


教师姓名: 孙逍 出生年月:1982.10
职称:副教授 籍贯:安徽阜阳
研究方向:草地根际生态学 讲授课程:南方牧草资源开发与利用学术兼职:无 办公房间:理科南楼 F322
办公电话:025-84399620 E-mail:sunxiao1014@njau.edu.cn

2001.09– 2005.07,长春师范大学化学学院,化学专业辅修生态学专业,理学学士学位

2015.08,亚太地区青年科学家银奖,排名 1, 授予单位,可持续发展研究生教育、研究促进会、爱尔斯维尔集团、斯高帕斯集团和德国洪堡基金

2014.11 , 第二届国际镁研究会议墙报奖,排名 1 , INSTITUTE OF
2013.10,上海交通大学获得研究生国家优秀奖学金,排名 1,上海交通大学。

2018.7-2019.7 豆科牧草与根瘤菌共生关系对缺镁的响应机制,主持(已获批,博士后特等资助);
2015.9–2018.12 氮沉降对典型草原植物叶和细根凋落物化学计量学及其分解的影响(国家自然科学青年基金 NSFC, NO. 31501997), 主持;

Sun X*, Chen JH, Liu LS, Rosanoff A, Zhang YJ, Xue X, Pei TT (2018) Effects of magnesium fertilizer
on forage crude protein content depend upon available soil nitrogen, Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66 (8): 1743–1750. 5-Years=3.504
Sun X, Shen Y, Schuster MJ, Searle EB, Chen JH, Yang GW, Zhang YJ (2018) Initial responses of grass
litter tissue chemistry and N:P stoichiometry to varied N and P input rates and ratios in Inner
Mongolia, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2018 , 252 :114-125. 5-Years=4.678
Chen JH, Li YP, Wen SL, Rosanoff A, Yang GW, Sun X*(2017) Magnesium fertilizer-induced
increase of symbiotic microorganisms improves forage growth and quality, Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry, 65(16). 5-Years=3.504
Sun X *, Gao Y, Wang D, Chen J, Zhang FG, Zhou JB, Xiao Y (2017) Stoichiometric variation of
halophytes in response to changes of soil salinity, Plant Biology, DOI:
10.1111/plb.12552. 5-Years=2.456
Sun X, Kang H, Chen HYH et al. (2016) Phenotypic plasticity controls regional-scale variation in
Quercus variabilis leaf δ 13 C. Trees, 1-9. 5-Years=1.842
Sun X, Kang H, Chen HY, Berg B, Bartels SF, Liu C (2015) Biogeographic patterns of nutrient
resorption from Quercus variabilis Blume leaves across China. Plant Biology, 18,
505-513. 5-Years=2.456

Sun X, Kang H, Kattge J, Gao Y, Liu C (2015) Biogeographic patterns of multi-element
stoichiometry of Quercus varia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45,
1827-1834. 5-Years=2.148
Sun X, Rosanoff A, Liu C (2015) Across-trophic variation of potassium, calcium and magnesium
stoichiometric traits in a parasitism food chain across temperate and subtropical biomes. Crop &
Pasture Science, 66, 1290-1297. 5-Years=1.586
Sun X, Small GE, Zhou X, Wang D, Li H, Liu C (2015) Variation in C:N:S stoichiometry and
nutrient storage related to body size in a holometabolous insect (Curculio davidi)
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larva. Journal of Insect Science, 15. 5-Years=1.294
Sun X, Kay AD, Kang H et al. (2013) Correlated biogeographic variation of magnesium across trophic
levels in a trrestrial food chain. Plos One, 8, e78444. 5-Years=3.702
Sun X, Kang H, Du H et al. (2012) Stoichiometric traits of oriental oak ( Quercus
variabilis ) acorns and their variations in relation to environmental variables across temperate
to subtropical China. Ecological Research, 27, 765-773. 5-Years=1.552

Liu, C. and X. Sun. 2013. A Review of Ecological Stoichiometry: Basic Knowledge and Advances.
Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier.


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