantitative real-time PCR normalization in creeping bentgrass involved in four abiotic
stresses. Plant Cell Reports 34:1825–1834. 影响因子:3.088
7、Chen Y, Jiang J, Chang Q, Gu C, Song A, Chen S, Dong B, Chen F (2014) Cold acclimation induces
freezing tolerance via antioxidative enzymes, proline metabolism and gene expression changes in two
chrysanthemum species. Molecular Biology Reports 41: 815-822.影响因子:1.698
8、Chen Y, Jiang J, Song A, Chen S, Shan H, Luo H, Gu C, Sun J, Zhu L, Fang W, Chen F (2013) Ambient
temperature enhanced freezing tolerance of Chrysanthemum dichrum CdICE1 Arabidopsis via
miR398. BMC Biology 11: 121. 影响因子:6.967
9 、Chen Y, Chen S, Chen F, Li P, Chen L, Guan Z, Chang Q (2012) Functional Characterization
of a Chrysanthemum dichrum Stress-Related Promoter. Molecular Biotechnology 52: 161-169.

10、Yang Z, Chen Y(Co-first author), Hu B, Tan Z, Huang B (2015) Identification and Validation of
Reference Genes for Quantification of Target Gene Expression with Quantitative Real-time PCR for
Tall Fescue under Four Abiotic Stresses. PLoS ONE 10: e0119569. 影响因子:3.057
11、Xia S, Chen Y(Co-first author), Jiang J, Chen S, Guan Z, Fang W, Chen F (2013) Expression
profile analysis of genes involved in horizontal gravitropism bending growth in the creeping
shoots of ground-cover chrysanthemum by suppression subtractive hybridization.
Molecular Biology Reports 40: 237-246. 影响因子: 1.698
12、Chen L, Chen Y(Co-first author), Jiang J, Chen S, Chen F, Guan Z, Fang W (2012) The
constitutive expression of Chrysanthemum dichrum ICE1 in Chrysanthemum grandiflorum improves the
level of low temperature, salinity and drought tolerance. Plant Cell Reports 31: 1747-1758.

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