


个 人 简 历

个人信 息
姓 名: 陈智 性 别: 女 学 历: 博士 毕业院校:加拿大约克大学 E-mail:

教育背 景
2006/09 – 2011/06,加拿大约克大学,数学系,博士
2002/09 – 2005/06,南京师范大学,数学系,硕士
1998/09 – 2002/06,南京师范大学,数学系,本科

主要研究方 向 主要研究方向为代数组合学与组合矩阵论。

获奖情 况
1. 参加2015年理学院青年教师授课比赛获二等奖;
2. 参加 2015 年江苏省高校第四届数学基础课青年教师授课竞赛获三等奖。

2016/01 – 2018/12、已结题。
2.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,组合序列的 q,t-模拟及其与对称函数之间关系的研究,2017/01 – 2019/12、已结题。
3.江苏省青年科学基金项目,超特征标理论及相关组合 Hopf 代数研究,2016/07-

1) Lei Cao, Zhi Chen, Selcuk Koyunku, Huilan Li, Permanents of doubly substochastic matrices,
Linear Multilinear A., 68(2020):594-605.
2) Zhi Chen, Jiawei Li, Lizhen Yang, Zeling Zhu, Lei Cao, Inequalities for
permanents and permanental minors of row substochastic matrices, Electron. J.

Linear Al., 35(2019): 633-643.
3) Tao Yang, Zhi Chen, Xiaoyan Zhou. Notes on Drinfeld twists of multiplier Hopf algebras.
Colloq. Math., 157(2019): 279-293.
4) Lei Cao, Zhi Chen, Xuefeng Duan, Selcuk Koyuncu, Huilan Li, Diagonal Sums of Doubly
Substochastic Matrices, Electron. J. Linear Al., 35 (2019): 42-52.
5) Zhi Chen, Lei Cao, Qing-Wen Wang, The extreme points of certain polytopes of doubly
substochastic matrices, Linear Multilinear A., (2019) DOI:10.1080/03081087.2019.1566431.
6) Lei Cao, Zhi Chen, Partitions of the polytope of doubly substochastic matrices, Linear Algebra
Appl., 563(2019): 98-122.
7) Zhi Chen, Lei Cao, On the maximum of the permanent of (I?A), Linear Algebra Appl., 555(2018):
8) Zhi Chen, Hao Pan, Identities involving weighted Catalan, Schroder and Motzkin paths, Adv. In
Appl. Math., 86(2017): 81-98.
9) Zhi Chen, Hao Pan, Notes on the q-colored Motzkin numbers and Schroder numbers, J. Differ.
Equ. Appl., 23(2017): 1133-1141.
10) Zhi Chen, A plethysm formula on the characteristic map of induced linear

characters from Paper 12,19 pp.
Un (Fq )
to GLn (Fq ) .Electron. J. Combin., 20 (2013), no. 3,
11) Zhi Chen and Wong, M. W., Traces of pseudo-differential operators on S n-1 .
J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl., 4 (2013), no. 1, 13-24.
12) Marcelo Aguiar, Carlos Andre, Carolina Benedetti, Nantel Bergeron, Zhi Chen, Persi Diaconis,
Anders Hendrickson, Samuel Hsiao, I. Martin Isaacs, Andrea Jedwab, Kenneth Johnson, Gizem Karaali,
Aaron Lauve, Tung Le, Stephen Lewis, Huilan Li, Kay Magaard, Eric Marberg, Jean-Christophe Novelli,
Amy Pang, Franco Saliola, Lenny Tevlin, Jean-Yves Thibon, Nathaniel Thiem, Vidya Venkateswaran, C.
Ryan Vinroot, Ning Yan, Mike Zabrocki., Supercharacters, symmetric functions in noncommuting
variables, and related Hopf algebras, Adv. Math. 229 (2012), no. 4, 2310-2337.

13) Nantel Bergeron and Zhi Chen, Bases for diagonally alternating harmonic polynomials of low
degree, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 118(2011), no. 1, 37-57.

14) Zhi Chen, Qp
and M p
norm in the unit ball of
Cn , Bull. Sci. Math.. 130
(2006), no. 7, 595-611.

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