


教师姓名:于景金 出生年月:1983.1
职 称:副教授 籍 贯:内蒙古研究方向:草坪生理生态
办公房间:理科南楼 F316
办公电话:025-84399712 E-mail:jingjin_yu@126.com

2010.10-2012.04,美国 Rutgers 大学,植物生物与病理系,联合培养博士
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,激素介导的 CO2 与氮互作调控高羊茅叶片生长的生理机制,2020.01-2023.12,58 万,在研,主持。

2. 企业委托项目, 海雀稗足球场草坪建植 及养护技术示范, 2017.11-2020.12,30 万,在研,主持。
3. 南京农业大学中央高校基本科研业务费自主创新重点项目, KYZ201673 , 高浓度 CO2 调控高羊茅根系发育的分子机制, 2016,01-2018.12,10 万,在研,主持。
4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,31301799,草坪草应对高温胁迫与 CO2浓度增倍的互作效应响应机制,2014.01-2016.12,26 万元,结题,主持。
5. 南京农业大学青年科技创新基金,KJ2013021,草坪草应对温度升高与 CO2 浓度增倍的分子调控机制,2013.07-2015,06,5 万,结题,主持。
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31572153,高羊茅地下茎形成及其抗旱和旱后恢复的分子机制,2016.01-2019.12,60 万,在研,参加。
7. 农业部“948”项目,2014-Z25,特异抗逆优质草种质资源的引进与利用,2014.01-2016.6,70 万,结题,参加。
8. 科技部项目,南方草地牧草资源调查子课题,2017.01-2021.12,80万,在研,参加。
9. 企业委托项目,抗旱草坪草种质资源筛选和运动场草坪技术集成与示范,2015.03-2016.12,70 万,结题,参加。
10. 教改项目(院级),基于“校地合作”的草业科学本科生实践基地建设研究,2018.10-2019.12,在研,主持。
11. 教改项目(校级重点项目),基于“校地合作”的专业学位研究生实践基地建设研究-以南京农业大学句容草坪研究院运动草坪示范基地为例,2018.11-2019.12,在研,主持。

1. Yu, J., Fan, N., Li, R., Zhuang, L., Xu, Q.*, Huang, B.*, 2019. Proteomic
Profiling for Metabolic Pathways Involved in Interactive Effects of Elevated Carbon
Dioxide and Nitrogen on Leaf Growth in a Perennial Grass Species. Journal of Proteome Research. 18,
2. Zhuang, L., Yang, Z., Fan, N., Yu, J.*, Huang, B.*, 2019. Metabolomic
Changes associated with Elevated CO2-Regulation of Salt Tolerance in
Kentucky Bluegrass.

Environmental & Experimental Botany.165, 129-138.
3. Zhuang, L., Ge, Y., Wang, J., Yu, J., Yang, Z., Huang, B., 2019. Gibberellic Acid
Inhibition of Tillering in Tall Fescue Involving Crosstalks with Cytokinins and Transcriptional
Regulation of Genes Controlling Axillary Bud Outgrowth. Plant Science, 110168.
4. Zheng, Y., Li, F., Hao, L., Yu, J., Guo, L., Zhou, H., Ma, C., Zhang, X., Xu, M., 2019.
Elevated CO2 Concentration Induces Photosynthetic Down-Regulation with Changes
in Leaf Structure, Non-Structural Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Content of Soybean. BMC Plant
Biology, 255.
5. Xu, Q., Fan, N., Zhuang, L., Yu, J.*, Huang, B.*, 2018. Enhanced Stolon Growth and
Metabolic Adjustment in Creeping Bentgrass with Elevated CO2 Concentration. Environmental &
Experimental Botany. 155, 87-97.
6. Yu, J., Li, R., Fan, N., Yang, Z., Huang, B., 2017. Metabolic Pathways Involved in
Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Heat Tolerance in Bermudagrass. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 1506.
7. 于景金, 范宁丽, 李冉, 杨志民, 2017. 高浓度CO2 对热胁迫条件下高羊茅生长和抗氧化系统的影响. 草业学报. 26, 113-122.
8. Li, Z., Yu, J. (co-first author), Peng, Y., Huang, B., 2017. Metabolic Pathways Regulated by
Abscisic Acid, Salicylic Acid, And γ‐ Aminobutyric Acid in Association with Improved
Drought Tolerance in Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera). Physiologia
Plantarum. 159, 42-58.
9. Jespersen, D., Yu, J., Huang, B., 2017. Metabolic Effects of Acibenzolar-S-Methyl for
Improving Heat or Drought Stress in Creeping Bentgrass. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 1224.
10. Yu, J., Liu, M.X., Yang, Z.M., Huang, B., 2015. Growth And Physiological Factors
Involved in Interspecific Variations in Drought Tolerance and Postdrought Recovery in
Warm- and Cool-Season Turfgrass Species. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural
Science. 140, 459-465.
11. Yu, J., Sun, L., Fan, N., Yang, Z., Huang, B., 2015. Physiological

Factors Involved in Positive Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Bermudagrass
Tolerance to Salinity Stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 115, 20-27.
12. Jespersen, D., Yu, J. (co-first author), Huang, B., 2015. Metabolite Responses
to Exogenous Application of Nitrogen, Cytokinin, and Ethylene Inhibitors in Relation to
Heat-Induced Senescence in Creeping Bentgrass. Plos One. 10, e123744.
13. Chen, Y.J., Yu, J.J. (co-first author), Huang, B.R., 2015. Effects of Elevated CO2
Concentration on Water Relations and Photosynthetic Responses to Drought Stress
and Recovery during Rewatering in Tall Fescue. Journal of the American Society for
Horticultural Science. 140, 1-8.
14. Yu, J.J., Yang, Z.M., Jespersen, D., Huang, B.R., 2014. Photosynthesis and
Protein Metabolism Associated with Elevated CO2-mitigation of Heat Stress Damages in Tall
Fescue. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 99, 75-85.
15. Song, Y.L., Yu, J.J. (co-first author), Huang, B., 2014. Elevated CO2-Mitigation of
High Temperature Stress Associated with Maintenance of Positive Carbon Balance and
Carbohydrate Accumulation in Kentucky Bluegrass. Plos One. 9, e89725.
16. Li, Z., Yu, J. (co-first author), Peng, Y., Huang, B., 2016. Metabolic Pathways Regulated
by γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) Contributing to Heat Tolerance in Creeping Bentgrass
(Agrostis stolonifera). Scientific Reports. 6, 30338.
17. Yang, Z.M., Miao, Y.C., Yu, J.J., Liu, J., Huang, B.R., 2014. Differential growth and
physiological responses to heat stress between two annual and two perennial
cool-season turfgrasses. Scientia Horticulturae. 170, 75-81.
18. Yang, Z.M., Chang, Z.L., Sun, L.H., Yu, J.J., Huang, B.R., 2014. Physiological and
metabolic effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid for mitigating salinity stress in creeping
bentgrass. Plos One. 9, e116283.
19. Yang, Z.M., Xu, L.X., Yu, J.J., DaCosta, M., Huang, B.R., 2013. Changes in
Carbohydrate Metabolism in Two Kentucky

Bluegrass Cultivars during Drought Stress and Recovery. Journal of the American Society
for Horticultural Science. 138, 24-30.
20. Xu, L.X., Yu, J.J., Han, L.B., Huang, B.R., 2013. Photosynthetic Enzyme Activities
and Gene Expression Associated with Drought Tolerance and Post-Drought Recovery in
Kentucky bluegrass. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 89, 28-35.
21. Liu, J.N., Yang, Z.M., Li, W.L., Yu, J.J., Huang, B.R., 2013. Improving
Cold Tolerance through In Vitro Selection for Somaclonal Variations in Seashore
Paspalum. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 138, 452-460.
22. Yu, J.J., Chen, L.H., Xu, M., Huang, B.R., 2012. Effects of Elevated CO2 on Physiological
Responses of Tall Fescue to Elevated Temperature, Drought Stress, and the Combined Stresses.
Crop Science. 52, 1848-1858.
23. Yu, J.J., Du, H.M., Xu, M., Huang, B.R., 2012. Metabolic Responses to Heat
Stress under Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration in a Cool-season Grass Species. Journal of
the American Society for Horticultural Science. 137, 221-228.
24. Yang, Z.M., Yu, J.J., Merewitz, E., Huang, B.R., 2012. Differential Effects of Abscisic Acid
and Glycine Betaine on Physiological Responses to Drought and Salinity Stress for Two
Perennial Grass Species. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 137, 96-106.

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