


教师姓名:张风革 职称:讲师

研究方向:草地微生物生态 地址:理科南楼 F324

电话:025-84399736 Email:zhangfengge@njau.edu.cn


2010.09-2015.07 南京农业大学,资源与环境科学学院,植物营养学,博士
2006.09-2010.07 南京农业大学,资源与环境科学学院,农业资源利用,学士工作经历
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,高产优质羊草根际土壤微生物区系特征及调控机制研究(31602006),2017/01-2019/12,21.32 万元,在研,主持。
2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金,重盐碱地高产紫花苜蓿土壤微生物区系特征及调控机制(BK20160735)2016/07-2019/06,20 万,在研,主持。
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费青年项目,高产优质羊草根际土壤微生物区系特征及调控机制研究(Y0201600442),2017/01-2019/12,10 万元,在研,主持。
4. 中国博士后基金面上项目,生物有机肥对草地生产力的影响及微生物生态学机理研究(2015M581815),2015/11-2018/07,5 万元,在研,主持。
5. 江苏省博士后基金,施用生物有机肥调控重盐碱地紫花苜蓿的根际微生态机

理研究(1601265C),2016/5-2018/07,1 万元,在研,主持。学术论文
Zhang FG, Huo YQ, Xu XX, Hu J, Sun X, Xiao Y, Zhang YJ* (2018)Trichoderma improves the growth of
Leymus Chinensis. Biology and Fertility of Soils. DOI: 10.1007/s00374-018-1292-7.
Zhang FG, Gao C, Wang JC, Lu YL, Shen ZZ, Liu T, Chen DW, Ran W*, Shen QR (2017) Coupling
sugarcane yield to soil nematodes: Implications from different fertilization regimes and
growth stages. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 247: 157-165.
Zhang FG#, Meng XH#, Feng CL, Ran W, Yu GH, Zhang YJ, Shen QR* (2016) Hydrolytic
amino acids employed as a novel organic nitrogen source for the preparation of
PGPF-containing bio-organic fertilizer for plant growth promotion and characterization of substance
transformation during BOF production. Plos one. 11 (3): e0149447.
Zhang FG, Meng XH, Yang XM, Ran W, Shen QR (2014) Quantification and role of organic acids in
cucumber root exudates in Trichoderma harzianum T-E5 colonization. Plant Physiol Bioch.
83: 250-257.
Zhang FG, Yang XM, Ran W, Shen QR (2014) Fusarium oxysporum induces the production of
proteins and volatile organic compounds by Trichoderma harzianum T-E5. FEMS Microbiol Lett.
Zhang FG, Yuan J, Yang XM, Cui YQ, Chen LH, Ran W, Shen QR (2013) Putative Trichoderma harzianum
mutant promotes cucumber growth by enhanced production of indole acetic acid and plant
colonization. Plant Soil. 368:433-444.
Zhang FG, Zhu Z, Yang XM, Ran W, Shen QR (2013) Trichoderma harzianum T-E5 significantly affects
cucumber root exudates and fungal community in the cucumber rhizosphere. Appl Soil Ecol. 72: 41-48.
Zhang FG, Zhu Z, Wang BB, Wang P, Yu GH, Wu MJ, Chen W, Ran W, Shen QR (2013) Optimization of
Trichoderma harzianumT-E5 biomass and determining the degradation sequence of biopolymers by
FTIR in solid-state fermentation. Ind Crop Prod.49: 619-627.

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